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FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
ForgeWorld MKVIII 'Errant' Armour, do you want it???
YES, I want/would buy MKVIII Errant Armour from FW 63% [ 1944 ]
NO, the plastic torso is more than enough if I want MKVIII 23% [ 719 ]
Abstain, because I don't play 40K or SM 14% [ 432 ]
Total Votes : 3095
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Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Recent comments by FW at Open Day seem to indicate they feel there isn't much interest in Errant Armor and based on that they wouldn't be doing it. Part of the reasoning was that it was too close to the plastic MKVII tac kits to be worth doing.

I don't know about you guys but I LOVE Errant armor and have been eagerly waiting for them to do it... The high collar, the bracers and greaves, the helmet and the overall futuristic not-gothic look really appeal to me. And I certainly know I would be in line to pick some up if they released them... If the reason is they are too close to MKVII, then go ahead and spruce up the design I say! Additionally, they did MKVI Corvus kits even though you could build them in plastic...

Now Dakka, what is your take? If we do indeed have interest for MKVIII, best to let them know!

Whatever your opinion, please vote in the poll, let's get some tangible numbers going here!

A little reminder of what we are talking about too -

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2012/04/02 00:29:34

Made in au
Norn Queen

MajorTom11 wrote:If the reason is they are too close to MKVII, then go ahead and spruce up the design I say! Additionally, they did MKVI Corvus kits even though you could build them in plastic...

The difference between the Errant and Corvus patterns in the plastic kits is people scrambled to get beakie heads. There was always someone who wanted to buy your spare beakies because he was working on an all beakie army or something. I barely see people use the errant torso you get in some boxes, let alone an almost black market trade of them like beakies.

That said, I do think FW should do the kit for completeness sake. Some people obviously do like Errant armour, and having readily accessible complete models of all of the different patterns of armour is only a good thing.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 21:06:04

Made in us
Doc Brown

San Diego

I don't think it's different enough to justify them making a new kit for it. I wish they would stop making kits with subtle differences and do something more drastic.
That being said, MKVIII is very neat and cool, but not cool enough for them to justify making it over something else.

No, not interested in MKVIII

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:08:32

Director at Fool's Errand Films a San Diego Video Production and Live Streaming company.


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Marblehead MA, U.S.A.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:08:11

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 21:55:54

Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

If FW could a) make them look like that example Imperial Fist and b) fix the problem with the plastic torso (of which I tracked down 18 to build my two Sternguard units) whereby most helmeted heads don't fit comfortably unless their chin is raised above the collar.

Yes I want MKVIII !!!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 21:59:57

Made in gb
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


I'd be happy if they'd never done the earlier marks and only produced MKVIII. Actually I'd prefer a range of plastic MKVIII but there you go...

Do people actually want MKVI / beakies that much? I can't stand them and try to avoid using them in my armies- normally throw away most of my beaky helmets.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:07:52

Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord


Like I said in the FW thread. If they want to make it more unique maybe make it a tad more angular in places.

I'd like to see it as is though. Hopefully keeping the the trend of 'no purity seals' as well!

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Lincolnshire, UK

Nice try attempting to get people to use the coloured phrases/tags Tom! Maybe a poll would work better?
I would like Errant Armour, but I can completely understand FW not doing so as it's not really that different IMHO.


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- Magnus the Red, to a statue of Leman Russ
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/04/01 21:56:07

Made in se
Mimetic Lasiq



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Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I would love some errant armour!

Provided that FW followed the original sketch, the one with PF gauntlets and differently shaped greaves along with the backpacks.

That being said, the GK box contains not only all errant armour chest pieces, it also has a more futuristic backpack...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:08:59

Made in gb
Powerful Irongut

On a sombreo, wearing a deckchair.

Hells yeah.

Would allow me to do my army which is mix of iron armour and this.

YES, I want MKVIII feth to the yeah

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:09:17

This message was edited -5416 times. Last update was at 18/11/46BC 14:51:61
Lorna wrote:1st Rule of Cooking: If it can be wrapped in Bacon, it should be.
2nd Rule of Cooking: EVERTHING, can be wrapped in Bacon.

Regnak wrote:interesting stuff although I'm disappointed that Squats failed to make the 6th Ed box
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


The more forgeworld kits the better!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:09:37

Mary Sue wrote: Perkustin is even more awesome than me!

Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

That's a lot of Yellow Yes! Keep it coming boys!

Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

Will do MT!

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

HATE Club, East London


I love Mk6 and Mk8 armour. It is the Mk7 armour that I find boring and even ugly.

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Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

As stated before, you should make this a Poll, but get it featured on the front page... to ensure... COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION.


I mean to ensure the spread of this glorious message more fully.

Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Auburn CA

I want MKI armor

So that is a big NO from me

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I prefer it over the corvus pattern to be honest.

Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Medium of Death wrote:As stated before, you should make this a Poll, but get it featured on the front page... to ensure... COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION.


I mean to ensure the spread of this glorious message more fully.

Lol you are probably right MoD, will look into it

Johnny-Crass wrote:I want MKI armor

So that is a big NO from me

Why would one preclude the other lol?

Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Auburn CA

Because I would rather a focus on MKI suits than MKVIII suits

Made in ca
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot

The only thing I don't like MKVIII armour is the fact that I can't use beakie helmets on it..... but if FW makes the models look like that IF pic I will gladly sell my firstborn kid and give FW one of my kidneys in exchange for them....or maybe just money.

So in short IF pic Mk VIII 'Shut up and take my money' If they look like the old metal models, no thanks.

[Thumb - 484.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 22:49:21

Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Johnny-Crass wrote:Because I would rather a focus on MKI suits than MKVIII suits

Uh, ok, if they did mk1 suits firs THEN would you want mk8? Btw, they released several marks at once when they did the others, there there really isn't a need for an either/or mentality. I also would want mk1 for the record, but they seem to be steering thunder warriors away from marines in the newest fluff... Not sure how it would work rules wise as a thunder warrior can now take on 5 current marines at once..,

Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Auburn CA

Really? THey changed the thunderwarrior fluff? I guess I could be yoked into support MKVIII.

Yeah why not

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 23:09:28

Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Ya, in a recent HH book, Outcasts I think? Basically, the Emperor needed hyper-murder machines to win the Unification Wars, and the Thunder Warriors were actually quite different than Astartes, uber-powerful but also explicitly designed to genetically burn out in a few short years. Something about them being too unruly and singularly powerful to continue into the Crusade. In other words, he created the Astartes to be soldiers, the Thunderwarriors to be killers. Power-wise, they sit somewhere between an Astartes and a Primarch...

Cherry on top, the Emperor had the Custodes kill them after the wars were won to make sure they didn't slip the chain.

To find out the rest, read th ebook, it wasn't bad!

Back OT, we have a convert, put Johnny in Yellow!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/01 23:06:58

Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Minnesota, USA

I have fought tooth and nail on eBay to gather just 3 of the old metal MkVIII models for my army (sorry to any dakkaites I may have sniped). It broke my heart when a lot of about 20 of them went for under $20 in a uk only auction.

I can say without hesitation: YES, I want MKVIII. Especially if they stuck closely to Jes Goodwin's concept art.

There is no Zuul, there is only war!

30k Death Guard W:8 L:5: D:1

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Made in ca
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot

MajorTom11 wrote:Ya, in a recent HH book, Outcasts I think? Basically, the Emperor needed hyper-murder machines to win the Unification Wars, and the Thunder Warriors were actually quite different than Astartes, uber-powerful but also explicitly designed to genetically burn out in a few short years. Something about them being too unruly and singularly powerful to continue into the Crusade. In other words, he created the Astartes to be soldiers, the Thunderwarriors to be killers. Power-wise, they sit somewhere between an Astartes and a Primarch...

Cherry on top, the Emperor had the Custodes kill them after the wars were won to make sure they didn't slip the chain.

To find out the rest, read th ebook, it wasn't bad!

Back OT, we have a convert, put Johnny in Yellow!

I would love to see FW or BL do a Pre-Unification line. Never going to happen but it would be cool still. Umm one thing Tom, both of the Thunder Warriors where like the top dogs so yeah they where uber good. Still doesn't excuse Mr. McNeil's poor writing, but that is way OT even for me.

Mk VIII (like the Imperial Fist pic) for the win
Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Poll is up, embarrassed to ask, but if anyone comes back in the thread who already posted, please go ahead and vote -


Made in us
Bane Thrall





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IJW wrote:Plus, as has been pointed out, it goes BOOM! and is therefore clearly superior anyway.
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