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The Good, The Bad and the Devient Scum (Necromunda)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

The Good, The Bad and the Devient Scum


Necromunda has always been my favorite GW game and I have many fond memories of playing it with my Brother when we were young.

Since returning to the hobby last October (embarking upon WHFB), I have been itching to get back into Necromunda.

Now, our old models were horrendously painted... But the good news is they are all metal! So it's time to dip them in acetone and build up the Necromunda collection of dreams.

This blog will catalogue my progress… with one difference:

We're gonna be forging narratives at the same time ;-)

Most people play Necromunda as an ever-ongoing campaign, but I always felt it worked extremely well running short focused campaigns too.

Each modeling project is going to be focused around a short campaign. There will be a bit of fluff to set the scene, followed by the painting updates, and lastly battle reports to showcase the models and to decide the outcome of the campaign.

Nothing is scripted, everything is random. Because that's Necromunda at its best. Where villains and heroes might get rich or they might just get a fatal stub gun round to the face on turn 2 of the first game!

Thank you for reading my thread, and I hope to see you back here soon.



This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2015/05/01 11:34:40

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

Chapter 1 - Dispute at Rad Peaks

Elijah Flames defended by two of his "disciples" as he delivers a sermon on the streets of Rad Peaks.

Things had been going good for Toxic and her gang (known round these parts as 'The Spyders'). At least that is to say, as good as it gets down here in the Underhive.

After tumbling this way and that and getting into none too many scraps and confrontations, they had at last come to a small settlement, near the Ratskin boarders, named Rad Peaks.

Times were hard, but the slag heap and rad tap (from which the town draws its name) helped make ends meet. The local slime farmers too were happy to pay a handful of credits a month to receive the protection the gang brought. So, all things considered, things had been going good.

That was until the preacher Elijah Flames showed up.

His fire-blazoned tongue began spitting this and that about the Emperor and how we had all fallen from his guiding light. Toxic would have paid it no heed except some of the townsfolk started to get all kinds of riled up from his words.

Wasn't long before he had his own group of disciples, all dressed in red, shouting hate at any folk who gave no mind to the ravings of his.

Things turned ugly when they killed Slim Johns. His shack torched and left a smoldering ruin. Slim Johns was pinned to a wooden stake out front with the sign 'Heretic' nailed to the top.

When this happened Toxic asked the preacher to leave, saying that folks weren't taking too kindly to the disturbing of peace. But he refused to pack up, told her the townsfolk were his flock now.

She was left with no choice...

Guns were drawn.

So it came to be, the dispute at Rad Peaks.

Chapter 1 goals:

- 10 x Escher Gang Members completed

- 10 x Redemptionist Gang Members completed

- 6 x Loot Counters completed

- 4ft x 4ft Battle board completed

- Full set of bulkheads painted completed

- 3rd Edition Plastic Ruins painted 5/8 complete

WIP #001

Here are the first 3 of the Redemptionist Gang, including the notorious Elijah Flames himself.

The most important thing was to get as close to the original 'Eavy Metal scheme as possible (which won't be the case for every gang, but for the Redemptionists I felt the characterful red cloaks and yellow flames were a must.)

You will notice I am using Cawdor Juves for some of the novices. I think they fit in nicely and it fills out the Redemptionist range too which features only 2 unique novice sculpts otherwise.

Tell me what you think :-)


This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2015/06/01 19:12:09

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


I am a huge fan of Necromunda, with some of my fondest gaming memories have happened across a dilapidated under give board.

Your first three models are great. Looking forward to what comes next. Definitely an ambitious task.

Do you plan to go over all of the houses or just what you have in your collection?

See My Crazy Army plan here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/521618.page#5517409

2000 Point Armies
[40k] Orks - Kaptin Grimskragas Razorfangs; Tyranids - Hive Fleet Acidica; Astra Militarum - Murdochs 5th Armoured Detachment; Necron - Reclamation Legion of Tomb World Fordris; Inquisition - Ordos Hereticus Witchfinder Tasetus and Coven; Iron Hands - Taskforce of the Garrsak Clan Company; Alpha Legion - XII Ambush Cell, Loyalists of the Twin Primarchs; Aeldari - Guiding Light of Yarn Le'ath;

[Warhammer] Empire - Obsidian Knightly Order; Bretonnian - Vain Quest for the Grail, 11th Crusade of Araby; Dwarf - Throng of Kark Veng; Ogre Kingdoms - Wondrous Caravan of the Traveller and his Maneaters; Tomb Kings - Bronze Host of Ka-Sabar; Chaos Dwarf - Protectors of Hashuts Holy Places; High Elf - Dragonriders of Caledor;  
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

Six mysterious archeotech devices, found deep within the Underhive

WIP #002

I made lots of progress today towards my Chapter 1 goals. Firstly I completed the 6 loot tokens I wanted to make and got to try out some weathering techniques for the first time.

