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Join Waaagh Dakka Today!

Waaagh Dakka is a fun virtual 'army' where all Dakka members are part of a great Ork Waaagh. Members select, paint and photograph an Ork model they feel best represents their personality on Dakka (within the guidelines presented regarding which models/mobs are available), and then organize their photos together with other members into 'mobs' that together form a big virtual Ork army (no need to send your models anywhere!).

This is a great community project that can really give you some inspiration to model and paint something you perhaps wouldn't normally attempt!

Dakka User MeanGreenStompa's
fantastic Waaagh Dakka model

Check out the main Waaagh Dakka page to see what its like and the How to Join Waaagh Dakka page for detailed information on how to join.

If you have any questions about Waaagh Dakka this forum thread is the place to go ask.

By yakface on 2011-08-10 13:04:04

Community Spotlight: Zenithal Airbrushing Article

Grey Knights, Terminator Armor

User MajorTom11 has completed an amazing article on using an airbrush to paint a model using the Zeninthal & Object Source Lighting techniques. The result is not only the fantastic looking model pictured above, but also a very accessible tutorial for anyone else who is interested in recreating the same techniques.

If you've ever been interested in how these techinques are acheived or how you can utilize them yourself, this is the article for you!

By yakface on 2011-06-29 07:01:27

Community Spotlight: A modeling project with heart

There has been a very interesting charity modeling project that has been running for quite a few months: The Dakka Conclave. Essentially, various Dakka Members each submitted a Marine from a different chapter with the purpose of trying to get as many different chapters together as possible.

At the close of the project, 24 marines, each from a different chapter, were finished. All 24 are currently being auctioned together via Ebay, with the end of the auction scheduled for Saturday June, 11th. The stated intent is that all money made via the auction will be donated to to a charity of the winners choice.

If you're interested in bidding on the lot for a good cause, you can find the Ebay auction here. And if you would like to read how the project came about, the original thread can be found here.

By yakface on 2011-05-21 06:18:05

Community Spotlight: A Rogue Trader Blog. Now with extra Squats!

Rogue Trader era miniatures can often be expensive and hard to come by. However, that hasn't phased weetyskemian44. Since this hobbyist was a wee tyke, she has wanted to paint all the models she could lay her hands on. And oh how she has! Her massive blog has hundreds of rogue trader Miniatures in it. Squats, Gangers, beakie Space Marines (and even Androids), are all here. She admits to being obsessed with old models and perfection, and it shows very well in this amazing blog.

Its quite a long read, but I assure you it is well worth the time. It also includes non-Games Workshop models from yester year, including some beautiful dioramas.

The full thread can be found here.

By yakface on 2011-05-17 02:32:48

Community Spotlight: Zenithal Airbrushing Article

Grey Knights, Terminator Armor

User MajorTom11 has completed an amazing article on using an airbrush to paint a model using the Zeninthal & Object Source Lighting techniques. The result is not only the fantastic looking model pictured above, but also a very accessible tutorial for anyone else who is interested in recreating the same techniques.

If you've ever been interested in how these techinques are acheived or how you can utilize them yourself, this is the article for you!

By yakface on 2011-04-13 03:26:37

It's That Time of Year Again...April is Convention Month!

Adepticon 2010, Chaos Spacemarines, Iron Warriors

London, UK and Chicago, IL, USA are hosts to the two most significant wargaming conventions in the world this month. We wanted to highlight them both here for those who might otherwise not be aware!

First off, for those in North America, Adepticon is on April 1st to 3rd. Check out their website for more information. A large contingent of dakka users will be in attendance including yakface, overseer of the INAT FAQ which is available from this site and used in the 40k tournament at adepticon. This year will be extra special for hobbyists too as the good people at coolminiornot are putting up a $10K painting contest prize, so you can be certain you will see some of the best painted models in existence!

