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"Put some pants on." - Adapting Slaanesh to another element?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I've been thinking recently about doing a "Classy Slaanesh" army, which is possibly not as hard as it sounds... But I need some ideas. It'll be a slow burn project because conversions will likely be key.

If we ignore the (partly GW, but mostly fan-imposed these days) sexy sex aspect, then the theme of Slaanesh encompasses pride, excess, perfection and artistry. Just not in conventional ways.

What's wrong with boobs and such?
Well nothing, but I feel it's played out. I'm tired of the "ew" reactions.
I'm interested in the aspects that would have been part of trapping the Emperors Children - they didn't fall because they were massive perverts to begin with. They fell in part because they were hell bent on being exceptional. Fulgrim himself was pretty obsessed with art, etc.

Sigvald, for example, is not a "sexy" figure, he's a proud one. Taking a cue from this, I'm wondering how to adapt the miniatures that are available from GW.

To start with, Daemonettes, I'm thinking perhaps of changing the claws and blades to a sleeker design, giving them decorative robes that flow in line with their hair. Perhaps altering their armor so that it is more elegant as well.
For the Seekers, I'd look at using ornately armored horses instead, and painting to match the scheme.

Thoughts? Ideas?

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sure, why not?

Slaneesh is the god of excess and sensation, not just lust and bewbs. The other aspects of that often get overlooked.

My job here is done. 
Made in ca
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions

Toronto, Ontario

The reason there's so much sex in chaos daemons from slaneesh, is that by very nature of humanity, it's easiest to tempt humans with physical pleasure that way. With Space Marines, who are not (in my mind), driven by the natural drive to reproduce, but rather derive their pleasure from perfection of other pursuits. I've gone another way myself with my noise marines. Since their heightened senses are raised to the point that they barely register sensations not taken to the extreme, I've made sure to paint them in bright colours with multiple colours all over them.

Just remember to take what ever you're doing to the extreme. Since your not going the sexy route then don't make your daemonettes look classy or elegant. If they're wearing classy flowing robes, then they have to have an excessive amount of jewelry. If the're using weapons and armour, they have to look artistic taken to the extreme of barely being functional or so ornate and bejeweled or engraved that it almost looks silly to cram that many jewels or carvings into the space.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/07 18:52:39

"He's doing the Lord's work. And by 'Lord' I mean Lord of Skulls." -Kenny Boucher

Prepare yourselves for the onslaught men. The enemy is waiting, but your Officers are courageous and your bayonettes sharp! I have at my disposal an entire army of Muskokans, tens of thousands of armour and artillery supporting millions upon tens of millions of the Imperium's finest fighting men with courage in their bellies, fire in their hearts and lasguns in their hands. Emperor show mercy to mine enemies, for as sure as the Imperium is vast, I will not!
- General Robert Thurgood of the Emperor's Own Lasguns before the landings at Traitor's Folly at the onset of the Chrislea's Road Campaign

"Pride goeth before the fall... to Slaanesh"
- ///name stricken///, former 'Emperor's Champion' 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I didn't think Slaanesh is the Chaos God of Christmas trees.

Whilst I agree that's one way to take it, one of the first things I said in the topic is "thinking of a classy Slaanesh army". Unless I manage to turn each Daemonette into a Klimt painting, your suggestion is the exact opposite of what I was aiming for and talking about...

Some of the daemons trap folk by appealing to their pride and fantasy. There are subtle areas of Slaanesh, and that's what I'm primarily focusing on.

Again, consider the Sigvald figure. It could only be Slaanesh, but it is neither impractical nor sexy. It's pretentious and stand-offish, slightly ornate.

The reason there's so much sex in Slaanesh is that it's easy to represent and the brain fills in the rest. Ain't nobody got time to design subtle.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Down Under

 Buttery Commissar wrote:
What's wrong with boobs and such?


Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Can we just fething not.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in au
Dakka Veteran


I like this idea.

How about raiding the Warhammer Dark Elf line? I think the Bloodwrack shrine could be the good base for a Soul Grinder, and they have some chariots that could be turned into Seeker chariots. I turned a few of the Bloodwrack witch elves into daemonettes with head and 'hand' swaps for my daemon army.

Although my first thought was leopard/zebra print Space Marines, so I might not be a good judge of anything 'classy'

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/07 22:23:54

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


If I'm entirely honest with you, I don't know what a Soul Grinder is or does, but I do like the potential for that Bloodwrack. It's a seriously stylish thing, especially with that mirror or portal at the back. The Dark Elves look really useful too, thank you so much.