The loot counters were made out of random bitz from my bitz box. I think mostly from vehicle upgrade sprues and things like that.

Since I've been back in the hobby I have been focusing on WHFB, so this was the first time I got to try something "industrial". As a result I tried some weathering techniques such as sponging.

I'm really pleased with the results. What do you guys think? I made the wear and tear by sponging Ushbati Bone onto the top and then painting Rhinox Hide above it to give a 3D Effect.

I also did some very subtle OSL using a GW ice blue layer paint (forget the name) and the GW Blue Glaze (forget the name of that too).

Thanks for reading!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/31 13:17:50

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Well this looks like a great start.

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

 Archer wrote:
I am a huge fan of Necromunda, with some of my fondest gaming memories have happened across a dilapidated under give board.

Your first three models are great. Looking forward to what comes next. Definitely an ambitious task.

Do you plan to go over all of the houses or just what you have in your collection?

Thanks for commenting Archer!

I have quite a large Necromunda collection including:

- Redemptionists
- Ratskins
- Scavvies
- Escher
- Orlock
- Delaque
- Hired Guns

With all gangs bar the Delaque being larger than just their starter set, (my Escher Gang is 20+ models now).

I will be planning to paint them all at some point, but for chapter 1 it is just the Redemptionists and Escher (and only 10 models of each).

I also have plans to incorporate some other things, like Ad Mech (I have bought some Skitarii), cultists, genstealers, arbites and assassins but not really in an INQ28 way, more in a 2nd Edition revival sort of way.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
WIP #003

It's a bank holiday in UK today. So as well as getting all my loot tokens finished I also made lots of progress with the "Spyders". My Escher gang.

Now, these are PIP. They still have lots of work to be done, but here's a taster:

If you are a fan of House Escher, you might recognize this scheme. I took the scheme from the superb Escher blog on 'Tale of Painters' by Stahly (link).

I really want to replicate that theme, with a few minor tweaks and adjustments (such as the removal of brown hair from the theme).

These models have had a lot of work of the Skin today and some work on the yellows, but otherwise you are only seeing basecoats and a wash.

I apologise for the bad pictures of these. Once they are done I will take some individual shots.

I'm going to work hard to finish them soon!

- Bottle

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Desubot wrote:
Well this looks like a great start.

Thanks! I hope you get the chance to follow my progress :-)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/05/04 16:56:29

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


The loot counters are great. So much going on and little details everywhere.

I really like that Escher scheme. Although, any plans for at least one wild hair colour?

See My Crazy Army plan here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/521618.page#5517409

2000 Point Armies
[40k] Orks - Kaptin Grimskragas Razorfangs; Tyranids - Hive Fleet Acidica; Astra Militarum - Murdochs 5th Armoured Detachment; Necron - Reclamation Legion of Tomb World Fordris; Inquisition - Ordos Hereticus Witchfinder Tasetus and Coven; Iron Hands - Taskforce of the Garrsak Clan Company; Alpha Legion - XII Ambush Cell, Loyalists of the Twin Primarchs; Aeldari - Guiding Light of Yarn Le'ath;

[Warhammer] Empire - Obsidian Knightly Order; Bretonnian - Vain Quest for the Grail, 11th Crusade of Araby; Dwarf - Throng of Kark Veng; Ogre Kingdoms - Wondrous Caravan of the Traveller and his Maneaters; Tomb Kings - Bronze Host of Ka-Sabar; Chaos Dwarf - Protectors of Hashuts Holy Places; High Elf - Dragonriders of Caledor;  
Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

Original Necromunda stuff? Very nice. I also like your Bumblebee objective marker

Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

WIP #004

Thanks guys! I hadn't thought about mixing up the hair colours as I wanted to give the Gang quite a uniform look. My original Escher gang had multicolored hair with crazy patterns, I'll post a pick of one of the models yet to have it's paint stripped at some point. With this gang though I think a girl with different hair will stand out too much.