For those in Europe, on April 16th, London is host to Salute 2011. While their website is a bit less snazzy than usual, check out the vendor list - a who's who of wargaming companies including forgeworld and black library. A fair few UK dakkanaughts will be attending including legoburner.

If you're planning on attending either this year and you own a camera, we want to host your pictures of the convention here in the Dakka Gallery, which is absolutely free to all members of Dakka.

Last year, users uploaded 500+ pics of Adepticon to the Dakka Gallery, and we'd love to top that this year, and get some of Salute as well!

And it couldn't be easier! All you have to do when you return is to take the pictures off your camera and upload them using the
Dakka Gallery uploader. Choose the option that they are a group of 'closely related' images and then give them all the tag 'Adepticon 2011' or 'Salute 2011'.

This will automatically put all the images into a single group that can be easily found by anyone visiting Dakka and help make it the place to come for those searching the internet for Adepticon or Salute images. Adding additional tags to your images will help them be better searched and sorted in general, but at the very least all you need to do is give them the 'Adepticon 2011' or 'Salute 2011' tag.

If you have any questions regarding the process of uploading your images or 'tagging' them please post your question in this thread. Thanks a bunch, and for those attending we hope to see you there!

By yakface on 2011-03-30 17:14:48

Community Spotlight: The Great Marine Swap

Do you get tired of painting the same basic marine over and over and OVER again? Perhaps you like the look of space marines but don't really want to collect an entire army? Ever want to see what the models you see online look like in real life? How about add a unique and flavorful unit to your army? Maybe just meet some new people on Dakka? Or maybe an excuse to stretch your painting and modeling legs without having to have a matching army?

If any of these sound like you, we have a blog that you should check out. It's called The Great Marine Swap and it's where Dakkaites can come to trade marines from their chapter for marines from other chapters painted and modeled by other artists. Many traders use these as opportunities to push the boundaries of their painting and modeling skills with remarkable results.

Get great advice on how to improve your models from people who can see the details in a way never allowed via the internet before, in their hands! Stop lurking! Become part of the legend... join The Great Marine Swap today!

By legoburner on 2011-03-23 09:58:04

Community Spotlight: The Great Marine Swap

Do you get tired of painting the same basic marine over and over and OVER again? Perhaps you like the look of space marines but don't really want to collect an entire army? Ever want to see what the models you see online look like in real life? How about add a unique and flavorful unit to your army? Maybe just meet some new people on Dakka? Or maybe an excuse to stretch your painting and modeling legs without having to have a matching army?

If any of these sound like you, we have a blog that you should check out. It's called The Great Marine Swap and it's where Dakkaites can come to trade marines from their chapter for marines from other chapters painted and modeled by other artists. Many traders use these as opportunities to push the boundaries of their painting and modeling skills with remarkable results.

Get great advice on how to improve your models from people who can see the details in a way never allowed via the internet before, in their hands! Stop lurking! Become part of the legend... join The Great Marine Swap today!

By yakface on 2011-03-08 11:51:16

Community Spotlight: Building the Mantis Warriors

Are you a 40k old-timer inspired by the original Badab War fluff and artwork in the old 40k compendium? Perhaps you've just gotten IA 9 & 10 and are captivated by the images and conflict described within? Ever wonder what building one of these long neglected chapters would be like? We have a thread for that! Come see a 20-year long love affair with the Mantis Warriors take shape within our pages. A true community project that is worth a read if you're interested in this period of 40k history.

This is a very long blog (100+ pages), but summaries of work and battle reports are easily accessed from the introduction in the first post. The full thread can be found here.

By yakface on 2011-03-01 00:13:20

Dakka's Deathwatch Killteam Kompetition Has a Winner!

Dakka Painting Challenge

The Dakka Killteam Kompetition has officially come to a close.
The public voting clearly made the compeition a two horse race, but the private judges voting provided a decisive winner:

A big congrats to: Klaus, not Santa for this amazing entry:


For more info on the winning entry or just to congratulate the winner on his amazing models, please visit this thread.

