willydstyle Painting 6/10, Coolness 5/10 @ 2009-03-18 13:45:20
 The gem on the sword doesn't look as good as the gem on his belt. The scale armor, and a lot of the details like the pouch on his belt are nicely shaded, and the blue is nicely shaded too. He's pretty. |
Ifalna 2009-03-18 14:02:11
 Thats a good point about the gem. I think the white highlight is just too.. huge :( |
Metsuri Painting 6/10, Coolness 6/10 @ 2009-03-19 06:07:50
 The faces looks good and the gem are nicely done. The whole mini has nice balance and the colors complement each other well, the purple punch is on the line though. This is on the line between 6 and 7, but I'll give it six so you can paint the buttons above knee pads and add some highlights to the metals for the 7 ;) |
Ktulhut Painting 8/10, Coolness 8/10 @ 2010-07-20 00:43:50
 Once again, very nice work. After checking out your gallery I've become quite a fan of the clean style you use, and your colour choices. Keep up the good work. |
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