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Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 04:09:47

Post by: sonicaucie

Had a game today where someone decided to hover around the table. Didn't mind him asking questions, but then he started to disagree with us on rule interpretations mid-game making us pull out the rulebook to verify it before he asked "Can I see that model?" which was still in the game before he decided to pick it up.

What are yours?

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 04:13:56

Post by: poppa G

sonicaucie wrote:
Had a game today where someone decided to hover around the table. Didn't mind him asking questions, but then he started to disagree with us on rule interpretations mid-game making us pull out the rulebook to verify it before he asked "Can I see that model?" which was still in the game before he decided to pick it up.

What are yours?

Probably would have told that guy to piss off, jeez.
Umm, basically just people barging in on my games, kind of like that.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 05:42:33

Post by: MarsNZ

The attitude that's spilling in from 21st century video gamers where everything is 'bad' 'awful' 'terrible' etc, unless it's the best possible, in which case it's 'good'.

Eg: New player posts up his new CSM list and it includes a defiler and some standard CSM. His list is automatically 'bad' or 'terrible' because some vitamin-deficient donkey cave came up with some combo that essentially turns a game into a chore, and now sits back grandstanding about how he's a strategic mastermind.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 05:53:14

Post by: TheCaptain

When people are wrong about a rule (usually wrong in a way that benefits themself), and instead of admitting that they are not quite sure, are adamant that they are correct.

Until I pull out the rulebook, which they then usually begrudgingly accept and mutter "well that's stupid"

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 06:25:30

Post by: Belly

The observer rules lawyer is a big one.

It's not your game, stay out of it. I don't care if we're doing things wrong, that's between my opponent and I.

I've been watching games following my own finishing at a tournament, and pulled people up for this. No rules, no advice. The players are playing eachother, not a warlord council.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 06:41:32

Post by: Swastakowey

The people I play with are perfect, until this guy brings his kids. These kids are weird. Like really weird. This 7 year old kid keeps begging my girlfriend for hugs and touches when she brings me dinner. He also constantly try selling off his stuff then complains to his parents to get his money back. Lingers around tables and asks question upon question. He also screams loudly when losing.

In short when people arent mature enough for gaming. The other kids are great, just that one.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 06:49:08

Post by: curran12

As mentioned before, the hovering rules lawyer/advisor ranks highly as my pet peeve in gaming, for all of the reasons mentioned before.

I also have a peeve with the easily distracted guy. And I don't mean anyone who loses their focus, we all do during a movement phase. I mean someone who agrees to a game...then just wanders off for 45 minutes talking to people at the store after my army is out and ready.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 07:06:48

Post by: viewfinder

The socially inept people who lack all skill to interact in public. One we have at our store is inappropriately loud and obnoxious, likes to sing at full volume, and pouts when she gets beat.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 12:46:56

Post by: Nightlord1987

How about losing dice?

yesterday I found on the floor of my FLGS a neat clear green dice. Rolled for the mission, deployment, etc with said new dice.

Played the whole game with my regular green die, and at the end of the game, I somehow lost ONE.

So that new die I found, replaced the one I just lost instantaneously...

Also, I guess the gassy players. Yeah. Silent but deadly kind...

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:09:30

Post by: Tannhauser42

People who can't control their dice. You've seen them, they're the ones that need about three feet of space, at minimum, for every roll they make. I can roll 30+ dice within one square foot, why do they need half the table?

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:20:38

Post by: Experiment 626

My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I'm very sensitive to second hand smoke myself - in a small, confined room it can make my eyes water non-stop, and/or choke me up and honestly I just can't stand the smell. (which then also gets into my clothing)
It can also make me very light headed, dizzy & occasionally nauseous, due to the fact I've suffered 8 concussions.

If you ask to have a smoke before a game, depending on the size of the gaming area, I've asked if my opponent might kindly wait until after our game if the gaming room is particularly small. (as our one LGS is, due to all the gaming tables being in sectioned little rooms)
I'll explain why of course, and usually most guys I've encountered are fine with waiting once I explain why.

Granted at a tournament it's not possible due to the time constraints, at which point I simply have to suck it up...

The absolute worst though is leaving the game every 20 minutes to go out and turn yourself into a smokestack, then coming back in an wafting that nauseating smell across the table, it's just too much for me. Especially the guys who go and buy the cheap crap off the reserves, which smell about 10x worse than regular smokes!
In a tournament especially I also see this as crap sportsmanship due to the amount of time one person wastes, going out and having 2-4+ cigs in a single game. (and I'll also ding an opponent's sportsmanship score as well, with an added comment such as "lost 20+ minutes of game time due to excessive smoke breaks - only played 3 turns & dude smelled like horrible gak!)

Apologies to guys here who smoke, it's nothing to do with thinking smokers are evil jerks, just that for health reasons, it hits me like a freaking freight train!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:24:13

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

People who stink.


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:35:40

Post by: tommse

People who keep fiddling around with their smart phones on my turn. That´s just rude. If you don´t wanna play, then simply don´t.
Btw I´m not a slow player and usually like some friendly trash talk, way better than just "hm, hmm, yeah"...

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:46:05

Post by: gmaleron

People who lack hygiene of any kind. Seriously its not hard to shower or to wear deodorant!!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:48:15

Post by: jasper76

 tommse wrote:
People who keep fiddling around with their smart phones on my turn. That´s just rude. If you don´t wanna play, then simply don´t.

This is one of my biggest gaming pet peeves, as well as one of my biggest pet peeves in general. Put the friggin phone down for 5 minutes!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 13:54:42

Post by: gardeth

As someone who has spent a LOT of time helping both newbies and veteran friends get a tighter grip on the rules I constantly struggle with "sticking my nose" in other peoples games. I think I have mostly gotten it under control and there are a number of people at my FLGS that now request my "attendance" at their games to help make sure they are playing things right (I would also like to think that my constant stream of humor has something to do with it).

That being said. One of the things that annoys me the most is the "silent fumer". The person who wants to disagree on a rule or thinks something is being played wrong but refuses to speak up. I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me or with going to the rule book to make sure that I am correct. This game has a ton of rules and its the rare individual that can keep them all straight.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 14:15:50

Post by: Gwaihirsbrother

The ignorant "cheese" crier. This guy doesn't see the list as a whole, just singles out a small part of it and calls out cheese sometimes when the offending unit got nerfed two or more editions prior. It doesn't matter if the list sucks and never wins, you brought that unit so it is cheese.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 14:30:07

Post by: Brother Michael

So, there are two things that annoy me the most during gaming.

First of all, there's people who constantly keep talking about off-topic stuff. And with this I don't mean a bit of friendly banter or chit-chat, I'm talking someone who attempts to start another unrelated story every other sentence. There's this one guy at my FLGS who always has a very strict schedule, yet has to be told to focus on the game at least twice a turn.

Then, there's kids. Sometimes at my FLGS the gaming time coincides with a painting workshop for ages 8+, which is usually attended by a group of about a dozen kids ages 8-12, and perhaps three or four older guys. During that time, you can't play a game without having at least three or four kids standing at your table at all times. Since both free tables are somewhat cramped in a corner, it's literally impossible to get to the other side of the table without having to ask someone to move. And not only that, there's so much more that keeps annoying me, such as: randomly taking scenery off/placing it on the table and starting to play with it; asking questions about the game and then asking the same thing five minutes later; interrupt players mid-sentence; knocking stuff over (last time they toppled my open half-full suitcase after having been told twice to be careful around it); getting in the way; not listening to the painting instructor when told to get back to painting; not listening to us when told to get back to painting; just not listening in general.

Although in hindsight, the suitcase thing might also be partially my fault

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 14:42:09

Post by: DanielBeaver

People who get pissy when they're losing badly.
(I do this. I would hate playing against myself.)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 15:19:48

Post by: Co'tor Shas

People who don't like terrain. I make terrain, and it's pretty good other than my complete lack of painting skill, but nobody seems to like to use very much terrain.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 15:24:32

Post by: reiner

Mostly, the hygiene thing kills me. I actively avoid game shops that smell like BO. I'm not talking about the occasional gas or the dude who just got off work, I mean the complete lack of personal upkeep that bakes into clothing vehicles and rooms. If a shop doesn't maintain it's cleanliness, I don't want to be there. It's gross and not worth the nausea.

Eating during the game or putting food/drink on the game table is gross as well. Ruin a figurine with greasy Cheeto fingers or knocking a Coke bottle onto one is the last thing I want to see for myself or anyone else. Respect for personal property thing here. Also goes into touching people's models without permission. I always try to ask even during a game.

As much as I enjoy the small talk during a game, please keep rolling dice while you talk. I've had to ask people to continue playing while they talk multiple times.

 gardeth wrote:
As someone who has spent a LOT of time helping both newbies and veteran friends get a tighter grip on the rules I constantly struggle with "sticking my nose" in other peoples games. I think I have mostly gotten it under control and there are a number of people at my FLGS that now request my "attendance" at their games to help make sure they are playing things right (I would also like to think that my constant stream of humor has something to do with it).

For some reason I get asked to help with rules in other people's games multiple times. I don't mind doing it but I still feel weird doing it. I keep to a silent observer unless engaged and I ask the players if they mind me watching their game if I intend to do so. It can be kind of weird. I'm not sure how many times I've gone from silent observer to book reciter. The positive is that I generally learn something.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 15:57:12

Post by: XenosTerminus

 tommse wrote:
People who keep fiddling around with their smart phones on my turn. That´s just rude. If you don´t wanna play, then simply don´t.
Btw I´m not a slow player and usually like some friendly trash talk, way better than just "hm, hmm, yeah"...