Finally, another big thanks goes out to Fantasy Flight Games for providing the prize.

By yakface on 2011-02-11 08:15:09


This new update removes the (now) redundant rulings in the INAT FAQ due to GW's recent release of their Dark Eldar FAQ and the numerous updates of all their Space Marine codexes.

And after long last (exactly a year, more explicitly) we've also finally updated the INAT Appendix, so now all your questions involving giant Forge World beasties now have answers.

You can always find the latest version of the INAT from THE INAT FAQ HOMEPAGE, which can always be found by clicking on the 'INAT FAQ' link at the top of any page on Dakka.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2011-02-09 14:23:23

We have a winner for the Mantic Khaos Dwarf compeition!

Dakka and Mantic Games teamed up again to give one Dakka user a bunch of awesome new Khaos Dwarf models for coming up with the best name for their new Khaos Dwarf blunderbuss unit...and the lucky winner is:

bbb, with his awesome suggestion of: DECIMATORS

A Big thanks to everyone who participated. Mantic once again ended up with literally hundreds of entries, so they certainly had no shortage of great offerings to choose from!

If you'd like to recap what the details of this promo were (in case you didn't see it before, or if you just want to congratulate the winner, you can do so in this thread in the Dakka forums.

Of course a final big thanks again to Mantic Games for their continuing support of the gaming community!


By yakface on 2011-01-06 09:19:01

Dakka's Deathwatch Killteam Kompetition!

Dakka Painting Challenge


It's time for another Dakka Painting Challenge. The theme is: 'Deathwatch Killteam Kompetition'. We've got a great prize lined up:

- A copy of the Deathwatch core RPG rulebook from Fantasy Flight Games signed by the creators of the game!!!

Across the reaches of Imperial Space the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos stand watch to defeat the alien scum that threaten humanity. Small teams of Space Marines, comprised of different chapters, are ready at a moments notice to fight the xenos threat at its heart.

This painting challenge is to model up and paint the coolest looking single Deathwatch Space Marine you can imagine or even an entire Deathwatch kill team if you're really ambitious!

For full details on the challenge please check out this thread in the modeling and painting forum for more details.

A big thanks to Fantasy Flight Games for providing the prize!

By yakface on 2011-01-04 23:27:29

yakface Reviews the Ultramarines Movie
scroll down to the bottom of this post for legoburner's short review

I know everybody and their mother is posting a review of the Ultramarines movie these days, but I still figured I'd throw my hat into the ring and post one myself.

I think you'll find it a fair and balanced look at the movie along with a recommendation on whether or not you should buy it yousrelf.

Check out the review here.

Legoburner update: I've recently seen the film and since yak covers everything well, I thought I would add a very simple review that simply ranks it alongside other 40k multimedia stories, so if you have heard these, then you'll know roughly how good the movie is by comparison:

Quality of audio / visual stuff from GW, best to worst:
1. Raven's Flight
2. Ultramarines Movie
3. Garro Oath of Moment
4. Dark Tower/Lightning King

By yakface on 2010-11-20 17:44:53


This new update is essentially just a bit of housekeeping (since there hasn't been any new codex released since our last update), mainly to remove any redundant rulings in the INAT that were covered in GW's official Blood Angel and Tyranid FAQs (or to change our rulings to match theirs where the two conflicted).

Download the document and read more about it here.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2010-10-06 14:59:27

Have you tried the store finder yet?

To those who have not yet noticed, or who are new to Dakka, we now have a rather nifty store finder. It uses google maps and user-managed data to build a global map of wargaming stores. We've also just updated it to be faster and use pretty clustering instead of a massive mess of red arrows.

If you take a look and do not see your local store listed there, or if you own a store and it is not on there, please use the 'Add a new store' link on the right hand side of the store finder page. We especially need more mainland Europe stores to be listed as they are very under-represented at the moment!

