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Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 17:30:09

Post by: bebopdrums2424

[url][spoiler]hi guys! Allow myself to introduce...myself...>_< Ive been lurking in the corner of this site admiring the insane amount of talent and inspiration that comes through here, but have yet to make an appearance myself...Im an avid painter and 40k player, and ive been working on my catachan army for over 2 years now i think ive finally summoned enough courage to share my work and have it be torn apart. lol. i dont know if this is the forum to do that so i will just upload one pic, as a teaser, and if there is any interest ill upload many more as somewhat of a "post project log"; as most of the army is now completed except for a very few things here and there. Im a painter primarily, not as much of a scratch build tank modeller, so i hope that doesn't dissapoint you. my army still is very unique i think (besides being 1 of the 4 catachan armies in existence apparently) anyways...enough chatting lol....here is the company command squad, which i will update more pics of should i get the green light to do so. im not a professional photographer but i think its *pretty close* to being as good as it can get..i dunno...anyways..be kind to my soul, and i hope you enjoy!
cheers everyone!


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 17:34:58

Post by: shingouki

Mate you have made my day,i'm a massive Catachan fan and am rightly impressed with what you have posted here.
Ps the banner is EPIC,keep me posted.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 17:38:22

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thankyou! youve made MY day! even 1 nice compliment is worth the time put in ive about 3000points finished and would like to share more should the interest arise

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 17:44:52

Post by: shingouki

Get em posted man,i'll be all over them.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 17:53:35

Post by: ghosty

Nice banner. I'm liking these guys, especially that Banner. Some pretty incredible freehand.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 18:12:11

Post by: dsteingass

Niice, dude, I am also a huge Catachan fan. I am building my FW Marauder Destroyer to support my full platoon and Armored column of Catachans. I tell you what, I'll show you mine if you show me yours? Catachans that is

I've been colloecting mine for 10 years, still don't have them all painted, plus I keep picking up the OOP metal Catachans wherever I see them

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 18:29:28

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thank you very much! however, is this the wrong forum to post in? i noticed there is a finished army forum that may be more appropriate? as ihis army is primarily completed...except for 1 sentinal 1 leman, a bane blade, 12 plasma gunners and etc etc...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 19:59:25

Post by: Scrazza

The command squad looks cool. The banner is a piece of art. Please, keep us updated.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:17:25

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Ok, i will thanks for your interest fellas! I must say, the banner represents the way id like to paint 100% of the time. lol. but im gettign there i think lim easily distracted i suppose >_<! i will start with some better photos of the command squad Again, advice and comments very welcomed. >

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:20:36

Post by: Viktor von Domm

please do share more of those cool looking soldiers! also i really love your bases! hpe to see more soonish!^^

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:29:28

Post by: bebopdrums2424

here are the advisors upclose...i still have the Fleet Officer to do, but fluff wise, the catachans could care less

the Company commander, soon to become "al'rahem" and replaced by a better painted "Creed" and the Medic (painted more in the stock painting ive done on all my footsoldiers) , *same with c c

and finally...the banner...front and back

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:35:30

Post by: Truffle

These are indeed very nice. Also nice to see some one else tryin not just plain cadians

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:43:29

Post by: baoh

these are nice! i agree with everyone elses comments about the banner, its really top-notch!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:49:58

Post by: Almarine

Standard is certainly nice but my favourite would be the medic. I like the white flak vest and helmet idea a lot.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 20:57:35

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i really like how you achieved these skin tones! very good looking... but the standard bearer is by far the outstandingst mini of your collection! could you by chance upload your pics here to dakka gallery so that we might get the chance to zoom in on the pics... that would be great! and don´t stop to provide us with more troops to oogle over^^

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 21:10:26

Post by: chrisyella

Nice work, especially the advisors

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 22:00:20

Post by: Arclaw

Lovely job, loads of character in these. A good overgrown jungle base really adds to the Catachans and the flowers add a splash of colour and interest! Great advisors too. And as always it's good to see Guard that isn't Cadians or Death Korps...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/06 22:04:25

Post by: 40kFSU

Gorgeous!! Looking forward to more.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 01:52:09

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks for all the nice feedback! I will continue to post more things and i hope i keep your interest. Speaking of which, for the sake of this log, i dont thiink i should post all the best stuff right up front, ill give it all away instead i think i shall post the troops, however ashamed of them i am, and get that out of the way For your curiousity, i aimed to strike a solid balance with my foot troops of speed and cleanliness. i have gone with blobsquad list so ive painted quite a number of them. The inspiration of the color scheme comes somewhat from what i imagined as a sci fi retake on 1960's south east asian communist schemes....i think why many people avoid catachan armies is because there is a lot of flesh to paint. for this reason, i used a mascara applicator to drybrush after badab black wash the highlights for the fatigues....this allowed me to spend more time on flesh and not drybrush but blend and feather as normal i think ihit the middle road with speed vs cleanliness vs style....the effect is this

I will continue to upload more inclusive pics of the full squads of 2 x 30 and weapons teams...these are just to start. feedback welcomed

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blah im having trouble posting now...3rd attempt lol...ok here is the comissar and blob squads. i still have the 2nd commissar to do...


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 05:00:38

Post by: guardsman 68

bloody awesome
love the bases

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 05:41:47

Post by: Ssgt Carl

Awesome. The bases make me think of Pandora from Avatar so this makes me extra happy because I imagine the IG would wipe out those blue giant cat freaks if they came across them.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 05:47:26

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Hehe, thanks...and they glow in the dark... !!!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 05:49:41

Post by: Deathshead420

I like how you named them ...thats my kinda player. Love em! -subscribed.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 07:21:38

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i don´t see anything to be ashamed of...in fact the soldiers look like you can justified feel mighty proud of the lot of them...

as you stated you used a mascara applicator for drybrushing... could you show us the tool and maybe a slight tut on how you did it? it seems that this might be a nice twist in the craft and i would like to learn a new trick...all the more if it is a nice mixture between fast and clean^^

cheers, vik

oh and by the way, i realy like a generall that names his troops...strictly speaking against the fluff as all IG´s appear only to be connonfodder but you give them purpose and personality...that counts for a lot in my book for a good leader^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 17:21:29

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Here is the second update of the blob squads....platoon beta...after this i will wait to upload platoon commands and put up pics of something sweeter, and finish the grunt work later

@ vik, thanks for your interest! I suppose my shame comes from being slightly intimidated at the level of mastery here, and as far as my own endeavors, i aimed to paint "the horde" with speed and style, not so much detailed. I simply cant approach painting a huge group of minis the same way i approach my elites and character models...im too OCD and ill go insane with that said, i feel i came up with a pretty stylish and solid answer to it. As far as your question about the mascara applicator. below, along side more pics of the grunts, which im almost done posting them so i can move on to the real fun stuff, are pics of the brushes in question. My general feeling about drybushing is that, if used improperly, can make models look chalky. And by improperly, i mean, to paint something fast, like drybrushing flesh...lol...So i generally, never use it if im painting a model to the standard of which i like. Of course, "do as i say not as i do", i used it to paint the bulk green color of my army ! lol. The mascara applicator essentially, for some reason, turns the paint in question, to a dust of some sort, while drying on the brush. And you get a much more powdery effect. Its very well used, in my opinion, on tanks...which i will show later. I also tried to counter act the chalkyness, by using dheneb stone as a mix in my highlight...not white. Anyways, the only down side is that it uses more paint to be effective, and you have to explain to drugstore clerk why your buying female makeup accessories...of course this being one case where admitting its for painting toy soldiers is the lesser of two evils

the mascara brushes




ok sorry for lesser photos too but i had a hard time photoing such large groups in detail. if there is something particular you wanted to see feel free to ask feedback appreciated! Cheers friends Next up is something fun

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 17:31:25

Post by: Lord_Osma

Are those aquarium plants used as futuristic jungle scenery? If so I love it! Even if not, I love it! It looks great used in basing the models.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 17:40:10

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lol !! Yep they certainly are. I decided when starting the army, that i never see foliage that is at least as dominating on the base as the mini itself...i wanted the soldier to look as if he was IN the jungle, not just standing on it...i went to petco, here in los angeles before actually doing any painting. the pink flowers caught my eye immediately and thus i based the whole army indirectly around those pink flowers. i even game with some frosted pink die. LOL. the effect hopefully, that when the army is together it looks really immersed in the foliage of the planet. and all this before avatar! that movie just sparked my inspiration ever further!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 20:07:06

Post by: Viktor von Domm

LOL the lesser of two evils... that cracked me up something fierce lol^^

at first i thought you gad meant those spiral formed ones women use for their eyelashs...and thus i was confused...the brushes you use make total sense and i even own one already^^ baught in a cheap shop in a big set with other eventually useful tools^^ but i guess i will shortly look for some better ones as my own looses bristles aplenty whenver i try to use it... as for drybrushing and chalkyness... too true and goes to show that drybrushing is not a supreme problemsolver! but sometimes can do great nevertheless^^
i really like the masses of ranks you have shown on the last pics of yours! that reminds me of old times when i used to play (to cinder^^) my plastic soldiers... the green ones like toystory^^ , but in a good way^^
also i think you wet again my apettite toget on with my own masses of catachan minis i still have mostly untouched lying around...only prob still is the concept and the scheme behind mine...well some day i will find a good scheme...

as for some detailshots... there is on the lower right corner of the last pic a guy, it seems he is holding a piece of sprue that looks like a demo charge??? i would love to see a closer look at him...and if you can what you used to make him...^^

very cool army and i hope this can go on endlessly^^

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 20:56:52

Post by: chrisyella

+1 for this thread going on endlessly!
You've got a great bunch of minis, IMHO each face has it's own character.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 21:07:44

Post by: Las

Amazing stuff, really. Top notch, from one guardsman to another. I wish I could do faces as well as you.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 22:37:05

Post by: dsteingass

yeah! 2 squads of meltavets! lovely!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/07 23:09:57

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thanks guys, stay tuned for much much more im so happy to have kept your interest for this long @ Vik, i think you mean this guy? hes kinda a throwaway model, hes the 2nd platoon command squad medic, except i no longer use medics in my pcc, so him and the other medic stay in mini case, never to see the light of day... where they belong Reluctantly ill show you a close up of this model. i didnt want to buy another command squad box for the syringe part so i "modelled"...albeit poorly, a guy with bandages...so disinterested in this project was i, that i left flash on his knuckles by accident, which then i painted to look like giant gold rings....his name is dr love. how cliche... i think the next update better be something worth looking at lol

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 09:00:23

Post by: Viktor von Domm

as rules goes i am a total noob and never gamed yet at all...so i don´t know of the benifit/unneeded costs of a medic... but i sure have some waiting to get finished for the fun of doing them^^ i knew there was some conversionbit about that mini and to have made DIY bandages is quite a nice idea^^ dr. love... big rings and so on...cliche but evertheless funny^^

also i like his breast pouche...the needful things accesable in a hurry, very good idea!

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 11:08:20

Post by: Almarine

Viktor von Domm wrote: i don´t know of the benifit/unneeded costs of a medic...

They are pretty useless, at least in a PCS. OP made the right call. However, you could just use him as a regular dude, or a sergeant or something. Bodyguard. It's perfectly normal for squads to have a medic so maybe he's just not good enough to give FNP.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 12:14:35

Post by: Mandrake WK

Im loving this army, it's just really nice, clean, crisp. Good work.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 18:00:23

Post by: bebopdrums2424

The medic will stay in the case where he belongs!!!!! RAWR!!!! >_< Actually though, ya honestly its super expensive and a 4th flamer is much more worth it I suppose i could just use him as a basic troop should i ever need it This next update is something a bit more fun! My psyker group. The models themselves scream the 80's cyber punk to me, so instead of cloth robes, i wanted them to look like] pleather kinda...purple pleather at that...i dunno how well the effect is translated to the mini, but i like it anyways...one of my concerns, is that i didnt add osl from the blast i modelled coming out of the ones hand...i can still do that, so perhaps later i will and photo that upgrade project...Also i found an olllllld psyker lying around the local game store, picked him up for 3 bucks and had some fun thoughts bouncing around my head that again i like the end results...anyways...here are some pics i took this morning and before, i hope you like, any advice welcomed...thanks

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 20:49:14

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i think the OSL effect should be done as i think what you showed already is that you are quite capable to deliver a convincing one at that so just do it^^! also i think the "pleather" is quite good achieved with that purple color...and then even the old psyker to go with the squad helps a mileto carry even more the look of the 80`s. somehow the mini of the psyker reminds me of:

which too helps to carry the intended look!

great worke mate!


