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Blood Ravens (Updated 9/9/11)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User


After a summer with mixed amount of painting I've started up again and finally finished my first HQ =)

As I am one of those "one arm-length quality" players, I've done some shopping on Ebay and Tradera (swedish version of tradera) and got my hands om some cheap models and repainted them Blood Raven. Maybe not the best way to go quality wise, but my current lvl of veichle painitng isnt tht high so it would have been alot better if I did it from scratch myself =P

And as usual, I know the barrels aint drilled

First update is the Librarian with 5 Assault Termies outside their transport.
[Thumb - Tact-1.JPG]
1st Tactical. Also 1st squad painted.

[Thumb - Tact-2.JPG]
2nd Tactical.

[Thumb - Assault.JPG]
Assault squad. Srgt will come with next batch, as I didnt have any nice weapons at the time.

[Thumb - Dev.JPG]
Devistators, if nothing else, they give me options for the Tacticals HW.

[Thumb - Term-1.JPG]
And a Terminator Squad.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/09/09 22:04:21

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws


They look great to me.

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

United Kingdom

Ah another Blood Raven player! Brilliant stuff, love seeing the chapters you don't see often. Very nicely done. I see you've opted not to attempt the Raven insignia free-hand. Trust me, you made the right decision. Looking good though! As for the Librarian, I think you should just keep him blue? I think that's what they are always like, dunno what Dawn of War was doing. But I aint sure though.

Anyways, nice stuff!
Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User


Yea, freehand painting have never meen my strongest side, so I wont even try that =)
After I painted the Terminators I noticed that I really liked the bone color on the eagle and skulls (never learn what the eagle is called), hence they are silver on first 3 squads I painted, and then bone on Terminators and 2nd Tactical.

Next in line is a squad of Veterans. And after those it might be time for a HQ

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in gb
Contagious Dreadnought of Nurgle

Oxfordshire UK

They look really good dude. And I agree with a few other posters on this thread in that it's good to see the lesser known/used chapters.

I THINK the eagle is called 'The Aquila' but I'm not sure..... :s

Made in au
Long-Range Black Templar Land Speeder Pilot


Looks good man well done, but remeber details on 40k models are great! So you should try it some time

Templars 1800pts Guard 3600 pts Ba 3400. Grey Knights 3600 pts 
Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the comments

And, yea there are alot of details on the models. The last few days I havnt painted much, but got atleast one Vanguard Veteran painted. Don't know if Ill use the unit, but got them from a store who had 50% of on all GW stuff. If nothing else they will work nicely as sergeants for my other squads.

Got a few things from Catattafish's turorials, like the ammobag. That guy know how yo make easy-to-understand tutorials
[Thumb - Veteran.JPG]

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in ca
Slippery Scout Biker


I like the Power Axe on that Vanguard there, keep it up!

2000+ Exorcists
~4500 Bad Moonz & Goffs

Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

Nice crisp colours, with a great scheme, good job! I also like the "less is more" approach, too much bling looks tacky on some SM's IMO. By the way, how did you get that red? Knowing how to mix a nice deep red like that would help me out on some of my models.

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in au
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Melbourne, Australia

That power axe is brilliant! Great Job.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/05/08 06:21:18

"Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath"
Guilliman and the Ultramarines are like Manchester United, everyone hates them because they are so awesome!

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

asimo77 wrote:Nice crisp colours, with a great scheme, good job! I also like the "less is more" approach, too much bling looks tacky on some SM's IMO. By the way, how did you get that red? Knowing how to mix a nice deep red like that would help me out on some of my models.

Its way easier than you think

On the plastic models:
* Merc Red Foundation
* Baal Red Wash
* Blood Red

Atleast for the terminators (think I only did one wash on the other ones) I drybrushed a little with Blood Red after the foundation, then wash, a new dry brush folloed by a 2nd wash. Then after i've painted the few details I paint, then I end up with blood red, where i dip the brush in the water before I get the pain stright from the bucket so it doesnt dry to fast on the model. On the non terminator models I never drybrushed at all, just foundation, wash, blood red. But as the Terminators got more big areas I thought it wouldnt hurt to get more shadows etc.

