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juptrking has uploaded 257 images.

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Converting The Imperium: (mostly) Scratch Built Ogryn Is Finished!
Converting The Imperium: Back On The Horse
Converting The Imperium: Back On The Horse - Hero Quest Chaos Sorcerer
Converting The Imperium: Ecclesiarchy Bipedal Mobile War Pulpit
I Was Just Given A Load Of Lead D&d Miniatures From The 80s
Inquisitor And Retinue
Inquisitor And Retinue - 2nd Combat Servitor
Inquisitor And Retinue - Advice Needed For True Scale Sm
Inquisitor And Retinue - Aspect Warrior From 1990
Inquisitor And Retinue - Black Shield Blender
Inquisitor And Retinue - Bonus Extra: Halfling Wizard
Inquisitor And Retinue - Building Dw Vets
Inquisitor And Retinue - Dca Finished
Inquisitor And Retinue - Dw Vets Assemble
Inquisitor And Retinue - Dw Vets Have Arrived
Inquisitor And Retinue - I'm Back, And The Star Phantom Is Finished!
Inquisitor And Retinue - Imperial Priest With Eviscerator
Inquisitor And Retinue - Kit Bashing Humans
Inquisitor And Retinue - Kit Bashing Humans + Scratch Building An Ogryn
Inquisitor And Retinue - New Poses + Crusader
Inquisitor And Retinue - New: Added Dca
Inquisitor And Retinue - New: First Painted Mini
Inquisitor And Retinue - New: Inquisitor Painted
Inquisitor And Retinue - New: Interrogator Rooke
Inquisitor And Retinue - Now With Extra Regular Humans
Inquisitor And Retinue - Painting A Star Phantom
Inquisitor And Retinue - Painting Process
Inquisitor And Retinue - Scratch Building An Ogryn
Inquisitor And Retinue - Sm Based, Next Up... Paint!
Inquisitor And Retinue - Tech Priest Painted
Inquisitor And Retinue - True Scale Sm Ready!
Inquisitor And Retinue - True Scale Sm Updated + Bounty Hunter Added
Juptrking's Hobby Blog - Building Bogof Mierce Monsters
Juptrking's Hobby Blog - Help Me Name My Imperial Knight
Kit Bashing The Imperium + Scratch Building An Ogryn
Kit Bashing The Imperium: (mostly) Greenstuff Ogryn Is Ready For Painting
Kit Bashing The Imperium: Ecclesiarchy Cardinal
Kit Bashing The Imperium: Ecclesiarchy Support Walker
Re:inquisitor And Retinue - Kit Bashing Regular Humans
Renegade Guard Wip