Mercurial Painting 10/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2009-09-11 14:05:10
 Very fly. Loving the snow paintjob. |
Kid_Kyoto Painting 7/10, Coolness 6/10 @ 2009-09-12 00:50:34
 interesting kitbash, any particiular reason for it? |
5P0G 2009-10-21 18:02:03
 how did you make the turret? |
nathonicus 2009-10-21 18:11:43
 Thanks guys. Kid-Kyoto, the reason I kitbashed it is I can't stand the imperial guard tanks. Way too WWI for me, without the coolness factor that makes the very WWI Landraider cool. No suspension is the main thing that gets me, and the cartoonishly large weapons. So I bashed these.
5POG, the turret is from an Academy Russian Main Battle Tank (T72 I think?) with the gun from the Vindicator box, gun housing made from the business end of a Rail Gun, and turret hatch made from putty and the top of a Gun Drone. |
WhiteWolf01 Painting 9/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2010-03-22 00:20:09
 Nice wear and tear. It really does have a more modern/futuristic look to it compared to the base model. |
The Night Stalker 2010-06-11 15:44:27
 I love this kitbash. very awesome looking leman russ tanks. |
Strombones 2011-08-22 04:15:54
 This is my favorite 40k tank ever. I always forget vehicles can be converted too. |
nathonicus 2011-09-04 18:00:52
 Aw man, thanks guys! That's really nice to hear. |
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