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How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!)
I dont want to think about it

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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I can only guess, but my best guess is at a minimum of $3000+.
I know the total retail value of my everything is in excess of $10,000, but I can't use that number as a basis given how much of what I have was second-hand (so, 50% of retail or less).
One day I will do the math on this, and then I will allow myself to be sad about it. And then hopefully I can use that sadness to motivate me into finally getting everything painted.....
Made in us
Unbalanced Fanatic

Atlanta, Ga

Yeah, let's just say that 40k, 30k and all it's associated hobbies.

Are not exactly cheap..

I've fielded four armies in the past and I'm currently batting with a little over 5k pts in GKs right now. 6k in IG, not including traitor guard. As well as around 2.5k in Crimson slaughter and Iron Warriors for my CSM armies. Hell, I have a ravager titan still in three pieces somewhere. Along with a Knight: Paladin build from when they first launched.

That's only just accounting for the last three editions of the game. Not counting my 30k either.

One has to wonder. Do the Tyranids consider drop-assault troops... fast food? 
Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan


An old poll but interesting to think it over. I've been in the 40K hobby over 30 years now and have no real way to know how much I've spent. I voted the $30-50K range as an estimate without factoring in conventions and tournament costs. However, it does not bother me as I've derived so much enjoyment and comraderi from this hobby.

No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I don't even know how I'd begin to calculate this...

I've been painting miniatures of one form or another since the early 1980's, 40K since 1989...

Original dollars?

Current dollars?

Oi - ultimately I think the answer would be "way too much"! *lol*
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

In US dollars I can't be 100% sure. Between 3rd and 4th edition I probably spent around $2000 AUD. Between 4th and 5th edition I probably spent another $2000. Between 5th and 6th that probably jumped up to $4000, basically all FW models here. Between 6th and 7th it dropped drastically, probably around $500 and that was basically just books.

I stopped playing later into 7th because of all the formation bs. Came back into 40k towards the end of 8th. I've maybe spent around $250 on books in 9th.

So $8750 AUD roughly. Punching those numbers in a converter it's giving me roughly $6500 USD.

That's just Guard stuff too. I don't touch any other factions.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/07/15 11:32:38

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

I don't know how to calculate it because I've been buying models since 1987 and they were DANG cheap back then.

In 1993 I bought my entire eldar army for $25 (10 of each aspect, plus farseers, warlocks, pheonix lords, etc) and then picked up the vehicles to support dirt cheap.

And in the past GW has sales on things, and auctions. So Apocalypse was a great time to buy guard vehicles to loot.

Also it's been a no brainer to pick up a Beasts of Chaos army for the last 18 years because they've been so bad for so long people gave them away for peanuts.

I would guess $5k max and that's 5 huge armies plus loads of others.

Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I've been doing this for nearly 27 years now. Back in the day an army of space marines was some $2/ model and tanks were about $30 so an entire army was $120. But over time I've picked up some 15 armies (9 40k; 6 AOS). Moat of my armies average 2500 points but a couple of my armies are very large. My Vampires and Slaves are about 5-6,000 each and my Dark Angels is 8,000 points. My smallest are Beastmen at 1500 points and Ultramarines at 1500 points.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Not sure whether to be proud or ashamed, but in over 30 years of playing Warhammer games, I estimated well north of $50K. Taking just Blood Bowl into consideration, one of the least expensive aspects of the GW hobby, I have around 35 painted teams. Each ran somewhere in the. $100-150 range to purchase with full positionals etc. So that’s $3500-5000 ish. Add in the cost to paint them all (I pay a contract painter $400/team) and that’s another $11000 (only 28 of them are painted thus far). Plus half a dozen pitches, dice towers, rules for multiple editions, Blitz Bowl versions, Dungeon Bowl, dice for every faction etc I imagine is another $2000. Not to mention Figure cases for them all at around $70 each…. Damn, I might have $20K in Blood Bowl alone. Not to mention multiple 40K armies, a dozen Kill Teams, Warmaster armies, Mordheim war bands, a couple of AOS armies and every Warhammer Army including Chaos Dwarfs, DoW and Kislev…. Actually my estimate might be waaaay low…

I know there are other old timers out there like me… help.
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Hah wow this is an ancient poll! I've spent more on vintage machinery than I have mandollies, so that's a fair way of justifying the hobby I suppose.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

According to shopify records I have spent $5,600 in a little under six years at my main store. This does not count the second, less supported store. Nor does it count custom bases, online orders, conventions, or trades.

It also does not count the twenty years of gaming before the current store opened.

Meh, worth it.
Made in no
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

 Ashrag wrote:
Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

I would say it is normal.

I have been collecting since 1999 and would say I've spent about the same; a little above 30k.

For both of us thats around 100 dollars each month on average, on the hobby.

30k is a lot of money. But just painting supplies, glue, terrain, a crapload of books, bases, flock, a few tools and carrying cases? Minimum 5k in total through the years.

I've been yearly to tournaments the past 7 years, which alone is about 1000 dollars in average in plane, hotel, food and a few boxes of latest shiny to keep my existing army competative.

So that leaves 18k to account for. Looking at GWs webstore, a 2k 40k army costs around 800-1000 dollars (outside combat boxed sets). Matches the 8 WHFB armies and eight 40k armies I have bought from scratch, pretty well.

Then there are a few boxed sets bought back in the days, like Mordheim, Hero Quest, Space crusade, a few failed forays into stuff like BFG, and a few computer games and a handful of Thanquol novels.

Let the galaxy burn. 
Made in pe
Regular Dakkanaut

Since 2007 I’ve spent maybe $2000 and had lots of armies, but I’ve sold all but one of them and broken even. Because GW increase prices at such a ridiculous rate, all the stuff I’ve had in the past easily sells for its value on eBay, especially when I’ve painted it
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Columbus, Ohio

Good God. I have no idea, but I shudder to think what it would amount to if I'd spent it on Microsoft equities instead

First, all means to conciliate; failing that, all means to crush.

-Cardinal Richelieu 
Made in us
Basecoated Black

United States

I stared my journey around 2012 so it has to be a couple thousand at this point lol.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I have been buying and selling my armies for 13 years now so in total it's about 30k, but thats been funded by the hobby itself.
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