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Need help with some Eldar bases  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Dakka Veteran

When I started my Eldar army, I found these incredible bases from Fantascape. I thought they'd be perfect to differentiate my Eldar army from my other army bases.

These bases have turned out to give me a lot of trouble... because I can't come up with a good color scheme for them that looks good with my army. I need some ideas. Color choices and technique ideas would be great. If YOU had an Eldar Biel Tan army, how would YOU paint these bases?

I've tried sort of a purple color scheme, I've tried a grey, I've tried sort of a slate blue and white, and this is my latest one, an earth tone with a purple wash for the line recesses. I've also included a picture of the bases from the website itself. I've thought about doing a green/brown/white scheme like the website has, but I'm a bit worried that it won't contrast enough with the green and white colors of my army at large.

Obviously these bases aren't DONE, I would add grass bits and some leaves and some more dirt, but I don't want to do any of that until I've got the color scheme down.

Please help!

Oh, and here's a link to the company. The bases are really awesome. http://www.fantascape.co.uk/

[Thumb - Eldar 1.jpg]

[Thumb - Eldar 2.jpg]

[Thumb - Eldar 3.jpg]

[Thumb - Stellar Temple Bases.jpg]

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Here are some tutorials on stone.


Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Thanks very much for this link. I think this looks promising. I'm going to try something like this on the next one and see how it turns out.
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