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Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Good to see this back in action, and already throwing out more awesome paintwork!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Good to have you back.

Sharp looking WS there. Nice and smooth paintjob.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hey guys, as promised, the weekend update...

That is the new Falcon complete. I'm working on the old Falcon. Reconditioning it is a bit of a paint in the butt. However, it should look alright when it's painted...

I went to the LGS to get some drill bits and more wash, and impulse brought a box of jetbikes. That puts me up to 2 boxes of jetbikes sitting around waiting for attention. They're next after the Falcon.

More soon

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/12/22 03:51:15

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Mmmm Falcon. Love those things.

The pulse laser seems that it could use a little something. The scatter has the blue armor plate, and it looks like something on the pulse is shaped the same, but is not blue. It’s been a while since I looked closely at one, but is that something that needs a spot of color? Also, visible flash line on the underslung targeting thing.

How many points painted does this bring you up to? Enough for a game?

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hey Guys!

Nev, I missed the bit on the Pulse Laser by mistake It should be blue like the bit on the scatter laser... But with this Falcon I just completed, I decided to leave both pieces yellow. I was just trying to get a little bit more yellow on the model, to see how it looked.
As for how many points I have, exactly 1148 points of the 2000 points I'm trying to build. Sure, I could play a 1k point game. But I dont have any HQs right now :(

Anyway, here is today's offering:

This is the Falcon I was reconditioning. It turned out a lot nicer than I had expected. There are some rough patches on the paintwork where the underlying paint didn't strip away and the paint is layered higher than the paint around it. Fortunately, it isn't noticeable until you pick it up and examine it. The canopies had to be black, too. The cockpits were glued in, and I couldn't remove them or strip them. I decided to just ignore them and go with black.
Overall, I'm happy with it.

The 6 jetbikes are working their way over the desk. Should see them around friday/weekend...

I've placed an order for a Wave Serpent and another 6 jetbikes. Hopefully that will arrive towards the end of the week. I'm also inquiring about getting some Farseers from Ghost Miniatures. I've fired off an email placing an order, but not heard anything in return yet... That just leaves me to source 10 Warp Spiders and I'll have my army! I dont partucularly want to buy the Finecast ones. I've be quite happy with the old metal ones (easier to strip, probably cheaper, chance they are already painted...). I'm asking around at my LGS, and keeping an eye on Ebay.

One other thing that caught my attention at the LGS recently was Vallejo Game Air paint. I have, and use, Vallejo Game Colour, and suppliment it with Model Air for the airbrush. Apparently, Vallejo Game Air is airbrush paints that are the direct equivelent of VGC. I think they are fairly new, seeing as I've never heard of it before. Anyway, I got a blue and a yellow - saves me thinning VGC in my airbrush (which is always a PITA).

Anyway, more soon

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/12/22 03:52:15

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The flat black on the canopies seems a little bit off. It might look better with a tint, or at least a high-gloss finish on it. More like glass. Other then that, looks fine.

I hear you about the warp spiders. I’ve got 4 of the old metal ones (3 and an exarch) Not enough for a squad, and I don’t really want to grab the finecast ones. Hopefully by the time I get around to them, I can fill the squad out with plastics.

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Looks great. I quite like the matt black canopy, it works with the almost cartoony shades of blue and yellow.

Made in us
Furious Fire Dragon


I don't mind the black canopy. Why did you paint over them? I see you painted the little dudes inside.

FWIW, I have 10 Spiders - 5 metal and 5 FC, I'm trying to sell (albeit halfheartedly). I'm in the US, but if you're interested I can check on shipping.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Mars, The guys inside were painted terribly by me several years ago, and I was unable to strip them. So I had to either show terrible work or paint the canopies black. The black was the better option, imo. And like para said, the black looks good with the cartoony yellow and blue.

Sending a PM re. warp spiders

Made in us
Furious Fire Dragon


I like it. I've been torn with my own vehicles. I have 2 Wave Serpents with clear canopies and 2 that have been primed. I also have War Walkers that will have canopies as well. I'd like there to be uniformity in how I do it (I'd have to carve off the primed ones and replace them), but all my Eldar wear helmets so the bare-headed pilots are another conundrum.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Zambro wrote:

The 6 jetbikes are working their way over the desk. Should see them around friday/weekend...

...Yeah, so I messed that up...

Here they are, finished:

I changed the purple/blue to two shades of blue to fit better with the scheme. I'm using the way I paint the gems on the front of the bikes as a way of distinguishing which unit they are in, so the red are in one unit and green are in the other. That should help keep track of them on the TT when there will be ~15 of them zipping around.

