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Made in us
Disgusting Nurgling


Hi everyone,

I was wondering if I could get some advice my daemons list, I have a escalation league coming up in a few months, we'll be starting at 500 and working our way up to 2500 within the course of several months. I figured to go with daemons however, our resident daemons player at my flgs might be running his nurgle army (which he exclusively runs) do I didn't want to copy him.

So I've decided to run a Khorne list, which I'm hoping will work to my advantage in the beginning because we won't have a magic phase but once the point value gets to a certain point, the magic phase with be reinstated.

So this is the list I've come up with for the tail end of the league, I know that khorne took a hit I'm the most recent army book and I'm not expecting to wreck anyone, I just wanted to see if I can do anything to improve this list, I know that I'm already behind the curve because in later games I will have no magic due to running Khorne only.

Bloodthirster - 475
W/ greater and lesser gift

Herald of Khorne - 125

Bloodletters x54 - 786

Flesh Hounds of Khorne x5 - 150

Flesh Hounds of Khorne x5 - 150

Bloodcrushers of Khorne x4 - 270
W/ Musician

Bloodcrushers of Khorne x4 - 270
W/ Musician

Skull cannon of Khorne - 150

Skull cannon of Khorne - 150

please let me know what you guys think

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/31 06:04:12

WOC 2500
DOC 2500 (Khorne)
Skaven 3000
Made in gb
Storming Storm Guardian


Give Herald of Khorne a blood throne and a locu of wrath any unit that is a khorne daemon within 6" of him benifit from his loci as if he was part of there unit this couples nicely because of khorne units getting a +1 strength on the charge also take into account the blood throne gets +3 armour save and +5 ward save for being a daemon of khorne not to forget magic resistance giving you a +4 ward save in magic phase and when the blood throne charges into enemys can heal lost wounds.

Blood throne also gets 3 attacks from the herald amd 3 attacks from the throne and 2 attacks from the crew because there are 2 blood letters as crew not just 1.

Now that you have a blood throne you can split those bloodletters into a smaller unit all benifiting from the blood throne meens more targets your foe must attack and easyer for you to get the flank on your foe.

My final personal advice you must find is how a chaos god acts based on his emotional power khorne is all about pride with peers so they act as a unit this meens khornes army is mostly about synergy with other khorne units

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/09/02 17:06:05

Made in us
Sslimey Sslyth

It would be worth it to find the points for a couple of units of Khorne Furies (to keep up the theme). When the Bloodthirster being a big target for war machines, you need something that can hunt them down. Alternatively, they can help prevent the really bad day that follows your 'Letter horde being hit in the flank by a killy unit.
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