Anyway here's a close up of some of the progress I have been making:

I've been working on the purple of the armour and guns. Let me know what you think :-) I've finished it on all the models but I'll just show 3 for now to give better pictures.

I feel some of the highlights might be too bold, once I've finished the models I'll use glazes to tone down any areas with too much contrast.

Oh, and this loot marker is now forever called the "bumblebee marker"

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

 Bottle wrote:
Oh, and this loot marker is now forever called the "bumblebee marker"

Awesome The new girls look good. Of course if you don't think they're up to par you can always send them my way

Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Beautiful work.

You really bring those old sculpts to life.

Made in us
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Yeah if I were able to paint old minis to look like that. I would be too scared to alter them.

Even your tokens are just so well done. Its hard to say perfect, but I do not think my brain could come up with any kind of critique for any of your minis so far.

I think your progress so far is awesome, and I appreciate you sharing this with us play by play.

Only C&C I got for you is: MOAR!
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

Escher Gang, 'The Spyders'
WIP #005

Wooooo I finally got my Escher gang 100% completed! Before my 'batches' had always been around 3-5 models at a time. So to complete a whole batch of 10 was at times a mammoth task, but I definitely think it helped me finish quicker and the reward for completing so many models at once is incredible :-D

Toxic: leader of the Spyders

Heavy with Heavy Plasma Gun

I think this model turned out best in the whole gang. What do you guys think?

Escher Gangers #001

Escher Gangers #002

Although I'm happy overall with the gang, the ganger with lasgun and ganger with just a shotgun didn't turn out as well as the rest.

Escher Juves

Let me know what you think! :-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
aw_man wrote:
Yeah if I were able to paint old minis to look like that. I would be too scared to alter them.

Even your tokens are just so well done. Its hard to say perfect, but I do not think my brain could come up with any kind of critique for any of your minis so far.

I think your progress so far is awesome, and I appreciate you sharing this with us play by play.

Only C&C I got for you is: MOAR!

Thank yo, but you're too kind! My paint job could be a lot cleaner. And that's what I'll aim for, cleaner and neater highlights than I have currently. I hope you stick around to see the blog develop :-)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/10 19:07:57

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


They look great. I like the heavy. But have never been able to go past the mad Donna model. It's just so crazy. Planning on giving us some battle reports of the gangs shooting at each other with some pretty action shots?

See My Crazy Army plan here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/521618.page#5517409

2000 Point Armies
[40k] Orks - Kaptin Grimskragas Razorfangs; Tyranids - Hive Fleet Acidica; Astra Militarum - Murdochs 5th Armoured Detachment; Necron - Reclamation Legion of Tomb World Fordris; Inquisition - Ordos Hereticus Witchfinder Tasetus and Coven; Iron Hands - Taskforce of the Garrsak Clan Company; Alpha Legion - XII Ambush Cell, Loyalists of the Twin Primarchs; Aeldari - Guiding Light of Yarn Le'ath;

[Warhammer] Empire - Obsidian Knightly Order; Bretonnian - Vain Quest for the Grail, 11th Crusade of Araby; Dwarf - Throng of Kark Veng; Ogre Kingdoms - Wondrous Caravan of the Traveller and his Maneaters; Tomb Kings - Bronze Host of Ka-Sabar; Chaos Dwarf - Protectors of Hashuts Holy Places; High Elf - Dragonriders of Caledor;  
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

 Archer wrote:
They look great. I like the heavy. But have never been able to go past the mad Donna model. It's just so crazy. Planning on giving us some battle reports of the gangs shooting at each other with some pretty action shots?

Thank you! :-) Oh, most certainly! I want battle reports and action shots to feature heavily in this blog with each chapter ending in a full battle report that decides the outcome (in this case to find out who wins control of 'Rad Peaks').

I'm scheduled to fight those battles in early June when my brother comes back from New Zealand to take up the helm of his old Redemptionist Gang, so my goal is to finish all my chapter 1 painting objectives before then. With only 7 Redemptionists remaining I feel this is definitely doable. I'm not sure about getting the bulkheads and ruins done too, but the battle board is two planks of MDF away from being done (more on that later).

