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5 Wins, 1 Loss at Battle for Salvation- Chaos Space Marines 2000  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

Because I have been asked, here is the army list I fielded this past weekend at the Battle for Salvation GT.

My Fallen Angels army, called...


Lord Uriel Ascendent
Daemon Prince (), Wings (), Mark of Slaanesh (), Lash of Submission () = 155

Lord Talmachus the Reaper
Daemon Prince (), Wings (), Mark of Slaanesh (), Lash of Submission () = 155

Skane the Soul-Eater
Greater Daemon = 100

The “Deathwing”
3 Chaos Terminators (), 3x Combi-Melta () = 105

Feared Brother Domius
Chaos Dreadnought with Missile Launcher, CCW = 100

Hunter Squad V
5 Chaos Chosen (), w/3x Meltagun (), 1x Flamer (), Aspiring Champion Flavius () = 135
in Rhino I w/Smoke & Searchlight = 35

Tactical Squad I
5 Chaos Space Marines () w/Icon of Chaos Glory (), 1x Flamer () = 90

Tactical Squad II
10 Chaos Space Marines () w/Icon of Chaos Glory (), 2x Meltagun (), incl. Aspiring Champion Ezekiel () w/Power Fist () & Bolt Pistol = 220
in Rhino II w/Smoke & Searchlight, Combi-Melta () = 45

Tactical Squad III
10 Chaos Space Marines () w/Icon of Chaos Glory (), 2x Meltagun (), incl. Aspiring Champion Michael () w/Power Fist () & Bolt Pistol = 220
in Rhino III w/Smoke & Searchlight, Combi-Melta () = 45

Our Desire Frustrated
5 Daemonettes (Lesser Daemons) = 65

Our Rage Given Flesh
5 Bloodletters (Lesser Daemons) = 65

Heavy Support
Havoc Squad Omega
5 CSM (), Icon of Chaos Glory (), 4 Missile Launchers () = 165

Reviled Brothers Brutus and Magnus
2 Obliterators = 150

Reviled Brothers Cassius and Publius
2 Obliterators = 150

Total: 2000

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/21 00:58:07

Adepticon 2015: Team Tourney Best Imperial Team- Team Ironguts, Adepticon 2014: Team Tourney 6th/120, Best Imperial Team- Cold Steel Mercs 2, 40k Championship Qualifier ~25/226
More 2010-2014 GT/Major RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 78-20-9 // SW: 8-1-2 (Golden Ticket with SW), BA: 29-9-4 6th Ed GT & RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 36-12-2 // BA: 11-4-1 // SW: 1-1-1
A better way to score Sportsmanship in tournaments
The 40K Rulebook & Codex FAQs. You should have these bookmarked if you play this game.
The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up.

Maelstrom's Edge! 
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

Careful, the internet's head will explode with the 'badness' of your list.

Any chance of brief summaries of the battles? Sounds like you had a really good run.

I saw the bit from the other thread about missing a G2G and Mike's Vets being CC badasses.

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

Let's see if I can come up with some quickies.

The mission format for the event was three hierarchical win conditions each round. If you won on the primary, you win the game. If the primary is a draw, go on to the secondary, etc. If all three goals were Drawn at the end, then go to straight VPs, with no Draw margin. The three objectives were always the same, just the order of priority changed. They were five objectives (one center table, one center of each quadrant); table quarters (whoever has most VPs worth of stuff in a quad controls; Troops always count as worth full for this even if under half); KPs but must have a 3 KP margin.

R1 was against James T of the Battle for Salvation club, and was a super nice guy. Very cool.He had Mech IG. Tons of chimerae full of melta squads, two vendettas. All tanks had hull heavy flamers. Unusual elements were he included two squads of Stormtroopers in Chimerae with meltas for the option to Outflank, and he included two LR Exterminators for AV14 and S7 support. My opponent forgot his third Vendetta in the car(!), but I don't think it would have made much difference. Mission was Dawn of War, KP primary, then Quarters and lastly objectives.

