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Made in us
Been Around the Block

Been working on this for about a week thus far, see more at the blog below:

[Thumb - IMG_0086.JPG]
Raven Claw 5 man

[Thumb - IMG_0111.JPG]
Raven Claw 2

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/08/17 02:21:05

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
Made in ca
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


The whole model is sharp and neat looking.

But white seems sort of chalky so it stands out.

           ◂◂  ►  ▐ ▌  ◼  ▸▸
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O H I am in the Webway...

I agree with luna on the white but overall it looks very nice.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster and if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you  
Made in us
Been Around the Block

The white "chalky" look is a result of using some watered down codex grey around the should pads. It looks better in person under natural light. I may clean that up, the only issue then is there is a very bright light grey outline. Ill give it a try...

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Blog recently updated, leave a comment to the tactica:

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
Made in us
Doc Brown

Your skin is too dark. Raven Guard are known to be very pale and having black hair like Corax. Not that big of a deal, but something to bare in mind. A lot of elf flesh highlights are your friend.

"From the fires of Betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favored Son of Chaos, all praise be given to him. From those that would not heed we offer praise to those who do, that they might turn their gaze our way and gift us with the Boon of Pain, to turn the Galaxy red with the blood, and feed the hunger of the Gods."

-Excerpt from the Three Hundred and Forty-First

Book of Epistles of Lorgar

Cheese Elemental wrote:That made me think... what's a good pick-up line in the Imperium?

"Hey baby, my plasma cannon's running hot and I need to purge you in the name of the Emperor tonight."
Made in us

Not to mention black eyes too.

But all of these 'mutations' surface later in the Marine's life.

So, maybe these Ravenguard aren't 'old' enough yet?

Anyway, nice looking models from one of my favorite chapters.

And, I think the white looks rather nice. Not too thick, as often happens when people paint white.

Overall - excellent!
Made in us

Arlington, VA

1: If you ask for comments on your blog, it helps to enable comments.

a different "take" on doing a "BA-like assaulty list" is to use 'counts-as' and build a BA-list painted as RG.

something I'm toying with for 1500:
Honor Guard (5) w/ jump packs, melta x2, melta bombs x2,
HQ 480

Death Company x7 w/ jump packs
Veteran Assault Squad x5 w/ melta x2 and melta bombs x1
Veteran Assault Squad x5 w/ melta x2 and melta bombs x1
Elite 385

Assault Squad +(5) w/ power fist
Assault Squad +(5) w/ power fist
Assault Squad +(5) w/ power fist
Assault Squad +(5) w/o jump packs in rhino
troop 635

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Noted - now Anyone can comment (not just open ID users).

Yeh, the thing im going through the most challenge with is painting the raven guard symbol. Not the easiest one to paint WELL... Ive posted some new photos on the blog too.

As for the symbol, I was able to craft a good looking symbol out of green stuff, however without a mold It just taks too much time to make them uniform. I was thinking of getting decals made, anyone ever try that? I know its difficult for RG given the symbol is white...

Your Thoughts?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
As for the white skin, I did dry brush some more bleached bone over it to brighten up the tone. And for the white helmet/PF, ive made my mistakes in the past when painting with white... I actually did about 5-6 very very thin layers of white drybrush to achieve a thin coat. sometimes white is caked on and it looks like a marshmallow fists. I found white and yellow are colors you have to be careful with.

just incase anyone was interested, i actually stripped all these models down with simple green, worked like a charm (especially on GW paints).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/22 00:55:20

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

ultra vulkan wrote:As for the symbol, I was able to craft a good looking symbol out of green stuff, however without a mold It just taks too much time to make them uniform. I was thinking of getting decals made, anyone ever try that? I know its difficult for RG given the symbol is white...

Your Thoughts?

BOLS has a Raven Gaurd decal sheet design here.

Made in ca
Guardsman with Flashlight

the_Armyman wrote:
ultra vulkan wrote:As for the symbol, I was able to craft a good looking symbol out of green stuff, however without a mold It just taks too much time to make them uniform. I was thinking of getting decals made, anyone ever try that? I know its difficult for RG given the symbol is white...

Your Thoughts?

BOLS has a Raven Gaurd decal sheet design here.

I AM SAVED...My Raven Guard army....so much pain painting bad free hands..... My hero!

DoWII: The Raven Guard
Go imperial guard!
2000 Point Cadian Army
1000 Point 878 Detachment
1850 Point Raven Guard Army 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I had some success free painting the chapter symbol. I was surprised, just took some practice... see pics in blog...

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I recently updated the blog. Please take a look and leave your thoughts on the blog, or anything raven guard! Thanks

2000 points (about 1700 points painted)

800 points Orks (just starting up) 
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