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A Positive poll about 40K!!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
What do you love about 40K?
The Models!!!
The Building!!!
The Painting!!!
The Playing!!!
Matt Freaking Ward!!!!
The Fluff!!!
The chance to use ORK humor and not seem wierd!!!
Obligatory All of the Above Option!!!

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Made in es
Morphing Obliterator


The bakground. The more the grimdark the better.

And the over-the-top feeling

And the crazy & hilarious things.

‘Your warriors will stand down and withdraw, Curze. That is an order, not a request. (…) When this campaign is won, you and I will have words’
Rogal Dorn, just before taking the beating of his life.
from The Dark King, by Graham McNeill.
Made in us

 da001 wrote:
The bakground. The girmdarkier the better.


Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter


As the first person to vote in the poll, it's the background, and the ability to be Orky when appropriate (and often when not) and not be considered a loon by all (just most).

It is best to be a pessimist. You are usually right and, when you're wrong, you're pleasantly surprised. 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Vallejo, CA

I voted for (among other things) the ork humor, but I think it could be broader than that. Grimdark is a form of humor, and not just in orks. It's great having a super jargony format for inside jokes.

Come to my FLGS, and you'll hear the tagline about the Inquisitor saying "get in the van!" to soon-to-be henchmen, or "you are the worst conscript" or endless jokes about Marbo. I got a "the stig" thing started a few months ago.

"Some say he's never seen a movie because he's always at the back of the queue, so can never get a ticket on time."

"Some say that he's always late because he has to be the last one into the room."

"Some say that he's had several girlfriends, but never once has he looked a woman in the eyes."




So much goofiness available through grimdark. Gotta love it.

Your one-stop website for batreps, articles, and assorted goodies about the men of Folera: Foleran First Imperial Archives. Read Dakka's favorite narrative battle report series The Hand of the King. Also, check out my commission work, and my terrain.

Abstract Principles of 40k: Why game imbalance and list tailoring is good, and why tournaments are an absurd farce.

Read "The Geomides Affair", now on sale! No bolter porn. Not another inquisitor story. A book written by a dakkanought for dakkanoughts!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

Literally everything about the game save for the marketing strategy of GW is a favorite of mine when it comes to 40K.

There's a reason why even though I complain about how things are currently, it's been 20 years since I bought my first 40K model and I still love 40K.

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in gb
Preacher of the Emperor

The fluff is probably the main component of my enjoyment. Enjoy reading it, enjoy disussing it, enjoy debating it. Just such an interesting universe to explore and play around with.

The models are also a great apsect of it, though. It's pretty damn cool to see a squad of minis that you've modelled and painted yourself all standing together. And I just like the appearence and aesthetics of the models in general.

Order of the Righteous Armour - 542 points so far. 
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