Agree 100%.

This is obnoxious, but unfortunately happens all the time. The prevalence of Smart Phones and social media have turned society into attention deficit/rapidly distracted people.

I understand having to step away for a moment to take an important phone call. Is it too much to ask to spend 2-3 hours out of an evening to play an interactive game, involving two people, and not check Facebook, Twitter, or text a dozen people for literally half the game?

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 16:22:45

Post by: DanielBeaver

 Co'tor Shas wrote:
People who don't like terrain. I make terrain, and it's pretty good other than my complete lack of painting skill, but nobody seems to like to use very much terrain.

Terrain is awesome.
I like your terrain. I've never seen it, but I'm sure that I like it.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 16:34:50

Post by: sierra 1247

I agree with the rules lawyer thing, though when I go to my flgs it's usually beginners day and there's a couple of young lads who look to me and my friends for advice and rules queries. They're good kids so we keep an eye on their games a bit cause they have been horrifically cheated in the past. A couple of times one of the other kids, ( there's always that one who's parents buy him every bloody army) has a 1000pts game and somehow manages to fit in 3 land raiders and about 30 marines. Things like that I don't mind helping with, especially if they ask about it. Though I wouldn't butt into other people's games, it just rude.

Then there's another kid who keeps butting into our games and asking, who's winning? During setup. Then the randomly picks up the tape measure I'm literally just about to use, grabs my models without asking. Hell he took a wing off one of my valks once.... little SOB..

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 16:36:55

Post by: Farseer Faenyin

When people follow a rule as written regardless of how it makes the game completely silly, non-narrative and unable to be played 'in the spirit of the game'. Somewhat subjective perhaps...but it is present none-the-less.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:38:25

Post by: ClockworkZion

MarsNZ wrote:
The attitude that's spilling in from 21st century video gamers where everything is 'bad' 'awful' 'terrible' etc, unless it's the best possible, in which case it's 'good'.

Same here. Especially online. I used to take Repentia just because the Internet said they sucked (back when they didn't suck). Same for a Warp Time Daemon Prince of Nurgle back when Dual Lash Princes were popular.

It's almost as if there are shades of grey in the game instead of a strict black and white on how good things are.

The internet aside, I'd have to say smelly gamers. I don't have the greatest sense of smell and when I can tell you reek you need to go shower in fire because water and bleach won't be enough to save you.

Loud players with poor sportsmanship (I'm talking about the kind who sound like they're shouting at you despite being only a foot or so away).

Basically donkey-caves are my pet peeve.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:41:59

Post by: Ashiraya

Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:45:27

Post by: Brother Michael

I think that, on a more general note, I can forgive everyone for nearly everything if they stop doing it when asked politely. Of course 'would you please stop smelling bad?' wouldn't exactly work, but you get the idea

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:46:27

Post by: gossipmeng

Players who don't know their own codex (and aren't knew to the game). I'm talking stats that are way off are a special rule that is used in a way which isn't even close to the intended purpose.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:53:57

Post by: rabidguineapig

 gossipmeng wrote:
Players who don't know their own codex (and aren't knew to the game). I'm talking stats that are way off are a special rule that is used in a way which isn't even close to the intended purpose.

One of my buddies didn't have the new Tau codex for the longest time, it's sooooo annoying waiting for someone to go check rules on a computer every 5 minutes because they downloaded it online and couldn't take the time to at least print it out...

Just buy the damn thing!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 20:56:15

Post by: Ailaros

tommse wrote:People who keep fiddling around with their smart phones on my turn. That´s just rude. If you don´t wanna play, then simply don´t.

Ugh. This.

I can get past people who can only think in logical fallacies, and people who have riper odors or greasy fingers (so long as they don't touch my stuff), and even people with kids, because, hey, you don't always get a sitter, and kid's gotta learn sometime.

But if you've got your phone out, that means you're paying attention to your phone. I never, in any way believe people when they claim that they can use their phone and do other things at the same time, as if the phone is merely filling in the excess brain power that they wouldn't have been using if they were interacting with me. You can not drive while texting on your phone. You can not hold a conversation with someone while you're reading something on the internet. It doesn't matter how much you think you can. You can't.

The point of 40k (among other things) is to interact with people. If you're not interacting with me, you're not playing 40k with me. If you're on your phone, you aren't interacting with me. You're on your phone, interacting with your phone. You can do that at home to as much compulsive excess as you want, but when you're here, you've got to be here. It's even worse than when I see people texting while at the movie theatre - at least there they're only wasting their own time and money instead of also mine.

Thankfully, I haven't really had to deal with this as most of the people in my gaming group are over the age of 25 and so have either learned or developed basic courtesy.

In the end, my only recourse can be the same as the unwashed and unrhetorical - a sense of compassionate pity - but with the phone, it's compassionate pity mixed with grinding irritation.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:01:18

Post by: viewfinder

 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:10:00

Post by: pm713

My peeve is when people just wander off. There's this one guy at my store who'll wander off at the start of a game come back at the end and then start demanding I kill him.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:11:04

Post by: Dr. What

My top 3 are:

1. Unclean/Poor Hygeine - Nurgle armies are cool, but real life Nurgle worshipers are not.

2. Walking away from the table during a game. At my first tournament, I had to play against a kid who looked to be around 14 years old and played Dark Angels. This would have been fine, but he kept running off (during both of our turns) to go speak to his father (playing Orks on the other end of the room), to ask him for tactical advice... In 2.5 hours, we barely finished the third turn.

3. People touching my models/codex without my consent. I am fine with you flipping through it, but don't rip it out my hands because you think you can find a rule faster than I can (how my first Ork codex was torn up). That same player also broke my Battlewagon by dropping it. I've never seen or played against him since and still don't have the all of my Battlewagon pieces.

Additionally, but less prominently, are the relatively careless typos, especially Dark/Blood Angles. There is no Legio Mathematica!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:14:14

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

I have two pet peeves, really.

1. People who play cheese lists in a casual setting. In the gaming club I'm a part of we have 1 such guy (who is also my friend). He is 1 of 2 Tau players we have at the club but he is the only person who builds cheese into his list. Just last meet he was going on about how we have not chance of defeating him because h had included some cheese unit, even though no one has defeated him yet.

I have no problem cheese-wise with anyone else. The other Tau player doesn't build cheese lists, it's just that he is an extremely good player.

I should note that because of this player a few of us have started to find some powerful (but not cheese-worthy) builds to try and counter him, for example me with grimoired seekers. Powerful but not cheese.

2. Terrain-Haters.I love terrain, and I love the way a board looks when it is covered in terrain. I don't mean covered as in a few bits here or there, or that there is no room to move, but with a healthy amount. There are a few people I know who set up the board to have no cover, or at least no usable cover (edges of the table, etc.) just so they can go 'see, terrain!'. The boards just look, when, terrible to me without terrain and since I play an army with next to no guns (daemons) I'm always at a bit of a disadvantage (for 1-2 turns, seeming I always deploy my fast units on the board)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:21:15

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Dr. What wrote:
There is no Legio Mathematica!

There totally should be. It'd be a bunch of really old men who weaponize math on the battle field to kill things.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:37:51

Post by: don.mcclain

Three things:
A Sore Loser: Hey, I am sorry you lost, it just wasn't in the dice today
The Sore Winner: Okay, awesome win, but do you have to go crazy about it? I know I lost, and I am fine with it... for now
And Hygiene: Sorry smokers, but I include you in this statement, since you should carry a small can of fabreeze, and every other ripe person, Take a shower

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:45:31

Post by: Las

 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.

It's ok we don't want to play with you either.

Btw did I miss something? Where are all these GWs and FLGSs that let you smoke inside? And here I've been hacking darts between games like a god damn sucker.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:46:00

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Dr. What wrote:
There is no Legio Mathematica!

There totally should be. It'd be a bunch of really old men who weaponize math on the battle field to kill things.
I'd play the hell out of such an army!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:50:51

Post by: Ailaros

Las wrote:Btw did I miss something? Where are all these GWs and FLGSs that let you smoke inside? And here I've been hacking darts between games like a god damn sucker.

I'm a little curious about this as well. The smokers at our FLGS go outside to do their smoking. There's no smoke that winds up in the store, and they generally don't come back smelling like smoke either.

In 5th edition, my foot guard army would take so long to deploy and move on the first turn of the game that it sort of became a running joke for opponents so inclined to take a smoke break in the beginning of the game. The question was what would happen first, I'd move all 160 guard models and get to the shooting phase or my opponent could nail an entire marlborough 100.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 21:56:16

Post by: happygolucky

Gamers who brag: Yeah its cool that you won that game or that unit X can do a lot of things but you really don't have to rub it in. every. single. time.

Arrogant gamers.

Ignorant gamers.



People who cover up their preferred style of gaming: if you want to play competitive just say so, instead of covering it up with excuses just so you could beat me at a game.

Gamers who cannot accept they are wrong on rules: For pete's sakes I just wanted to play a game not argue on how a certain rule works with you every 5 mins!

Just my pet peeves.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:05:50

Post by: Veteran of The Long War

People who b**ch about what I play.
"Oh you brought a Heldrake, you are such an @$$hole."
All it literally takes is politely asking someone to tone down there list, you don't need to go off on a rant about how cheesy there units are.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:07:46

Post by: Ashiraya

 Las wrote:
 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.

It's ok we don't want to play with you either.

