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Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


Just started Mantic's Fitefight. It seems a good game!
Made in no
Umber Guard

Actively play, as in at least once a month
Warmachine MkIV
Dropfleet Commander

Play now and then and have played this year
Battletech Classic

On the painting table
Dropzone Commander

Want to play but have only played a few times the last 12 months
Black Seas

Have models for and would play if asked
Oh dear, so many historicals (that aren't Black Seas). Saga especially, I think.
Most of the old Spartan capital ship games
Star Wars Armada
Wings of War
Relicblade or Frostgrave (this is, after all, pretty easy)

Have models for but they're packed away
Enough that my quality of life would improve dramatically if I just sold it off and didn't have to store it. Anybody want a 1989 Rogue Trader Land Raider or Predator?

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Those I consider my current games:

Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings - I love this game and the models. Also love that the company respects its customers. The game is fun and rank & flank is usually my game of choice. This is my number one game (One army in process)

Carnevale - the models and terrain are very game specific, but so darn gorgeous. Rival gangs in eighteenth century Venice. Fun, quick and easy gameplay with a unique setting and ideas. I wish it was more popular here but i have enough terrain and painted factions for at least five players. (Five factions)

Kings of War - was playing this a lot but Covid killed that and then i discovered Conquest. Would still play but prefer Conquest. (One army that can be used as two factions)

Don’t play lately:

Historical rank & flank armies - Late Imperial Romans, Ancient Greeks, Medieval Hungarians, ECW Royalists. Played WAB until GW killed it, and absolutely love Hail Caesar. Hard to find opponents and the time locally.

SAGA - liked it at first, but honestly tired of it fairly quickly (one faction)

Infinity - loved the game a lot but its more of a lifestyle game and the community is a bit more ‘competitive’ than i prefer now (one faction)

Malifaux - liked it but it seemed to constantly change more than i liked. I could be wrong. (One faction)

Special mentions:

40k - Have not played more than intro game but read the rules for various editions and generally dont like imbalance and the churn and burn. The current game is not even close to what i want in a wargame, and i despise GW business practices (including how they killed a very good WAB community on purpose). It’s funny because i wanted to like it because i love painting my large Sisters of Battle army, mostly old metal, some new plastics not yet painted. I will continue to add to the army since i love painting them but will not chase the meta. I paint what i feel like painting. So this is a pretty model painting army

Games i would like to try:

Grimdark Future - with my Sisters!

Mordheim - looks interesting

I think thats it. I just had major surgery so this was all from memory!

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