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Made in gb
Agile Revenant Titan

I've been trying to put together a serious world eaters list. So I thought I'd modify it to try a fun one. This is what I've come up with. Shockingly it's actually legal, and I can write a back story for it.... What I want to know is, can it work?
+++ Renegade Knight (1850pts) +++
+++ 1850pt Chaos Space Marines: Supplement - Crimson Slaughter (2014), Imperial Knights: Codex (2014) Roster (Combined Arms Detachment, Imperial Knight Detachment)) +++


Chaos Space Marines: Supplement - Crimson Slaughter (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (160pts)

* Kharn the Betrayer (160pts)

+ Troops + (385pts)

* Khorne Berzerkers (Troops) (198pts)
7x Chain Axe, 7x Khorne Berzerker
* Berzerker Champion
Bolt Pistol, Lightning Claw

* Khorne Berzerkers (Troops) (187pts)
7x Khorne Berzerker
* Berzerker Champion
Bolt Pistol, Gift of Mutation, Lightning Claw

+ Fast Attack + (340pts)

* Heldrake (170pts)

* Heldrake (170pts)

+ Heavy Support + (595pts)

* Chaos Land Raider (235pts)
Dirge caster

* Chaos Land Raider (235pts)
Dirge caster

* Maulerfiend (125pts)
Magma cutters

Imperial Knights: Codex (2014) (Imperial Knight Detachment) Selections:

+ Knights + (370pts)

* Knight Errant (370pts)

You sought to cower behind your walls, weakling? Instead, by the will of Khorne, you shall die behind them  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Are these "come the apocalypse" allies where they have to take leadership checks all the time to make sure they don't turn on each other? If so as long as you can keep them out of that minimum range it should be fine. Please post some bat reps, I'd love to see how the berserkers do. I've always wanted to make them work and you may have found a way!
Made in gb
Agile Revenant Titan

Yes it is. If they're within 6". The idea is not to be that close.

The bezerkers worked for me in 6th very well, but I replied on allied detachments of CSM. Something I'm not allowed in 7th. So I've had to try and adapt. It's been a hard few days trying to decide. It upsets me I don't have to Maulerfiends in this list... But I do have the knight instead. So it might just work.... Maybe.... I'm play testing the list tonight, but with only one drake as he wants to play 1700 points... Suits me. As I haven't bought the second drake yet... (only got my first yesterday!)

You sought to cower behind your walls, weakling? Instead, by the will of Khorne, you shall die behind them  
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