Btw did I miss something? Where are all these GWs and FLGSs that let you smoke inside? And here I've been hacking darts between games like a god damn sucker.

Smoking during the actual game, mind you.

If one wishes to smoke elsewhere, that is fine with me.

But smoking anywhere near the table is a no-no.

Luckily I have yet to enter such a situation, however.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:08:02

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Matt.Kingsley wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Dr. What wrote:
There is no Legio Mathematica!

There totally should be. It'd be a bunch of really old men who weaponize math on the battle field to kill things.
I'd play the hell out of such an army!

"Drive me closer Steven, I want to stab them with my Compass!"

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:09:11

Post by: Las

 happygolucky wrote:

Gamers who cannot accept they are wrong on rules: For pete's sakes I just wanted to play a game not argue on how a certain rule works with you every 5 mins!

Just my pet peeves.

I feel you on this. It especially sucks that I'm forced to concede 80% of the time because the alternative is having a prolonged argument with some troglodyte over a plastic fething space wizard.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:30:29

Post by: greyknight12

There's one guy at our store who trash talks incessantly. It gets down to "your mom" jokes. He's pretty vocal about what he considers "cheese" and offers unwanted tactical and list building advice to everyone. If you disagree, he basically calls you stupid. Thing is, he doesn't actually play 40K anymore...he plays Warmachine, but he hovers around the 40K tables all day to heckle people.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:35:35

Post by: Grimskul

People who take the game far too seriously in whatever extremes, so when they win they showboat like crazy whereas in games where they lose they become incredibly pessimistic and whiny when they just have had bad case of the dice gods not favouring them. That and blaming their losses on their army and not on how they utilized their units improperly or optimizing their list efficiently. A sort of instant gratification mindset that many video gamers have in wanting to have instant access to whatever they wish with little effort.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 22:38:34

Post by: Co'tor Shas

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Matt.Kingsley wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Dr. What wrote:
There is no Legio Mathematica!

There totally should be. It'd be a bunch of really old men who weaponize math on the battle field to kill things.
I'd play the hell out of such an army!

"Drive me closer Steven, I want to stab them with my Compass!"

That sounds a bit like my math teacher...

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 23:03:46

Post by: danny1995

Personally people who are unwilling to play an opponent because they were beat by them before, badly. Not due to that persons actions, just the fact that they are ssuch bad losers they don't want to ever do it again.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 23:06:01

Post by: Ol'Dirty

Smoking in a game store sounds bazaar, I don't even think you can smoke in most buildings in the USA, I know a few states you can't even smoke in bars anymore.

I'm slightly guilty of the phone thing, but I have my lists on battlescribe which is on my phone, so if it's out it's 95% likely I'm double checking some stats or special rules for game purposes.

I'm fortunate to have a pretty chill local group so far. I think the only things that sometimes get me is playing suuuuuper slooooooow, or if you don't know what your guns do.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 23:11:50

Post by: Experiment 626

 Las wrote:
 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.

It's ok we don't want to play with you either.

Btw did I miss something? Where are all these GWs and FLGSs that let you smoke inside? And here I've been hacking darts between games like a god damn sucker.

As I said, for me, it's made 100x worse because of my own issues;
a) my long history of head injuries.
b) no one in my entire family smokes.

And yes, even smoking outside, then coming right back in, everything about you just reeks of ciggy smoke.
At our newly re-opened GW, it's not as bad because it's one large open room. But at our local indie store where the tables are in private little gaming rooms it's horrible! Same as when at a tournament half the players it seems spend their time between games lighting up. (another reason why I don't play in many tourneys any more)

I'm simply extremely sensitive, just as I am with @$$holes who douse themselves in half the freaking can of Axe or perfume!

Now ironically, plain BO is only a mild annoyance, due to the fact I've spent 20+ years living in arenas playing/reffing hockey for 6+months of each year, coupled with a couple summers working as a camp councillor...
You don't know what BO is until you've had to line-up a dozen plus kids, open up with the hose while throwing bars of soap at them! Or goalie equipment so beyond Nurglefied that you banish your teammate to their own dressing room... at the opposite end of the damn area, just to avoid the smell! (there was a reason our defense sucked massively that year!)

But second hand smoke just floors me every freaking time.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 23:14:51

Post by: Inquisitor Jex

 gossipmeng wrote:
Players who don't know their own codex (and aren't knew to the game). I'm talking stats that are way off are a special rule that is used in a way which isn't even close to the intended purpose.

This. And if I can expand on the idea; people who are playing for a while yet don't know the basis rules. And I'm not talking about rarely used one (like tank rush; never got around in my meta that someone used that, if only once) but I'm talking about running in difficult terrain, assaulting in difficult terrain, can you move and fire a heavy weapon at full BS etc etc.

Asking me for stats of my models all the time.. Sure first couple of times we play, only normal you ask what's my guardsmen's toughness, what's the str/AP of my weapons (since you never played against guard before). After 10 or so games, if you still don't know that guardsmen are toughness 3 and lasguns are 3/-, don't be shocked when I start being impatient when it's the 7th time you asked me in a single turn. I don't have Chaos/tau troops, but I played against them enough that I know the stats of their weapons and their attributes of their basic troops

Those who don't tell the details (or well, specifications) of their list. The number of times I get wounds scored, and then get a "Oh those modes are actually toughness 5" or "Oh that wargear does XYZ over what I told you before the game" or "Those ignore cover actually" followed by a "sorry, I thought you knew" or "I told you 2 weeks ago (off handedly while talking about something else) I thought you'd remember it"

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/07 23:30:07

Post by: oni

A lot of the pet peeves that have already been mentioned would bother me also, but one that really bothers me that I have not seen... People who leave their stuff all over the table.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:15:02

Post by: MarsNZ

Inquisitor Jex wrote:
 gossipmeng wrote:
Players who don't know their own codex (and aren't knew to the game). I'm talking stats that are way off are a special rule that is used in a way which isn't even close to the intended purpose.

This. And if I can expand on the idea; people who are playing for a while yet don't know the basis rules. And I'm not talking about rarely used one (like tank rush; never got around in my meta that someone used that, if only once) but I'm talking about running in difficult terrain, assaulting in difficult terrain, can you move and fire a heavy weapon at full BS etc etc.

Asking me for stats of my models all the time.. Sure first couple of times we play, only normal you ask what's my guardsmen's toughness, what's the str/AP of my weapons (since you never played against guard before). After 10 or so games, if you still don't know that guardsmen are toughness 3 and lasguns are 3/-, don't be shocked when I start being impatient when it's the 7th time you asked me in a single turn. I don't have Chaos/tau troops, but I played against them enough that I know the stats of their weapons and their attributes of their basic troops


It's extremely frustrating knowing your opponents codex better than they do after a brief perusal of the unit entries. I can recollect the statline of almost every unit in my codex and I don't even use 50% of the entries.

Also annoys me when proxying gets out of hand. Sure, you want to try a unit before splashing out the funds, I get it. I start to wonder when you've decided that yes, this unit is worth it, why you're now proxying multiple of said unit and have yet to purchase anything.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:30:36

Post by: Ailaros

Along the same lines, I've only had it happen to me twice, but never again.

People who don't own their codex. I don't mean people who didn't spring for the hard-back limited edition, I mean people who don't have a copy of their codex AT ALL. Not even an illegal version.

One of the times I played against a person who didn't have their codex, the game took at least twice as long as it should have, as he had to keep borrowing the store's copy of the codex and, due to particularities of the locale, couldn't bring the book back into the gaming area. And, because the person didn't own the codex, they weren't very familiar with its contents, so they had to look up a LOT of stuff. Even if he didn't keep having to shuffle back and forth, this would have been annoying enough.

But it didn't stop there. Because he didn't own the codex, he didn't know it very well, which meant he made a gagillion mistakes. Worst of which was bringing a ~1300 point list to a 1000 point game because he was remembering points values as best as he could off the top of his head.

Yes, I'm more experienced now, so I'm more likely to know things about my opponent's codex than I was before, and yes, you don't strictly speaking need to have the codex on you (if you've already memorized it backwards and forwards, like I have after playing over 100 games with my guard codex). But if you don't have your codex, it is likely a sign that you have no idea whatsoever about what you're doing.

And if that's the case, just ask and I'd be happy to do a demo or a low points practice game or something. Showing up with your 1850 points of models for a regular pick up game having only given your codex a few brief skims while at your friend's house...

Ugh... it's going to be a long night.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:33:00

Post by: the shrouded lord

 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
My no.1 pet peeve is (sorry guys) smokers.

I would never even consider playing against a guy who smokes.

If they want to kill themselves, fine with me, but they are sure as hell not going to drag me down with them.

Aside from that, I am in a decent enough meta and no peeves leap to mind.

Meh, I've probably already got lung cancer from second hand smoke. Both my parents have smoked all my life, I actualy wash my clothes the night before going to GW so I don't smell like it.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:46:02

Post by: MarsNZ

 Ailaros wrote:
Along the same lines, I've only had it happen to me twice, but never again.

People who don't own their codex. I don't mean people who didn't spring for the hard-back limited edition, I mean people who don't have a copy of their codex AT ALL. Not even an illegal version.

One of the times I played against a person who didn't have their codex, the game took at least twice as long as it should have, as he had to keep borrowing the store's copy of the codex and, due to particularities of the locale, couldn't bring the book back into the gaming area. And, because the person didn't own the codex, they weren't very familiar with its contents, so they had to look up a LOT of stuff. Even if he didn't keep having to shuffle back and forth, this would have been annoying enough.

