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Grot Mega Tank viable?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Was browsing FW for Orky stuff and came across the Mega Tank.
Base cost is 70, but you have to take a minimum of 50 pts worth of gunz.
It's also a fast attack choice.
Is it viable?

YMDC = nightmare 
Made in gb
Prophetic Blood Angel Librarian

For 105pts (don't know where you got the +50pts from, 5 big shootas, 2 tl is 35pts) you get 15 st5 ap5 shots at bs3, 6 of which are tl.
For 140pts you get 5 st8 ap3 shots at bs3, 2 of which are tl.
For 140pts you get 10 st6 ap5 blasts (but only at 18"), 4 of which are tl.
That's quite accurte dakka for orks.
It can move 2d6" and still shoot all its weapons (red paint job may be a shout), but best of all it can fire its weapons at 5 different targets.
Its 5+ and 12/11/10 with 3hp makes it far more durable than other ork vehicles in FA.

However if you compare to a squadron of warbuggies it doesn't start to look as effective, lets look at an example with rokkits:

125pts for 5 rokkit warbuggies, 140pts for rokkit grot mega tank.
5 tl shots at bs2 compared to 2 tl and 3 non tl at bs3.
10/10/10 10hp compared to 12/11/10 3hp 5++
Can move 12" and fire all weapons compared to can move 2d6" and fire all weapons
It is blatantly overpriced compared to rokkit buggies. It's less so obvious when comparing the shoota versions, these may be more balanced. The mega tank is cheaper than the 5 buggies in the big shoota version, has slightly better firepower and worse durability).
The grotzooka version may be worth taking.
Obviously you can mix weapons, which is usually a bad thing on a tank, but not on the grot mega tank.

Also you have to take a squadron of grot tanks (in elites) to unlock it. Although if you give these all grotzookas that's not a bad thing.
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