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Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?
Yes - I cant believe nobody has done so already 38% [ 890 ]
Yes - it would probably be a good idea 25% [ 593 ]
Meh - I dont care or dont really have an opinion on the matter 6% [ 133 ]
No - I dont want to see space marine toys in happy meals 10% [ 223 ]
No - They would screw it up too badly 18% [ 427 ]
Other (Write in) 3% [ 66 ]
Total Votes : 2332
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

This is often discussed but I wondered what the average feeling was on the matter.

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

Maybe they could pull it off in a CGI style film, but they would have to use an abnett(sp?) book for reference and story.
Im not a big reader, but from what ive heard dans books are amazing, and no one seems to have problems with them.

That then means we have a working story that people like.
However, it raises the problems between films and books of the same nature.

But i think it would have to be a big company that can work very close to reference material.

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in ca
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


-"God" Emperor will raise some issues
- Sticking to fluff , many normal none die hard fans will find Space Marine to be abit... weird
- If they dont stick to fluff , fans will get mad.
-Story will once again revolve around SM , Eldar , Tyranid for sure
- Not enough people know what warhammer is.
- It'll cost too much to produce a decent quality CG movie.

           ◂◂  ►  ▐ ▌  ◼  ▸▸
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Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Vally of Freja

Not to mention all the violence it would properly get a** rape in the states with their letter system for rating movies.

I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment 
Made in gb
Beast of Nurgle


i think if they were to do it, space hulf woould be the best platform to go from, a smaller base of chreters and creatures that would need to be explaind, and plenty of atmosphear

death gard 5000ish
lizardmen:: 2000

Made in es
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Bilbao, Spain

They should do it, they must do it, they have to do it... but they are going to screw it up.
Anyway, I would go to see it.
Made in us
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor

They wont ever do it, Big budget movie companies go nuts over making sure they have full IP ownership when they make a movie, and GW isnt having that, they make ALL their money based on their IP.

but I would still like to see it done.

THE HORUS HERESY: Emprah: Hours, go reconquer the galaxy so there can be a new golden age. Horus: But I should be Emprah, bawwwwww! Emprah: Magnus, stop it with the sorcery. Magnus: But I know what's best, bawwwwww! Emprah: Horus, tell Russ to bring Magnus to me because I said so. Horus: Emprah wants you to kill Magnus because he said so. Russ: Fine. Emprah's always right. Plus Ole Red has already been denounced as a traitor and I never liked him anyway. Russ: You're about to die, cyclops! Magnus: O noes! Tzeentch, I choose you! Bawwwww! Russ: Ah well. Now to go kill Horus. Russ: Rowboat, how have you not been doing anything? Guilliman: . . . I've been writing a book. Russ: Sigh. Let's go. Guilliman: And I fought the Word Bearers! Horus: Oh shi--Spess Puppies a'comin? Abbadon: And the Ultramarines, sir. Horus: Who? Anyway, this looks bad. *enter Sanguinis* What are you doing here? Come to join me? Sanguinius: *throws self on Horus's power claws* Alas, I am undone! When you play Castlevania, remember me! *enter Emprah* Emprah: Horus! So my favorite son killed my favorite daughter! Horus: What about the Lion? Emprah: Never liked her. Horus: No one does. Now prepare to die! *mortally wounds Emprah*Emprah: Au contraire, you dick. *kills Horus* Dorn: Okay, now I just plug this into this and . . . okay, it works! Emprah? Hellooooo? Jonson: I did nothing! Guilliman: I did more nothing that you! Jonson: Nuh-uh. I was the most worthless! Guilliman: Have you read my book? Dorn: No one likes that book. Khan: C'mon guys. It's not that bad. Dorn: I guess not. Russ: You all suck. Ima go bring the Emprah back to life.
Made in au
Sinewy Scourge

Western Australia

The contridiction is that it would appear best in live action, but the setting cannot be DONE in live action.

Hands up anyone who thinks a studio could do a good looking, fluffy marine. Now, doing something guard or inquisition focused and only having marines as distant, background figures could work, but they'd have to be CGI.

I'm not naive enough to expect something with a non-Imperial focus (and aliens are even harder to pull off with actors).

Kabal of Venomed Dreams
Mourning Angel
UsdiThunder wrote:This is why I am a devout Xenos Scum. We at least do not worship Toasters.

Made in us
Unbalanced Fanatic

Chicago, IL

How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

Finished 3rd Co Starting First Company

Adepticon TT Headhunter 2008 1-800-INQUISITION 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Manchester UK

It WOULD be great and who cares if not enough people have heard of the setting? I'd never heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender either but they've made a film of that. They make films from scripts that no-one has ever seen before for high-budget sci-fi films! (Pitch-Black, Chronicles of Riddick et al.) The Fact that 40k already has a relatively large fanbase would be something to recommend it to large studio. The technology is blatantly there to make a film - but it should focus on the Horus Heresy. It's the most obviously epic storyline, and has all the ingredients for a great film.