I have two vypers almost done. So more on them, soon.

Vyper aside, I have run out of Eldar models to paint (baring the DA+FD that I need to strip). I have 6 bikes and a WS coming from 'The Outpost'. I've never ordered with them before, but I'm hoping it arrives this week. Still trying to track down 10 spiders. I got my eye of a few ebay auctions, but if worse comes to the worse, I'm going to have to buy the finecast ones. Still heard nothing from Ghost Miniatures, so my Farseers are going to have to wait. Probably have around 60% of this army finished

Vypers soon

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/12/22 03:53:10

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Looking great as ever. Very sleek and alien!

What do you have planned between/after this lot of Eldar?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Gems is a good way of keeping things separate. Can I get a pic of the underside of one of the canon bikes? I need to figure out how I’m going to mount them on my bikes, and IIRC from upthread, you kitbashed yours.

If you run out of filthy xenos Eldar you can always go back to painting White Scars… But the vipers and foot sloggers should last you a bit.

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

What do you use to get the hex pattern so crisp and clean? Is it a template you've created?
Made in gb
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Leuven, Belgium

I'm curious, what do you use as airbrushing mask? A one-use semi-sticky foil, or a reusable stencil in a bendy material?
And... where did you but them? I've been keeping my eyes open but I haven't been fully convinced by sticky film, although that does eem the way to go, nor by any kickstarter stencil projects.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Morning guys & girls, guess what...


A year ago today, I started this blog. Can you believe it?

Well, after scanning back through this blog, I can honestly say that I've had an awesome year for the hobby. I've painted my on-going Scars army, and attented a tournament with them. I've painted and completed an Imperial Guard army. And I'm currently building an Eldar army. Now, that is a lot of stuff that I've done. I thought about trying to work out how much money I've put into the hobby in the past year, based on the things I've said/done in the blog. But I thought it best not to go down that road

But anyway, I want to thank you guys for sticking with me. Your comments are always welcome, and this blog would have drowned under all of the other awesome blogs on this forum if you didn't look in and comment. So: Thank you!

Anyway, some updates are due...

Here are the final two vypers. I had to wait for some magnets to arrive, but they are done now. They are relatively quick and painless to do, most of it is airbrushed. So I'm able to get around 50-60% of the model done in the airbrush phase (which is usually the first sitting). Not sure what will be next for the Eldar. Still waiting on bikes and a WS from The Outpost - going to have to investigate why it's been two weeks with no info...

With it being a year since I started this blog, I got the urge to contribute to my Scars again

It's not all that much, but I've started to block in some of the main colours. Unfortunately, it's too awkward to airbrush it, so I'm hand painting everything but the white. I got the main colours on the wings done; the engine blocks and the red on the tip. The silver on the landing gear is done, just waiting to get around to doing the red on the trim, which is currently painted black. I'll be happy once the black stuff is painted red, it'll be table top quality (3 main colours; white, red and silver). I wont be leaving it there, hopefully I'll be able to line it, add some freehand tribal markings, hit the smaller details and apply some decals. But one step at a time
Nev, I wish you luck with your SR! I know you hand paint everything, so it's going to be a long process for you

And Nev, a pic just for you:

You asked me a few times for this, and here it is. Basically, take your SC and trim it shorter. Then drill a hole through from top to bottom, and use the pegs that are already on the model. It's really easy, and even better because you dont need to be tidy with it as no one will see it unless they turn the model over. I was going to fill the gaps that you can see, but once the glue dried, it's held solid. So I left it.

@Para: Well, I might find some Scars on my desk while I wait for more Eldar to arrive. I did buy something to paint for fun, but my desire to do it disappeared between me ordering it and it arriving Half of it has arrived now, and the other half is due in a week. Maybe my desire for it will resurface and you'll see it at some point in the future - I'm being intentionally vague, no spoilers!
@Buckero0 & Meph: The hex pattern is a premade stencil. I got it from Anarchy Models. They have some really nice stencils, and they are reusable which is a big thing for me. I've used one stencil on all 9 bikes I've done so far. That saves you burning through stencils like crazy.

That it from me... for now...
I'm off to the LGS tonight. If I remember to take my camera, I'll get some pictures of my Scars doing what they do best: winning


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/12/22 03:55:08

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Happy birthday to the blog! You've certainly been productive in that year!

I have to say the consistency of the blue in your Eldar vehicles is astounding!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Wow, that’s been a productive year. Looking back at the pile of boxes in the first post, and realizing that you’ve done almost all of that, PLUS two other armies (albeit smaller ones) is a major accomplishment. And here I am trying to catch up to my 1-a-week goal before the year ends.

