Image Description: Sister Emilia and Brother Berthan cover the retrat of their party to resuce the sacred relics while the Corellian Base on Tiber is overrun.
timthehierodule 2012-06-03 21:22:43 Awesome! All it needs now is swarms of Tyranids or Orks. If you do consider doing this be sure to do one taking the hit from the battle sisters gunshot, that would look great!
Savnock Painting 9/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2012-10-04 05:53:05 Brilliant, from the posing to the lighting. Really a great narrative piece, and far above the level of most 40K dioramas.
Razmere Painting 9/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2012-10-04 15:56:15 This looks great! Very emotional!