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 21:51:30

Post by: Fire_for_effect

Not too fond of the Megamind, but the rest is really amazing! Keep up the good work and keep on posting pics of the whole group, they look awe inspiring together Are you planning on running Straken with the gang?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/08 23:23:28

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Viktor von Domm wrote:i think the OSL effect should be done as i think what you showed already is that you are quite capable to deliver a convincing one at that so just do it^^!

thanks, but honestly osl is new to me and i still need to wok on my concept. im going to use this mini as my next project, he will be my 2nd commissar and im going to paint the blue osl from his power sword all over his face and upper chest. it will be good practice and a nice change of pace. ill post the updates as i go.

Fire_for_effect wrote:Not too fond of the Megamind....

:O my heart is </3 ... hehe im just teasing...personally i like how my color composition came out on him, i wanted to paint him like the warlock from marvel comics...but with an alien head...lol...i painted my self into a corner on this one because i wanted originally for him to have greener skin. that would not have worked..:( so i had to improvise....anyways, thanks for the compliments! Oh, and as far as straken goes, ill eventually get to doing a model for him. Right now, my list is pretty much a gun line, not very catachan-esqe, but hey, manticores are freaking disgusting...lol...


vik this is the aforementioned comissar ill be working as my next big project

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 07:23:04

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i am currently hunting the webs for commissars too...and for catachans as the fluff goes i think they are a must... or did i understand something wrong?

looking forward to your new commissar^^

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 12:38:20

Post by: bebopdrums2424

they are pretty pointless unless you are running blob squads in my opinion. a comm lord is sometimes nice, but basically you are paying for stubborn, and its super fun to kill your commissar, then fail a morale check on purpose just to blow the enermy to smithereens the next turn with an executioner. THAT is fun

Automatically Appended Next Post:
a few more pics of the psykers taken with the iphone 4 camera. something about this camera makes it in my opinion, a superior way of photoing single minis up close. especially if you want to check your work for flaws. nothing escapes the zoom of an iphone 4


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 17:01:21

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great stuff! Love megamind and his cronies!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 17:02:26

Post by: alabamaheretic

Wow just wow, these guys look great. Love the big head pysker looks like his head is about to explode from all the energy. "Dr Love" actually looks like one of my Sergeants from when i was in the army so kudos to you i think its great. Consider this sub looking for MOAR!

oh yea stop by and have a peak at what im doing if you want.

I don't think I am no where near as good as you but I am working on it.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 18:07:45

Post by: Viktor von Domm

the new pics even better show the plastic feel of the pleather... you can almost hear the faint crackle of the material...^^

i think your next step in painting should be NNM as i think you could manage that pretty well!

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 18:16:23

Post by: shingouki

DUDE,you've even got stubble on the jungle fighters.I think my fave has to be Keith.I'm loving the back of the banner too.
Brilliant stuff keep it coming mate.
PS.The psykers look great too.
PPS.How does one paint stubble effectively?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 18:20:55

Post by: bebopdrums2424

NMM scares me ive used it *one* time. On the back side of my company standard. the imp aquila was done using nmm. albeit poorly i think. Er maybe not for a first try but either way, I need to do more study on how light falls on objects....sometimes i feel its unneccesary, but in terms of comic book style influence, which i *try* to draw heavily from (ie. a big influence for me is Steve Oliff from olyptics...early 90's image comics colorist), i think its really awesome. My next army is looking to be a trollblood army for warma/hordes, i may use that as an opportunity for NMM...we shall see

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shingouki wrote:DUDE,you've even got stubble on the jungle fighters.I think my fave has to be Keith.I'm loving the back of the banner too.
Brilliant stuff keep it coming mate.
PS.The psykers look great too.
PPS.How does one paint stubble effectively?

Hey man! The coolest thing about Keith, is that hes the coolest games store owner ever!! If you are ever in beautiful santa monica california, go to aero hobbies Hes the owner
as far as stubble, there are many many great ways to accomplish it. My first approach which can be seen on only a few minis in the army (because i was very unhappy with its appearance, was simply adding (codex) grey to the flesh mix, charodon granite is nice for this too i think. This way is much more effectively done in this guys IG p log on warseer. http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=297534
-the way i do it, is a bit more work, but i prefer the effect: its this:
after the face has been fully painted and highlighted etc etc, mix your flesh color (if its a mixed paint, use that mix), Codex grey, Black, and scorched brown in equal parts...i use a dot of each really because you dont need alot at all. tailor this mix till you get the color you want...less brown tint in my opinion....once mixed add water...this is k ey....too much water will be too thin, too much will paint his face. you want something a little thicker than a gw wash. paint this onto his face approriatly, more than one layer is needed. once satisfied with the tint, add more flesh color into your mix, this time do not add water, rehighlight areas needed and also begin to mix the face and the stubble togther...you can add more flesh if you need starker highlights, but be careful of losing what youve done with your wash....the point is to soften the stubble not paint over it.

anyways i hope thats helpful, thats my way of doing it. there are thousands of great ways and mine may not be the best. if there are any other approaches you guys use, please share them with us

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 18:55:45

Post by: Viktor von Domm

awww... (referring to stubblemaking technique...) this is why cobbling bits together into scenic looking minis is much more rewarding for me than the act of painting... to try this and then fail miserably would mean that i would get so frustrated...grr^^

referring to you NMM try of the aquilla on the back of the banner.... very good looking and i think blended very well! nothing to fear about!

will have to google that guy as i am a marvel addicted (cured^^) and have seldom read anything beside them^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:02:25

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Vik you crack me up man! I think my explanation of the technique is overly detailed. But for the same reason I'm nervous to try more adventurous osl. The model essentially needs to be done before the effect is added. Thus endangering your work. However, as they say, no risk, no reward!
Ps, olyptics did all of spawn, the Pitt, youngblood etc etc, all the image classics. Those color concepts still stick with me!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:35:25

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ah... now i know what you are talking about!!! and thus oi say... i bow before artists as him...!

and i crack you up? lol^^ i take that as a compliment^^

yep, as OSL and other good and most rewarding techs go they too scare the gak out of me too...thus i haven´t tried them^^ one day i will move to gems and sights over to NMM and then who knows OSl miht be on the way... tho i don´t see that reall soon in my craft^^

some peeps here on this board i think have stated that such techs could be done after some varnishing... so if you faiul you could redo ...tho i be damned if i know how that would be redone then... didn´t really understood that then^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:38:47

Post by: RaegMachine


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:41:33

Post by: alabamaheretic

Well i tried osl once and the guy that did the tut said i was aiming to high. I tried to osl a power fist on my space marines. one the other hand, i think their needs to be more awesomeness showing up so i can oogle and swoon like a girl over it. lol. thanks for stopping by my thread should have some sort of update by monday or sunday. so stay tuned and i will check on here reg to see the IG awesomness!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:44:09

Post by: bebopdrums2424

You can never aim too high. its the only way we get better at our craft

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:52:16

Post by: alabamaheretic

well needless to say my first attempt shot me in the foot so ill try again this time on something smaller lol

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/09 19:59:22

Post by: Viktor von Domm

lol... you should have attepted to paint with a brush instead of a gun^^ but i know what you both mean, but i guess for my own skill level i have to master things like drybrushing, highliting and such things first in a good way to moove futher on...but when you have reached a certain level with your skill one should aim higher, lest you might loose interrest in the hobby thus...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 13:49:37

Post by: bebopdrums2424

ill be in NYC for the next week so i wont be able to update as much this week. i thought id post up a pic of 1 of 5 of my ogryn squad i think tho that when i get back instead of posting more pics of the ogryns ill split it up with some vehicles. i just finished 2 of 3 sentinels so ill probably upload some of that when i get home. anyways......here is Ogryn # 1...his name is UNK, he likes quiet nights, white wine, and kittens. and grenades...

this is the inspiration for them

hope you like
feedback appreciated as always!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 14:28:40

Post by: Arakasi

Nice work here - for a 'umie

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 15:47:51

Post by: bebopdrums2424

you assume much arakasi ::scratches nose with 4th arm::

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 15:56:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

Oh now that's cool! Love me some ogres...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 18:57:30

Post by: fatty

epicly nice army. can you put a guard next to the orgyn and take a pic upload it. i like to see the size difference becuase it looks like your orgyn is a bit small or is it just me?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 19:01:01

Post by: bebopdrums2424

sure...i wont be able to do that until i get home...im 3000 miles away from my minis at the moment but thanks for the compliment and as far as the ogs go, they are the most recent design of the ogryn model. so, bigger than they used to be even, my plan was to have two squads of 3, but the finecast deal screwed up my progress so i only have 5 done...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 19:09:28

Post by: The Good Green

For painting a horde that's some nice stubble on those grunts. Great looking army. I like the newer additions as well. The painting on the psykers is very nice, and the color scheme lends them a more regal look, while their hunched and pained expressions betray the facts of the matter.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 19:15:43

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lol yea, they get punked.... by me, when they dont do crap in a game

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 20:47:14

Post by: Viktor von Domm

wow that unk guy is quite disturbing... as yu stated it is of the current range it is still unkown to me... very lopsided face... you have to have a stomache made up from iron to be standing near one of these grunts when you are doing service in the IA...wow like the warpaint on his face and the shirt has real nice texture and blended colroformations from green to white! the ogryns are still a stinging pain in my back of my brain... i am always on the lookout for a cheap bargain...but it seems the auctions have a set pricing for them... like LAndraiders and valks you seldom get them for cheap...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 21:16:03

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thanks vik. actually looking back over this blog im becoming highly unsatisfied with the digital camera photos versus my iphone. the iphone pics blur less and pick out more detail. the only downside is that the pics are alot bigger, but, hey, this is my blog so probably, from now on, ill be adding pics taken with the iphone. The comparison can be seen in 1st and 2nd uploading of the psykers...also, perhaps, soon, they will have a plastic box of ogryns? i dont know im just dreaming probably, and PS, if you decide to field them, be careful, they are super expensive and a smart opponent will take advantage of their terrible ld. Nothing hurts more then 4-5 full strength ogs breaking and being rundown in a cc loss....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 21:36:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

that i heard ... well also it is to be expected... i think no one wants a deathstar unit for real... so leadership fails are needed to keep game balance! a plastic set would be a real charm...that would be something i even would aim to get and not from ebay for this time^^ well when you would upload the pics to the gallery they always state that bigger is better...so i would totally go for the i phone... never thought that a phone cam would be better than a real cam...so much for that missunderstanding^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/10 22:54:47

Post by: bebopdrums2424

fatty here is a pic i found on my macbook. ill upload more stuff of this squad in depth but this is a pic to compare sizes


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 00:53:00

Post by: fatty

thank you yah now i can see the difference in size. nobody i know that play's IG play's with ogryns or not the official orgyns only converted Ogre's from the fantasy range so i never knew how big they where.

again thanks

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 00:58:10

Post by: dsteingass

Lovely abhumans! I am going to make a prediction, Citadel will re-release the ogryns as the new Citadel Finecast lightweight resin.

