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Rules for Magnus the Red

Magnus the red Points: 590

WS6 BS6 S6 T6 W6 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv3+ 4++

Unit type: Infantry

Equipment: Axe of Prospero Golden Scarab amour Frag and Krak grenades Pistol of the Sorcerer Book of Magnus

Special rules: Primarch Psyker (mastery level 5) See Master Psyker for generation of psychic powers Sire of the Thousands Sons Master Psyker Size manipulator


Axe of Prospero: Range: Melee Str: User AP:2 Type: Melee, Armourbane, two-handed, Force, Unwieldy

Golden Scarab armour: This armour gives magnus a 3+ armour save and a 4+ invulnerble save, increasing to a 3+ and he gets to reroll his invulnerble save against psychic attacks such as witchfires and force weapons etc. It also grants him a +1 to harness warp charge points in any psychic test he makes and to deny the witch rolls.

Pistol of the Sorcerer: Range:18” Str: 6 AP: 2 Type: Assault 2, Paralyze Psykers, Soul Blaze, Paralyze Psykers: Any Psykers wounded but not slain from this weapon cannot cast any psychic powers in the next turn and the warp charge points generated from that Psyker are lost in the next turn.

Book of Magnus: Magnus have the two psychic powers from the list below and always pass leadership tests that comes from perils of the warp:

Warp charge cost:4 Titan Killer: Titan Killer is a Witchfire power wich can only be used at SHW, SHV, GCs and buildings with the mighty bulwark special rule: Range:72” Str:D AP:1 Type:Assault 5, Machine Destroyer, Wrecker

Warp charge cost:4 Blessing of Magnus: This is a Blessing with a range of 36” that targets a unit composing of up to 10 models of either Infantry, Jump infantry, Bikes and Jetbikes. Whilst the power is in effect, the unit gains the Fearless special rule and adds 2 to WS,BS,Str,T, I and A.

Special rules:

Master Psyker: Magnus treats all powers as costing one warp charge less (to a minimum of one). Magnus knows all powers from the warhammer 40k rulebook ecxept for Daemonology. He gets +1 to harness any warp charge points (therefore he harness warp charge points on a 2+ because the Armour of Prospero also adds +1). His army also generate an additional d6 warp charge points (normally 2d6). He also knows the primaris power of any lore he chooses.

Sire of the Thousands sons. All other Thousands Sons Psykers (including Psychic Pilots and himself) generates one additional warp charge point while they are within 18” of Magnus. He and any unit he joins get the Slow and Purposeful special rule. All Thousands Sons within 24” of magnus gain the Stubborn special rule.

Special transport: The Psychneuein The Psychneuein is a Sokar pattern Stormbird that has all the upgrades for it, an extra voidshield and the IWND! special rule. It has also the Psychic Pilot (mastery level 2) special rules and generates its powers from one of the lore in the warhammer 40k rulebook. It has also a armour value of 14/14/13. The Psychneuein can be taken as a transport for Magnus in a game of Apocalypse and does not take up a Lord of War choice. It costs 950 points.

I dunno, I think it is kinda good rules for the second best psyker in the 30K-40K


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