Image Description: "Orkz iz Neva beaten in Battle. If we win we win, If we die so it don't count as beat. If we leg it, we don't die neither, so we can always come back for anuver go,see!"
- Boss Snikrot
shootas are assault 2 so they have more shots then sluggas your trading an extra close combat attack for more range and an extra shot. Since shootas are assault rather then rapid fire an ork with a shoota can shoot twice up to 18" rather then 12"
Thanks for the info. I have often wondered. I was thinking they would get +1 S in Assault because they use their shootas as clubs (kind of like Ogre clubs in fantasy). It still seems to me that two misses at 18" is not so much better than one at 12". Maybe Ork players don't roll as badly as me, haha.