By legoburner on 2010-09-21 21:50:51

We have a winner for the Mantic Dwarf army giveaway!

Dakka and Mantic Games teamed up to give one Dakka user a very rare 80-model strong Mantic 'White' Dwarf army...and the lucky winner is:


A Big thanks to everyone who participated. We ended up with over 200 entries, so there were quite a few people vying for the prize!

If you'd like to recap what the details of this promo were (in case you didn't see it before, or if you just want to congratulate the winner, you can do so in this thread in the Dakka forums.

Of course a final big thanks again to Mantic Games for their continuing support of the gaming community!


By yakface on 2010-08-22 22:08:28

Dakka Maps?!?

You may or may not have noticed yet that Dakka has a new link at the top of every page, called Store Finder.

Wargaming goodness around the globe

So what is it? While at the surface it may seem like nothing more than a standard Google map displaying user generated content (in this case, the locations of wargaming stores around the globe), but when you stop to think about it, that's actually a pretty cool idea! Having a handy way to know where gaming stores are no matter where you're travelling or moving to is an idea that is just too cool not to have here on Dakka.

And even better, once we get the locations of all these stores entered at some point down the road we'll probably allow users to identify themselves as playing at certain stores, making it easier than ever to find local players you've never had the chance to meet before...but that's still off in the distant future.

For now, what we need from the Dakka community is for you to hop onto the Store Finder and enter the location and information about the local gaming stores that you visit regularly. And we want information regarding gaming stores everywhere (not just those in the U.S. and the U.K), so don't be shy!

By yakface on 2010-08-17 15:27:21

Sign-up for the Mantic Newsletter here on Dakka and win a Dwarf army!

Dakka and Mantic Games have teamed up again to give one lucky person an 80-model strong Mantic Dwarf army.

All you have to do to be eligible for this drawing is to sign-up for the Mantic newsletter here on Dakka by August 15th. The Mantic newsletter is a periodic email sent out by Mantic giving you the very latest news on new Mantic products and events (and if you're already a subscriber to the Mantic Newsletter, you're still eligible to enter the drawing).

Visit this thread in the Dakka forums to find full rules on how to enter the drawing.

If you're not a current member of Dakka, No problem! Just click on the Join Us! link at the top of every page and you can become a member in just a couple easy steps.

Good Luck to everyone and thanks again to Mantic Games for their continuing support of the gaming community!


By legoburner on 2010-07-28 10:51:29

Customised Realm of Battle

I just wanted to take a moment to highlight an excellent thread regarding realm of battle customisations. It is pretty funny and not every thread features such a degree of passion for getting mould release off plastic!

There are finished pictures of the board in Terraformer's gallery, but maybe wait for them to appear in the project log so you dont spoil it for yourself. I can safely say it is hands down the best realm of battle board I've ever seen.

The full thread can be found here.
By yakface on 2010-07-28 01:46:05


We have a big announcement for this update, that being the fact that we've added a couple of new members to the 'ruling council' which votes on how the rulings are made in the document. We'd like to welcome: Jon 'JWolf' Wolf (Austin, TX) and Jay 'Jay_DaBoyz' Woodcock (Rochester, NY) to the council. JWolf is a contributing member of the Bell of Lost Souls website and organizer of BoLScon. Jay is an organizer of the 'Daboyz GT'. Their vast experience (both playing-in and running 40K tournaments), along with the unique perspective of each of their geographic locales really helps to make sure that the rulings in the INAT FAQ appropriately represent many different viewpoints.

This update covers the new Blood Angels codex as well as the usual smattering of new rulings throughout.

Download the document and read more about it here.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2010-06-11 03:40:43

Mantic Games & Dakka's Name A Dwarf Contest has its Winners!

Mantic Games has picked its winning names for its new Dwarf units from the exhaustive list of entries provided by the Dakka community.