In the meantime here are some action shots for fun:

Escher and Redemptionist gangs fight over loot in the depths of the Necromunda Underhive.

Toxic, leader of the 'Spyders', confronts the preacher Elijah Flames on the streets of Rad Peaks.

And also for fun here is a comparison of my Gang before and after stripping and repainting. The model on the left is from my current Gang. The one on the right was painted around 15 years ago when I was about 13 years old.

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in gb
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

Milton Keynes

Those are some really pretty models, nice work.

Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

You got some rare out of production models here. Good to see them painted up and used.

And do share more.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Man super jelly of mad Donna and some of the non juvy guys.

Almost got my hands on Donna but that fell through :/

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in fi
Basecoated Black

Those loot counters were great idea. My counters are on cardboard pieces. I have to correct that. Only my pit box is not so great...

Keep up the good painting! Like to see more Necromunda minis and terrain.

Yar! Visit my blog! Just clik the WWW button!  
Made in gb
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

In a chair, staring at a screen

I wish i had kept my redemptionists now :( i still have my orlocks and goliaths though.

1500 pts
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


Yeah I have been contemplating trying to get my hands on more Necromunda stuff. I have 17 Van Saar and 16 Goliath models and then one example of the different Hired Guns types, but it simply comes back to is there a point as I lack consistent Necromunda opponents to expend money on my collection.....

See My Crazy Army plan here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/521618.page#5517409

2000 Point Armies
[40k] Orks - Kaptin Grimskragas Razorfangs; Tyranids - Hive Fleet Acidica; Astra Militarum - Murdochs 5th Armoured Detachment; Necron - Reclamation Legion of Tomb World Fordris; Inquisition - Ordos Hereticus Witchfinder Tasetus and Coven; Iron Hands - Taskforce of the Garrsak Clan Company; Alpha Legion - XII Ambush Cell, Loyalists of the Twin Primarchs; Aeldari - Guiding Light of Yarn Le'ath;

[Warhammer] Empire - Obsidian Knightly Order; Bretonnian - Vain Quest for the Grail, 11th Crusade of Araby; Dwarf - Throng of Kark Veng; Ogre Kingdoms - Wondrous Caravan of the Traveller and his Maneaters; Tomb Kings - Bronze Host of Ka-Sabar; Chaos Dwarf - Protectors of Hashuts Holy Places; High Elf - Dragonriders of Caledor;  
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

Elijah Flames and his followers of Redemption

WIP #006

After a big push today I finished my Redemptionist Gang!

Most of these models were originally my brother's, and he will be taking command of them soon when we decide the fate of 'Rad Peaks'.

In their previous life they had been primed in some sort of glossy primer *shudders* that has been a nightmare to remove. As a result some of the detail was lost, and some of the smooth surfaces have patchy bits, but otherwise I am happy with the result! :-D

Priest and Deacon

Brethren and Zealot


(using Cawdor Juves)

Let me know what you think! :-)

Next stop, building a table...

Then time for some battles!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
rustproof wrote:Those are some really pretty models, nice work.

Baxx wrote:You got some rare out of production models here. Good to see them painted up and used.

And do share more.


Desubot wrote:Man super jelly of mad Donna and some of the non juvy guys.

Almost got my hands on Donna but that fell through :/

Yeah, just gotta be patient with eBay and the good deals will come. I picked up the Escher with 2 swords and Escher with chainsword together for a tenner recently!! Couldn't believe my luck :-p

Mad Sergeant wrote:Those loot counters were great idea. My counters are on cardboard pieces. I have to correct that. Only my pit box is not so great...

Keep up the good painting! Like to see more Necromunda minis and terrain.

Thanks! I love your thread, so it's nice to hear! Looking forward to your loot counters :-)

Da Stormlord wrote:I wish i had kept my redemptionists now :( i still have my orlocks and goliaths though.

I hope this motivates you to paint and play with them if you aren't currently!

Archer wrote:Yeah I have been contemplating trying to get my hands on more Necromunda stuff. I have 17 Van Saar and 16 Goliath models and then one example of the different Hired Guns types, but it simply comes back to is there a point as I lack consistent Necromunda opponents to expend money on my collection.....