I would like to stick with the "obvious from a distance" aspect of using mostly the original piece and converting, so I'll have to plan carefully.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in au
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Regular space marine stuff is pretty ornate, but I reckon if you went insanely over the top with ornate detail on all the armour, like some kind of scrollwork or something, it would help lend to the view of excess.

Gold, gold everywhere is also not exclusive to excess (such blood angel, wow) but I am thinking something like deep purple robes with tons of scrollwork in gold.
Made in au
Dakka Veteran


 Buttery Commissar wrote:
If I'm entirely honest with you, I don't know what a Soul Grinder is or does, but I do like the potential for that Bloodwrack. It's a seriously stylish thing, especially with that mirror or portal at the back. The Dark Elves look really useful too, thank you so much.

I would like to stick with the "obvious from a distance" aspect of using mostly the original piece and converting, so I'll have to plan carefully.
A Soul Grinder is meant to be a big daemon walker, basically a Chaos Marine Defiler but with a different top bit. In my opinion though it looks a bit too generically chaos, even leaning into Khorne territory.

But yes, I love that Bloodwrack shrine kit. Turned the Khaine statue into an Eldar Avatar, the Medusa into a Slaanesh daemon prince, and the witch elves into daemonettes/Heralds of Slaanesh. I think the Khaine statue could be converted into a Keeper of Secrets with a cape and head swap.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Ahh, I've seen one of those and assumed it was Khorne based before. What an ugly buggar.

kb_lock wrote:
Gold, gold everywhere is also not exclusive to excess (such blood angel, wow) but I am thinking something like deep purple robes with tons of scrollwork in gold.
I'm actually thinking of gold and silver with a black or monochrome scheme... I know it's not very flashy.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in au
Incorporating Wet-Blending


> I know it's not very flashy.

That's like imperial guard vehicles without rivets, just plain wrong.
Made in my
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

At my desk

I would also avoid any battle-damage or grime on the figures, make them look impeccably clean.

I really like that someone is finally not just going for good old Slannesh Daemons for the bewbs. And it's cool that She Who Thirsts' other aspects are being explored properly.

Also, be sure to post some pictures when you get the project started, I'm pretty sure we'd all like to see what you do with it.

3000pts Blood Angels (4th Company) - 2000pts Skitarii (Voss Prime) - 2500pts Imperial Knights (Unnamed House) - 1000pts Imperial Guard (Household Retainers)

2000pts Free Peoples (Edlynd Fusiliers) - 2000pts Kharadron Overlords (Barak Zilfin) - 500pts Ironweld Arsenal (Edlynd Ironwork Federation) - 1000pts Duardin (Grongrok Powderheads)

Wargaming's no fun when you have a plan! 
Made in us
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Yeah, I sure hope it's doable because that's exactly what I'm doing with my current army project. Slaaneshi gladiators.
Less bewbs and hentai tentacles, more garish paint. Sure, sex can be thrilling. Also thrilling? The roar of the crowd chanting your name. Knowing that if you tilt your blade just so, the sun will catch it as it plunges into the enemy. Any barbarian can push a sharp piece of metal through some guts, a true artist can stab and slash in a way to spray a fallen foe's arterial life blood. That's perfection.
Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa

I second the use of the fantasy Dark elf/elf/wood elf ranges. I use the dark elf witches kits. In fact! a quick google I found this image, which im not sure its entirely the theme your going with, but I think its a step in the right direction?

Thinking more... elegant and classy assassins, with sleek and deadly grace, painted with bright colour fades with gold trim?

This is probably one of my favourite slaaneshi images; More gladiatorial finesse than sexy

EDIT: apologises butter, I didn't come back to check the post, that image was DAYUMM huge.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/09 09:30:02

Favourite Game: When your Warboss on bike wrecks 3 vehicles simply by HoW - especially when his bike is a custom monowheel.

Made in au
Incorporating Wet-Blending


That gladiator makes me think that some of this aos stuff would do the job too
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Add extra textures. Look at the classic Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine; as well as the armour plates, there's the sculpted detail of the screaming faces, picked out in precious metals. There's the leather glove and leg, the gemstones, the soft pink of the helmet ([franie howerd]Oooh, no. titter ye not[/frankie howerd]) and the horsehair topknot.

For daemonettes, you've got the skin, horns, various fabrics on the clothing, hair, etc, as well as the claws. Soft "bulk" highlights on the skin but sharp edge highlights on polished leather or the claws, etc.
Made in gb
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Liverpool, england

Should be extremely different to everything else we've seen, but a hell of an idea. After all, a huge part of the ethos of the followers of Slaanesh is attaining perfection in all areas. A feeling of martial pride, pristine armour and some incredibly beautiful faces should hit the spot.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


thanks for the support and ideas, guys. Glad it's not ass offbeat as I was worrying it may be...