The game was mostly him shooting me up and me failing saves while advancing around the center hill and into his DZ. My Chosen came in on my Right and his outflanking squad of STs came in deep on my left, and both blew stuff up. His only got my dread, though, while mine got a Vendetta and a Leman Russ. Despite my Princes both dying like bitches, I managed to overrun the center and kill a bunch of stuff. I won on the primary & secondary, Drew on the tertiary.

Game 2 was against Drop Pod SW, run by another nice guy called Fareed. Fareed's list was Logan in a pod with multimelta longfangs and Arjac, four more pods full of 8 GH with melta, led by wolf guard in terminator armor with Fists and combi-meltas, a squad of 5 GH on foot led by a Cyclone-toting terminator wolf guard (although he bought them a pod to drop empty), and a 5-missile longfang squad accompanied by a runepriest with Lighting & hurricane. Mission was Spearhead, Quadrants/Objectives/KP.

Fareed made me go first, and just deployed his fangs w/priest & backfield objective-holdig foot squad. He did not have much experience against chaos, and deployed his LFs too far forward. I made a bit of a gamble and partially exposed both Princes to try double-lashing his LFs + RP into assault range on turn 1, and luckily managed to get past his 4+ twice, and assaulted with both princes and 10 CSMs. He then dropped his three regular pods full of GH all on my left flank and shot me up a bit (including killing a squad of oblits). I countered by Exploding all three pods with melta, and shoot/assault/destroying 2/3 of the GH squads, leaving the third rather lonely. On Fareed's T3 none of his other Reserves arrived, allowing me to finish off his remaining pod squad and consolidate for some more board control. Turn three he got all three units, dropping the empty pod to contest the center objective, dropping the super-pod of death on my middle-right to threaten the stuff I had running down the long table edge, and the last pod of GH far to the right to take that quadrant & objective. I lost a few units but counter-punched and took the game. We only went four turns due to some play-speed issues. We Drew quadramts, I won Objectives & KP.

Game 3 was my buddy OrdoSean running beastmaster webway Drazhar comedy Dark Eldar. Drazhar leading 7 incubi, Archon with webway & a ton of toys starting game deployed with 7 harlequins with kisses and seer, two squad of 15 wyches with hekatrix, shardnets, haywire, two squads of 3 beastmasters leading 4 razorwings, 5 Kymeras, two Talos with chains + heatlance, 1 chronos with spirit probe. We played Pitched Battle, Objectives/KP/Quadrants.

Sean nearly rolled me. I know what this list basically does, and deployed defensively, but I got a little too close early. His single heatlance which arrived turn 2 managed to peek around a hill to get a shot on a Rhino full of CSMs and got a lucky Explodes, which (combined with good Fleet rolls) left the 10 CSMs in assault range of the Incubi with Drazhar (and Archon tagging along in the back to contribute grenades) and one squad of wyches to assault them and wipe them out. Sadly the wyches randomly got the pain token, which made them a massive pain to finish off. The following turn, as an example, I lashed them into double-oblit TL flamer range, and they suffered 17 wounds, but only lost 5-6 models due to awesome FNP rolls. From there I was fighting from the back foot all game. I only won on Objectives at the end due to my surviving Lash prince BARELY being able to see his other Wych squad holding an objective around the big central hill and lash them off of it at the bottom of 4. And I only had that LOS because there was a dead rhino exactly where I needed it to be to land on and get me extra height. I won Objectives, lost KPs and Quadrants.

Game 4 was Joey R with thunderwolves. TW wolflord w/shield, frostblade, runic armor, warrior born, TW wolflord w/shield, runic armor, hammer, majesty, wolf tail, 5 TWC w/2shleds, 2 meltabombs, fist, 8 GH w/melta, banner in pod w/Arjac, 2 squads of 10 GH w/dual melta, banners in pods, 2x Long fangs with three missiles & 2 las + wolf guard for an ablative wound. Mission was Spearhead, quadrants/objectives/kp.