My Catachan Support Marauder Destroyer

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 01:14:13

Post by: The Good Green

That close up of the grunt in the midst of the ogryn squad looks hilarious, like he's about to pass out from the stench.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 02:37:20

Post by: bebopdrums2424

@ fatty lol hint taken sir, I need to start converting and personalizing my minisI have a good idea for a rough rider squad so I'll flesh the idea out and make you proud

@dsteinglass Yea I'm expecting that to be the case

@good green lol I never saw the humor in that pic till you mentioned it lol the face he's making is totally funny. Like he's about to yak all over the place lol

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 03:44:14

Post by: alabamaheretic

so are you going to have any penal legionairs?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 05:18:43

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Hmmmm...penal legion, sounds fun. In my mind I've made about 6 different penal legions lol. But I don't like the randomness of the roll up front...I could do a "natives" proxy and have some xeno scum heling out my boys...we shall see.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 05:21:04

Post by: combat engineer

Very nice work. I am normally not a big Catachan fan, but you have painted them so well it I keep checking back for more pictures.

Keep up the excellent work.


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 08:15:11

Post by: Scrazza

Some nice new stuff. I'm keeping my eye out for this one.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 09:45:47

Post by: fatty

penal legion are awesome. i run 2 units with 2 commisars and chimera's. the random roll is a bit of a gamble but all options are good. try them out some times there really great

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 14:34:31

Post by: bebopdrums2424

I had a friend who was trying out PL, and he rolled all 5/6's for his deployment on them, so they were all knife fighters, AND he had straken with them so they all got furious charge. Pretty nasty...anyways unless you wanna see a termi i have painted, im running a little lower on pics to update, but for the sake of this logs interest, ill still post stuff that i think is pretty cool heres one of my flamers from the PCC#1, the metal ones from back in the dayyyyyyyy....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 14:37:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice work on the skin tones bebop!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 14:58:36

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks Git Ive found the metal sculpts and the newer CC and HWT Boxes to be of much better quality and a bit easier to paint, than the standard platoon box. Especially the faces...although, ya'll are so good that i doubt ill get any love from you on that note

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 15:39:45

Post by: Gitsplitta

Oh no, you're very good at it. I'm still at the flesh + sepia wash level for the most part. My bikers are the exception, not the rule.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 19:09:07

Post by: fatty

git if i may dehpe stone + sepia wash gets you a great asian like skin tone.

and yah bebop your skin work is awesome i hate painting skin unless its green thats easy but your human skin is epicly (i made a word up xD)

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/11 22:14:48

Post by: dsteingass

Ahhh me loves the ol' metal Catachans, I have a pile of them unprimed even I found digging through the totes at GenCon...Lovely again sir.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/12 15:29:30

Post by: bebopdrums2424

speaking of skin tones, this next update is the first ogryn that ive painted. I wanted him to fit the color scheme of my army. At the time, i intended for the whole squad to be like this, but then after painting him, (and it took forever because i painted each bullet on his belt individually) I decided to go a different route. Also the green pants, while the same color as the blob squads, i didnt dry brush, i wet blended and feathered to get a bright fluid look. Im still in NYC so when i get home ill take better photos of this stuff to show what i mean, but anyways, after a hiatus of painting ogryns, i was reinspired to paint my squad of them and i painted the remaining 4 like the guy above. For a while, this ogryn didnt get used, he stayed in my case, but i fluffed him to be a Bone-Ead, hence, the humie skin tone, to represent as if, he was closer to a man then the rest of the group. Here is Ogryn #2, the bonehead (chronologically, ogryn #1)

hope you guys like

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/12 15:32:05

Post by: Gitsplitta

Terrific work bebop! Man he's really convincing...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/12 18:22:53

Post by: dsteingass

What paint combinations do you use to get the bright brass shell effect?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/12 19:08:44

Post by: Viktor von Domm

well, if before it was siad that your skintones look good, now with this big fella there really can´t be any misstakes anymore that skin is definatly up your alley^^ also like the belt, goes to show how much of a difference it makes when you don´t rush a paintjob...i can say so as i always rush mine^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/12 21:29:36

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks guys
@dst it's been quite a while since I painted this model but, if I remember clearly, it was either burnished gold + snake bite or shining gold + bestial as a base (all of my golds are always started out with a mixed brown base). I *think* I used a wash of Devlan mud,, definitely used straight burnished gold after that and then added a tiny lil dot of burnished+mithril at the tips...sorry it's a bit unclear. I'd experiment with different hues by adding different browns to your mix and see what happens

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and...an even tinier dot of pure mithril on the tips for a final highlight

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/14 14:12:41

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Something a little off topic today guys I feel generally downright bad that i have shown anything WIP, but i promise to get to that. I havent been able to START anything for about a week, and i still have about 2/3rds of my catachan army left to update. Not including the next works im doing for it. Itll be a commissar. ive included a pic of it earlier, but ill try to do a nice step by step on it or something like that as soon as i return home on sunday. For the simple fact of adding another splash of color on this blog. Im updated a few pics of a terminator that i recently finished. I was inspired by the work of Natalya Meylniks work on her dark angels, where the armor has almost a gritty texture to it. I tried to recreate it with a very very faint drybrush after each highlighting step. its somewhat hard to translate on camera, and is not EXACTLY what i was trying to achieve, yet, i dont dislike it either. The chapter is my own creation, Knights Alchemist. Each Marine etc, would have some metallic type helmet...silver, bronze, etc etc. I posted this pic in that painting competition thread that apparently totally fizzled out, so apologies if youve seen this Anyways, have a great day everybody!

Comments and Advice and Opinions always welcomed^_^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/14 14:38:44

Post by: Gitsplitta

Excellent work, edge highlighting really brings it out & makes things pop. Good work on the freehand and base too!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 15:50:19

Post by: storag

I really like your paintjob! Especially the violet cloaks. I have only one question though - why don't you paint lasguns and other human weapons as detailed as the ogryn's? They have lots of parts why leave them almost completely green?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 17:02:51

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Haha:p well...I COULD go crazy and paint the grunt troops the way I paint my elite and character models, but seeing as I've painted basically about a hundred of them, id go essentially insane and this blog would not exist:p the nature of the CaTachan models don't really lend themselves to speed painting because their 2nd predominant color is flesh. So my strategy to get these done efficiently was to do a light drybrush of the green and spend good time doing the flesh areas. I think it's the middle ground between style and speed, and I could spend more time making the bases fun and colorful and the skin realistic! I hope that answers your question sir, and thanks for your compliment!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 17:42:05

Post by: fatty

dude you have awesome CAMOUFLAGED GUNS. thats why there green.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 17:45:10

Post by: dsteingass

From experience, I know that painting 200+ lasrifles is really mind numbing, and it hurts a bit when you are scooping them off the table in handfuls...because they are guardsmen, that's what they do...die

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 18:06:19

Post by: bebopdrums2424

fatty wrote:dude you have awesome CAMOUFLAGED GUNS. thats why there green.

Exactly, lol. Another reason I did that, was in going over pictures of current military gear, they are generally camoed (my ogryns), or just a plain color. Further solidifying why I painted them the same color as the fatigues. I think it's pretty effective, and the misty drybrush is just enough to pick out the edges et etc and still look clean

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 18:34:33

Post by: Viktor von Domm

that termy is quite a good mini, the highlights are top notch! and i like the concept of the different metallic helmets! this is a nice and fluffy idea that sets this "blue" marine apart from all the other "blue" marines...


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 21:12:52

Post by: storag

bebopdrums2424 wrote:but seeing as I've painted basically about a hundred of them

OMG.. I never thought of this I've just started buiding my army and such numbers are something extraterrestrial for me

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 21:49:11

Post by: bebopdrums2424


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Viktor von Domm wrote:that termy is quite a good mini, the highlights are top notch! and i like the concept of the different metallic helmets! this is a nice and fluffy idea that sets this "blue" marine apart from all the other "blue" marines...


you mean smurfs vik?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/16 21:53:22

Post by: Viktor von Domm


lol oh so true^^ it´s like pokemon...you gotta have them all...all footsloggers, all tanks...

didn´t want to use that term^^ is mostly what i meant and your marine doesn´t look as stereotyped^^ much more unique^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 00:53:07

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Yay, im back from NYC and i can get down to work on this commissar. Before i do that though, with my trusty iphone in hand, ive snapped a few shots of the leader of the ogryn gang, my primaris pysker. Ill continue to upload more pics of the 3 of 5 ogryns I hope you all like this Comments and criticism and advice always appreciated Apologies i think these pics are HUGE

And a kind of ridiculous close up

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 01:42:14

Post by: dsteingass

I Really admire your brush control.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 08:54:46

Post by: Viktor von Domm

holy cow what a zoom...guess i feel now a bit low with my cam...

the psyker lord looks simply awsome...you just have to make love to these eyebrows^^ and i am too marveling at your brushcontrol...do you use a magnifying glass when painting???

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 12:44:58

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks fellas Some days im just feeling it i guess
@ Vik, No sir i dont use a magnifying glass. Just Extremely Fine Brushes that hold their point very well. (Micron) I could photo em if you want And Also i Use a light that projects 100% White light so i see my colors perfectly clear. The magnifying glass kinna messes up my perspective but i think if i mastered it i could get to another level of painting. Who knows.. Id like to know who here DOES use a magnifying lens.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 12:56:24

Post by: dsteingass

Not me, hunched over the table, elbows propped up, holding my work about 4-6" under a 60 watt daylight bulb and about 4" from my eyes

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 13:00:31

Post by: alabamaheretic

I use a 100 watt bulb hunched over a table to see i wish i had brushes that help a really fine piont any place in particular you get them from?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 13:09:27

Post by: bebopdrums2424

i live in l a so i have access to alot of local art stores. However they mayyyyy be out of print. ill photo em for you guys in a little. The other bushes i use are princeton art supply. Ill photo those as well

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 13:28:19

Post by: alabamaheretic

right on looking forward to that

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 16:16:10

Post by: fatty

awesome stuff nice purple

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 19:32:48

Post by: bebopdrums2424

ok guys, here is a quick shot of the brushes, and obviously i use them in lots of various sizes. Also, not to interrupt the updating pictures of the finished stuff, ogryns, tanks etc etc, im going to simultaneously update pics of my FIRST WIP on the this blog. Officially making it a P AND M!!! WOOHOOO. Ok Its my second commissar, and hes a victim of two projects that are forcing my hand in the colors i choose. Firstly i want him to be using a power sword, and have OSL across his chest and face from it. So that is blue. Secondly i want the overcoat to be a leather duster. So that is brown. Hmmm Blue and brown....well, that doesnt leave alot of room on the spectrum, so heres how its gonna go down. The main hues will be brown and grey. Any metallics will most likey be of some kind of brown. The rest of the fatigues will be a grey of sorts...and the spot color. Blue. Will be used on the sash, Plasma chamber, And power blade. Here are the first 3-4 steps of the duster. Its a ways to go, i need to clean up some lighting and shadows etc, but i will, and its getting there...

the brushes

the commissar. step 1 base coat

step 2

step 3

step 4

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/19 19:54:22

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ok bebop, the brushes certainly don´t ring a bell inside me, but then i have next to no know how of brushes^^ i get mine mostly cheap at stores that sell writing needs and such stuff...so my brushes leave much to be desired but i gues they match my current skill^^ as for magnifying glasses, some here use them, me, i own a
but i have the same problems of perspective and my eyes get serious strained from trying to keep one eye shut as the glass is too small for two... so i don´t use it...for error solving concerning painting i now mostly rely on my WIP pics i make continiously^^...
the main thing i see has a very important ring to me is the 100% daylight sourcebulbs...one of these days i should invest in one of these for my desk... that seems to be a good thing to do...always get better results when working in sunlight anyways^^

i really like how you even start your current project! you make a very thorough planning. color harmonics is a very important and often underestimated skill, looks like you are a pro when it comes to making your homework^^

the recent pics are very good, and they even work as a turorial in a way! so thanks for that^^
also they leave me with one question to ask: am i right that the arm of yon commissar is still lying unattached on the desk? will you later on glue it in place? what kind of glue will you then use? because am i guessing right, the connective points then will have paint over them?

