Bjorn | Created by Unknown, Uploaded by Ifalna |
Paintjob Rating: 9.39 | Number of Views: 4704 |
Coolness Rating: 9.43 | Number of Votes: 29 |
Image Description: Character standard FW Venerable dread painted for a friend, very difficult to get a banner worty of Bjorn onto this properly because of the amount of space the wolf hide takes up, so went for something simply but hopefully within character. |
Image Tags:
Airbrush, Banner, Bjorn, Conversion, Dreadnought, Dred, Snow, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy, Weathered
toerri Painting 9/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2012-08-05 17:50:17
 captures the spririt nicely! |
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