But it didn't stop there. Because he didn't own the codex, he didn't know it very well, which meant he made a gagillion mistakes. Worst of which was bringing a ~1300 point list to a 1000 point game because he was remembering points values as best as he could off the top of his head.

Yes, I'm more experienced now, so I'm more likely to know things about my opponent's codex than I was before, and yes, you don't strictly speaking need to have the codex on you (if you've already memorized it backwards and forwards, like I have after playing over 100 games with my guard codex). But if you don't have your codex, it is likely a sign that you have no idea whatsoever about what you're doing.

And if that's the case, just ask and I'd be happy to do a demo or a low points practice game or something. Showing up with your 1850 points of models for a regular pick up game having only given your codex a few brief skims while at your friend's house...

Ugh... it's going to be a long night.

This has happened to me as well, it's very annoying. Like you, I took a bit of time and familiarised myself with my codex. Also like you I rarely have to reference it, yet I always bring it in case.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:47:36

Post by: Zande4

I guarantee 90% of people in this thread do the stuff they're complaining about (barring the specific stories and smoking) and just don't realise it.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 00:57:15

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Zande4 wrote:
I guarantee 90% of people in this thread do the stuff they're complaining about (barring the specific stories and smoking) and just don't realise it.

No, I bathe before going to my FLGS, don't smoke, don't wear body sprays, and don't get loud or angry.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:11:16

Post by: Ailaros

 Zande4 wrote:
I guarantee 90% of people in this thread do the stuff they're complaining about (barring the specific stories and smoking) and just don't realise it.

You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.

I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:12:50

Post by: Inquisitor Jex

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Zande4 wrote:
I guarantee 90% of people in this thread do the stuff they're complaining about (barring the specific stories and smoking) and just don't realise it.

No, I bathe before going to my FLGS, don't smoke, don't wear body sprays, and don't get loud or angry.

Second that. i also know the basis rules and the stats of most of my opponents' armies (barring the one I rarely play against, like Tau)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:15:54

Post by: TheCustomLime

I don't like it when opponents keep asking me the same exact questions over and over again. I understand that 40k is a complex and bloated game but it gets a little annoying after awhile.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:22:28


Teeth. OMFG Brush them. If you have a bad one get a root canal and a crown. I have noticed it with some players and it drives me friggin NUTS. Black teeth are CREEPY.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:25:19

Post by: Zande4

Congrats you 3 for being in the 10%

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:34:01

Post by: Darth Bob

I get really, really irritated if someone touches my models without asking.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:39:10

Post by: ravengatorfan

I hate it when I play people and when the game is over I like to talk over the game. This one guy I played said that "you would've done better if you stopped rolling ones" (which was true on first turn 12 dark lances I rolled 10 1's to hit, 1 1 to penetrate and thought out the game). It annoyed me because that's all he said after I was telling him how I though each thing he fielded did and what I though about the units he experimented with.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:46:47


 ravengatorfan wrote:
I hate it when I play people and when the game is over I like to talk over the game. This one guy I played said that "you would've done better if you stopped rolling ones" (which was true on first turn 12 dark lances I rolled 10 1's to hit, 1 1 to penetrate and thought out the game). It annoyed me because that's all he said after I was telling him how I though each thing he fielded did and what I though about the units he experimented with.

That is actually VERY considerate. I have to say that I am sure that some people may not like my personality because I will say some things just to get a laugh out of them. For example I was playing a game against a new kid at the shop ( he has actually become one of my favourite players there ) and he had a squad of bikes coming at my Death Company. I told him to " Get Some! " ... he hit them with a rad grenade and then shot them to death with plasma guns. After removing all of my DC due to the shots being AP2 and ID (T3 from Rad Nade) he said " Well? " I replied that my DC went down faster than my sister on her first date, and I aint talkin about Prom night .... the whole club was rolling.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 01:55:32

Post by: ravengatorfan

I guess I wanted more than that lol. It was a disappointing game and I didn't need the tactical advice your dice suck. I would've preferred you should've done this better. Positioned yourself better. Idk I just felt like he was being a sore winner (maybe I was disappointed so I took that as that way).

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 02:17:47

Post by: Sheokronath

Most of my peeves are embodied by my main opponent.

Ridiculous proxies - He's used Dreadnoughts as vindicators, vindicators as drop pods and most ludicrously those blocks of resin you get from FW minis as a Aegis defence line with a 2p coin as a quad gun.

Mishandling/touching my minis - Typically we play on the floor on a Realm of Battle board, one time he stood on one of my obliterators three times in a game.

Treating their own minis badly - Probably should annoy me, but when the first thing he does upon receiving a Storm Eagle is snap all the large bits in half trying to unwarp them without even trying to heat them then it irritates me.

Last minute lists - It bothers me less if you weren't expecting to play,but this guy will arrange a game with me a full month in advance and I'll have to wait over an hour while he writes his list and a lot of the time ASSEMBLE HIS MODELS BEFORE/AS WE PLAY. It's even more sillier when I realise he has over a hundred assault marines yet is always gluing a more together before the game, just bring the ones you have!

Sore winners/losers - One time, I watched this guy play a doubles game, a monolith scattered it's particle whip shot and wiped out the last of his team mate's units, a squad of tom brethren. Dumbo points at the Templar player and laughs at the top of his lungs for a good thirty seconds, attracting the attention of the entire store. Trashing people behind their back too, trying to make yourself feel better, because sometimes the loss doesn't hurt as much if strangers think your opponent is a douche. And deep striking your Plasma cannon devastators in to your own deployment zone on turn one is not a sound tactical move.

Being deluded on a unit's potential - Assault marines are not a squad of Bloodthirsters, please don't get your knickers in a twist because they're not knocking every unit they touch over in a single phase and Warp Talons are not Chaos' untouched golden unit that when people finally discover will require a reprint of the book to nerf.

Ignorant cheese criers - The one Heldrake in my list is not cheesy, if you fire your quad gun at my rhinos or intercept my forgefiend then don't be surprised when you find your men melting. And don't call my Decimator a "cheesy, game breaking apocalypse only unit" in the same breath you put a storm eagle on the board.

Long term gamers with no grasp of the rules - You've been playing 15 years, it's about time you learned the rules without having to check the rulebook a thousand times a turn and it's not 4th edition anymore, stop playing it like it is.

"Great painters" who give harsh advice - Spray painting your army black and slapping 7 coats of skulls white over the shoulders is not the Golden Daemon masterpiece you think it is, so don't be a **** to people who actually try.

People who get mad - I had an experience where this guy realised he couldn't win and demanded we skip the movement phase entirely and just roll dice, even skipping assault moves. No, play properly or waste someone else's time.

Everything else is mentioned! Rant over!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 03:07:43

Post by: sonicaucie

 sierra 1247 wrote:
I agree with the rules lawyer thing, though when I go to my flgs it's usually beginners day and there's a couple of young lads who look to me and my friends for advice and rules queries. They're good kids so we keep an eye on their games a bit cause they have been horrifically cheated in the past. A couple of times one of the other kids, ( there's always that one who's parents buy him every bloody army) has a 1000pts game and somehow manages to fit in 3 land raiders and about 30 marines. Things like that I don't mind helping with, especially if they ask about it. Though I wouldn't butt into other people's games, it just rude.

Then there's another kid who keeps butting into our games and asking, who's winning? During setup. Then the randomly picks up the tape measure I'm literally just about to use, grabs my models without asking. Hell he took a wing off one of my valks once.... little SOB..

I once played against someone who was a newbie and relatively young who thought his tau rail rifles on his infantry were strength 10 ap 1.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 04:22:11

Post by: greyknight12

For the longest time the main tau player at our store was shocked at how OP stuff like JOWW, heavy incinerators, and drop pods were. He normally ran 2-3 riptides. and a mini farsight bomb.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 04:39:07

Post by: alex87

Certain gamers who only apply the beneficial aspect of particular special rules whilst seemingly forgetting, or not reading the part that can be potentially detrimental.

I'd call it selective reading...

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 04:45:05

Post by: the shrouded lord

alex87 wrote:
Certain gamers who only apply the beneficial aspect of particular special rules whilst seemingly forgetting, or not reading the part that can be potentially detrimental.

I'd call it selective reading...

... Except it's really just being an ass hat.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 06:11:52

Post by: Sheokronath

Ignore this, misclick

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 06:25:41

Post by: gealgain

this is in reference to my last LGS-
magic players, more often than not, the magic players who stand there like wallflowers with their arms crossed saying things like:
"this game's too expensive" (usually compared to magic)
"this game takes too much space/too long"
"so, when are you guys going to be done?"
"so how is this different from the game on the PC?"
"you know that magic starts at 4, right? can you just move this into the back?"
"wow, you spent way too much time on painting that, i can tell"

This usually resulted in a lot of animosity between TCG and wargaming players. so when they had friday night magic, a couple of the more strong willed (and less patient) would have "friday night apoc" games starting about 2-3 hours earlier than the magic crowd would show up.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 06:30:06

Post by: Ashiraya

 the shrouded lord wrote:

Meh, I've probably already got lung cancer from second hand smoke. Both my parents have smoked all my life, I actualy wash my clothes the night before going to GW so I don't smell like it.

And they expose their kid to it?
That's quite the dickery.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 06:33:51

Post by: the shrouded lord

 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
 the shrouded lord wrote:

Meh, I've probably already got lung cancer from second hand smoke. Both my parents have smoked all my life, I actualy wash my clothes the night before going to GW so I don't smell like it.