and if i didn´t say it comprehensively enough: great work, even on this early stage, very promising and i look forward to more installments of theis pro-ject (pun intended^^)

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 14:40:46

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Blah this Log has No Order!!! Its total chaos....what??? Did some one say chaos? Great Now the whole planet will be cleansed and purged in holy fire. All that stands left is this one sentinel...of 2...out of 3 soon....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 18:42:19

Post by: Viktor von Domm

at least no enemy later one has to ask what hit them...with an obvious rocket like that^^ and the freehand is also outstanding!

wow, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 18:51:34

Post by: bebopdrums2424

vik i think you are the only one that likes my stuff :( im gonna make this p&m log a dedication to you i guess also, heres a few more steps up of the commi im working on, another shades up im highlights a few clean ups here and there...getting closer to done...and ps, ya the missle would kill the driver as soon as its launched but do i care ? no. Thats what the IMP guard doesss.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 19:33:40

Post by: Viktor von Domm

well there are those (a selected few) that would describe me as a connoisseur of a certain style of art...^^ *nudge, nudge, nudge*

and i meant the oponents victim^^ not yours...er ...pilot^^

if you stick to these muted tones with your commissar then he could be a real film noir commissar...thought about something in the lines of casablanca but when searching for pics i realised the nazis there all wore plain bright uniforms so that was no help^^ but i really like the greatcoat of him! also i think you got a very good talent for fabrics... the coat looks very realistic...i hope that this wont counter side your more comicesque minis...but then a commissar is bound to stand out^^

vik, the dedicated^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 20:56:19

Post by: fatty

he dont forgget the Fatty love your work.
Personaly i painted my commisar with a black leather coat.
a easy way i found out is
fortress grey base coat
skull white highlights
and then a couple of washes bedad black

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 21:01:28

Post by: dsteingass

I watch every update with anticipation homey, remember me...the OTHER Catachan guy? lol

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 21:30:17

Post by: bebopdrums2424

awww you guys are the sh*t. dont let my whining fool you now i feel like a wuss >_<

@ dste, lol, i know actually there is one other guy. his posts are pretty rad. He has a haloesque Catachan force

@ Fatty, thanks bud. I did the black coat on the first guy bk on page 2...this guy is gonna be a whole diff vibe...ill post an update in a lil.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 21:36:25

Post by: Briancj

Epic, epic work. And I appove of the Alpha-striking, outflanking, two-missile scout Sentinels. A rude surprise for anyone.

Totally. Subscribed.


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/20 23:49:34

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thanks brian Ive had the day off so ive been doing a bit of painting all day, and have made more progress on my commissar. Im going to upload a bunch of shots, the first being a close up of the face from basically stage 2. With the flesh wash painted into the crevices...the rest of the full shots are about 3 stages past...with several more to go...i tend to be all over the place in my order of painting so different parts are on different stages of highlights...anyways here you go...obvi WIP, things will get cleaned up (The collar by his left cheek has been spotted by accident etc etc...), maybe redone....PS the plasma chamber i will probably redo, or touch up greatly, its proving to be tricky to layer on such fine lines...

the face stage 3

the color palette i generally work with for mid tones....Dwarf flesh / Bleached bone....later stages add white

the full model around 50% completion

Whatcha Guys think? Does the color scheme work?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 00:22:26

Post by: dsteingass

Its awesome!...but the Commissariat badge of office is a red sash, still, looks loveley, keep it blue!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 07:31:54

Post by: Viktor von Domm

second the irritation about the blue sash...for me the plasma effect on the spindle and the sash shouldn´t be done in a matching color...kind of looks odd to me as if these two parts were related which in fact we know they aren´t... the face looks way cool! agressive, a tad ill (in a grim dark way) and oozing authority^^


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 07:38:17

Post by: bebopdrums2424

dsteingass wrote:Its awesome!...but the Commissariat badge of office is a red sash, still, looks loveley, keep it blue!

hehe ya i suppose so, but my other commissar on page 1 has the blue sash too so its meant to be. :p

hmmm Vik, you make a strong point...The other options are brown...another gry.... maybe purple....i dunno....the sword is going to be blue too. Im staying true to the holy trinity of color management but i may have placed some wrong...actually...Im surprised you dont like it lol, i thought youd dig the cartoony ness but now that you mention it, your reasons for dislike make tons of sense...i dunno...ill update you guys as i progress...well see what happens...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 07:40:53

Post by: Viktor von Domm

personally i would then reconsider the plasma color...or is it that every plasma weapon in your army is blue? then forget my ideas^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 07:50:31

Post by: bebopdrums2424

no no, they arent, they are actualy turqoiuse....haha thats right you havent seen anytanks yet...muhahahahaha!!! my executioner! Hmmmm i have been toying with the idea of adding pink plasmas into hte mix....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 08:04:39

Post by: Viktor von Domm

now pink sounds awsome already! i´d do that, besides pink as plasma is something rather seldomly seen!

well no cheap talk mister if you got tanks to show, show ´em^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 15:00:52

Post by: bebopdrums2424

in theory the pink would look cool on its own but it will throw the color balance off. i was counting on the sash , plasma chamber and sword to be blue also because of their position on the model. im gonna keep it as is until i decide on something better. The long way around this is to change the sash color. that would make more sense....orrrrrr i could leave the sash blue, and NOT use a powersword but do the chain sword arm skip the osl and paint the plasma chamber whatever i want...any ways here is ogryn #3...youll get your tanks soon enough;P

4 and 5 soon to come

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 15:32:29

Post by: fatty

so many metal ogryns
but pink plasma one question do you have tentecal pink becuase GW dont make them anymore. i do know some one who has 6 jars left...... ME HAHAHA
why not yellow, orange or red for the plasma? its the best bet as red's go great with dark greens and brown then you can use the blue sash as your spot color. but then again i really dont think blue is a good color to go with brown or green.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 15:45:47

Post by: Farty Wiffmas

I really like your painting, loving the ogryns and the psyker battle squad.

I just realised you started two weeks ago, a quick worker and a great painter!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 16:32:00

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Hey thanks alot Welcome to my blog, and i appreciate your compliments! Actually ive been painting this army since 09' LOL...so ive just been updating things in small chunks and only recently included my first WIP here bk on page 4...commissar number 2 So actually im a very slow painter >_< LOL!

A couple things, I feel compelled to mention. the above ogryn was the 5th and final one i actually painted, and for me, i can see my dwindled inspiration on the finished product. I shouldve probably taken a break from the squad but after a month of painting them i wanted to finish it. The ogryns ive yet to show i like more. Anyways...more importantly...this color situation. You guys turned your back on me when i needed you most!

All of you guys make excellent points and i appreciate your honesty immensely. I think this is a product of literally painting myself into a figurative corner LOL. In my head the model is built upon the color scheme here, and TBH, i like it. So im keeping it. LOL ya'll can go....no no...im totally kidding...but yeah, just let me go on and hopefully ill change your minds.

PS @ FATTY ~_^ .. i think blue goes extremely well with brown ^_^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 16:49:04

Post by: Red Corsair

What shade of green did you use for the base of your platoons? Great looking stuff btw! You should model Charlie Sheen in there from Platoon! HA ha!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 17:19:26

Post by: fatty

no no no sorry mate but the color circle disagrees but prove me wrong i like to be challanged

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 17:24:30

Post by: bebopdrums2424

fatty wrote:no no no sorry mate but the color circle disagrees but prove me wrong i like to be challanged

The color wheel has no soul.

oh and Red, thanks Its 50/50 Hawk Turqouise/Ork Hide Shade.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 17:29:43

Post by: dsteingass

I am incapable of mixing the same paint twice myself

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/21 18:13:37

Post by: bebopdrums2424

its exactly 50/50 i pot of each paint. so i buy a bunch of extra bottles and a bunch of HT and OS and just do it all at once

and another tiny bit of progress on the commi...a few glazes here...starting highlights on the grey...face a tudge cleaned up....more glazes needed on greys and smoother wet blending...will get to it...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 00:23:13

Post by: alabamaheretic

lookin good the commi (lol commi) i like the unique sash makes em stand out more.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 17:38:51

Post by: fatty

BUTTONS! sorry i noticed the buttons on his jacket i hate painting those

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/01/22 17:47:00

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lol Fatty...yeah they are a pain, ill get to em...they'll be brass buttons obvi Heres todays update on the commi. more glazes, the grey is annoying me...im ocding on it....the pistol has more highlights, a bit of a sky earth thing that isnt done and ill probably redo. the only thing that i added today that i like is the face touch ups...and they grey leather gloves hell be wearing...still have so much clean up to do...oh and the hat i like...any ways...9/22 WIP...

hope ya like

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 17:55:31

Post by: dsteingass

That is some fantastic painting, your brush control is very amazing.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 18:13:46

Post by: Viktor von Domm

at first i had a slight problem with the face... then you painted the stubble beard on him and boy i get a strange feeling this looks awsome...but the face still has a (faulty-) area...i think there is something fishy about the eyes...seems something gone lopsided there...eithr that or provide us with a less zoomed pic, this might help put the perspective into place again...

as for the ogryn... think i never saw weathering on personal armor and camo patches done so well together...
as for the whole colorwheel thing and our criticisms they are said but in the end it is your mini, your vision...you get the idea... and one thing as a reminder... we all love your work here so you seem to naot be able to do wrong when it comes to painting see...win win situation for all^^


wannawannawanna tanks now!!! wanna tanks! *pout*


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 18:23:23

Post by: bebopdrums2424

the eye will get redone the iphone cam does not lie

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/22 18:39:16

Post by: Viktor von Domm

lol... i think we all will love the sash, plasma and osl effect in combination once you have presented us with this menu^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 17:45:13

Post by: bebopdrums2424

ok...welll...im increasingly flustered with this mini...im not doing any more wip updates on him till hes finished >_<. you all get the idea of where its going so im leaving it at that. instead to further get to vik request, im uploading the rest of the ogryn squad in full, so i can next update you with some TANKS.. there are two more minis plus the full group shot which was tough to photo...here they are
ogryn 4

ogryn 5

the class of '77

ok! thats it forthe ogrynssss!! awrrawrwarrwrawrablblblblblbreseaa ... poot

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 17:59:54

Post by: dsteingass

Badass sir, badass

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 18:31:41

Post by: Viktor von Domm

awsome looking horde! and the lord psyker to herd them is a nice feature^^
tho this leaves me with one question: what skincolor do ogryns have originally? or for that matter if all four of the grey wear camo so why is the fifth looking skinwise like a pinky baby in comparission?^^ seeing you minis nevertheless makes me think of the poor dentist that gas to treat them continously^^...a brave man indeed!

so pop, time for tanktime yet?^^ just teasing^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 18:51:42

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lol well vik, good question Actually the humie one was painted first...then i waited about a few months before starting the rest...so i changed my mind in those months...and i fluffed the humie version as a bone ead, hence, slightly smarter, slight more human looking. fluffs out nicely i might add....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 19:00:47

Post by: Viktor von Domm

yep, twisted as is, it makes sense nevertheless^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 19:12:49

Post by: dsteingass

Mmmmm dentist gas......

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 19:50:25

Post by: fatty

allright your armie becomes more awesome everypost but i am not soled yet... i mean i want to see tanks or vehicles so i can see how well painted they are

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/23 19:53:24

Post by: 40kFSU

Ogryns look great but that Commissar is fantastic. Nice work, sir.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 10:06:01

Post by: storag

Man, I like your violet so much that I wanna make it one of main colours for my Syndicate... any tips on how to make it as fine as you do? =)

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 18:59:39

Post by: bebopdrums2424

fatty wrote:allright your armie becomes more awesome everypost but i am not soled yet... i mean i want to see tanks or vehicles so i can see how well painted they are

jeez man pressure much? Ok, here you guys go with some tanks. I had a bit of trouble getting them on cam...if you think you want better pics just ask me what you wanna see better and ill work it out. As for now, here is my leman russ Squad...Ive got all the weapons painted up but i generally always take my executioner....or a paskinator...but my painted options are open....also the gatling is awesome looking but i never use it. Anyways....here is the Catacahn 913 Leman Russ Squad....1 more executioner is about to be built, the box is looking at me right now These tanks were airbrushed...except the red was painted on. The choice to not use camo (except for basilisks) was taken again from 1960's south east asian communist color scheme. ie. vietnam... For the record every vehicle in my Army looks like this. Up and coming are chimeras, Basilisks, and a Vendetta

@ Storag: Thanks....the purple from the primaris is slightly different in the i used white for the highlight mix, not pink, as i did for the battle psykers..


