Howling Griffon Assault Marine | Created by dalsiandon |
Paintjob Rating: Need 4 more votes | Number of Views: 786 |
Coolness Rating: Need 4 more votes | Number of Votes: 1 |
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Image Description: I went with the solid red shoulder pad for two reasons (1) simplicity and (2) most of the ones I've seen have the split colors but I have seen images the suggest that it depends on the warrior and the unit as to how the Chapter Badge is painted onto the shoulder. I gave this model the hand flamer from the Death Company as I felt it fits the exotic style of war gear likely to be seen in the Ordo Xenos chamber militant. He also has the bionic Chainsword arm helping to establish his character as an Assault Marine with some exciting history in his service to the God-Emperor. |
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