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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Looking sharp! I like how the tanks came together. I personally might have shaded the guns a little more towards black, but what you have looks more applicable for someone doing real camo.

I like the bricks and wire on the bases. Captures the urban theme quite well. How did you do the sandbags?

Keep on plugging away. Onward, to Victory!

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Great stuff, tanks and meatshield... err, guardsmen are looking good. The Tank Commander will be Awesome with a capital A.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Tanks loom great mate and the gaurdsmen nice snd crisp. I would do something with the eyes tho as they seem zombie like at the moment. Maybe a curved line of flesh tone above each dot for eyelids?

All in all a good update mate. Looking forward to you getting back to the brotherhood...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Changing Our Legion's Name

is a HUGE fan of the colour green... and im not talking bout scorpian green. More chaos black/ catachan green

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Afternoon everyone!

Thanks for your comments everyone.
Nev, the sand bags are from secret weapon miniatures. I got 50 sandbags, razor wire and wire mesh from them.

So, I spent a good amount of time this weekend doing various hobby stuff.
Saturday saw me build two of the russes. One was half built in the previous update, the other was still on sprue. Also I managed to put together the HWTs.
I primed the LRs and HWTs on Sunday. Also, I managed to put down a base layer on the Thunderbolt. Same pattern as the Vulture. (Unfortunately, no pictures of this yet)
Today, I was going to do the camo on the LRs, but after yesterday's long airbrush session, I couldn't bring myself to do that. So, instead I settled for the Vulture. Which is now FINISHED! (Well, wanting a matt vanish, but that's tomorrow's problem...)

It's amazing what some pannel lines and paint scratching does for a paint job. And that nose art... I'm glad you encouraged me to do it. Whilst 'perfect' doesn't come to mind, it does look awesome
Painting the teeth wasn't particularly hard. The hardest part was painting the shape of the mouth, and getting it symmetrical. I painted the shape in grey (GW Celestra Grey base colour). I gave it 3 layers for a nice solid cover, then used black to mark out the teeth and fill the gap. I did the tongue in red, 3 layers because the red I was using was particularly weak. I then went in with black to touch up the lines, then white to touch up the teeth. Painting all those tribal markings on the Scars definately helped

I might try and base the Karskin today, too. But that's for another update...


This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:39:31

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Awesome is indeed the word for those teeth, it's just taken the (already scary) Vulture to whole new levels of Badass.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York


Love the nose art, very well done. Adds a lot of character to the flyer. I don’t know if it’s something you want to do now, or latter as you actually tally them up, but it’s be fun to get some kill markings below the cockpit. The kind of pilot that paints a shark mouth on his fighter is probably the same kind of guy who tracks how many dakkajets or battlewagons he blows up.

The tail boom could also use something. I’m not sure if you plan on doing the colored stipe to designate squadrons, but that could fit. Or just an aquila or unit numbers stenciled in. Something to help break up the grey at the back of the model. Obviously, it’s a very front heavy mini, so I think it could use a little something to help balance it.

If not, not a big deal. It looks great as-is.

Made in gb
Changing Our Legion's Name

you could add some worlds on it or a kill count?
teeth lokk very sharp and pointy

is a HUGE fan of the colour green... and im not talking bout scorpian green. More chaos black/ catachan green

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:

lol, awesome. I'm going to have to resist the urge to yell this when I throw 20 dice for the punisher cannons.
The nose art got a bit of attention at the LSG this past Tuesday
And I'm going to keep count of everything I kill with it, for the sake of kill markings (which i'll add at the end of the campaign). So far, it's killed 3 raptors and a pimped out Chaos Lord.

It's been almost 2 weeks since I gave an update, and I've got nothing for you :(
I'm right in the middle of my exams, and whilst I am drifting over do some painting between studying, it's only really for the mental break and I'm not really making any progress.
I'm (very slowly) working on the HWTs, and putting the Kasrkin on bases ready for priming.

So, the new rule book it out for preorders...
Excited? YES! I'm (very tactically) going to pre-order it after Wednesday. That way, it gets shipped on Monday, and arrives after my final exam. That's one less distraction to fight!
I love the fact that they are in 3 smaller books. The main problem with the massive BRB was that it was, well, massive. Having the BRB that is roughly the same size as C:SM is a lot more manageable.
I watched the video for the big £200 limited ed box. That thing looks awesome, I was drooling all over the place But, after some careful consideration, £200 is better spent elsewhere... lol.

Not much from me, but there will definately be more soon (in a week or so?)