TheManWithNoPlan wrote:Also, be sure to post some pictures when you get the project started, I'm pretty sure we'd all like to see what you do with it.
Certainly will! It'll be a couple of weeks because I need to really finish up my IG whilst I'm in the mood, I did a massive push on them for a tournament and got a bit burned out.

PourSpelur wrote:Yeah, I sure hope it's doable because that's exactly what I'm doing with my current army project. Slaaneshi gladiators.
Less bewbs and hentai tentacles, more garish paint. Sure, sex can be thrilling. Also thrilling? The roar of the crowd chanting your name. Knowing that if you tilt your blade just so, the sun will catch it as it plunges into the enemy. Any barbarian can push a sharp piece of metal through some guts, a true artist can stab and slash in a way to spray a fallen foe's arterial life blood. That's perfection.
Somewhere along those lines. i was thinking of mixing the fighting and dancing aspect more than the bloodletting area.

Solar Shock wrote:I second the use of the fantasy Dark elf/elf/wood elf ranges. I use the dark elf witches kits. In fact! a quick google I found this image, which im not sure its entirely the theme your going with, but I think its a step in the right direction?
Absolutely. Though a little less armor, just to avoid visual confusion with Dark Eldar on the table. Any chance you could Spoiler the big image? It's playing merry hell with my phone due to width.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Things are Happening.

I've bagged myself a set of five Seekers of Slaanesh.

Then I got some bits from online (waiting for their arrival tomorrow).


Replacement blades and "riding" arms:

And a couple varied blades (I'd remove the arms).

I'm going to use very fine tissue paper and wet-glue sculpting to put robes over the Daemonettes bodies and shoulders - they will be leaning forward slightly with a robed arm gripping the "saddle" area, and a free arm wielding those finer blades.

I also found myself one of these things. I love it. And the riders are not a million miles from the size of the modern Seekers. I plan to get a few more and swap the torsos to create some leaders for my Seekers.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in ca
Pewling Menial


I've always played with the idea of a warband of gross, fat cannibals. Use a lot of Vampire Counts bits and really push the excess part of Slaanesh.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Are there any vampires Counts that are eating or drinking?
I know Steve Buddle did an amazing vampire countess that I'd consider using. https://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/cmon-miniatures-2/cmon-vampire-countess.html

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I used some Eldar in my WHFB slaanesh force. Although sometimes they were fielded as khorne.

When Witch Elves go bad:

Elves always cary an air of grace and sophistication. Always nice to corrupt that.

And I much prefer the old steeds to all that came after. I think I still have one NiB kicking around somewhere. With the lobster claw demonette.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I love the booplesnoot steeds.
They're very similar in aesthetic to my first ever miniature which was the old Zombie Dragon.
I'm thinking of fitting two to an Exalted Chariot when I build it, but I haven't seen how they connect yet.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

On the topic of eating and drinking, I don’t think any GW vamps are in the act, but Isabella has a goblet full of blood. It’s a little more pronounced in her old sculpt (It looks like her new one has it, but I’ve just seen pictures)

Some Dark elves also have cups (cauldron of blood) and of course the Blood Angels

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/22 00:22:25

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Oh! The Carsteins! How the hell did I forget?

Now this. This has potential.

Swap below the waist and add some iconography and we got ourselves a very good candidate for Slaaneshi over-indulgence.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Anyone else bothered that the droplet clearly wouldn't go in his mouth, there?
*Plep* on the forehead.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/22 00:28:53

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


lol i can see BC Fielding a squad of bowler hats and frilly dresses, with claw hands and saying thier demonettes

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


If I hadn't given this away this morning, you may have just given me an idea.

(No, but if I were to do classy-ladies in frocks, they'd be this standard).

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


awww lol

Made in us
Shrieking Traitor Sentinel Pilot

As someone who loves gratuities titties in terrible '80s movies, I think this is an excellent project. I agree that "look, she has almost no clothes!" is kind of lazy.

As far as delving into the depraved depths of excess, I think you hit it on the head BC with immaculate ornate armor, and garish colorful robes. I think you could even do a model or two with the hyper sexualised, sultry, seductress look, without having to resort OMG BOOBS! Like that vampire fellow with the bleeding sword. There is something disturbingly erotic about that, and you can't even see his wang!

Please keep us updated. This should be fantastic.

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