Yes, that's right, I said winners (plural)...Mantic has decided to use several of the suggestions for their upcoming Dwarf releases and so have graciously provided quite a bit of loot to several different winners.

If you submitted any entires yourself, you better check out the winner announcement thread to see if you've got any free minis coming your way!

Freshly coined: Dwarven 'Ironwatch'concept sketch

If you want to take another look at the exhaustive list of super-creative submissions, you can see them again in this thread in the Dakka forums.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit an entry and a big thanks again to Mantic Games for sponsoring this contest!


By yakface on 2010-06-02 11:52:50

Dakka's Gallery has 100,000 images!

I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate everyone involved in helping dakka's gallery reach a colossal 100,000 images.

First off, a moment to point out some of the great stuff to people who might not have taken the time to explore the gallery yet. Some of the best stuff in the gallery can be found with the Awesome tag. I love looking through the complete Armys that people put up as well. Some of the greatest wargaming humour anywhere can be found with the Humor tag too. Have an explore of those three search pages and enjoy!

The gallery has grown at a rapid pace with significant success and no major technical problems. New features are continually being added and behind the scenes tweaking is taking place all the time to make it even better. To those of you who already use the gallery, did you know you can now click on the vote counter on an image and see a list of who has voted for you (including the countries of anonymous users). More importantly, did you know you can disable voting on your images from the search page or the individual image edit page? Disabling voting on images that are just WIP or are barely wargaming related greatly increases the quality of the gallery for people just browsing through, so please take the time to do so if you have already uploaded images.

Thanks again to everyone who uses the gallery, be it sharing their wargaming images, voting or commenting on images. Every single person who adds their input makes the gallery that little bit better for everyone else. Fun fact, the gallery was only designed to cope with 150K images and before launching and back then I was thinking it would take 3 months to reach 1500 images. Luckily it scaled well and with some tweaks it will now comfortably cope with well over half a million images with no extra work needed. Now I'm rambling - here's to having 200K images, expected in less than 12 months time! Now some random images...

Humor, Orks, Wall-e, Ork-E #1

Flames Of War, Flames of War - Terrain

Crazy, Humor, Mcdonalds, Nob, Nutjob, Orks, Warhammer 40,000

By legoburner on 2010-05-21 18:55:18

Mantic Games & Dakka Present: Name A Dwarf and Win a Deal Contest!

Mantic Games is a new-ish miniature company that has unleashed a fantastic range of Fantasy miniatures in their Kings of War line and Dakka has paired with them to help name one of Mantic's upcoming Dwarf units.

This new set you will allow players to build either option (crossbow or rifle) for every trooper, but the best idea they've come up with so far is 'Sharpshooters' - and that just doesn't feel very Dwarfish!

From now until May 25th, whomever ends up submitting the name that Mantic decides to use will not only get the massive respect of having a unit of miniatures forever carrying their name, but they will also be getting a 'Kings of War' premium army deal which retails for $179 along with a Mantic Messenger Bag...all sent to their home free of charge!

So take a look at the concept art and pics of the mini's 3-ups for some inspiration:

Then come visit this thread in the Dakka forums to find full rules for the contest and to post your submission.

If you're not a current member of Dakka, No problem! Just click on the Join Us! link at the top of every page and you can become a member in just a couple easy steps.

Good Luck to everyone and thanks again to Mantic Games for sponsoring this contest!


By yakface on 2010-04-30 12:54:21


We desperately tried to hold out on doing a last ditch update until after GW released their Tyranid FAQ...but Adepticon is getting dangerously close and with GW's Deff Rolla ruling we knew that a few rulings needed to get published prior to Adepticon, so we've gone ahead done this mini-release of the INAT FAQ.

download the document and read more about it here.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2010-03-09 14:16:49


If you're planning on attending Adepticon this year and you own a camera, we want to host your pictures of the convention here in the Dakka Gallery, which is absolutely free of charge to all members of Dakka.