Made in gb
Changing Our Legion's Name

just buy the rulebook by it'self?

is a HUGE fan of the colour green... and im not talking bout scorpian green. More chaos black/ catachan green

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hey guys,

Hope everyone's week is going alright.
Here are my HWTs finished

I placed my order for the rulebook. Fingers crossed for early next week delivery.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:41:17

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Look good. Two out of three of those HWTs need to go back to basic and learn how to entrench properly. Those sandbags are not high enough to stop fire.

Probably explains all the screaming. Are there only two heads with the HWTs? Cool guy with the shades down and screamer?

First pic spotter: Save your ammo, I got this <toss grenade>
LC spotter: HOLY <bleep> Shoot it! Shoot it NOW
And that last AC gunner looks like he’s just going to hold the trigger down, spraying bullets everywhere until he runs out of ammo. Then the spotter is going to have to come over and pry his hands off the grips. That guy has lost it.

You have to love guardsmen.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Look good mate. I would either drill or paint the barrels on the AC's tho. Otherwise nice and crisp/uniform

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/22 14:15:09

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Thanks fellas

So, I've put together the Vanquisher from FW...

It's a great looking piece. The length of the barrel is so intimidating...
You can also see my Kasrkin lined up in the back, getting the treatment. I've done their bases and almost finished their cloth. Still a bit to go. They have lots of hard armour, so thats going to be a tough slog to batch paint...

Anyway... The rule book is out Mine arrived this morning at 9am, on the dot.
The 3 books are great. The pictures across the board are pretty awesome (It's a shame most of the White Scar's pictures I noticed were recycled from the codex :( ).
But anyway, I've started reading the rules. I'm up to the assault phase, which will get read tonight. So far, the psychic phase really strikes me as awesome. It's a complete revamp, which in itself is refreshing. From my personal experiance, and what i've read, I dont think it'll be too devastating. I'm definately going to get myself a Libby. Biker libby with 2 rolls on biomancy... mmmm....
The Shooting phase changed a bit. You now have to shoot, and totally resolve all the shooting for each weapon in the squad one at a time, now. It struck me as an interesting change, and I guess we'll see the impact over the next few weeks.

This Tuesday, I'm going to try and get down to the LGS in the afternoon. To try and get multiple games it. I'm going to go with my Scars (yay, first outing for my scars in a long time!). And if I remember, I'll take along my camera, and get some mid-battle pictures of them running rings around the enemies of the imperium

What do you guys make of the new rules? Any new lists / tactics you want to try out as a result of the rules?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:41:54

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Vanq looks awesomely intimidating. That's a big gun...

Also, I somehow missed the HWTs, but I have to agree with Nev, the expressions are priceless and really characterful.

No idea on the new rules yet, I won't be buying the book for a while if at all (my group will stick with 6th for the foreseeable future) but while some changes seem to streamline and make some things more logical, I must admit I'm not a fan of the new psychic phase. I always liked how understated 'magic' was in 40k, 6th's increased focus on it was fine but a whole phase seems a little too fantasy-eque to me. As a mechanic I'm sure it's interesting, but m not a fan myself.

What are your thoughts on the jink changes? I do think it balances things slightly, you now have to choose between offence and defence but get better defence (with WS tactics you get 3+ cover). I can see it putting more focus on the first turn, so you can alpha strike hard and then go defensive for the next round when shot at.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/24 18:16:32

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Yeah, those facial expressions are amusing. Kind of restricted with only 2 head variants, but it worked

Jink has changed the ball game for White Scars armies. We're forced to think, and make decisions. Crucial decisions. For example, we have to decide to jink before they roll to hit, which is massive. When fliers in 6th, you'd see how many glances/pens got through before you made the jink saves, but now it's done way before that. So you really have to gamble on whether or not that plasma gun in the chaos marine squad will do some damage. Jinking only reduces us to snap shots, which is mitigated by twin linked bolters - well, saying that, it's not much, but it's something... But we're still able to charge, and we can still turbo boost after jinking, although, as far as I can tell, no +1 jink from turbo boosting. Overall, it's made us less survivable.

However, I think the game dynamic has changed. Being able to score objectives and VPs as the game progresses has changed my mental game plan. I dont want to take bike squads as the aggressive part of my army any more. I want to run a few bike squads, simply to dart around and score me those tactical objectives. Scout, combined with our potential movement distance and 3+ jink means we're able to get around better than most. And at the end of the day, it comes down to who has the most VPs.