Thanks for the pic of the bike. I remember fiddling around with one, and couldn’t get the angle right. I was thinking I’d either have to carve away some of the bike canopy, or rig something to lower it. Didn’t think about lopping off part of the gun itself.

Keep on painting, everything looks great!

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Thanks guys!

Here are the promised battle pics. Not great quality, imo. Have to work out how to take pictures in the LGS. I forgot I had the camera until turn 3, but here they are anyway:

In the final picture, Khan & co. charge Fateweaver. Fail to do anything, lose a guy and proceed to fall back Fateweaver!! *Shakes fist in the air*
Anyway, great game with Rich's Daemons - Incredibly hard to beat up that block of Dogs... But it finished 10-9 to him, so overall pretty close.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2018/03/25 22:37:57

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Looks like a fun game! Demon Dogs and FMCs vs Scars and JetDar must have made it very mobile.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Looks like a fun time. Alway nice when two well painted armies clash.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Happy birthday to the blog mate and some really goid stuff has come out of the past year.

Nice pics of the battle too...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hey guys.

It's been an interesting few weeks... Long story short, I'm on the Fantasy band wagon. A few guys in the LGS worked out an escalation series for Fantasy, starting this week and ending just before Xmas. We're doing 300 point intervals (600/900/1200) with a big, doubles game at the end, right before Xmas. The focus is being on building an army, and some rules have been set up to encourage us to build/paint. For example, every 3 weeks, we score extra points equal to the points of painted units we have. Also, we have agreed that painted units have the Hatred(Unpainted units) rule

As for my army, I'm going with Warriors of Chaos. I scored a nice deal with a dakka member, and bought his beautifully built (and unpainted) army. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it some justice with the painting. I'll be updating this blog with Warriors of Chaos for the forseeable future (untill something else shiny distracts me...). And the first picture, a Chaos Lord:

(zoomable in the gallery)

I took this picture a few days ago, and I've already made some excellent progress. I've got plans all day tomorrow. If I'm lucky I can sneak an hour or two to work on him and get him finished.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2018/03/25 22:53:34

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

First xenos, now Chaos? You are hopeless.

Looking forward to it.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


 Nevelon wrote:
First xenos, now Chaos? You are hopeless.

Looking forward to it.

The Heresy will get everyone eventually hahaha

Good work Z, I dare not enter into fantasy as well whilst I have so much 40k to do...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Zambro! Just flicked through all your new stuff- can't believe ypu got rid of your Guard!

Eldar are really nice though.

For xenos.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Hi guys,

Thanks for sticking with me through my unfocussed rambling through the hobby. I have finally seen the light, and it's very white...

This guy... He took a long time to finish. Having brought him in September 2013, I built him in June and only just finished painting him. Over a year...
I'm happy with him, never the less. The white is a bit patchy in places, and I re-learnt that I should never put black wash on white models (...it's been a while...). I'm not sure if the patchy whiteness is due to him being painted white in june and from the subsequent handling prior to finish or if it's something wrong with my technique. I'll need some more vehicles to experiment to work out the best way
With the completion of this SR, that leaves only the LR from the original haul uncomplete. Going to wait a while before I jump into that beast

I've also been thinking about an army-wide rebasing. Nothing is set in stone yet, I'm just looking at the possibilities. I picked up a small bottle of crackle paint, and tried out a desert base:

It doesn't look convincing, imo. I've got smaller grit, so I'll experiment with that over the next few weeks and see where I get. I'm also going to try a black base. Should provide a nice contrast to the white. That's also in the works.

I previewed some of my Warriors of Chaos in my last post, I'm going to stick with them, but will probably start another blog for them. I'm also in the process of reducing my models down to only these two armies. imo, two armies is a more managable collection.

I want to tell you what to expect next, but seeing as I haven't decided yet, we'll just have to wait.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2018/03/25 22:57:07

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I like the Raven. Nice lightning bolts. White looks fine from here.

The crackle bases are on the understated side. But then, on the scale of a miniature, they should be. A little rock and scrub added to it should be all you need. We aren’t talking about guys standing on islands of rock in a lava field here, just some parched earth.

I saw your post in the swap shop about your Eldar. I can understand the need to sell and move on to the next project, but it’s a shame to see them go.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

What's the crackle paint you're using? I actually really like it, especially on the larger round bases! I'm thinking about doing some Necrons in the eventual future, some nice understated desert would look great

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Stormraven is looking awesome! Very clean white. I quite like that basing too!

Shame to see the Eldar go, but at least you can now focus on the Imperial Truth!

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