Paskinator and Squad

ps. Does the design on the paskinator track shield look familiar? Its the prototype to my banner design...it needs to be redone now that i have the banner correctly envisioned and produced.
Anyways, be kind...i hope you like the armor

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 19:46:43

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i do like the armor but i think you really have to invest into another kind of primer... that looks frosty all over and your paintjob thats cool gets dragged down a bit... sue me if you want but that is something when seeing the tracks is really making me flinch.,..if you were a lesser painter i would have said you would have gettin´away with that as most lesser painter use far to thick paints on their models... i should know^^
but you ue really thin coats and this shows the extra texture...

beside that... weathering looks super, the banner logo i love!!! about the tracks one thing tho... i think there is a bit of depth lacking some other washes to bring out some ...well charcter you could say...
as for the scheme... i see you gone mostly green... which wouldn´t be my schtick but then i understand the need for greenish tanks in a djungle army^^ the red nevertheless is so f... cool!!! i realy like it! especially since the material and coats beneath are shining through some of the recesses!!!
also i like how you made the nearly scratched catachan writings on the tanks! this is brilliant^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 19:54:04

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Yea...i used Armory black on the first 2 tanks...actually those are the first two tanks ive painted...ever lol. Not an excuse of course...the frostyness is magnified by the iphone cam...its actually rather cool looking in person, and provides a somewhat more realistic paintjob. (ie the vostroyan tanks in the IG codex also have this grainy texture to them) but on the rest of the vehicles which you will see shortly...i used p3 black which virtuallly has no texture. As far as the tracks...im not really skilled in advanced weathering tank techniques, so the more obscure things like tracks, for me, i aimed for cleanliness, not so much realistic weathering. The only thing i think lacking (maybe) is built up mud in the tracks themselves...but on the 3rd tank the paskinator, the brown wash comes through better i think. I basically used the GW technique listed in some WD for painting tracks. Black, heavy wash of calthan brown, then dry brush Boltgun metal...again probably more elementary than you might have expected :(, but my tank painting is much less experienced than my high detail mini painting...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 20:00:32

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ok i understand cams can be nasty somehow to models.

as for the tracks if you were me i would use some ogryn flesh or possibly devlan mud to bring some color into the tracks and get them a bit of oily effect... i am too thinking about mudding up my tank... the first tank i have built is more of a flagship so i think i will keep it clean... but the next one will be way smaller and then i think i will try myself with weathering and mudding up these tincans...^^ also i think i understand what you mean by how good a bit of extra texture to a tank can be... that´s why i like working for scratchbuilding with cardboard... it is rougher than plasticcard and thus you get free texture all the time^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 20:04:15

Post by: bebopdrums2424

hm ok....i will experiment with your ideas about the washes on the tracks Your eye is very sharp so i trust your instincts. ps iwasnt trying to disregard your comments about the graininess, nor make excuses:/ probably just a lil self conciouse about my tank painting...i too noticed the texture firsthand which is why i switched to the p3...its also more noticeable because i airbrushed them. So, as fair as thick paint, its the primer not the paint lol

at least i held true to my moniker. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, KEEP IT CLEAN, KEEP IT NEAT

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 20:11:35

Post by: dsteingass

That is exactly what happened with my Marauder Destroyer..the primer got a grainy texture..and you are right, keeping it neat is the only way to save something like that.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 20:19:41

Post by: Viktor von Domm

at bebop:

there was this thread about washes over metal here on this board... it was a revalation for me... there is plenty of uses for different effects on washes over metal colors...

no need to excuse anything mate! and i think you have every right to feel proud of your paintjobs! and neat is the last word i woudl use in thse circumstances^^

at dstein:
that or change the hobby... personally i would scream i think if that would happen to me...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/24 23:00:41

Post by: fatty

the vostroyan tanks are painted with texture paint as a basecoat. gw launched them with cities of death and they wanted to promote texture base coat. nice tanks but i believe they should get a little bit of extra love i mean look at your blanket all green (tank #4) maybe you should give them a little extra color this looks like you did it fast and sloppy if i may say so if not i did it already . just a couple little details will make it that extra bit of awesome

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 03:18:30

Post by: bebopdrums2424

all of your criticisms are humbling At first i was a little hurt, :(, cuz im a wuss, as im not used to putting my work out there for people to critique, let alone have "negative/constructive" comments on. But then i think you guys are being hard on me because you expect more (?), and if you didnt like my stuff you just wouldnt bother to say anything at all...so i take that as a compliment Anyways, As far as extra color goes fatty, maybe you can suggest what that should be? I purposefully kept these tanks monochromatic in large part, simply because, well they are tanks in an army.(the executioner still needs its glass ports painted on the turret tho..) Most of the small details i felt would look too ornate if i painted them. Anyways i truely appreciate you guys and your comments and advice, and they serve to better my craft! Im now much less eager to post the rest of my vehicles, lol, only cuz im a wuss...but i will anyways, The vendetta im particularly proud of, and the basilisks too for the most part...and the Commi is almost done, so far im happy with it. some clean up still left but close...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 06:59:24

Post by: fatty

nice colors it really pops. i am glad you stuck with your own idea and painted it your way it looks great. about the tanks the blanket could be brown maybe some mud on the fenders and tracks rivets painted.

i know rivets are a pain in the you know what but i painted them all on my battle wagon (i died a little that time so manny rivets 120 in only the front end) but it is worth it. the solid green on the tanks is awesome why paint a tank in camo? its not like somebody would saay hey where is that tank? cuase its loud and big and tanky you under stand right?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 09:07:43

Post by: alarmingrick

Some really great work! superb painting!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 12:38:21

Post by: Viktor von Domm

But then i think you guys are being hard on me because you expect more (?), and if you didnt like my stuff you just wouldnt bother to say anything at all
nahhh... we are all just mean and cruel and like to make others that are better´n us feel miserable...oh...was that yet again a hidden compliment...darn...

as for catachan tanks getting to ornate , i totally agree... these should look like hated (cause fluff says so.., catachan is by heart a footslogger army without even too much HWs...) and misstreated...not caressed and with lots of posh details like for instance vostroyans or gods perserve praetorians...
so make em dirty and mean and of course green^^

about yon commissar!! boy does that edge look sharp! in more than one way! he is really coming along! but because i am a nitpicker and i truly expect some cool minis from you (thats what you get from peeps like me, when you show off^^) : on the jacket of him there is a tad too sharp highlight, or it got not enough blended in the darker color benaeth...you see a hard edge there... i would do something about that...
also i am rather anxious to see how the guy will transform when you OSL him up a treat...
oh and i just had a thought pop up in me head...what about some smoke coming from his plasma pistol? like he had a shot just the other step before and now he fully lungs forward with his powersword???

vik...critic and and mean apreciater of art^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 15:01:11

Post by: dsteingass

I also think your tanks are painted perfectly man. I just personally don't care for the new style Leman Russ turret. I am a bit nostalgic for the old style, same with the Chimera, the new model does build quicker, and makes more sense on the sprue, but lacks that tougher-looking, wider stance of the old kit.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 15:23:44

Post by: alabamaheretic

I like the tanks, have you thought about adding a a wash overr the rivets to give it a more worn feel? i know its not much of a technique but i think it would add some depth to your tanks.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 15:28:30

Post by: bebopdrums2424

vik, you do realize by showing you WIP pics from an iphone that im essentially revealing my deepest secrets to you? Point out where the edge highlight is too strong....i will fix it today, however, its possible you might be seeing the leather flap on the elbow of the powersword arm? Its a bit of a strange sculpt and seems sorta out of place...or maybe the inside of his collar? i think the finished product i will photo with i phone AND digi cam also OSL...well get to that....

Automatically Appended Next Post:
alabamaheretic wrote:I like the tanks, have you thought about adding a a wash overr the rivets to give it a more worn feel? i know its not much of a technique but i think it would add some depth to your tanks.

thanks alabama...actually i did do that...but not so much a full wash. I literally black lined every rivetand crevice and hard edge with watered down black paint. The pics taken show almost none of that...its really a shame...ill try to get better shots today...actually the final pic in that tank upload has a better shot of the black lining...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 15:37:10

Post by: alabamaheretic

thats a shame taht it did not show up maybe a devlan mud wash or a sepia to to look like grime rust or grease. *shrug* at any rate just keep on truckin

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 18:16:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

personally i live for those moments of wip pics...they truly show the blood, sweat and tears invlved (german proverb...dunno if that translates any good...)

if possible i would love to see a daylight pic in the sun of your works one day... i think the lightbox pics are good but i think daylight creates so much more actual feel to a mini...
detailwise this means a lot!

did my five cents of pointing out what i meant on ms paint to show you, as i think you missunderstood my comment^^ and revealed thus more points lol

lines are in red... very thin i am afraid but if you zoom in you get the idea what i am talking about... should have done so right from the start...^^

and i cross fingers to your OSL work...so hurry up as my fingers are getting cold and lifeless...still crossing...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 19:12:54

Post by: fatty

your right my German friend i totally missed it. he 'umie go fix that

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 22:36:11

Post by: bebopdrums2424

OK here are the final wip pix before OSL. Im honestly not sure if itll benefit the mini anymore because in my mind i imagined the blue bitz to be further apart from one another but they are rather cramped...i dunno...what do you think...
ps...i fixed the grey spot...i should mention also that im having a hard time photoing this model for some reason...his arm is creating all kinds of strange shadows..:(

Deleted Pix from sh*TTY Cam. See Below for final WIP

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 22:40:42

Post by: dsteingass

It looks like that sword has had it's activation rune pressed!! excellent! Love it!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/25 23:58:43

Post by: bebopdrums2424

better pics here i think...a little closer to reality not super mag...
what it looks like in person...more or less..

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 00:00:19

Post by: dsteingass

Commissar Viktor Von Doom!!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 00:04:58

Post by: bebopdrums2424

dsteingass wrote:Commissar Viktor Von Doom!!

lol he deserved this one ...big time... you and fatty are up next im sure...:p

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 01:02:58

Post by: wonkobaggins

That is a beautiful Commissar - damn shame the Catachan are famous for lynching them.

Seriously though, great work dude - I love the blue.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 02:02:23

Post by: Briancj

I, honestly, do NOT think you should OSL.

But, if you do, do it LIGHTLY.


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 04:22:29

Post by: bebopdrums2424

wonkobaggins wrote:That is a beautiful Commissar - damn shame the Catachan are famous for lynching them.

Seriously though, great work dude - I love the blue.

Thanks wonk! Your catachans are freaking GREAT and i had a pang of jealousy at your brilliant GS on the squads. Dont stop working on that army!

Briancj wrote:I, honestly, do NOT think you should OSL.

But, if you do, do it LIGHTLY.