Once my AM *cough* Imperial Guard *cough* are finished, I want to come back to the drawing board with White Scars. I'm thinking something along the lines of 4 min bike squads, 20 tactical marines in rhinos supported with some sort of drop pod assault. The idea being that the tactical marines spear head the assault into the enemy with Scout, then fight it out for what ever objective they have controlled with DPs coming down for support whilst my bikers run around picking up extra VPs from tactical objectives.

But anyway, that's just some thoughts and feelings after reading less than half the book, and not yet playing any games

Roll on Tuesday! lol

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/24 19:34:45

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

I've been inspired by McManiak's 10 day nid challenge and the abundance of free time I have to really push out and finish my Imperial Guard by the end of the weekend.
Here is what's hot off the table:

That's two out of three fliers done. My airforce is building up! In hind sight, I may have overdone it with the scratches...
I also primed my Vanquisher today. Which means, I have 3 Leman Russes primed and waiting. 10 in progress Kasrkin and another Thunderbolt on sprue.
Not too much to do

I played my first game of 7th yesturday. It was fun. The psychic phase was interesting. I had a level 2, and he had 3 level two psykers (he was playing IG, me playing my scars). We made a mistake in the psychic phase, we thought that it was total psycher levels + d6 for the person who's turn it is, and only d6 for the person who was dispelling. Not really sure how we made that mistake, but the psychic phase didn't have all that much of an impact on the game (his 3 psykers were in transports for the first few turns). I did, however, get really lucky and roll a 4 and 5 on Telepathy That is shrouded and invisibility. And invisibility is all kinds of awesome (for the person who has it...). Anyway, we rolled up on the mission and got Tactical Escalation. We didn't really experiance the random tactical objectives, we only got 3 turns in before called it, which ment that we didn't really have many objectives to complete. It was a win to the scars, so they stood up to IG pretty well, and I think they should do alright regardless of the Jink change. One thing final thought; Wyverns are crazy! I was facing 2 of them. 8 templates on turn 1, S4 with shred AND he got the tactical objective to kill characters. I took a boat load of wounds on turn 1, and had to look out sir them all off the sargent to deny him a VP. I took 3 casulties from them in turn 1. Then my DP melta arrived to kill them, and I rolled 2 2s, and 2 1s with the melta... I couldn't believe it

More progress soon

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:44:50

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Nice clean work on your guard Zambro, I'm liking your productivity rate.
Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Looks good mate. I know what you mean about the scratches. Maybe mute them down with a thin wash.

Thanks for the shout on my nid challenge and I hopd you battke through this weekend.

Having my 1st games of 7th Thursday and Friday so will see hiw I get on. Gonna rock the scars out and may try my nids...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Nice air support, very natural weathering. The interior detailing is a nice touch too.

Interesting to hear about your 7th experiences. Wyverns are pretty damn nasty to be sure (but I'm still kinda sore about losing so many HS options).

The psychic phase seems to be an interesting one, it seems if you build an army around it it can be lethal (see the Demon Factory complaints elsewhere, it really is brutal) but other than that, has less of an impact. The powers seem on the whole to be harder to cast for most but more dangerous. Ld 10 psykers were passing much easier in 6th and had less chance to peril, now the only way to make it easier is to throw more dice, and hence more perils risk.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Mornin' all.

@Elnibbus: Thanks man Unfortunately my productivity rate is going to take a punch in the face... (see below)
@Maniak: How'd your games go?
@Paradigm: Thanks mate, I do like the interior details. It's a shame you got to get right up close to see them!

Anyway, when I said on wednesday that I'm going to push to finish the army by the weekend, I think I jinxed it...
I finished the Karskin on wednesday (no pictures yet). Nothing on thursday. Cut my Thunderbolt out of the sprues yesturday, as well as getting the camo done on 2 of the russes. And today, I sat down to build the Thunderbolt, and realised I dont have the nose piece!
I've looked around for it, but the more I look, the more I'm certain I never unpacked it, or cut it, or cleaned it. I've fired off an Email to FW, but at best, they'll send a new piece out on Monday (screwing over my plan to finish this weekend). And on the topic of losing stuff, I managed to lose a piece of track of the LR. It was only the small piece, and i've left the gap at the bottom of the track, where no one will notice. I'm not to bothered by that, even GW has pieces of track missing in their official pictures (Check pg 37 of A Galaxy of War in the rule book bundle, the right hand track piece of the White Scar's rhino is missing - No idea how I noticed that, but it's all I see now when I look at that page )

Anyway, here is a picture of the LRs. And seeing as I cant progress on the Thunderbolt, these'll probably get finished today...


This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:45:43

Made in us
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

North West Arkansas

You are really tallented! Thanks for posting I enjoyed looking through this thread again, nice to see the most recent work!

