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Made in fr
Beard Squig


Hi Mates,
After long years past far from the hobby, i'm getting back at it, at least for a quick battle against my favorite opponent.
So, I had first decided to form a Moonclan fluffy army, but i'll face some dark elves (Exiles), So I have added some black orcs, trolls and a giant for the Waaagh-effect.

We'll use the PPC because we are still not used to those "Play What you want" punked rules.

One more thing, i'll be glad to have your advices about how to make those purple peaked heads back to their armour designers.

Here is the face'off:

For the peaked heads (approximatively, because I don't Know yet my opponent's list) :
- Malus Darkblade.
-10 coldone's knight
- 8 executioners
- 15 darkshards
- 15 corsairs
- 1 sorceress
- 5 shades
- 5 warlocks
- 1 Reaper Bolt Thrower
- 1 kharibdyss

For the Waaagh:
- Skarsnik
- 30 Night goblins (shield and spears)
- 4 fanatics
- 2 Night gobelin Shaman
- 1 black orc big boss
- 10 black orcs
- 3 trolls
- 1 giant
- 2 doom divers catapult
- 1 spear chukka
- 1 orc bully

Should I add some orcs for the strengh, some bows, some spiders, or should I go full Night Gobelins....?
The fun is the main part of my Victory plan, but i'm wondering if I'm on the right way to achieve it.

Many thanks for your precious words.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/10/11 10:47:29

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

It looks like two well balanced forces to me

I think you have a good force to face the Dark Elves with. If you position your warmachines carefully, you can snipe out key elements of the enemy force, such as the lone sorceress. That'll keep some nasty buffs away from his hard-hitters.

One small issue is that you only have one unit to stick all your fanatics in. You have to let your opponent know about them and that they are in hiding, so your opponent will know for sure they are in the Night Goblin unit. If he focus his ranged attacks there they will hardly survive long enough to do any damage. By having two units instead, your opponent will have to guess where they are.

Other than that, hit hard and at the right places, and you'll do well with your force. Remember that it's not always a good tactic to engage more than one unit at a time, as you can only pick one unit to strike with before your opponent attacks. If he picks his unit engaged in the second combat, you'll lose more than you would have with only one unit engaged.

Good luck, let us know how it went!

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Made in fr
Beard Squig


Hi attilla,

Nice to have some advices from you.
The idea to split the nights goblins is nice but gong to make me loose the bonus to wound.
That's a hard choice...

The warlocks are scary toô. ..
There are several things i'm worried about:
The trolls have a weak bravery, if one dies, the others will flee. ..
I've got nothing to protect my artillery from the shades

Definitely that will be a nice battle
Feel free to gîve your opinion about it...
Don't read this and go, if you love nights goblins your advices are welcome.
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Gnobbla wrote:
Hi attilla,

Nice to have some advices from you.
The idea to split the nights goblins is nice but gong to make me loose the bonus to wound.
That's a hard choice...

I might not have been clear in my post. I don't think splitting the unit is a good idea, but if you can find the points to make a second unit, that would be better since it's not obvious where the fanatics are hiding.

Gnobbla wrote:
The warlocks are scary toô. ..

The warlocks are indeed scary, but since you have 2 shamans, you can try to deploy at least of them nearby to unbind their spells.
Since AoS is alot about picking on the units providing bonuses, make sure you protect your shamans. Stick them inside a unit (bubblewrapped) so that they can not be charged easily.

Gnobbla wrote:
The trolls have a weak bravery, if one dies, the others will flee. ..

I don't have any advice on this one...my chaos trolls seem to do alot of damage but flee quickly when dying unfortunately If you keep them next to another hard-hitting target, your opponent needs to pick which unit to focus on. At least the trolls can regenerate if they don't die.

Gnobbla wrote:
I've got nothing to protect my artillery from the shades

If your opponent only uses 5 Shades, you can bubblewrap your artillery inside a unit of Goblins to protect them. 5 Shades will not do alot of ranged damage, and if they get close enough...out comes a fanatic or two!

Gnobbla wrote:
Definitely that will be a nice battle
Feel free to gîve your opinion about it...
Don't read this and go, if you love nights goblins your advices are welcome.

Oh, I have no love for Night Goblins...they are one of my opponents main armies.
Strange enough, his other main is Dark Elves!

Let us know how the game went!

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