And they expose their kid to it?
That's quite the dickery.

I don't live with my dad, but he smokes around a fair bit. My mum actuely goes out side of the house and behind the shed to avoid exposing me and my sisters.
It's probably worth noting that I'm 14, so I believe it would be legal to smoke in a car with me.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 07:54:08

Post by: PrinceRaven

When people who have legitimate complaints about aspects of the rules are dismissed as "whining".

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 07:59:42

Post by: Swastakowey

 PrinceRaven wrote:
When people who have legitimate complaints about aspects of the rules are dismissed as "whining".

When people have legitimate complaints dont shut up about them for 10+ years. Then expect people and companies to take them seriously.

(not looking to start a fight just humor )

Anybody notice how the kids with parents that buy them a ton of 40k tend to cheat and make up ridiculous rules and so on? All the kids I know like that do. One of them has a ÿou cant touch my codex"policy so the other kids cant check the rules. I sometimes linger there just to stomp on this kids parade (or to put it maturely referee) because the rues get out of control when a 8 year old makes it me up.

I dont know if its been mentioned but the people who pick up their hit dice really quickly after rolling, they annoy me too (unless its an exciting part, we all do it sometimes).

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 08:00:19

Post by: PrinceRaven

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.

I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

Yeah, that bugs me too.

Also, totally sigging this.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 09:15:43

Post by: tau tse tung

1. People that openly claim there going to win at the start or mid game, i ALWAYS try make the other player feel better if i can see them losing. For example if i see that look when i take out their best unit i would go "don't worry" or "oh wow, i did't expect that, what are the chances?" etc. Also when by turn 3 they have decimated you (half the time players who act like this are power gamers) they say "you can throw in the towel" NO you always finish a game, even if your stern, you finish, i just hate that smug attitude to gaming.

2. BO yeah...wash...please.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 09:18:37

Post by: Kain

People who try to argue line of sight when I used a god damn laser pointer to determine it.

Unless there's some kind of gravitational anomaly gremlin running around wargaming tables there is no arguing with a properly placed laser pointer for TLOS determining.

If there is and you have proof of it, take that stuff to the guys at the Hadron collider, your destiny lies far beyond playing with plastic toys.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 11:47:20

Post by: Zande4

 Kain wrote:
People who try to argue line of sight when I used a god damn laser pointer to determine it.

Unless there's some kind of gravitational anomaly gremlin running around wargaming tables there is no arguing with a properly placed laser pointer for TLOS determining.

If there is and you have proof of it, take that stuff to the guys at the Hadron collider, your destiny lies far beyond playing with plastic toys.

As someone who was vilified for trying to use a laser pointer this was a joy to read.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 11:49:12

Post by: Swastakowey

We got lasers for this purpose from the $2 store (like the cheapest store in the country) and they where all wonky lasers. None of them were straight. It caused a lot of confusion for a few minutes.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 11:51:16

Post by: the shrouded lord

 Swastakowey wrote:
We got lasers for this purpose from the $2 store (like the cheapest store in the country) and they where all wonky lasers. None of them were straight. It caused a lot of confusion for a few minutes.


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 11:52:43

Post by: Swastakowey

 the shrouded lord wrote:
 Swastakowey wrote:
We got lasers for this purpose from the $2 store (like the cheapest store in the country) and they where all wonky lasers. None of them were straight. It caused a lot of confusion for a few minutes.


As in they werent straight, yes it makes us sound slowed but no one clicked for a while. Add it to my peeve list. When lasers arent sited properly.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 11:59:33

Post by: the shrouded lord

 Swastakowey wrote:
 the shrouded lord wrote:
 Swastakowey wrote:
We got lasers for this purpose from the $2 store (like the cheapest store in the country) and they where all wonky lasers. None of them were straight. It caused a lot of confusion for a few minutes.


As in they werent straight, yes it makes us sound slowed but no one clicked for a while. Add it to my peeve list. When lasers arent sited properly.

That makes more sense.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 12:16:51

Post by: Blackhair Duckshape

People who don't put any effort into painting their army. I can deal with poorly painted armies, but I can't stand playing against someone who's simply primed their models and maybe coloured in a few details.

When people mistake my natural musk and coffee tinted teeth for poor hygiene.

When a kangaroo finds its way into the store and overturns the table I'm playing on.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 13:42:29

Post by: Farseer Anath'lan

 Blackhair Duckshape wrote:

When a kangaroo finds its way into the store and overturns the table I'm playing on.

I'm sure this happens so often. Where I live it's drop bears.

Seriously, B.O. When you have to travel an hour and end up having to deal with that..... No.

Rules lawyers and hoverers. I'm sure you can find something better to do. Please butt out.

But, we are all only human, and I for one intend to enjoy my time.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 13:53:59

Post by: AtariAssasin

My biggest issue is generally with the people who don't play but wanna check it out. I'm of the mind that the more people who are interested, the more people I have to play. That said however, I've had a number of adults walk up and just grab a model off the table and look at it. I've had parents grab my stuff before a game and open my boxes, and I've had kids shake boxes with models in them. This is usually after I explain how much time we all put Ito building/painting our models.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 14:00:36

Post by: Makumba

People asking why am I not playing tyranids or eldar. Somehow every male player thinks that I should either play one or the other.

The next close one is people being late for games. If I take a bus , then a train and can be on time, then someone who lives on the same street as the shop we play in, should be able to do it too.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 14:03:13

Post by: Kain

Makumba wrote:
People asking why am I not playing tyranids or eldar. Somehow every male player thinks that I should either play one or the other.

The next close one is people being late for games. If I take a bus , then a train and can be on time, then someone who lives on the same street as the shop we play in, should be able to do it too.

So you're a woman? Eh, changes nothing.

But Tyranids don't exactly strike me as the most feminine of armies. Or any gender really given that they're a sexless swarm of repto-bugs.

I'd have expected them to think you ought to play the Sisters, and of course; both Eldar varieties.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 19:14:40

Post by: thepowerfulwill

In all honesty, the only thing that ever made me think "I wish this person would go away" is when a guy picked up my codex and started flipping through it after he asked and I said no. (We were using it to mark the edge of our kill-team game board, I normally would have let him)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 19:25:34

Post by: Schlyne

 Kain wrote:
Makumba wrote:
People asking why am I not playing tyranids or eldar. Somehow every male player thinks that I should either play one or the other.

The next close one is people being late for games. If I take a bus , then a train and can be on time, then someone who lives on the same street as the shop we play in, should be able to do it too.

So you're a woman? Eh, changes nothing.

But Tyranids don't exactly strike me as the most feminine of armies. Or any gender really given that they're a sexless swarm of repto-bugs.

I'd have expected them to think you ought to play the Sisters, and of course; both Eldar varieties.

'nids were kind of cute back in the early years, from what I've seen of some of the models. Have you ever seen a Zoat?

They're certainly not now, and being cute wouldn't be why I play them.

As much as I enjoy occasional random off-topic conversation (usually 40k related) it bugs me when it happens in a group and we're trying to play a big game. Ok, there's 5 of us at the table, we've got 6k points going around respectively, and it's already taking us an hour to go through a turn. We're looking up rules we haven't used because they're weird situations, some of are relatively new/coming back to the game, and some of us are playing with units we haven't used before. Can we not go into random conversation for another 10 minutes?

Also, if you've come into the shop more 3 times, with your army, how hard is it to buy a freaking dice cube? Hey, I forgot my dice, a pen, or my book is one thing, but you keep coming back without dice? How hard is it to buy freaking dice?

I love battlescribe on my phone for making quick lists for when somebody wants to play a game, but man, I wish I could print it out :(

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 19:37:29

Post by: Chute82

I can't stand Gibbling (chess term) for that guy who walks up to your table and gives advice to you or your opponent. Drives me nuts. "Oh no don't move there you going to be with-in charge range of his Nobz" Or the guy who wants to see your list before he makes his own so he can tailor his army..

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 19:44:38

Post by: Happyjew

I usually write up a list on the spot, unless the game is planned in advance. Not for any "tactical" reasons, only because I bring multiple armies and don't know what I'm going to play. Instead of bringing a 500, 750, 1000, etc point list for every army, I ask my opponent if he has a preference as to what to play against (no point having lists for Eldar, if they want to try going against Nids) and how many points. The closest thing to an advantage I garner from this is I usually know what race I'm going up against, but not the specifics.

Now if a game is planned in advance (such as for our Veterans Nights) then I have a list ready to go before I leave the house.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 19:53:55

Post by: Ashiraya

 Kain wrote:
Makumba wrote:
People asking why am I not playing tyranids or eldar. Somehow every male player thinks that I should either play one or the other.

The next close one is people being late for games. If I take a bus , then a train and can be on time, then someone who lives on the same street as the shop we play in, should be able to do it too.

So you're a woman? Eh, changes nothing.

But Tyranids don't exactly strike me as the most feminine of armies. Or any gender really given that they're a sexless swarm of repto-bugs.

I'd have expected them to think you ought to play the Sisters, and of course; both Eldar varieties.

Hey, I play Chaos Marines.
I feel like I am the only one on the planet doing so without being as male as the models.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 20:02:23

Post by: Kain

 BrotherHaraldus wrote:
 Kain wrote:
Makumba wrote:
People asking why am I not playing tyranids or eldar. Somehow every male player thinks that I should either play one or the other.

The next close one is people being late for games. If I take a bus , then a train and can be on time, then someone who lives on the same street as the shop we play in, should be able to do it too.

So you're a woman? Eh, changes nothing.