Plus, imagine Daniel Craig dressed in full power-armour screaming 'FOR THE EMPEROR!' at the camera....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/11 15:30:05

 Cheesecat wrote:
 purplefood wrote:
I find myself agreeing with Albatross far too often these days...

I almost always agree with Albatross, I can't see why anyone wouldn't.

 Crazy_Carnifex wrote:

Okay, so the male version of "Cougar" is now officially "Albatross".
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Joplin, Missouri

SPARKEYG wrote:How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

Word. I also assume that in order to save money GW would hire the likes of Uwe Boll or Michael Bay to direct/utterly screw the material.

"Just pull it out and play with it" -Big Nasty B @ Life After the Cover Save
40k: Orks
Fantasy: Empire, Beastmen, Warriors of Chaos, and Ogre Kingdoms  
Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

OR, people who havent heard of it would watch it, find it to be a great film and find out more.
Thus leading to serious money problems as they decide to get into the hobby.

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Surrey - UK

JD21290 wrote:
How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

OR, people who havent heard of it would watch it, find it to be a great film and find out more.
Thus leading to serious money problems as they decide to get into the hobby.[/quote

serious money problems ? I pimp my ass to pay for this addiction thank you.

-STOLEN ! - Astral Claws - Custodes - Revenant Shroud

Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

If anything a film would give the hobby a major revenue kick via thier models, books and all other aspects of GW.

With any luck, the film would actually boost alot of peoples opinions in the game, and even better, we eventually get a large influx of new gamers.
Leading to more hobby stores (independant retailers) being needed or wanted.
more gaming rooms around the map being opened for gamers.

All in all, i think it would give the hobby just what it needs.
and GW get to make alot more money, everyones happy

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in us
Grovelin' Grot Rigger

If they could get the people who make the DOWII intro scenes to do the movie in full CGI like that, and have it written by Dan Abbnet, it could be the most amazing movie ever, but that would take so much money, time, and effort, that it's probably never going to happen. If they can do a full CGI movie, I think it's a great idea, but I never want to see a Michael Bay movie starring Nicholas Cage as Marneus Calgar, and written by C.S. Goto. That would just be bad. Funny in all the wrong ways, but still bad.

Even if they do get a full CGI movie out, the massive amounts of blood and gore that any self respecting 40k movie should have would probably piss off a lot of parental groups, even though the movie would be rated at least R. Same with the whole GOD EMPRAH thing, that's probably going to confuse a lot of people.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/11 16:28:17

Lots of points of ORKZ
1500 points Chaos Mortals

Made in ca
Sneaky Sniper Drone

what will actually happen is that GW will increase the price of the models, citing reasons like "We need to fund this movie, and since it's what you all want, you should gladly pay."

Pay up suckers indeed.

My Armies:
2500 pts [very little paint]
3 battlesuits 
Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

sdf, you really think they have finished with thier price hikes just yet?
I think price hikes are about the only thing you know GW will do on a somewhat regular basis

atleast we get a movie for this hike

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in gb
Frothing Warhound of Chaos

If Hollywood can make a purple truck stand up and fight, then they can do a squad of marines mashing some orks with ease. The biggest problem I see is that the movie we'd all dream to see would have to be an 18 cert, yet Hollywood would be pushing this for a 12A for the younger fan base. We don't marines with a human side, we want them bald and angry and killing everything!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I don't think they should, mainly because when it tanks GW will start charging us even more for what we(I) have to have.
Made in us
Pile of Necron Spare Parts

In my opinion, if Hollywood made such a movie, they would want to sell it to a bunch of people, which means:
- PG13 : Space Marines can't say any bad words. "Oh, snap, Brother Martel got eviscerated by a mean ork ! Kill the bad ork !"
- No blood, viscera or organs flying. Things will just fall to the floor.
- There will be a romantic story. "Did you hear the news ? Brother Cassius just b*nged Sister Ephilia in a Thunderhawk !"
- There will be an awesome casting to get the best actors : Brad Pitt will play Marneus Calgar, Arnold Scharzenegger will be a dreadnought and we'll probably see Michael Jackson as the Emperor, since we're not sure if he's dead or not.
- And of course, they'll have to be pathetic jokes to make the audience laugh lamely : "Brother Astelan, are you scared ? " "Well no, for I dread naught !"

So in my opinion, even though i'd be the first in line to watch a 40k movie, live actors can't play anything nearing a Space Marine. Even if they understood them, there would have to be some screw up. However, if the team that made the DoW II introductory movie could make a full-length animated one...

"You have spread your vile, unclean selves across the galaxy, making a mockery of the beautiful silence we had wrought. It was all in vain.
Rejoice, for we have returned and your days are at an end."
- Thomas Macabee

"So yeah, necron wraiths can phase out, move through terrain and vehicles, but their attacks don't penetrate armor. Wait, what ?" 
Made in us
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

LaLa Land

That Avatar movie by james cameron looks like IG against some kind of xenos race and its a space war movie. 40k was the first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer.