This game I deployed in depth, Reserved some stuff, and ran up both flanks staying as far away from the center and his TWC as possible, to minimize how much damage they could do over the course of the game. Arjac & friends arrived turn 1 and it took me about two full turns and all three of my monstrous creatures to deal with them. One of the wolf lords eventually split up and killed off one or both of my surviving MCs, but was tied up for the rest of the game doing it. I plinked wounds slowly into the TWC over the game, and eventually finished them off with a hot round of shooting with TL plasma from both Oblit squads + my havocs, though I couldn't kill the other lord, he only got one unit himself (plus they killed the Chosen Rhino earlier, but didn't want to slow down to assault the Chosen who were Melting them). I killed the other pod squads and gradually took control of the board while (again) minimizing how much damage the TWC did to me. Final result was Win Quads, W objectives, Draw (1pt my favor) KP.

Game 5 Nick Nanavati AKA Yermom, running Tau. I posted his list over in the BFS coverage thread. We played Dawn of War KP, Quadrants, Objectives.

This game he layered his defenses well, but not quite well enough. I maximized my usage of the limited LOS-blocking terrain on the board and protected my easy KPs as much as possible, while targeting his easy ones (like the three individual Piranhas) early and often, so I could take an early KP lead. I expected him to shoot me up and possibly pass me on KP, but I expected that I could keep it within 3, while forcing him back and having good odds to take the secondary and/or tertiary. As it was I had some good Smoke rolls on turn 1, and got into his lines a little faster than expected. He still played cagey and we traded units in bloody fashion. At the end my plan had worked better than expected and I won on all three goals. Nick is an excellent player and we agreed that a major factor here was simply experience. I know my army, and he was in the 6-8 games of experience range with Tau. He did great considering that.

Game six was Mike Brandt's mech IG, which he has posted on [url=http://whiskey40k.blogspot.com/his blog. Basically Straken + friends w/banner in chimera w/dozer, Marbo, 5 squads of melta/shotgun vets, Al Rahem in Chimera w/meltas and two more infantry squads w/melta in chimerae outflanking, + 3 vendettas. Spearhead, quadrants/objectives/kp.

The table was pretty open, with kind of a low-ish hill in the middle which did not completely hide my taller daemon prince (which sucked in the game as he ate a ton of multilaser fire). I won the roll and chose to go first to either force him to reserve the Vendettas or let me get first-turn shots on them. He reserved them. I played a cagy range game with him for most of the game as I outranged him on antitank fire except for his Vendettas, and they were priority #1 when they arrived. Again he managed to wipe one squad of oblits, but over two turns I knocked the birds down. Gradually he advanced to midfield, hammering my big daemons with multilasers and picking away at other targets of opportunity while positioning for the late-game win. I repeatedly whiffed and failed in close combat, and could not kill any Chimeras with my first two turns of shooting, only getting a few Shaken results. Despite all that, I only needed a single CSM from my little 5 man squad to survive the bottom of 6 to win me the game on the primary. He meltad my two remaining guys, I had one survive, and then my guy blew his Ld9 Morale test. This meant we Drew quadrants instead of me winning it 3/1. It gave Mike the Win on objectives as that guy was also within 3"of an objective. KPs was a Draw. VPs he had by ~200-250.

Thus ended my Run, and Mike went on to the final with Neil Gilstrap's GK, with Neil winning that one, and Mike taking 2nd overall as well as Ren Man.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/10/10 18:13:25

Adepticon 2015: Team Tourney Best Imperial Team- Team Ironguts, Adepticon 2014: Team Tourney 6th/120, Best Imperial Team- Cold Steel Mercs 2, 40k Championship Qualifier ~25/226
More 2010-2014 GT/Major RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 78-20-9 // SW: 8-1-2 (Golden Ticket with SW), BA: 29-9-4 6th Ed GT & RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 36-12-2 // BA: 11-4-1 // SW: 1-1-1
A better way to score Sportsmanship in tournaments
The 40K Rulebook & Codex FAQs. You should have these bookmarked if you play this game.
The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up.