But Tyranids don't exactly strike me as the most feminine of armies. Or any gender really given that they're a sexless swarm of repto-bugs.

I'd have expected them to think you ought to play the Sisters, and of course; both Eldar varieties.

Hey, I play Chaos Marines.
I feel like I am the only one on the planet doing so without being as male as the models.

My wife plays some CSMs as well.

So I've found the genders of two Dakkaites in one day; impressive.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 20:02:39

Post by: Imnewherewheresthebathroom

At my flgs we have a power gamer type who runs a Farsight enclaves list. If the tide starts turning against him he starts bogging the game down horribly. He wants to see every die roll, starts double checking every rule he could abuse, or thinks I am abusing. Worst of all I'll make a move with a crone or flyrant and he will challenge the distance I moved after I have moved the model. This essentially give him free reign to make me move the model back as far as he wants. I have mitigated the last bit to an extent by telling him I didn't move the full 24" (even if I did, but I'm not cheating and he is trying to) so it can't have been to far. I have also noticed he snatches his dice up very quickly on critical rolls. Which leads me to believe he is cheating. I trust other people to be honest in these games and I even have a tray I roll my dice in and I will place it in front of my opponent when rolling. So I find it suspicious when the dice are back in his hand before I could have had the chance to look.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 20:06:17

Post by: Kain

Imnewherewheresthebathroom wrote:
At my flgs we have a power gamer type who runs a Farsight enclaves list. If the tide starts turning against him he starts bogging the game down horribly. He wants to see every die roll, starts double checking every rule he could abuse, or thinks I am abusing. Worst of all I'll make a move with a crone or flyrant and he will challenge the distance I moved after I have moved the model. This essentially give him free reign to make me move the model back as far as he wants. I have mitigated the last bit to an extent by telling him I didn't move the full 24" (even if I did, but I'm not cheating and he is trying to) so it can't have been to far. I have also noticed he snatches his dice up very quickly on critical rolls. Which leads me to believe he is cheating. I trust other people to be honest in these games and I even have a tray I roll my dice in and I will place it in front of my opponent when rolling. So I find it suspicious when the dice are back in his hand before I could have had the chance to look.

That's some A-grade TFG behavior right there.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 20:12:09

Post by: jasper76

Imnewherewheresthebathroom wrote:
At my flgs we have a power gamer type who runs a Farsight enclaves list. If the tide starts turning against him he starts bogging the game down horribly. He wants to see every die roll, starts double checking every rule he could abuse, or thinks I am abusing. Worst of all I'll make a move with a crone or flyrant and he will challenge the distance I moved after I have moved the model. This essentially give him free reign to make me move the model back as far as he wants. I have mitigated the last bit to an extent by telling him I didn't move the full 24" (even if I did, but I'm not cheating and he is trying to) so it can't have been to far. I have also noticed he snatches his dice up very quickly on critical rolls. Which leads me to believe he is cheating. I trust other people to be honest in these games and I even have a tray I roll my dice in and I will place it in front of my opponent when rolling. So I find it suspicious when the dice are back in his hand before I could have had the chance to look.

Yeah, dice shennanigans shouldn't be tolerated at all. I have seen people roll dice intentionally into terrain to try and get smelly c. If its what they want, fine, if not, "Oh, that's smelly c...reroll!" Dropping dice 10 cms from the table in hope that it won't roll.

These are my real pet peeves. Fortunately, these issues are almost always cleared up if you call the player out on them directly. As in, "Either show me those dice rolls, or reroll them all."

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 21:16:52

Post by: Talizvar

Yes, seeing someone look down in their hand,
poke the one die around,
roll it straight down "just so".
This is called "natural rolling" and people seem to think it is not cheating just makes them VERY lucky.
I have dice towers, I say use them.
Or at the very least roll lots of dice with one different colored one to ensure no dice cheating.

The grabbing of miniatures without asking for permission is a top problem. Funny how in my experience at least half the time those that do not ask break something, say nothing, set it down and walk away.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/08 23:11:37

Post by: mredzadventure

I have been reading this thread and I have seen a lot of good information on what not to do.What would you recommend for the new guy. As a disclaimer I don't smoke I bathe regularly and brush my teeth on a consistent basis . I feel I am a gracious winner and looser. The game is supposed to be fun after all. I have been playing some games at home with my son to get a feel for the game I have yet to play a game at the local game shop. I want to make the right impression. I have a small Tau army and some Space marines and my own codex's so it looks like I am starting in the right direction anyway. I think my stuff will be painted pretty fairly I won't make the cover of the next White Dwarf but it is more then just primer. Like most things I suppose you get out of it what you put in it.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:11:56

Post by: Blackhair Duckshape

 mredzadventure wrote:
I have a Tau army
Well, there's your problem.

Other than that, as long as you're conscious of how others perceive you, you'll be fine.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:16:06

Post by: Zande4

 mredzadventure wrote:
I have been reading this thread and I have seen a lot of good information on what not to do.What would you recommend for the new guy. As a disclaimer I don't smoke I bathe regularly and brush my teeth on a consistent basis . I feel I am a gracious winner and looser. The game is supposed to be fun after all. I have been playing some games at home with my son to get a feel for the game I have yet to play a game at the local game shop. I want to make the right impression. I have a small Tau army and some Space marines and my own codex's so it looks like I am starting in the right direction anyway. I think my stuff will be painted pretty fairly I won't make the cover of the next White Dwarf but it is more then just primer. Like most things I suppose you get out of it what you put in it.

When you've made a dice roll, leave the successful rolls where they are and pick out the fails. People hate it when you do the opposite

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:17:22

Post by: Ailaros

There are people who pick out successes?


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:18:33

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?


Not many and it tends to be suspect as it's easier to cheat that way.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:39:02

Post by: Sheokronath

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?


Not many and it tends to be suspect as it's easier to cheat that way.

This is a problem? This is all we do in my local.

This is like the time I found out some people wipe sitting down.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:46:15

Post by: Matt.Kingsley

I do it either way as I do a quick scan of the dice and judge whether more have failed or succeeded and then I remove the smaller amount (more successes? remove fails, more fails? remove successes) I've never been ridiculed for doing it that way (though that could be because of the few seconds I leave them there before removal)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 01:49:02

Post by: Blackhair Duckshape

 Sheokronath wrote:

This is like the time I found out some people wipe sitting down.
Wait, some people wipe standing up?

I have so many questions, I don't know where to begin.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 02:00:17

Post by: kronk

Hoverers. If it isn't your game, NO table talk. Jerkface!

Bring your FAQ and rule book.

Chicks asking me for my phone number mid-game. Ladies, I'm taken. Too bad!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 05:32:32

Post by: Hollismason

People who pick up successes first when picking up dice after results are rolled are literal monsters. I hate that so much.

Oh also, I hate people calling things gay, and saying the word homophobic slur about things. I've called more than a few people out on it and it always creates this absolute horrific look on their face that I'd tell them to not use those words in my presence.

I'll relate my experience of going into a FLGS for the first time in a while. So I am perusing the new stuff as I hadn't seen any 40k models in a while and the salesperson comes up and we start talking about armies etc.. I said I was leaning towards Chaos and Necrons. I ask about Dark Eldar as I used to play that army. So he goes on this huge rant about how "gay" and refers to them in a derogatory terms. It's like seriously, the first time I go into a store in like 10 years and that happens.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 05:43:40

Post by: Makumba

 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?


makes rolling faster , because you can roll them again without needing to pick dice of proper color for normal weapons , hvy , special etc.

It is like always rolling 3 or 4 dice in warmachine at first people think that your boosting or cheating , but it is done to save time for a separate roll on spiral or grid chart.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 06:20:03

Post by: TheKbob

Playing against very young opponents. I've done my share of demo games at a GW store in the past and I find it's just frustrating as they get interested in other things, walk off, etc. More so when you know that other folks want to use the tables. I just feel like it's not the right setting to teach such a game to new young players.

Showing up to tournaments and getting paired with the "easy win" for the first third to half of the tournament. I show up to them for harder games against savvy generals. It's not really fun for me or my opponent if it's a one sided match in the least. I had a guy concede 1.5 turns into the game at my last tournament. :/

Not knowing basic rules at a tournament (BRB or Codex). When someone who doesn't play your army knows your army better than you, why are you there?

I think the most frustrating thing I have ever had happen was in 5E and I was in a competitive game against a Tau player. I had him backed to his board edge and was lined up to assault him into oblivion and suddenly "Oh my, look at the time, gotta run!" All while slow playing me to death. It took 2 hours to get to top of turn 3. D:

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 06:39:10

Post by: Belly

Thankfully i've not experienced dice-rolling shenanigans in my local scene.

We have a pretty good bunch of guys down at my local club. Most are social gamers, who all know eachother, enjoy some banter and bring along friendly 'themed' lists most nights (unless cheese has been prior discussed).

Then we had an Eldar/DE player show up for a couple of months, always looking for pick-up games with his stompiest, non-FOC complying, fluff breaking, deathstar abomination,
(Eldrad, Asurmen, Karandras and Vect in a squad of dire avengers w/ Exarch). Aside from the obvious issues with that, he continued to make, break and change rules as he liked, and would do the same every week, making the same 'mistakes'. He stopped showing up after a while, and this is the first i've thought about him since. He won't be missed.

mredzadventure - I like to think there's a heirarcy of priorities in playing 40k in a social setting;

1. Respect your opponent
2. Have fun
3. Follow the rulebook
4. Play to win

Ie, Don't have fun if you can't respect your opponent. Have fun over following the rulebook, it's more important you enjoy your game than get everything perfect. Don't break the rules to win your games.