Brian, thanks for your wise input. I too, am thinking NO on the osl. It would be overbearing in my opinion. The flesh of his face serves to warm up the palette...but we shall see what the dastardly Von Doom has to say about this....he'll be right disappointed

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 09:01:03

Post by: Viktor von Domm

if there is still time to throw the towel into the ring regarding the OSL then i throw it hereby!!! skip the osl. the commissar is so freaking cool right now there is a big chance the mini would be too busy then and also i think the osl would ruin that nice stubble beard ...commissar viktor von domm... now that sounds nice^^ *bows humbly

oh by the way it is rather infamous then dastardous...^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 15:40:53

Post by: bebopdrums2424

:face plant: i just realized i spelled your name wrong...>_<
von DOMM not DOOM

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 16:05:56

Post by: RSJake

bebopdrums2424 wrote:

Is it me, does he kind of look like George Clooney here? Great painting by the way! Absolutely LOVE the look of his stubble! And I agree, the OSL would over balance the model. Looks great!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 16:08:26

Post by: bebopdrums2424


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 15:20:36

Post by: fatty

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OSL please the model is awesome as it is and osl is a pain to do for the first time. why dont you practice on a useless little model like a grot easier to paint and it doesnt matter if you screw it up.

o and btw i would be honoured with a place in your army

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 18:00:05

Post by: dsteingass

Me too me too!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 18:06:43

Post by: shingouki

Still making my eyes burst then.Brilliant work there mate.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 18:10:45

Post by: bebopdrums2424

dsteingass wrote:Me too me too!
And Fatty

you both will be the next additions to the 913th! i promise
Gah im gonna delete those green jungle pics, they look like ...The ones i took further away are much cleaner i think. THeres wierd reflections going on in the super close up pics...i dunno...i might fix a fewwwwww tiny tiny little annoyances but yeah, for all intents and purposes the model is done. And yes the OSL is OUT. Ive done it a few times...on the Astropath back in my first update on page 1 and on the Psykers eyes, and then ONE guardsman holding some sort of scanner...also on page 1 think...anyways...yea i think i might do a lil tiny bit of post clean up and then photo both the commis together and let that be the end of it!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 20:58:18

Post by: Viktor von Domm

hmmm a twin shot of the comissars would be nice...and by the way... the funny patrt in my nickname here is that when enlisting to dakka i inteded to spell viktor von doom...but it turns out i spelled viktor von domm...well the rest is history... and of course my tendency to be a spelling idiot^^

and about the osl dispute...*phew* that was a salvation^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/26 21:46:01

Post by: rubirub

Very nice catachans you got there!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 17:18:41

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Ok here are some final TIME mag shots...of the two commissars and a few of my beloved company standard with them as well. My next WIP may either be another Executioner or more likely, Harker.. Anyways sorry for the pic heavy update i guess, but this is it you probably wont be hearing from these guys for a while...they ship out today...probably to their deaths...

Plus later on ill upload updates of more tanks and my vendetta

ok ok !! im sorry enough pictures i get it!!! >_<

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 17:20:53

Post by: dsteingass

Never enough pictures dood, never!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 20:14:37

Post by: Viktor von Domm

second that! and you sold them?? argh... how can someone sell their children...and such beautiful ones... i could understand selling monkeys for a waching machine tho^^

well fare well you steadfast servants of the empire!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 20:18:57

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Sold them?? Only to their deaths against my eldar opponent! I could NEVER sell my work...well I dunno that's probablynot true but yeah...they are just now in their mini case

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 20:52:42

Post by: Viktor von Domm

ach me bleedig heart...well that was a close one here... nearly choked on that missunderstanding^^ right... i hope your chums take those fancy pancy elves to the cleaners!

one day, when i have enough to show i will make myself a nice display cabinet to show off^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 20:54:57

Post by: dsteingass

Space elves are pansies.....

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/27 21:03:06

Post by: Viktor von Domm

lol... chim...pansies^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/28 18:59:28

Post by: bebopdrums2424

I saw the fem chick on dst's catachan blog. An awesome army over there, check it out. I forgot that i had her and not updated her with the rest of the dudes...earlier..so before i begin my next WIP here is a couple shots i snapped this morning, of, very obviously...Vasquez.


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/28 19:35:36

Post by: dsteingass

Aww Shucks! Thanks, but yours are painted about 175% better than mine, all of them! After painting the blob, I sort of gave up on the individual trooper quality and just wanted to get them done! I don't think I can even see as small as those little red lines you painted on her grenades! Fantastic work!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/28 19:58:35

Post by: Farty Wiffmas

Looks really nice and thank God you weren't actually selling them!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/28 21:21:07

Post by: Viktor von Domm

vasquez! very fitting! she almost looks like a painting..she should be framed^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 17:32:05

Post by: fatty

nice one Domm. love the female character.
i personaly find that there are not enough female models around except for the de and wh.
and then i dont mean stripper like models but just nice female models like this one.
is it just me or is it cold where she is?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 17:40:09

Post by: Depraved

Sweet model, great paint job! I am trying very hard to not spit out a bunch of Aliens quotes.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 19:19:39

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Lol yea I had fun painting her nipples...not gonna lie...
And depraved might I start the ball rolling???
Game over man!!! Game over!!!!! >_<

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 19:38:37

Post by: Viktor von Domm

lol fatty thought that too about temperature^^ but you are right... a universe of fighters and hive scum creeping around all battleing against each other in whatever combination makes little sense and they leave nearly the whole female population out of the fray... yep that makes sense...curiously WHFB has no such restrictions as i recall they at least have quite some HQ units that are female...but i guess in a world where a rotting carcas is ruling myriads of "men" (pun intended) you cant expect any less than females only being used as cheerleaders and breeding materials...after all even a cadian has to be raised up to age of eleven to get his own malfunctioning lasgun...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 19:48:41

Post by: dsteingass

Yeah, but All the other guardsmen make fun of the Cadian's stupid football helmet lol

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 20:05:46

Post by: Viktor von Domm

so is the phrase "hold the lone" rather football related...?^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 20:11:13

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Football as in football vik...not that wacky soccer you guys play over there

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 20:17:54

Post by: Viktor von Domm

of course not^^... but to tell a truth...tho i am of a fully addicted country about soccer... the game never had anything worthwhile to me...^^ the brute art of your football tho has its merrits... same goes for icehockey too... and there the benefit of seeing spilled blood through a whole game onthe ise is even better^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/29 22:42:58

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Ok enough silliness Back to biznessssss! lol My next WIP ... im not sure....what i need to do for the army and currently own...is another executioner plasma tank....a 3rd sentinel...Harker....or Creed. But then im also strongly thinking about starting my next 40k army...my 2nd ...afterall i HAVE been painting this Catachan army for 2 years now. lol. Perhaps its time to move on. So i bough some cheapo 4 packs and i was thinking of doing a WIP called tale of four minis...where i blog a wip painting 4 complete diff color schemes with speed and clarity in mind.

especially the eldar. Yes that is a cadian box and i kinna just wanna mess around a bit with ideas for color schemes. One i had in mind is a sci fi police force with shotguns etc kinna domion tank police vibe if any of you are familiar with the anime. Perhaps try my hand at some simple GS for a visor and badge i dunno, easy stuff...the eldar though i really have a hankering to paint. Anyways...those are my thoughts on upcoming Works: to recap

Sentinel 3
Executioner 2
To4M Eldar
To4M Cadia

whatcha think?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 09:20:40

Post by: Viktor von Domm

eldar!!! a new and totally different way....

may i makie a suggestion... it is a scheme i had in mind for a long time...i will try to make a pic shortly...

the armor plates dark... deep blue or green or even black... and then the soft armor in a yelling color like they glow from within...can you follow me? i think eldar are destined for something like that... maybe a lava like effect to the scheme...or oposing this idea a more water related look... you know with fine rippeld lines like you get when snorkling in shallow waters in the caribean ??? after doing catacheans for so long i think doing cadians is not a really new thing...tho i think a policeforce might be cool to see...if you go manga style then i would probably mix the cadians with the odd bit of a tau firewarrior.,.. this could as well look stunning and new! same goes to mixed tanks style!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 09:47:52

Post by: lipsdapips

Wow! I can't believe I never saw this blog earlier! It's amazing, truely, fantastic job!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 16:01:11

Post by: Brother-Captain Scotti

I saw your sig. and thought yeh why not say hi and leave some love and hell I'm glad I stopped by! Really nice catachan banner!! Any tips on freehanding pieces such as that?

so here it is, Hi and heres some <3

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 16:25:06

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lipsdapips wrote:Wow! I can't believe I never saw this blog earlier! It's amazing, truely, fantastic job!

Thanks! Welcome to it!! I hope to continue keeping your interest

Brother-Captain Scotti wrote:I saw your sig. and thought yeh why not say hi and leave some love and hell I'm glad I stopped by! Really nice catachan banner!! Any tips on freehanding pieces such as that?

so here it is, Hi and heres some <3

Thanks scotti!! I do have tips on freehand
1.) Use A Fine brush that holds its point....i prefer longer bristles, i find it easier to paint a straight line....
2.) Use *Thin* paint
3.) Keep your shapes geometric (at first to build confidence)....i used a stencil and white pencil to first make the circle for the planet
4.) Use white dots to "outline" your shapes...then connect the dots with lines...i.e...for a square...dot the for corners, then draw the lines to connect them
5.) For writing...i did the first and last letters then filled in the middle so it was straight
6.) Have a CLEAR idea of what you want to paint. The banner logo was in my mind for a while before i actually painted it and i used this picture here as a reference for the Eclipse effect

thanks for stopping by and i hope these tips help!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 20:44:24

Post by: Jamumools

Wow! Amazing! Especially love the psykers and the Big Brain!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/09/30 21:18:44

Post by: fatty

i would say on thee army thing bright color eldar as it is totally differtent from IG. paint wise and play wise. my dark eldar are pink

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 14:22:36

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Here is another update today moving towards the finishing line of the complete army pics. Todays update will show off 1 of the 4 painted chimeras. The Next update of them probably will just be a group shot because they are painted essentially identically. I actually think i need to have 6 before im really satisfied with flexible army lists around 2000 points. Unlike most Catachans, probably, im running a gun line list with blob squads. Anyways also in this update are a few quick pics from a digi cam of my objective markers. Easy Peasy. From the Battle for Macragge box, done up allll jungly. Hope you like.
PS. The chimera, as the rest of the vehicles and tanks from now on in these updates have been primed with P3 primer. Not the crap in the first update of tanks...

and the objective markers

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 19:05:04

Post by: Briancj


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 20:01:43

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i really like the treads of the chimera... there is a certain rustyness about them that looks clean but well used! very well kept you could say. the red as regimental colors looks sweet but i have to say the chipping on the armor plates looks a tad fishy to me... have you thought about doing a spot choas black and after that a tad smaller patch of metal then thus leaving a tiny edge of darker color around the chipped areas? oh and the lights on the chimera look spot on....seems such things is really a skill of yours! are the objective markers made in a hirachic fashion? looks like they are discernable for a reason to me^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 20:52:24

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks vik and brian The treads were done exactly the same way as the russes, but It seems I got a bit more comfy with the technique! Also, the paint chips, yea I used the technique illistrated in WD. Its codex grey chips and a spot of boltgun if the chips are deeper..As far as weathering goes, I'm a TOTAL noob. I'm learning but for the sake of uniformity I've painted all my tanks similarly. I'd like to do some tank projects just for fun to practice weathering techniques. My heart in soul is in character painting I'm sure you can tell:p but I'll get better at it with your guys C and C and alot of practice. I just try to keep em clean and tidy so they look sharp on the battlefield cuz it's all I got >_< ...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 21:12:06

Post by: Viktor von Domm

so have you know chosen your next project?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 21:42:53

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Either creed or harker. Gotta keep things Interesting here and I'll start the eldars too

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 21:53:16

Post by: Viktor von Domm

hmmm i have a crred still in my cupboard... would be interrested in your take on him...

and yay for some bebop eldars!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/01 23:22:34

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Yeah ill probably do creed actually and its the first finecast mini im painting so im looking forward to it And you can bet he's gonna be jungled out.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 13:00:11

Post by: Viktor von Domm

has anyone seen a comparrision shot form metal to finecast on that one? i am intrigued to maybe buy that one...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 13:03:15

Post by: Farty Wiffmas

Loving the tanks .