The veteran was undercoated with Army Painters Dragon Red, then 2 layers of wash to darken down the quite bright Dragon Red, and then a layer of Blood Red in the end.

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in us
Long-Range Black Templar Land Speeder Pilot


They look very nice.

My Armies:
- Death Wing and Green Wing
- Tacticals and Devastators
- Retired

Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

Lakhota wrote:
asimo77 wrote:Nice crisp colours, with a great scheme, good job! I also like the "less is more" approach, too much bling looks tacky on some SM's IMO. By the way, how did you get that red? Knowing how to mix a nice deep red like that would help me out on some of my models.

Its way easier than you think

On the plastic models:
* Merc Red Foundation
* Baal Red Wash
* Blood Red

Atleast for the terminators (think I only did one wash on the other ones) I drybrushed a little with Blood Red after the foundation, then wash, a new dry brush folloed by a 2nd wash. Then after i've painted the few details I paint, then I end up with blood red, where i dip the brush in the water before I get the pain stright from the bucket so it doesnt dry to fast on the model. On the non terminator models I never drybrushed at all, just foundation, wash, blood red. But as the Terminators got more big areas I thought it wouldnt hurt to get more shadows etc.

The veteran was undercoated with Army Painters Dragon Red, then 2 layers of wash to darken down the quite bright Dragon Red, and then a layer of Blood Red in the end.

Thanks for the info, just one thing: What is the Merc Red Foundation? Mechrite Red? Or is it a non Citadel paint?

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

asimo77 wrote:Thanks for the info, just one thing: What is the Merc Red Foundation? Mechrite Red? Or is it a non Citadel paint?

Sorry, was to lazy to go and check so I just called it Merc* =P Yes, it is Mechrite Foundation.

To test Vallejo colors I got a bucket of 'Blood Red' from their lineup, should be intresting to see if works just as good, as its about half the price on their colors compared to GW =/

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

Lakhota wrote:
asimo77 wrote:Thanks for the info, just one thing: What is the Merc Red Foundation? Mechrite Red? Or is it a non Citadel paint?

Sorry, was to lazy to go and check so I just called it Merc* =P Yes, it is Mechrite Foundation.

To test Vallejo colors I got a bucket of 'Blood Red' from their lineup, should be intresting to see if works just as good, as its about half the price on their colors compared to GW =/

Thanks for the clarification. I do need a nice red for my Dark Eldar.

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in gb
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Somerset, England

Dude that power axe looks fantastic! How the heck do you do yours? Never attempted it myself, too afraid of FUBAR'ing them
Also the Vanguard's helm looks so clean and crisp, did you blackline the recesses or just not paint over the black bascoat?

"There's too much blood in my caffeine system!!"
Students around the world 
Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

Nice work. If you havent played them or figured it out yet, you wont have much success with a Dev squad armed like that. I have the identical setup and it just doesnt work out if they all have different weapons with various ranges :(

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/05/09 06:11:24

4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!

The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."

Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Good painting!

But they really need some "chapter relics" with the paint scheme of the previous owners still visible under the repaint!

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

lord_blackfang wrote:Good painting!

But they really need some "chapter relics" with the paint scheme of the previous owners still visible under the repaint!

Hmm.. Now Im not following you. Previous Owner? Under the repaint?

Previous owner was the store, and under the paint there is just nothing
Are you refering to the shouldepads that's not 100% smooth? Then yes, I know they look not so smooth on pics, together with some other things that pops up on the pictures that I dont notice IRL.

But yes, some CHapter Relics wouldnt hurt, atleast not when I start paint a veichle or two, but the special thigs I've seen for the BR is the black rave, which I wont try to freehand.

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

New Jersey

I think he was referencing the fact that the Blood Ravens like to "borrow" other chapter's artifacts and then tell everybody they are ancient Blood Raven relics.

"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things, and we shall do so again."
"They are not your worst nightmare; they are your every nightmare."
"Let the galaxy burn!"

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

1st HQ finally painted =p
[Thumb - Librarian & CO.JPG]

~8500pts (Blood Raven)
Made in us
Wondering Why the Emperor Left


Im jealous. These are very nice troops!
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