Maelstrom's Edge! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

There's nothing bad about a well-equipped list being run by a guy who excels at the game and knows it intimately. There were things each of us did poorly due to fatigue, though primarily we each played (IMO) with a lot of skill and precision ... was a great game of warhams. The "bad" odds also generally evened out, which is always good ... a meltagun might hit a demon prince w/ a wound left point blank, but roll a 1 ... and on the other side a turn earlier a pair of meltaguns might hit a demon prince in the face only to be saved by boxcars. Tis a game I'll remember fondly.
Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

Kind of you to say, Mike. I do okay at this game, though I make mistakes, to be certain. As you say, the dice were pretty even, with me having somewhat fortunate prince saves, and you having some amazing close combat IG.

But dice are really not it. In this game I can think of at least four choices I made which hurt me badly, any one of which if done the opposite would have probably won me the game.

1) Using a taller than normal daemon prince.
2. Moving my Greater Daemon out into LOS on my left instead of hiding him behind the center hill for the end game.
3) Keeping those 2-3 guys in my far-right flank squad forward on that objective instead of just hiding behind the hill for the quadrant VPs. This one was a consequence of my inexperience with this tournament scenario. It's been years since I played a mission where counting VPs mid-game was necessary or useful, so I was not doing it when I should gave been.
4) Not declaring that Go to Ground before I rolled the dice.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/10 18:58:57

Adepticon 2015: Team Tourney Best Imperial Team- Team Ironguts, Adepticon 2014: Team Tourney 6th/120, Best Imperial Team- Cold Steel Mercs 2, 40k Championship Qualifier ~25/226
More 2010-2014 GT/Major RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 78-20-9 // SW: 8-1-2 (Golden Ticket with SW), BA: 29-9-4 6th Ed GT & RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 36-12-2 // BA: 11-4-1 // SW: 1-1-1
A better way to score Sportsmanship in tournaments
The 40K Rulebook & Codex FAQs. You should have these bookmarked if you play this game.
The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up.

Maelstrom's Edge! 
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Well done with your own list! It is always nice to see good players proving the internet wrong.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

@MVB: I was mostly giving M crap, because he deserves it most of the time. I completely agree that player > list and 'list is everything' is false.

@Mannahnin: Nicely done! Thanks for the recap.

Re: Mistakes. I think the goal of 40k is to make a few less, or at least less important, mistakes than your opponent and capitalize on all of theirs.

Punk Chris got back into 40k when he came back out here and is working on his Chaos, so I linked him to your list and this thread for ideas/etc.

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in us
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider


Great Game Mannahnin! While mindlessly going over our game a while ago I realized my worst mistake of the game... in which we both made several.

I fixated too much on the primary mission on that last turn. Even as you said I was beating you on everything else. My harlequins should have simply turned their melta and shuriken pistols on that last demon prince and charged him. Odds are decent that they could kill him I think... or at least tie him up perhaps. He was all you had left in terms of reach in the game and that would have made all the difference on that last turn of great movement on your part.

C'est la vie.

Its funny to me since most of the time its all about sticking to the mission... so usually I focus on the main one... but with Nova format sometimes its better to know you have the tie on the first one no matter what and start cleaning up loose ends.... Especially flying loose ends with lash. I think I only won one game all weekend on the primary... and in that particular case all my opponent had left were some scouts anyway.

Great game again and hopefully Ill see you soon my friend.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Nice summaries... so close to the final table! That's a really good showing you had...

Made in us
Tough Traitorous Guardsman


I like the list only thing I wonder is why the dread?? Its a little risky. Did it do awesome for you? Was it under welming? Did it ever kill ur stuff?
Made in us
Nasty Nob on Warbike with Klaw

Stephens City, VA

Manna; thoughts on the dread?

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

Um, Mannahnin, aren't ya supposed to *not* post Individual Points costs? Mr. Mod?

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Nice job and good summary. The game vs. DE was surely a highlight of the tourney.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in us
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions


Much respect Mannahnin, I applaud you on your solid list, play, and your consistency. I have played with may of the BFS members and in their tournaments, you showed great skill in succeeded with Chaos marines. I really like your list (as it is a lot like my old CSM list ), I hope you continue to represent for CSM and I would be glad to play you sometime.

Fortune Favors the Bold
Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

Sorry for the delay responding! Didn't check back!

Who wrote:I like the list only thing I wonder is why the dread?? Its a little risky. Did it do awesome for you? Was it under welming? Did it ever kill ur stuff?