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 15:14:11

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Vik the first Creed pack that came through to the store was seriously F'd up. Where the tip of his hair should have been was a giant hole. Like the guy from Starship Troopers! They ate his brainssss man!! O_o So, anyways, yeah, had to reorder that dude. But as i think of it more, i think id rather do Harker, just as a break...Creed is so "Commissary"...and yeah...just did one lol.
Oh and thanks Farty!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
On a side note, i should mention...to the three of you who do seem to be interested in this blog, im strongly considering, either deleting it, or just letting it die off. Im too emotionally attached to it, and it feels that im only blogging to you three, and its hard to for me not to be bummed at the lack of interest on something that ive invested so much time in. Thats my own fault, not anyone else's, and its petty of me to even care of such a thing, but its beginning to hurt my love of the hobby and warping why i do it. I dont paint for comments or approval i do it because i love it. This blog is too close to my heart and i maybe i should just let it go.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 18:37:01

Post by: fatty

love the smiley like damage on the back door xD nice color on the tank. the OM are really nice i like the fact that one is a little rusted but i find the difference in rustiness a little strange there in roughly the same area so why the difference in damage?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 18:47:22

Post by: bebopdrums2424

fatty wrote:love the smiley like damage on the back door xD nice color on the tank. the OM are really nice i like the fact that one is a little rusted but i find the difference in rustiness a little strange there in roughly the same area so why the difference in damage?

not sure whatcha mean fatty? I didnt really paint rust on them...The bronze one has verdigris but its hard to see on the cam...i just wanted the 3 to look very different from each other.

thats the closest i got on my laptop for the OM...you can kinna see the verdigris there...(im in chicago till tomorrow hence no WIP updates as i will start the next project tomorrow night)

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 19:08:56

Post by: dakkagrot187

for weathering on your vehicles you can use some foam out of the gw cases and chainmale for scratiching and burns with 2:1 chaos black to scorched brown and rust and mud weathering powders are made of win hope this helps

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 19:11:18

Post by: Briancj

I have found that my plog has the same problem. There's a couple of superstars on Dakka, and then the rest of us.

But you can't play the 'popularity game', yanno? Either blog because you want to blog and be able to see your own progress with some commentary/support, or do not.

I'll miss your work. Also, make sure you comment on other people's plogs that you like, with your plog link in your signature, and update your sig regularly with the short update title and date.


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 19:51:38

Post by: Arakasi

For what it's worth, your blog is on my subscribe list! (And that's a pretty good feat for Guard...)

If you blog for yourself, lack of comments will not deter you, and any constructive comments will inspire you. Like all things though, if you are finding it a chore - take a break! Visit some other blogs, concentrate on your hobby without the self imposed pressure of the blog. You can always come back! Lack of interest leads to lack of comments leads to lack of interest and so the circle goes...

Hope you don't give it up, but you have to do what's best for you (and your hobby).

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 20:17:02

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Guys, thanks...i really do appreciate your keeping my chin up. And really great advice from you both. I by no means wanted to come across as a cry baby, and i hope i didnt..but i probably did lol! It was more a comment of myself, in that i never before had such feelings about the hobby and all of a sudden im caring so much about this blog and worrying and stuff. Which is strange, and never should one feel a negative feeling from something like this! I definately am inspred by the level artistry on this website so i guess i just felt sorta left out. Its my first my Project blog and etc etc, and i guess i just am proud of my stuff but also, more importantly, want to get better...anyways you get my drift...Ill keep at it, and of course continue to be inspired here...

dakkagrot187 wrote: for weathering on your vehicles you can use some foam out of the gw cases and chainmale for scratiching and burns with 2:1 chaos black to scorched brown and rust and mud weathering powders are made of win hope this helps

Im intrigued by your suggestions...are there any tutorials on how to use powders that you know of? Specifically...the forge world powders? Also, slightly confused by what you mean with chainmail and the foam? Could you elaborate? Thanks

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 20:33:09

Post by: Arakasi

I'm sure there are more thorough tutorials out there, but endtransmission did a writeup of the Forgeworld Tank Masterclass we attended - which included using the powders.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 20:48:11

Post by: Viktor von Domm

hmmm... i think we all have the shortage of answers time...i know that the army you do is something very close to you....and this might seem as a rejection of others if you don´t get many followers...but i would point out the difference between quality and quantity...can´t have both...i think...and i don´t talk about your art.... nono, the point i am trying to make is chatting about progress with truly likeminded peeps is the true quality...to tell you the truth i never knew if i might be interrested in a catachans blog... i just give it a go and became kind of addicted... believe me this was pure luck... for the both of us^^ i normally don´t even look at most P&M blogs.... only armies or special wordings in the threads header ....so maybe you have to wait a bit to get more followers or just do what you do...doing great painting on such a small scale for the love of it! heck my blog is running for nearly 90 pages now and it is almost pure friends there...and to tell yet again a truth... i am proud and happy about that as i think i don´t get certain traffic from not likemined peeps there... so it is all fun and no cramps in the rear...got that in my first thread... used to have a SM blog and they even got me for my f...ugly spelling of one word... after i changed the blog the whole thing was only charming!!! and i don´t tell a lie here...er... forgott the point i was trying to make here...ah... found it... don´t close your blog!!! please?!


Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 20:59:34

Post by: dsteingass

Keep yer stick on the ice bebop! You rock, please rock on sir!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 20:59:54

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Vik I named a commissar after you I hope that speaks for itself!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And like I mentioned earlier steingass you and fatty are up next...and I'm sure after that, other new friends that I've met here

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 21:07:01

Post by: Viktor von Domm

*processing data....* hmmmm....

on the one hand a commissar named after me....

on the other hand .... guy threatening to close his thread of fantastic droolable minipaintingskills due to traffic...




darn... why do peeps always make everything so complex...er...stoooopid...so here is the plan...it is a cunning plan so bear with me....you ....here it comes.... this is a tickler...

just get on with this thread and no harm will come to this jelly baby i am currently holding in my hand... it is by a dire twist of faith a green one... a catachan green one...this might come as a shock... i am not threating anyone... i just want everyone to be calm and reasonable about this....
no seriously... no plastic crack no more....

er... you know i could keep this thread alive with youst my motormouth and stupid comments^^ or... you bring a new mini forth... no that is what i call a bargain^^

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/02 23:16:21

Post by: alabamaheretic

I like your blog man, its one of the few that i look forward to seeing updated, i been lacking in my own blog but i been feeling very uninspired. but looking at all your stuff again (esp the commisars) gave me a lift into working on my Dark Eldar so keep this nonsense rocking or ill smack ya with a halibit so you dont flounder around any way keep it up i don't know what else to really say so there ya go.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/03 00:09:26

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Vik, you are freaking hilarious man I get back home tomorrow, im out on the road again (jazz drummer by profession unless you couldnt tell lol) but ill start my next project tomorrow night
And alabama thanks for your support and interest Im sure youll get inspired soon enough, if not already, theres so much here that its kinda insane...and Its all new to me since ive only been here about a month!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/03 11:51:51

Post by: dsteingass

Hey bebop, check out the newest Catachan blogger...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/03 15:07:55

Post by: bebopdrums2424

I saw it its a good one for sure! And my next WIP is settled. Its Harker. Ill start on it tonight. I already have some good ideas...but one thing for sure this dude will be tatted up. Im deciding on how i want to do the tats in my head right now...i could go with the simple sailor, faded crappy tat, ala the eagle across the chest kinda thing (or "mom")...some south central Gang type tats you know, with the old english letters across the top oft the back...or maybe a more japanese type thing...with color...which is what im leaning towards but i dont want to muddy up the character either...ideas welcomed before i start Either way, next update (and i apologize for the lack of any interesting pics this weekend) will be my first WIP of the mini...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/03 15:19:26

Post by: Depraved

I really like this thread, you have great pictures of well painted miniatures. As a guy who is trying to launch my own P&M blog I see yours as a complete success. I look at the pictures you post and it inspires me to continue...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/03 15:42:22

Post by: Fab


Shame you a considering closing this one. It's one of the treads which made me want to post my catachans.

Really like your painting and modeling it's very crisp. (btw like the free hand banner)
The plants look like they belong on alien worlds thinking of avatar.

But your chimera's could be dirtier in my eyes. No carwash in the jungle.

Edit: totally forgot to mention the very well painted commissar. It really captures the dark and violent mood which is wh40k for me.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 00:08:04

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Fab thanks I dunno what was up yesterday i was just in a funk. I agree with you about the dirtiness...ive just ordered the weathering dusts from Forgeworld and the book on modelling tanks, so i will be doing that to the lot of them once i practice a little bit. Aynyways, glad i inspired you to post your very well painted minis

On to the next thing...today begins my WIP of, Veteran Sgt. Steingass (Harker). The pic is included just to break up the blog monotony of text and if you live under a rock and dont know who or what a Harker is.

Ill leave it at that. The next pics will have some paint on it
stay tuned.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 00:09:08

Post by: dsteingass

NO WAAAY! I am honored sir!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 00:22:03

Post by: swampyturtle

I have to say, this blog is a true piece of art! ive been very impressed with all the work ive seen. I love this blog as well as Stiengass's too! You guys have really set the bar for my own work on my tanith

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 00:25:44

Post by: dsteingass

For Tanith!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 14:28:03

Post by: fatty

really nice model of harker a true catachan model at least imhop. are you going to run him as harker or as a heavy weapon team?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 14:33:06

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Nah i dont need any more hwt...at the moment...actually thats a bit of a lie, but i will more likey run him as whatever character model i want him to be. I Dont run veteran squads anyways so im just painting him to paint him. And fatty the next model shall be named after you

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 15:09:38

Post by: Depraved

That is a sweet looking mini, but then I love the look of heavy bolters.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 17:48:40

Post by: dakkagrot187

Arakasi wrote:I'm sure there are more thorough tutorials out there, but endtransmission did a writeup of the Forgeworld Tank Masterclass we attended - which included using the powders.

yes errmmm let me think basically you tear out the foam like the little divider things with a rough edge dip the edge in chainmail wipe of the excess ans sort of lightly scratch it /paint it on your model id recommend trying it on a test model and seeing what you think and for the weathering powders you need purity seal which can go wrong so be carefull with it or hairspray to seal it onapply it with a brush and spray that over the top you can mix them with water for cool effects too hope this helps !

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 18:21:41

Post by: Hindenburg

Not sure where to start heaping my wonder into this thread so I'll just say I love all of it.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 18:25:28

Post by: dsteingass

Testor's dullcote, or armory clear matte spray does the same job.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 20:26:40

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Hi Guys Today i started working on my Steingass project. I been pretty inspired by the catachans popping up here at dakka...Welcome Fab the newest one...I feel like i missed the train with brown and green camo...so, harker, (aka steingass) is taking a slightly different route to the finishing line. Hes my excuse to put some brown int my jungle Without further ado...is harker...somewhere around stage 7 or 8 for the pants...this is WIP ... obviously, but i hope you think im on the right path

and i broke a brush

my only beef so far is the highlight closest to his knee. I will blend them better...or redo it...but its on the right track i think...whatcha guys think?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 21:07:33

Post by: dsteingass

Excellent pants, such a shame, that old soldier still has a great point to it /taps

...and don't worry too much about the pants yet, it won't look right to you until you have the skin color on and you see the contrast..patience

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 22:48:47

Post by: Fab

I have to say you are on the right track for sure!
Way better green colour on the pants then your previous guardsmen.

The brown camo also gives it more character. Like it.

See what you mean about the right knee. I would go there with a bit less bright highlight since it's not really a sharp edge. Maybe a 50/50 of the two greens? or use a glaze on it aka more water less paint to make it a smoother finish less gritty.

Anyway like I said you are on the right track and really dig the model. Think I want one too.

