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User:Capt. Hodgeheg

I am an avid Warhammer 40k player, obsessed with the background and lore on the setting and also incredibly enthusiastic about the modelling side of the hobby as well as the gaming side (About 80%-90% of my collection is either converted, kitbashed or both!). I've been playing the game since 2018-2019, and often play games with my friends at the weekends or when possible. The factions I mainly play:

- Inquisition (Mostly Witch-Hunters and Daemon-Hunters, but also a bit of Ordo Xenos),

- Astra Militarum (Or, as I prefer, Imperial Guard),

- Orks (I don't commonly play with my much smaller Ork collection, but I still have a soft spot for the Greenskins, as they were my first faction. But I'm WAY too loyal to the Emperor),

- Space Marines (Though nowhere near as often as I did, though I do have a few grey knights that I use alongside my Daemon-Hunters),

- And practically anything related to the Imperium of Mankind!

The Emperor Protects!

Capt. Hodgeheg


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