Very jealous of you having Van Saar and Goliath as I have neither.

Necromunda is a very easy game to get non-gamer friends to play in my opinion

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/24 18:27:57

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in se
Executing Exarch

Oh man those are AMAZING! And classic paint scheme to boot I've played like 30 games with my Escher in out current campaign but only painted one model...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/24 18:32:57

Made in gb
Imperial Recruit in Training

Leicestershire, Loughborough

Nice. Following this thread. Gotta Love Necromunda!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/24 18:52:00

Only 3 things are Infinite in life. Time, Space & Human Stupidity.... 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran


Those are some great looking models you have there. I especially like the Escher paint scheme (using it myself as well ). The loot counters are very nice as well!

Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

Guardsman117 wrote:Nice. Following this thread. Gotta Love Necromunda!

Singleton Mosby wrote:Those are some great looking models you have there. I especially like the Escher paint scheme (using it myself as well ). The loot counters are very nice as well!

Mymearan wrote:Oh man those are AMAZING! And classic paint scheme to boot I've played like 30 games with my Escher in out current campaign but only painted one model...

Thanks guys!

As battle day approaches (June 8th and 9th), I'm busy completing the last few of my goals: the battle board, the ruins and the bulkheads. I'll post an update when I have something a little more substantial but in the meantime here are some battle shots to wet your appetite.

Redemptionists and Escher battle it out in the depths of the Underhive

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/05/28 11:27:18

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

An Escher ganger guards her Heavy as they take cover in a ruin

WIP #007

Today's update is one for scenery! Woo, I can't believe I found the time, but I managed to paint 44 Bulkheads and 5 Ruins this weekend.

The paint jobs are quick and functional and certainly won't win me any painting awards. But terrain doesn't need to be painted that well to look impressive in my opinion. I am happy with the results! (And you should have seen what the ruins looked like before the repaint, my god)

I got to use the new Leadbelcher Spray, and GW's new large drybrush as well as Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust on the bulkheads. All 4 things being an absolute godsend!

There are actually 3 more ruins to complete but I ran out of Agrax Earthshade and so will pick up some more this week.

Other than that, I just need to buy the 4ft x 4ft MDF board to play on and all my Chapter 1 Goals will be complete!

Just in time as my brother is coming to the UK next weekend and we're going to be playing lots of Necromunda!

Tell me what you think of the scenery.

- Bottle

Redemptionists advance cautiously over a walkway deep in the Underhive

Redemptionists and Escher battle for archeotech over a walkway

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in us
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader


Awesome stuff Bottle! I absolutely love the format of this, super creative and fun to read. Must be pretty refreshing getting to change it up a bunch doing the different gangs. When my group played Necromunda I made a small Arbite force which was a blast to make. They would have loved arresting your beautiful Escher gang.

Keep it up I want more!

The Carrion Corsairs - A Dark Eldar P&M Blog

Know thine enemy.
You are known to him already

* Sermon Primaris, the Ordo Xenos

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Raleigh, NC

This blog is great, keep it up! I love seeing Necromunda, and your work doesn't disappoint!
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


Scenery looks perfect. I totally agree with you that only a little effort makes terrain really pop. But in the long run you want it playing second fiddle to the gangs.

See My Crazy Army plan here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/521618.page#5517409

2000 Point Armies
[40k] Orks - Kaptin Grimskragas Razorfangs; Tyranids - Hive Fleet Acidica; Astra Militarum - Murdochs 5th Armoured Detachment; Necron - Reclamation Legion of Tomb World Fordris; Inquisition - Ordos Hereticus Witchfinder Tasetus and Coven; Iron Hands - Taskforce of the Garrsak Clan Company; Alpha Legion - XII Ambush Cell, Loyalists of the Twin Primarchs; Aeldari - Guiding Light of Yarn Le'ath;

[Warhammer] Empire - Obsidian Knightly Order; Bretonnian - Vain Quest for the Grail, 11th Crusade of Araby; Dwarf - Throng of Kark Veng; Ogre Kingdoms - Wondrous Caravan of the Traveller and his Maneaters; Tomb Kings - Bronze Host of Ka-Sabar; Chaos Dwarf - Protectors of Hashuts Holy Places; High Elf - Dragonriders of Caledor;  
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