Team Zero Comp
5th edition tourny record 85-32-16 (2010-12) 6th 18-16-4
check out my Orky City of Death http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/skipread/336388.page 
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

Binghamton, NY

I would love nothing more than to see a bad-ass, everything is exploding, planet-wide destructo-fest. I would love to have some awesome fluff brought to life. I don't expect any of that would be achieved to any satisfying degree. I'd still watch it, but that's after the 3 months it would take to go to DVD. 40K is too much awesome to realistically expect out of a single movie.

The Dreadnote wrote:But the Emperor already has a shrine, in the form of your local Games Workshop. You honour him by sacrificing your money to the plastic effigies of his warriors. In time, your devotion will be rewarded with the gift of having even more effigies to worship.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

I think they could pull it off, even with a PG 13 rating if they did Space Hulk. Most other scenarios would require R, but 10-11 guys shooting alien monsters? That is pretty much Saturday morning fare. Space Marines don't need to curse, and can't have sex, so some scary violence (with Brother Red Shirt getting shredded just off camera) and PG-13 wouldn't be a problem.

Granted, R rated Space Hulk would be so much cooler, and how many parents really care what the rating of a movie is? I have yet to go to an R rated film that didn't have a handful of mewling larvae in the audience. Even if the kiddies are not allowed to see it, they will still wail for the toys, which their parents will purchase to shut them up about the movie.

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in gb
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver

Birmingham, UK

I agree that the space hulk theme would probablby be the easiest to sell in the short term, but wouldn't end up too much like aliens? I mean the genesneakers are pretty much ripped straight from aliens already.

I'm reading the horus heresy books atm, and I keep thinking what an awesome film it would make. So many characters and scope for a really dark, epic movie. The story arc of the crusade, galactic empire and the heresy is just great, and any bit, book, even half a book could be made into such a good movie.

I guess it will never happen though, not the way I'd like. I'd want the whole series of movies, in a £99 dvd box set, and spend a whole weekend in the grimdark.

Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD

Brightdarkness wrote:Not to mention all the violence it would properly get a** rape in the states with their letter system for rating movies.

I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

Violence isn't an issue with the US rating system, it's sex. Take a look at House of a Thousand Corpses, Saw, Hostel, etc. The peril is that GW would likely aim for a PG-13 movie at most, due to it's target market.

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in gb
Sniveling Snotling

United Kingdom

it would have to be rated 18, and not much money would be made from it then, who would go and see it ? or if it was toned down it would just end up being cheesey as feth like starship troopers. What film would they make ? An alien sort of film with NIDS and Terminators, a gritty gaurd film like band of brothers, a sicotics look in to the eye of terror or some mad crazy quinton tarontino dusk till dawn with demons, or a film about the =I=, this would be my choose, maybe a necromunda film with a twist at the end some space marines or =I= just to introduce non-GW types to the 40k univerce and an introduction to the next film.....

to be continued.....

Made in us
Nasty Nob on Warbike with Klaw

Buzzard's Knob

It might not get to that many people in the theaters, but the DVD release would explode. That's where they would make their money. I would like to see a trilogy about Ghazgkhull's invasions of Armageddon. Sure, the middle one would not be set on Armageddon and might be sort of murky, but it worked for The Empire Strikes Back.

Made in au
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard

Newcastle, OZ

Why not?

They can't cover it without it seeming like a pastiche of every other epic movie (SF and otherwise) - because let's face it, 40k IS a pastiche of all of the classic SF tropes.

A 40k movie is doomed to fail.
Ref: Mutant Chronicles movie (Warzone was the TT miniatures game set in that universe).

A game based off a computer game premise (a la DoW) would also be an epictacular fail. Like every other movie based off a computer game.
Ref: Final Fantasy, Doom, Super Mario Bros, Bloodrayne, House of the Dead, Res. Evil.

There are some things that should not be. Like Hello Kitty SM or 4chan0k.

I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.

That is not dead which can eternal lie ...

... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Definitely not. same reason why there is no halo movie: no movie is better than a bad one.
Made in us
Never-Miss Nightwing Pilot

Just as long as it ISN'T a big Hollywood studio. Those donkey-caves would have to put in an effin' love scene like they do EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE.

Seriously. Enemy at the Gates. What an incredibly awesome movie. I got history-nerd wood when I saw the Stukas strafing the boats, the artillery shells streaking across the Volga, and the first time I heard the "canvas-ripping" sound of the MG34s opening up.

But somehow, in the midst of all the chaos and being on the brink of his motherland capitulating, Vasily Zeitzev, a humble farmboy fast becoming one of the most accomplished snipers of the whole war, finds time to get a handjob from another sniper.

I f*****g hate Hollywood.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/12 00:50:30

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