Look forward to your next post.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 23:52:21

Post by: bebopdrums2424

thanks guys heres a another few pics...slightly blending the knee better...a few highlights here and here andsome glazes later...plus base coat and intial wash for skin....ignore all that its not even close to a finished obvi And fab thanks, yea, the blob/grunts were all painted army speed. I purposefully left out the camo scheme

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 23:53:33

Post by: dsteingass

Awesome! It already looks better than mine!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/04 23:59:07

Post by: Depraved

WOW, thats looking great! Very detailed highlights on the camo. Skin tone is perfect

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 01:57:16

Post by: bebopdrums2424

last update for today i promise. If it seems like i work fast, i really dont...ive been painting for like 7 hours...hey whattdya want its my day off i just home from being outta town
Ive begun to add the first stage of skin build up. The mix is a very very watery 70%dwarf flesh 30% bleached bone. Probably 8 or 9 coats of it needed. im at about 5. then ill start highlights after thats nice and smooth and even

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 02:01:07

Post by: dsteingass

Fantastic! I need more, thiner coats then!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 05:24:37

Post by: lipsdapips

Wow man! He looks so realistic!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 07:47:53

Post by: Arakasi

Look - I can't be held responsible for not commenting if you update faster than I can read/comment!

Looking very nice though, and at that magnification, I can only imagine how much better IRL.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 13:10:26

Post by: Fab

Like what you did on the camo and the skin tone. Both look very nice.

But I do have to say something about his nipples one areola is bigger than the other

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 14:42:28

Post by: bebopdrums2424

@Arakasi, thank you sir! Just doin my part
@Fab you are the new viktor von doom lol but, yup you are right, ill get it a little more evened out. unfortunately, the sculpt of the left nipple is more pronounced then his right. But his butt looks great dont it? ...lol WIP!! I Stlll have a bunch more coats of that first mix tone before im happy to move to the next.

PS Arakasi, im glad its understood that the mega magnification shows you things youd never see. it saves me from saying, "but, but, it looks better in person!!"
PPSI have no idea, yet, what color to paint his karate belt thats hanging down. Also important to note is the flower behind him, which will no doubt be some kind of crazy jungle spot color...the belt im thinking i may just paint green...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 15:16:45

Post by: dsteingass

That is his Red Catachan headband on his belt!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 15:21:46

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Red is the GW go to...but if you havent noticed i kinda like the road less travelled when it comes to color harmony. If there is way to fit an obnoxious pink into a mini, ill make it work...hopefully...lol...in this case...im not sure if i even want red on the mini at all...also i still have to think about the color of the gun...which im leaning towards black...we'll see. Today will see more progress on the skin.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 15:35:12

Post by: RSJake

Wow! Tha camo looks perfect! the one you showed yesterday was pretty good, but the blending made it look ace! Skin looks good so far, so much better than I am capable of and you're not done yet! You shame me!

As for the belt/sash, I'd go an Olive Drab green. even with (modern) militaries that have all one type of camo for everything, (not sure about today's US Army, but it was true in my day) there were still plenty of things that were just OD green. Especially the Big Green Bandanas from the 1st Aid kit that everyone wanted to wear under thier Kevlars!

Looking great! Keep it up!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 15:47:50

Post by: dsteingass

The red bandannas is just the GW go to because it was a contrast for the "Eavy Metal team to do. They then wrote it into the official fluff for the Catachans.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 16:22:29

Post by: shingouki

God i love jungle fighters especially when they are done well.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 17:26:35

Post by: fatty

Sweet pants, skin and everything and i am Honored to be enrolled into your army

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 17:51:08

Post by: Farty Wiffmas

Really nice blending on harker/steingass, can't wait to see him finished.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 19:30:42

Post by: bebopdrums2424

THanks Guys. Glad you are liking where its headed. Today ive done more skin work. The face and front im really liking. The back is proving to be more difficult, so is a few stages behind in highlighting and blending. Also, i noticed a tiny piece of grass flock that must've stuck to his shoulder before being primed. Im *Extremely* annoyed at this because its on the skin, itd be less of a drag on a material or something. My options are to shave it off and repaint it, which isnt the best idea with metal and i could possibly roughen up the texture more anyways. The other option is, since im going to be painting back tats, i think a nice tat strategically placed tattoo will solve that problem. (if you dont believe me, i think youll be surprised ) **Just had a better idea than all of that..(Somewhat of a rip off...we wlll see) Also, its significantly easier to spot with the blown up hd pics...Anyways, more to do on the back, cleanup, etc etc...here we are a few more stages in on highlighting
a close up

i took better pics......
what it looks like in person

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 20:42:59

Post by: Depraved

Wow your painting has really brought out the detail in this guy!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 20:45:43

Post by: shasolenzabi

A nice way to honor Dsteingass

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 21:00:59

Post by: fatty

just a thought why not give him a little mud on his shoulder to hide the flok? just an idea maybe a little more mud stains .

and a question do you think i can remove the legs of harker relative easy/ i want him to become my wolf lord. so remove legs replace with power armor legs and a bit of fun stuff change his heavy bolter into a giant combi weapon that sort of stuff.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 21:05:29

Post by: dsteingass

Hey! Great idea! I'm looking at mine and yeah, removing the legs would be easy, just need to watch the belt of pouches and grenades, but if you don't want them, it should just take a saw bisection, then take a clipper to the pouches and grenades and watch them fly across the room. INCOMING!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 21:08:09

Post by: RSJake

Can you make the flock look some shrapnel that got lodged in his arm? Or a piercing of some sort? Otherwise a tattoo should do the trick.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 21:13:21

Post by: bebopdrums2424

All great ideas. What im going to do though..i think...is put a spare piece of tyranid chitin on his shoulder over it. Ill use it as a spot color, perhaps tie into the flower....like the tyranid hunters veteran squads i saw somewhere. Otherwise the tattoo will do fine as its the same concept as mud etc etc

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 21:50:52

Post by: Arakasi

I *knew* he would look awesome at normal size!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 23:15:31

Post by: Fab

Awesome it's getting beter and beter!

Don't really spot the flock right away or is it that tiny thing the on left shoulder I think I see?
I normally would remove it and paint over, but if you can make it work like a scar or a badass bitching tatoo I'm not complaining.

I look forward to your next post.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/05 23:54:54

Post by: dsteingass

Ooooh a Scar! Great idea Fab.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 00:16:11

Post by: shasolenzabi

Very cool idea.

btw, my tank thread needs a push as it is appending to old posts again and I have fresh pics too!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 18:15:51

Post by: lipsdapips

That is FANTASTIC, he looks like a real (small) man!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 18:26:35

Post by: fatty

great i guess i need to pick up a model of harker and yell incomming

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 19:44:13

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks for all your guys input Ive made more progress today...more touch up and highlights on skin as well as that tattoos have been added. Sliiiiight clean up on them but im very pleased with how they came out. Even more so, the belt, i really like. I wasnt sure what to do with it, but over at jamumools Cadian page hes got this dual woodland camo and desert camo thing happening, which particularly like. Its gotten some C and C about being too busy..but i think it looks sweet and it popped into my mind to do something along those lines. So i painted a camo green belt whatcha guys think?

going with brown leathers on the pouches and black grenades and shoes...not sure about the wrist cuffs...also i realized that pit by his belt is a giant belly button, so i need to get in there and touch it up

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 19:53:58

Post by: shasolenzabi

Well, since I see a Krak Grenade, it could be painted red as well, as most of the marines painted have Krak red and frag in OD green of some sort. Just a suggestion.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 20:35:02

Post by: dsteingass

I am even more honored with the amazing paintjob he is getting! I would've called it "good enough" several stages ago myself!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 20:47:34

Post by: Jamumools

He looks sweeeet!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 20:53:32

Post by: Centurionpainting

The skin looks really good, I like your method. I agree with the approach to the belt, having a flat color next to multi-color camo offsets it nicely.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 21:15:11

Post by: bebopdrums2424

markoseugene wrote:The skin looks really good, I like your method. I agree with the approach to the belt, having a flat color next to multi-color camo offsets it nicely.

thanks Though the belt is camoed also...i hope that comes across...i kept it pretty subtle but i like it...

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 21:26:52

Post by: Capitansolstice

good, what color did you use for the tats?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 22:48:09

Post by: Two Spartan

Awesome! Just read whole thread, and very impressed with all your work, just amazing. So much character, and clean crisp paint job.

p.s. glow in the dark plants = brilliant! don't suppose you could try and show us a pic of a few glowing? I imagine that would be really hard to photograph.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/06 23:08:04

Post by: taffiarti

I think those may be the best skin tones and detail I have seen on a model of this size. I tip my hat at thee sir.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 00:12:43

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Thanks guys Welcome new comers to my thread, so glad i caught your eye!

Capitansolstice wrote:...what color did you use for the tats?

The basecoat for the tats is a watery (always) mix of 10% Black, 50% Regal Blue and 40% Flesh Mid tone (in this case is 25%bleached bone/75% Dwarf Flesh). For shading i add more black to the mix, for highlight i add more flesh tone to the mix.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 06:09:19

Post by: Mr.Malevolent

Whoa whoa whoa. How the hell have I missed this? Awesome work here my friend. Best looking Cadian army I've seen. +subscribed

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 12:43:01

Post by: alabamaheretic

I go away for a week and all this awesome happens with out me wth??? Love how harker is turning out i think im going to try that with my de succubus (except they are grey skinned too many combat drugs lol) well keep it up man!

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 13:27:09

Post by: fatty

I hate it it looks ugly, the skin jobs looks pathetic and do you call that a free hand? o wait i was looking at my own models

yours is awesome but one tiny thing. do i miss a head on that IG eagle?

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 15:41:23

Post by: bebopdrums2424

lol fatty! You sholudnt think that about your work either! There is a head on the eagle...i mean its tiny man, theres about enough room for a micrometer of mass, and some kinda beak. i still need to clean the tats up but the overall shape and design is strong and man, thats the part that was a little nervewracking! Especially on his arm...it was challenging to do that over such dynamic muscles.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 19:38:12

Post by: Viktor von Domm

holy greens! i am away for not even a week and you come up with something as grande as a sgt. steingass...very cool and fitting name....looks a bit like a modern jungle version of a guy from the howling commandos....the camo of the pants is simply sweet! highlights on camop patches.... fantastic! and then the skin! he looks stunning and i am man enough to say so^^ those muscles^^
the camo belt is a very nice idea and i am aplauding you for not going red! that way it is much more fitting than a guy with a big gun in the jungle and he gets taken down because of a red towel around his belt.... lol

have you thought about what mini you will be choosing for a fatty? well you have to agree the speed you are painting in seems to be so fast that new projects have to be planned quick^^

thanks by the way for still sharing your work with us...
oh and, how can a painter as you possibly break a brush if he paints as acuratly and fine as you??? if my bristles of my brushes resemble a mob i am not surprised but you? makes me wonder....^^

cheers, vik

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 19:42:59

Post by: fatty

yeah but the imperial eagle has two heads and i only spot one. and i was trying to be funny my work is awesome i will make a tread for my space wolves when i go and work with them again

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 20:27:14

Post by: bebopdrums2424

Vik! Welcome back sir! Thanks for the comments i was hoping youd like the way this one was turning out, and youve been gone a week! Glad you are back!
@ Fatty...yeah...ive been painting them wrong for this entire time! How did i miss this and be able to call myself a 40k fan?? Let alone imperial guard! Maybe im tainted!!! Oh well im not fixing it Itll cost too much and there is a certain point when you gotta just let it be.
@ Vik. Fattys mini i have some quite good ideas for. I have a waysss to go on this guy b4 hes done. Heres todays update for that matter. The leathers further highlights and such. More to come. Another glaze on the skin. And finally i decided on a hair color. In this case, i went with red hair, like the GW mini. I dunno, i wanted something flamboyant ala MMO Character Creation..FFXII lol,,,but alas, it wouldnt have worked i dont think. I kept it somewhat natural...a lil more red, maybe a glaze or two...well see...here he is on his way to life..

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 20:29:21

Post by: shingouki

He looks ten times better than my attempt,keep up the good (fantastic) work.

Bebop Paints:: 8/10 Mantis Warrior 2019 almost finished @ 2011/10/07 20:42:20

Post by: Depraved

Leather looks great! Dang the whole thing looks great!