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Axis & Allies War at Sea Set VI: Surface Action!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Norfolk, VA

WotC has finally released the full set list for the latest War at Sea expansion, and it looks awesome! Here is the link:


Interesting, despite the name Surface Action, there are still a ton of carriers and carrier aircraft in this set, which is great because carrier aricraft have been notably absent from the last couple of sets. Additionally, there are reprints of several key battleship classes in this set, including the Rodney, Yamato, Bismark, and New Jersey. The fact that these units were included is a great think IMO, as these units were previously only available from OOP sets. Thus, this set should help lower singles prices and provide a good way for newer players to get their hands on these iconic ships. I will post up some pictures and a review when I get my hands on the 2 cases I've ordered!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Norfolk, VA

Well, I got by two cases of boosters last night. Behold, my armada in potentia:

After opening half of the boosters (12 of them), I was doing pretty well. To show that, here are the pulls arranged in order from 1 to 40, in rows of 10. As you can see, not too many holes! At this point, I was optomistic that I would be able to get the entire set out of these two cases. Note I only got one duplicate rare, and it was of the New Jersey:

Sure enough, I was able to fill the remaining holes with the other 12 boosters! Overall, I got a pretty good distribution in my cases; while I did get a few duplicate rares, they were all desirable and I never got more than 2 of any of them:

Here are the duplicate American rares I wound up with:

I managed to pull a decent number of LSTs and Liberty Shps, which will come in handy:

And finally, I got several duplicate Japanese rares. These will probably become trade fodder, as I already have enough IJN carriers and BBs as it is!

Overally, I'm very happy with what I got out of this set. Most of the ships looked really good, with a few notable exceptions (Montana, I'm looking at you ). I'm very excited about how this set is going to help newer players, since it contains a lot of reprints from sets that have not been available for some time.

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