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Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Primary Detachment (Codex: Tyranids)

Flyrant- TL BL Devs, Hive Commander, eGrubs (260)
Flyrant- TL BL Devs, eGrubs (240)

•Termagant Brood- 30x Termagants, 15x Devourers, 15x Fleshborers (180)
•Tervigon- Crushing Claws, Electroshock Grubs(220)
•Hormagaunt Brood- 22x Hormagaunts, 22x Toxin Sacs (140)

•Malanthrope (85)
•Zoanthrope (50)

Heavy Support-
•Mawloc (140)
•Carnifex- TL BL Devs, Crushing Claws (170)

Total- 1502

What is outflanking with Hive Commander depends on enemy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/30 13:35:40

Peregrine - If you like the army buy it, and don't worry about what one random person on the internet thinks.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheyenne WY

Verviedi wrote:
Primary Detachment (Codex: Tyranids)

Flyrant- TL BL Devs, Hive Commander, eGrubs (260)
Flyrant- TL BL Devs, Hive Commander, eGrubs (260)

•Termagant Brood- 30x Termagants, 10x Devourers, 20x Fleshborers (160)
•Tervigon- Crushing Claws, Miasma Cannon (240)
•Hormagaunt Brood- 19x Hormagaunts, 19x Toxin Sacs (140)

•Malanthrope (85)
•Zoanthrope (50)

Heavy Support-
•Mawloc (140)
•Carnifex- TL BL Devs, Crushing Claws (170)

Total- 1498

What is outflanking with Hive Commander depends on enemy.

Looks pretty good. But I think you can trim some points here and there. Just off the top of my head. I don't think you need two Hive Commanders...you only have three Troops after all. I also suspect that you'll not get enough value from your Tervigon...it has a lot of points stuffed in there...I'd likely just run a Thorax Hive, for a 205 total cost. (Electro-bugs, or Shred- bugs) likewise with the Dakkafex, I don't think Crushing claws are a good choice. I suggest 2x TL: Brain Leeches, for 150, then toss in Adrenal Glands if you have points available, for 165.

The Hormagaunts are kinda 50/50, vs the correct foes, (Enemy MCs) Toxic Rawks! But against many others, it is just extra points spent. It will depend on your local "meta". If Toxic is not called for, you can just add more bodies.

If you trim as suggested you should have 50 to 70 points available to spend on something. Me? I would grab a fourth Troop. But I am a little weird that way. Likely the best play would to drop Toxic from the Hormies, and get a second Dakkafex.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/28 17:39:54

The will of the hive is always the same: HUNGER 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut


pinecone77 wrote:
Verviedi wrote:
Primary Detachment (Codex: Tyranids)

Flyrant- TL BL Devs, Hive Commander, eGrubs (260)
Flyrant- TL BL Devs, Hive Commander, eGrubs (260)

•Termagant Brood- 30x Termagants, 10x Devourers, 20x Fleshborers (160)
•Tervigon- Crushing Claws, Miasma Cannon (240)
•Hormagaunt Brood- 19x Hormagaunts, 19x Toxin Sacs (140)

•Malanthrope (85)
•Zoanthrope (50)

Heavy Support-
•Mawloc (140)
•Carnifex- TL BL Devs, Crushing Claws (170)

Total- 1498

What is outflanking with Hive Commander depends on enemy.

Looks pretty good. But I think you can trim some points here and there. Just off the top of my head. I don't think you need two Hive Commanders...you only have three Troops after all. I also suspect that you'll not get enough value from your Tervigon...it has a lot of points stuffed in there...I'd likely just run a Thorax Hive, for a 205 total cost. (Electro-bugs, or Shred- bugs) likewise with the Dakkafex, I don't think Crushing claws are a good choice. I suggest 2x TL: Brain Leeches, for 150, then toss in Adrenal Glands if you have points available, for 165.

The Hormagaunts are kinda 50/50, vs the correct foes, (Enemy MCs) Toxic Rawks! But against many others, it is just extra points spent. It will depend on your local "meta". If Toxic is not called for, you can just add more bodies.

If you trim as suggested you should have 50 to 70 points available to spend on something. Me? I would grab a fourth Troop. But I am a little weird that way. Likely the best play would to drop Toxic from the Hormies, and get a second Dakkafex.

The reason my Tervigon has Crushing Claws is because I use it as a tank unit to charge camping tanks. The Miasma cannon is to kill Fire Warriors/Dire Avengers/'Ard Boyz/ect...

Peregrine - If you like the army buy it, and don't worry about what one random person on the internet thinks.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheyenne WY

Fine uses, but you can do most of that for 10 points with a Thorax Hive. It won't be as good, but it is much cheaper. A "general rule" for Nids is to avoid upgrades, because it is almost always better to just add more figures.

Tervigon is a "edge" unit, it is just a little over priced, so adding more cost is very unlikely to pay off. But I have until recently used a Outflanking Tervigon, with Electro bugs as a main use unit. It puts a Haywire Template, on a MC, that spawns it's own bubble wrap into the foes backfield. That causes major issues for most any foe.

I have found it is pretty darn good vs Gunline foes in particular, as the Template ignores cover. And a Haywire Template is Made for tank filled parking lots. If you prefer the Shredding beatles do pretty well too, and are a little better vs Space Marines. But I find that Electro bugs are "good enough" for any foe.

P.S> late entry, Also the Tervigon is Synapse, so it can babysit a Mawloc. etc...that is a major extra benefit.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/30 16:39:59

The will of the hive is always the same: HUNGER 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

As pointedout else were, cant take both the claws and the Miasma cannon as both replace the scytal. Claws are a better choice with an throax swarm.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Ok. I'll change it.

Peregrine - If you like the army buy it, and don't worry about what one random person on the internet thinks.
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