Rather than putting your pictures up in a personal picture hosting service, where the only way people will see your pics is through a link or forum post, we want to create a central location on the internet for people who were unable to attend Adepticon this year to easily be able to find all sorts of great coverage of the amazing armies and dioramas that are a part of the Adepticon experience.

And it couldn't be easier! All you have to do when you return from Adepticon is to take the pictures off your camera and upload them using the Dakka Gallery uploader. Choose the option that they are a group of 'closely related' images and then give them all the tag 'Adepticon 2010'.

This will automatically put all Adepticon 2010 images into a single group that can be easily found by anyone visiting Dakka and make it the place to come for those searching the internet for Adepticon 2010 images. Adding additional tags to your images will help them be better searched and sorted in general, but at the very least all you need to do is give them the 'Adepticon 2010' tag.

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates in this effort, and if you have any questions regarding the process of uploading your images or 'tagging' them please post your question in this thread.

With your help we can make Dakka's coverage of Adepticon much better than it was last year (here's a few shots from last year's gallery to bring back some fond memories):

Adepticon, Adepticon 2009, Gamers, Tournament
Adepticon, Adepticon 2009, Army, Display, Nurgle, Skull
Adepticon 2009, Manta, Tau, Team Tournament

By yakface on 2010-03-03 04:30:28

I'M ON 40K RADIO, EP #72

For anyone interested, I'm a guest on the latest episode of 40K radio (#72) talking about the latest INAT update as well as a bit of the Space Hulk tournament I'm going to run at Adepticon this year (13 spots still available as of now!).

You can find the podcast form their site, or you can jump right to the podcast player.

My interview starts about 108 minutes in (before that is Matt Weeks talking about other Adepticon stuff and then Ross Watson before that about Dark Heresy Ascension).

If you'd like to discuss the points brought up in the interview, you can post here.

By yakface on 2010-02-13 13:06:37


So we've put the finishing touches on the latest installment of the Independent National Warhammer 40,000 Tournament FAQ (INAT FAQ for short), which includes questions/rulings from the latest Tyranid codex and brings the Space Wolves section back into line with GW's recent Space Wolves FAQ.

We've also released a brand new Appendix v1.0 of the INAT, which covers the use of Apocalypse and Imperial Armor units in tournament games of Warhammer 40K.

download the document and read more about it here.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2010-02-08 20:18:30

Featured Army Profile:
Akwatic Desert Raidas by 'generalmalaise'

Dakka has a fantasitc array of army profiles and every now and then I like to take a moment to highlight one.

This particular army profile is by a user named generalmalaise. He's never actually made any posts on our forums and it actually makes me really happy to see that even if someone isn't interested in discussing their hobby, that people are finding the tools on Dakka to be able to display their army.

While this army may not be the most visually stunning thing you've ever seen. It is what many people consider a 'typical' Ork army: Nearly everything in it is lovingly (and wackily) converted and most of the vehicles border on near insanity!

I guess if any kind of army deserves a bit more play on Dakka, its 'da Orks (who give us our name with their crazy shooting antics).

Click Here to See More of the 'Akwatic Desert Raidas'

And remember, the ability to post an army profile on Dakka is open (and free) to absolutely anyone, and as demonstrated in this army profile, you can link to photos directly out of the gallery (hosting pictures in our gallery is also free to everyone).

Creating an army profile does require that you learn a bit of wiki coding, but it is really much easier than you think! You can get started by reading our wiki articles tutorial and you can always send a private message to any one of our article moderators or administrators if you ever have any questions regarding the wiki article system.

By yakface on 2009-12-13 11:43:23


So we've put the finishing touches on the latest installment of the Independent National Warhammer 40,000 Tournament FAQ (INAT FAQ for short), which includes questions/rulings from the latest Space Wolves codex.

download the document and read more about it here.

As always, thanks to everyone who helped submit questions and who continues to give us feedback!

By yakface on 2009-12-11 11:43:06

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