Image Tags:
Battlewagon, Conversion, Dreadknight, Freebooter, Killa Kan, Lootaz, Looted, Marine Abuse, Old Zogwort, Orks, Warbike, Warboss, Wierdboy
AzureDeath Painting 8/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2013-09-21 09:18:23
Ah! Alooted Dread Knight, looks good. |
boredbeard Painting 8/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2013-09-27 12:14:38
Converted Dreadknights... These things are always welcome :) 8 and 9 Sir. |
GeronimoJones 2013-09-28 22:38:56
Awesome! |
The Surveyor 2013-10-08 21:31:25
Nice I like the missing hand with bare wires... |
lordbrooks 2013-10-10 19:17:53
Super amazing! I salute your lost hours
jer155 2015-11-23 11:17:28
I don't know how I should feel about this... Ah screw it, it's awesome! |
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