In tournament play, following the rules is #1

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 06:49:16

Post by: Kain

Dear people who let rip farts after clearly indulging a high sulphur diet.

Frak you, go outside or to the bathroom and don't try to pass around the blame. No seriously, that is disgusting. Same goes for the people who just burp whenever, wherever.

From, Kain.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 13:55:40

Post by: gardeth

 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?


I used to do that when I played orks. Since the hits usually outnumbered the misses by a large margin. Of course I always got my opponents consent first and made sure he saw the results before I started picking up dice.

I have made people re-roll critical rolls before when they have picked up the dice before I could see them. Even going so far as to bring a judge over on 2 occasions. Keeping in mind that I was actively watching them roll and they still managed to roll out of my line of sight and pick them up again before I could move to see them....

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 15:20:36

Post by: Brother Michael

 gardeth wrote:
 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?

I used to do that when I played orks. Since the hits usually outnumbered the misses by a large margin. Of course I always got my opponents consent first and made sure he saw the results before I started picking up dice.

I have made people re-roll critical rolls before when they have picked up the dice before I could see them. Even going so far as to bring a judge over on 2 occasions. Keeping in mind that I was actively watching them roll and they still managed to roll out of my line of sight and pick them up again before I could move to see them....

I just usually apply what I call the 'one-second rule', meaning to wait a full second to let my opponent see the rolls before picking up whatever I need to pick up the least of.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 17:50:40

Post by: Overlord Thraka

Brother Michael wrote:
 gardeth wrote:
 Ailaros wrote:
There are people who pick out successes?

I used to do that when I played orks. Since the hits usually outnumbered the misses by a large margin. Of course I always got my opponents consent first and made sure he saw the results before I started picking up dice.

As an ork player, I can confirm that this saves a ton of time.

As for pet peeves, I don't really have any, aside from the obvious B.O and waac player. I know that I can be a sore loser when it comes to 40k, and i can be annoying by not paying attention at time. (Not on a smartphone as I don't own one, but I often zone out perusing my codex)

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 20:10:08

Post by: Talonair

My biggest peeve is people who don't tell you what units are equipped with when the unit does not comply with WYSIWYG. One example I can think of is drop-podding Sternguards close to a Riptide, and the guy proceeds to then tell me that it has the Interceptor upgrade. Stuff like that really annoys me

My second biggest one, as someone who enjoys playing with the Heresy rules, is people saying 'I refuse to play against you because forge world is OP. Now excuse me whilst I take out my five Wave Serpents and Seerstar...'

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 21:36:39

Post by: TheKbob

Talonair wrote:
My biggest peeve is people who don't tell you what units are equipped with when the unit does not comply with WYSIWYG. One example I can think of is drop-podding Sternguards close to a Riptide, and the guy proceeds to then tell me that it has the Interceptor upgrade. Stuff like that really annoys me

My second biggest one, as someone who enjoys playing with the Heresy rules, is people saying 'I refuse to play against you because forge world is OP. Now excuse me whilst I take out my five Wave Serpents and Seerstar...'

To be fair, there isn't any official bit for the interceptor upgrade. Some units would be quite tiresome to be 100% WYSIWYG such as Space Wolf Grey Hunters (all the weapons... ugh).

It's safe to assume that a riptide has Early Warning Override. One should ask, or when in doubt, know that it's a 5pt upgrade. It will probably ALWAYS be taken.

Also, not playing Heresy units in 40k is legit. There's a difference between FW units and Heresy units. The latter are not made for 40k; they are not stamped "40k approved."

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:11:57

Post by: mad_eddy_13

 DanielBeaver wrote:
 Co'tor Shas wrote:
People who don't like terrain. I make terrain, and it's pretty good other than my complete lack of painting skill, but nobody seems to like to use very much terrain.

Terrain is awesome.
I like your terrain. I've never seen it, but I'm sure that I like it.

Terrain is what makes the game unique, the fact you make your own is just cool. (give us a picture, my painting skills aren't the best either)

What really bugs me is people who won't play with anything thats not an official model, even when its converted to have the right weapons and wargear. My current club is really easy going (one guy makes a point of coming over and seeing what I've got thats new) and as long as its clear whats what they're fine with it. At the old club however I remember getting flack for wanting to use some converted Storm Troopers. All GW bits with codex approved loadouts but because they didn't come the right package they weren't allowed.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:27:06

Post by: Talonair

 TheKbob wrote:
Talonair wrote:
My biggest peeve is people who don't tell you what units are equipped with when the unit does not comply with WYSIWYG. One example I can think of is drop-podding Sternguards close to a Riptide, and the guy proceeds to then tell me that it has the Interceptor upgrade. Stuff like that really annoys me

My second biggest one, as someone who enjoys playing with the Heresy rules, is people saying 'I refuse to play against you because forge world is OP. Now excuse me whilst I take out my five Wave Serpents and Seerstar...'

To be fair, there isn't any official bit for the interceptor upgrade. Some units would be quite tiresome to be 100% WYSIWYG such as Space Wolf Grey Hunters (all the weapons... ugh).

It's safe to assume that a riptide has Early Warning Override. One should ask, or when in doubt, know that it's a 5pt upgrade. It will probably ALWAYS be taken.

Also, not playing Heresy units in 40k is legit. There's a difference between FW units and Heresy units. The latter are not made for 40k; they are not stamped "40k approved."

Yes, there isn't an official bit. But, the rulebook states that units must be WYSIWYG. I agree, it is impractical to enforce that, but simply informing your opponent of options that you have taken that are not displayed on the model, or are perhaps more subtle to display (i.e., how am I supposed to tell the difference between a power sword and a master crafted one?) at the start of the game should be done

This was very soon after the new Tau codex was released, and I hadn't had a chance to look at it thoroughly, so I wasn't even aware of it's existance

Had his reason for it been 'It's not designed for normal 40k', then I wouldn't have a problem. His argument was that it was overpowered and hence wouldn't play it, when all he fields are cheese lists

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:38:44

Post by: Poehammer

The biggest issue I have (that hasn't been mentioned) is people giving me unsolicited painting "tips", usually from people who are terrible painters to begin with.

It's similar to table-hoverers, I suppose. Don't give advice that isn't asked for unless you know the involved parties very well.

For instance, I'm not the best painter, but I'm fiercely proud of my models and I don't field anything that's not fully painted/WYSIWYG. Having someone repeatedly tell me how to "improve" my army, typically using buzzwords like "wash"/"drybrush" when they don't even know what they mean, really gets on my nerves. My painting is good enough for me, thank you very much.

Oh, and there's one guy who spray painted all his Finecast models sprue-grey so they match the rest of his half-assembled, bare plastic army. That's pretty great.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:41:34

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Poehammer wrote:
Oh, and there's one guy who spray painted all his Finecast models sprue-grey so they match the rest of his half-assembled, bare plastic army. That's pretty great.

That's like being heavilly dedicated to being lazy. If he just based his models with that color he could wash them in Nuln Oil and at least claim they were painted.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:44:16

Post by: Poehammer

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Poehammer wrote:
Oh, and there's one guy who spray painted all his Finecast models sprue-grey so they match the rest of his half-assembled, bare plastic army. That's pretty great.

That's like being heavilly dedicated to being lazy. If he just based his models with that color he could wash them in Nuln Oil and at least claim they were painted.

Even worse, he plays Ravenwing. He could prime them black and be halfway done. But nope.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:46:30

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Poehammer wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Poehammer wrote:
Oh, and there's one guy who spray painted all his Finecast models sprue-grey so they match the rest of his half-assembled, bare plastic army. That's pretty great.

That's like being heavilly dedicated to being lazy. If he just based his models with that color he could wash them in Nuln Oil and at least claim they were painted.

Even worse, he plays Ravenwing. He could prime them black and be halfway done. But nope.

Half nothing, that's like 3/4 done, especially if you don't have the feathers on the bikes!

That guy is like the figgin' Messiah of laziness!

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:52:43

Post by: Makumba

There are birds that have black feathers.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:53:13

Post by: ClockworkZion

Makumba wrote:
There are birds that have black feathers.

True, but Ravenwing traditionally has those in white.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Someone should really tell the Ravenwing that black birds with white wings are traditionally "Magpies" though.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/09 22:58:15

Post by: TheCustomLime

 ClockworkZion wrote:
Makumba wrote:
There are birds that have black feathers.

True, but Ravenwing traditionally has those in white.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Someone should really tell the Ravenwing that black birds with white wings are traditionally "Magpies" though.

Maybe in the 41st Millennium no one knows what ravens actually look like so they just picked whatever color was cool?

All he would really have to do is prime black, paint in the eyes and drybrush some boltgun metal. TT quality paintjob right there.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/10 12:56:18

Post by: TheCaptain

I think the most popular "peeve" here has probably been:

"People giving unsolicited advice/input during my games"

But my issue is that when I overhear someone playing a game, and they quote a rule wrongly, a rule that doesn't exist, or are unaware of a FAQ, I'm inclined to chip in and let them know, as well as their opponent (because more often than not the rule being misused is to the controlling player's favor) of how the rule actually works.

Trying to play someone else's game for them is one thing, but as someone with a solid grasp of the rules, I try to impart that knowledge on players at my store so that they can avoid rules issues in later games.

No sense in letting ignorance stand if you can help out


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/10 13:41:33

Post by: Hexwolf

When someone gets angry at me for playing the game.

