Squig army commission | Created by Unknown, Uploaded by Ifalna |
Paintjob Rating: 9.58 | Number of Views: 9368 |
Coolness Rating: 9.79 | Number of Votes: 30 |
Image Description: Group shot, not the best quality due to how many had to fit in and lack of a lightbox big enough, but smaller shots of individuals incoming :)
Small squigs are Tabletop, Gobbo on foot is Character, and the Manglers, Wurrzag, and Gobbo on big Squig are all Showpiece standard :)
Commissions available from www.ifalna.webs.com |
Image Tags:
Airbrush, Cave, Gobbo, Goblins, Mangler, Orcs, Orks, Rainbow, Shaman, Squigs, Warhammer Fantasy, Wurrzag
Da Boss 2012-07-19 23:33:43
 Amazeballs. As I was reading the thread, I was really wondering "Will this work as an army?" and it totally does. Great job! |
Ifalna 2012-07-19 23:46:30
 Hahah yes, it could have gone a bit mental I think, but it broke down into 3 aspects, the squigs, the bases, and the gobbo's. With the Gobbo's and bases all being the exact same, it didn't matter how crazy the squigs got because the other 2 aspects all matched and pulled it together :)
Had the bases not been quite simple and uniform, it could have looked completely wrong, so I am thrilled it all worked out. |
Orkboy1 Painting 10/10, Coolness 8/10 @ 2012-07-20 01:53:13
 Hey, if you like squigs, you should check out my Squigathon on 40k proposed rules. Awesome PJ! |
Yggdrasil Painting 9/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2012-08-28 15:58:54
 Nice family portrait !!!
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