By the way, did you know that military pilots only used to wear white helmets in peace time? Now days, and in war the helmets are subdued in OD greens, or other colors that don't stand out.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of the women.

Twitter @Kelly502Inf 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Russes are looking good, bad luck losing the pieces. I'd say the missing track could be fixed by bunging some rubble in there, or mud or other debris, as if something's got jammed in the tracks but the Russ lumbers on. Or you could just leave it blank and hope no one looks too closely...

I've heard FW are pretty good at replacing stuff, so hopefully it'll arrive soon.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Kelly502 wrote:You are really tallented! [...] By the way, did you know that military pilots only used to wear white helmets in peace time? Now days, and in war the helmets are subdued in OD greens, or other colors that don't stand out.

Thank you
I didn't know about the helmet colours...

Paradigm wrote:Russes are looking good, bad luck losing the pieces. I'd say the missing track could be fixed by bunging some rubble in there, or mud or other debris, as if something's got jammed in the tracks but the Russ lumbers on. Or you could just leave it blank and hope no one looks too closely...

I've heard FW are pretty good at replacing stuff, so hopefully it'll arrive soon.

Yeah, It was only one of the smallest pieces. I've left a gap that is more or less under the tank, and no one will notices unless they pick it up and look.
I got an Email from FW yesturday. They wanted me to confirm my delivery address. So hopefully the piece will arrive over the next day or two.

So, the plan to finish by the end of the weekend fell to pieces. In addition to losing a Thunderbolt piece, I ran out of Nuln Oil...
But, I'm all done now! Here are the 3 Leman Russes.

All that's left is the Thunderbolt.
I'm looking at my army deployed on the shelf, and it looks really impressive! 4 chimeras, 5 leman russes, 2 fliers and a smattering of infantry... Not bad for a few months of work!


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/25 23:48:13

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice looking group of tanks there. I chuckled at the vanquisher selfy. It looks like it set the camera on the end of it’s barrel to snap a pic for some armor-based social media page.

Also, you don’t get to say things like “I'm looking at my army deployed on the shelf, and it looks really impressive!” without snapping a picture.

Have you thought of adding extra stowage and kit to the tanks? You have a very realistic style of paint job, so one would assume other realistic things. Like spare ammo cans, rolled up tarps, etc. I’ll just assume that the company commissar is a real hard case about keeping the tanks detritus free.

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 Nevelon wrote:

Also, you don’t get to say things like “I'm looking at my army deployed on the shelf, and it looks really impressive!” without snapping a picture.

Yeah, group shot, pronto!

Nice work on the tanks, and I second the idea of adding some stowage and kit if you have time, it really does add character to them. So when the Tbolt is done, are you going back to the Scars, or something completely new?

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Boom! Nice one Zambro.
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Paradigm wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:

Also, you don’t get to say things like “I'm looking at my army deployed on the shelf, and it looks really impressive!” without snapping a picture.

Yeah, group shot, pronto!

Nice work on the tanks, and I second the idea of adding some stowage and kit if you have time, it really does add character to them. So when the Tbolt is done, are you going back to the Scars, or something completely new?

Hmm... Just thinking now, my stuff is all packed up in my case (just back from the LGS), I think I'll hold off on the group shot untill the Tbolt is done. (sorry guys, dont meant to leave you in the lurch!)
And para, I've got a boat load of Scars stuff left. Straight back to them, once the Tbolt is done, of course

Elnibbus wrote:Boom! Nice one Zambro.

Thanks matey

I played Daemons at the LGS today. My opponent was trying out a summoning list, but ridiculously forgot to roll on the summoning table Anyway, it was a good game. We were playing tactical escalation. I was wining it, right up until T7 when he went 'hulk smash' with his two remaining soul grinders, lol. I applaud him for pulling the victory from the jaws of defeat. I was rather pleased with myself, I managed to kill 30 scouting Khorne dogs in two shooting phases, took half of Belakor's wounds off in overwatch (he also failed the charge) then proceeded to kill him despite his invisibility and get a crazy shot onto the portal glyph from across the whole table to destroy it in a turn!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/04 00:38:36

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Blandford, MA

I love the gray IG and love the digi gray camo more.... great work !

For The Greater Good….. says who?
7000 pts + Going through a re-do & growing
3500 pts + growing
Cygnar - 100 pts + growing
IG slowly gathering  
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Sounds like a good game. Even without summoning, how was a mass-psychic list to face, especially in a list with no psychic defence? Did the Psykers become a greater priority target or was it more business as usual?

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