I have literally lost track of the number of times someone has gotten upset at me for wiping a unit in one turn, or softening up a unit with shooting before I assault it.
I play a Dark Eldar Assault army and a Stealth Suit heavy Tau army, I feel like if I want to play aggressively so I don't lose horribly then that should be okay.

I spent a long time losing horribly to get good with the units I like. It isn't my fault your Terminators failed their saves, you weren't paying attention to that one unit on your flank, you
forgot that this unit had a special rule despite me telling you 5 or 6 times since we started playing and it CERTAINLY isn't my fault that you neglected to bring anything capable of hurting
a T7 monstrous creature even after I showed you my list before you wrote yours.

Okay, it's not a peeve so much as repressed rage.
Rant over.
Although I could go on.


Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/12 21:02:39

Post by: liquidjoshi

I am one of those guys that tends to chip in when I see a rule played incorrectly. My group knows me pretty well so it's usually ok, but I wouldn't try it in a new store or with gamers I wasn't familiar with.

My peeve? When my opponent decides to have a conversation with someone else, or just wanders off halfway through the game. I shouldn't have to call someone else over to make sure I'm not cheating the rolls for you.
The worst was when the above happened, as I was assaulting with a Shas'O. No, really. Turns out Fusion Blades will mess up MEQS

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/12 21:29:21

Post by: Wulfmar

After reading this and thinking *hmm, yes, I rather dislike that too*, I've still come to the same conclusion that my real, single pet peeve... as in the one designed to get my blood boiling, can be summed up in one word.


There are many reasons for it, and yes it is a force loved by many - I just can't stand them (that said, I *LOVE* to play them because the pretend notion of killing the little blue fish people excites me so much)

In general gaming terms though, it would have to be the following:
a) When people proxy, but without any effort. Lego? On the table? Please... I love conversions and enjoy seeing models from other companies put to good use - but if no effort has been made it just seems... insulting?
b) People lying about the rules and coming up with colourful interpretations that benefit them just so they can win.
c) The passive/aggressive nature of many players who are there to win first, and get to know the players second. Personally 40K is a social event for me rather than a purely gaming thing - I like to talk to my opponents and get to know them, not sit in silence opposite them while they leaf through their rule books and get twitchy each time you do something. If I want that kind of interaction, I'll go visit my stepmother.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/12 21:32:02

Post by: throwoff

My biggest peeve right now is my FLGS asking me EVERY SINGLE TIME I go in whether I will be coming to their gaming night that week.

They know me well enough in there and despite the fact they offer no real discount on GW product (10% off the top if you spend over a certain amount but nowhere near as low as what I could pay from Giftsforgeeks et al) I like the store, like the staff and frankly enjoy putting my hard earned into the till of a business that is in it for the love of minis and gaming.

I have told them countless times I will get involved once I get fully happy with my level of 6th ed knowledge, and get my force working at their point requirement.

Petty I know really but it does get my back up as it feels a bit much to keep asking.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 TheKbob wrote:

To be fair, there isn't any official bit for the interceptor upgrade. Some units would be quite tiresome to be 100% WYSIWYG such as Space Wolf Grey Hunters (all the weapons... ugh).

It's safe to assume that a riptide has Early Warning Override. One should ask, or when in doubt, know that it's a 5pt upgrade. It will probably ALWAYS be taken.

Also, not playing Heresy units in 40k is legit. There's a difference between FW units and Heresy units. The latter are not made for 40k; they are not stamped "40k approved."

I agree with this also, I give a bit of leeway on WYSIWIG, especially with Tau, there are so many upgrades that it is damn near impossible to magnetise the models to swap them out, poor form not telling you till you do something that the upgrade effects though, should all be on the army list before a dice is rolled if you ask me.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/13 01:57:32

Post by: Jaceevoke

I'm probably going to get a bit of hate for this and be called TFG, but my personal pet peeve is when people try to turn a game of Warhammer into a socializing event. Now I'm not talking about the niceties, like "how are you" or "nice weather", but when people try to get to know me and act like I'm their friend. And honestly even that wouldn't be to bad if I was a part of a club or group, but I'm not I only occasionally play a pick up game. And honestly if I wanted to socialize I would not go to a small, hot, cramped store that reeks of sweat that is filled with older guys.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/14 16:03:45

Post by: Talizvar

 TheCustomLime wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
Makumba wrote:
There are birds that have black feathers.
True, but Ravenwing traditionally has those in white.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Someone should really tell the Ravenwing that black birds with white wings are traditionally "Magpies" though.
Maybe in the 41st Millennium no one knows what ravens actually look like so they just picked whatever color was cool?
All he would really have to do is prime black, paint in the eyes and drybrush some boltgun metal. TT quality paintjob right there.
Coming from a Black Templar player (no, it is not an "easy" paint scheme, look at my pics), priming black is WORSE than leaving the model bare plastic.
You at least have a hope of seeing what the weapon they are carrying is.
Matt black is a blob where only spot lighting can make it clear what they have.
Worse, I used to play Black Legion with lots of conversions people were scratching their heads and I vowed I would not play them again until at least the weapons were painted.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/17 05:14:54

Post by: Kavish

When people pick up the hits instead of the misses. Especially if the dice have some sort of marble effect or something that makes it hard to tell what the result is.

Pick up the misses so we can get a good look and make sure the hits ARE hits. This game is not a trust exercise, and often you play people you don't know.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/17 07:32:27

Post by: niv-mizzet

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Dr. What wrote:
There is no Legio Mathematica!

There totally should be. It'd be a bunch of really old men who weaponize math on the battle field to kill things.

Army wide rules: The Legio Mathematica always obeys probability. Instead of bringing dice to the game, simply bring a stack of 6 cards, numbered 1-6, and shuffle them. Whenever you would roll a die, instead draw a card, and treat the number on the card as the roll's result, then remove that card from the stack. Whenever the stack of cards is empty, grab the used ones, reshuffle, and repeat.

Warlord traits:
1: "Prime directive" You gain a bonus victory point if, at the end of the game, your victory point total is a prime number.

2: "Nice roll, there" Whenever an enemy unit attacks your warlord's unit with a shooting attack, calculate the hypothetical result of exact probability occurring, rounding to the nearest whole number. If the opponent's dice rolls to hit are outside of a 10% variance, all shots miss instead.

3: "Isosceles formation" Whenever your warlord's unit and another friendly unit from codex: Legio Mathematica can form a perfect isosceles triangle with an enemy unit, all shooting attacks from the two units that you control gain twin-linked and ignore cover, as long as they are firing at the enemy unit that they are forming a triangle with.

4: "Hidden calculations" At the beginning of the game, you may deploy and/or reserve any amount of units, following normal deployment rules, but you may include models not on your army list. You must then ask your opponent, if he, without looking at any list or other resource, believes that you have the correct point total or below on the field. If he says you do, you may continue the game with whatever models you managed to deploy. If he says you don't, and you actually do, and your forces match those on your legal army list, you immediately gain a victory point, and may seize the initiative without rolling. If he says you don't, and is correct, you lose any forces that are not on your legal army list, and the opponent may then choose 3 units of yours and roll a d3 to randomly determine one of them. That unit is considered destroyed, and also awards the opponent first blood.

5: "You forgot to carry the one" At the beginning of each of your turns in which your warlord is alive and on the table, you may choose a numbered marker placed somewhere on the table or on a model. This may be a marker denoting a vehicle damage result, a mysterious terrain result, a wound counter, hull point counter, or any other number that may be represented by a die sitting on the table. You may increase or decrease that die by up to two. This new effect becomes permanent as if the old result was never there. You may not reduce a counter to below "1."

6: "Pop quiz." Once per game, at the start of your shooting phase, you may pick a number from 3-10. All units on the table that have a number of models equal to the number that you chose, or a multiple of the number you chose, immediately suffer a wound with no armor or cover saves allowed. Your warlord must be alive to use this ability.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, and as for the topic:

We have one guy who will throw in the towel unbelievably early. Like, so early that if he weren't packing up his army, I could probably steer it to victory still.

I've seen him give up in turn 2 after losing about 400 points of army out of 2k, and recently a turn 3 where an archon warlord failed a shadow field save about 5 saves in and died to s6 insta death. Armies were still fairly even in that one.

I mean, the game takes a good bit of time to schedule and set up. Someone else could've been playing rather than him taking up a time slot just to pull his army out and put it back up.

Someone really should've told him that dark eldar was not the race to play if he was gonna be upset at taking losses.

Pet peeves in gaming? @ 2014/04/17 12:36:26

Post by: ClockworkZion

 Talizvar wrote:
 TheCustomLime wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
Makumba wrote:
There are birds that have black feathers.
True, but Ravenwing traditionally has those in white.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Someone should really tell the Ravenwing that black birds with white wings are traditionally "Magpies" though.
Maybe in the 41st Millennium no one knows what ravens actually look like so they just picked whatever color was cool?
All he would really have to do is prime black, paint in the eyes and drybrush some boltgun metal. TT quality paintjob right there.
Coming from a Black Templar player (no, it is not an "easy" paint scheme, look at my pics), priming black is WORSE than leaving the model bare plastic.
You at least have a hope of seeing what the weapon they are carrying is.
Matt black is a blob where only spot lighting can make it clear what they have.
Worse, I used to play Black Legion with lots of conversions people were scratching their heads and I vowed I would not play them again until at least the weapons were painted.

In the case of Ravenwing, they're all on bikes so it gets easier to see who has the extra wargear and what it is.