The dread brings a few different things to the party.

1) He gives me a 48" range antitank shot outside heavy support, for 100pts. That's cheap, and a 33% increase in the number of units in my army which can do that. While it's not exactly a ton of firepower, another shot against fast skimmers and such definitely helps in some matchups. He also's been getting some side shots on Chimeras and such, as I often place him way out to a flank.
2) Dreads are a good HtH counter to some specific tough enemy units, like Bloodcrushers, or Lightning Claw terminators. Some units have a terrible time fighting them. In my game four my opponent Drop Podded a squad of ten Grey Hunters with double melta (no fist) on my left flank, about 9" or so wait from my table edge in Spearhead. I was extremely happy about this, as my Dread was in Reserve, and promptly walked onto the table right next to a valuable unit who could only hurt him with Krak Grenades.
3) In a pinch he also brings S10 attacks which can instant-kill certain tough units, or smash a vehicle.

In a few games it was awesome, in others a little underwhelming, but for 100pts it's hard to go too wrong, honestly. He never killed any of my stuff, as far as I remember. The option to fire Frag makes it unlikely. But it's not too hard to manage his fire arc, especially if he's on a flank.

One thing that's key is to use terrain; another is to be ready to put him in Reserve in missions and matchups where he'll be easily targeted, especially in Annihilation missions.

Brothererekose wrote:Um, Mannahnin, aren't ya supposed to *not* post Individual Points costs? Mr. Mod?

Whoops! Thanks. Just C&P'd my tournament list, of course.

Clauss wrote:Much respect Mannahnin, I applaud you on your solid list, play, and your consistency. I have played with may of the BFS members and in their tournaments, you showed great skill in succeeded with Chaos marines. I really like your list (as it is a lot like my old CSM list ), I hope you continue to represent for CSM and I would be glad to play you sometime.

Thanks kindly, sir.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2011/10/21 01:12:43

Adepticon 2015: Team Tourney Best Imperial Team- Team Ironguts, Adepticon 2014: Team Tourney 6th/120, Best Imperial Team- Cold Steel Mercs 2, 40k Championship Qualifier ~25/226
More 2010-2014 GT/Major RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 78-20-9 // SW: 8-1-2 (Golden Ticket with SW), BA: 29-9-4 6th Ed GT & RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 36-12-2 // BA: 11-4-1 // SW: 1-1-1
A better way to score Sportsmanship in tournaments
The 40K Rulebook & Codex FAQs. You should have these bookmarked if you play this game.
The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up.

Maelstrom's Edge! 
Made in us
Tzeentch Veteran Marine with Psychic Potential

Awesome job, dude! Love to see Chaos still snappin' necks and cashin' checks!

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." - Lawrence Walsh, Chinatown

"Yeah, f*ck you too!" - R.J. MacReady, The Thing 
Made in us
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider


Did up my report with some pics Ragnar.

hope it came out ok.


Made in us
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Gotta say, I love that list. It's definitely made me rethink my chaos tactics. Thank you, fine sir.

:cficon: 1,500 
Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

Who has two thumbs and loves 40k?


Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

It's true. I am a sick, sick man. I am really bummed that I am not in Rochester, NY or Media, PA right now, drinking and getting ready for Da Boyz' or the AB Finals.

Sean: Sweet report! Your reports are great; cool to see you getting back to them!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/10/22 00:45:03

Adepticon 2015: Team Tourney Best Imperial Team- Team Ironguts, Adepticon 2014: Team Tourney 6th/120, Best Imperial Team- Cold Steel Mercs 2, 40k Championship Qualifier ~25/226
More 2010-2014 GT/Major RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 78-20-9 // SW: 8-1-2 (Golden Ticket with SW), BA: 29-9-4 6th Ed GT & RTT Record (W/L/D) -- CSM: 36-12-2 // BA: 11-4-1 // SW: 1-1-1
A better way to score Sportsmanship in tournaments
The 40K Rulebook & Codex FAQs. You should have these bookmarked if you play this game.
The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up.

Maelstrom's Edge! 
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