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Made in gb
World-Weary Pathfinder

Somewhere deep within the Warp.

Don't really know where to post this to be honest, but me and my mates are starting flames of war, and we sticking to 1500pts late war. (1 of every nation and 2 germans inc myself)

anyway, i recently got my hands on the berlin book and this is my first attempt at a list, tbh, i dont know how to write lists. if you need clarification i can answer any questions.

i would appreciate any optinion. cheers...

CC SS company command panzerfaust smg team
2iC SS command panzerfaust smg team
SS panzershreck team
sniper team

Command panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1
2 panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1
2 panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1

Command panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1
2 panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1
2 panzerfaust mg team
sd kfz 251/1

Command panzerfaust rifle team
Observer rifle team
7.5cm ig37
7.5cm ig37

Command panzerfaust smg team
7.5cm pak40
7.5cm pak40

Command Panzerfaust Rifle team
2x2 mg34 hmg

2 panther g

3 klienpanzer wanze

Sd kfz 234 pak 40 + Sd kfz 2cm
Sd kfz 234 pak 40 + Sd kfz 2cm

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 An'arkh'ad'nron wrote:
anyway, i recently got my hands on the berlin book and this is my first attempt at a list, tbh, i dont know how to write lists. if you need clarification i can answer any questions.

Which list is this from the Berlin supplement? I just want to be sure as there are so many different German lists its hard to keep track of them all and I can't seem to match this off hand to any of those lists.

A few general comments on building infantry lists.

Taking as many Panzerfaust or Panzerschreck (or PIATs for British or Bazookas for Americans) as you can is always good. Lots of people take tank companies and PF or PS in a platoon can cause your opponent to avoid them, or approach them more cautiously. They are also deadly if you can assault the tanks.

I always try to max out the size of any infantry platoons I take. Fearless Veterans are tough (most SS are FV) but having less stands on the table still makes it easier to destroy or break the platoon. Also, as infantry, buildings and heavy cover are your friend! Even FV infantry in the open are easily destroyed with MG fire.

Artillery and smoke are important in the game, and especially IMO for infantry. Most of my infantry lists include both a medium mortar platoon and an artillery battery. One can then drop smoke while the other pins my opponent's platoons. Also, be aware that small 2-tube mortar or artillery batteries have to re-roll their hits, which is a huge penalty.

Not sure if it was deliberate or not, but you have an even number of platoons (HQ does not count). Having an even number of platoons is very useful in missions that involve reserves. Generally, you need to keep half of your platoons off of the board in games that use the reserve rules which means if you have an odd number like seven platoons, you need to keep four of them off the table until they can roll to come one.

Hope that was some help.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/11/03 16:34:46

Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant


Not that there aren't a bunch of smart and experienced players here, but I do find people get lots of good feedback at the Army Lists section of the official FoW forums.

There are lots of other similar lists there you can look at for inspiration.
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

DC Metro

I don't have the Berlin book handy at work so I'll try to keep my suggestions general.

German Mech is typically one of the hardest lists to start playing as you've got limited numbers and you have to build a list that is good at both attacking and defending. A lot of German Mech lists also have the Mounted Assault rule which is tricky to pull off and can lose you the game. With Armor, you typically are the attacker while with Infantry, you're typically the defender so you can optimize your list towards a particular role though you'll want to have a plan for times when the roles are reversed.

I echo the maxing out the size of your infantry platoons. If necessary, downgrade the transports for one platoon to trucks or go on foot. On the defense, they're what you use to hold ground. On the offense, they are used to dig defenders you wouldn't send tanks after (lots of AT, or in terrain). That said, on the attack, you'll need something to generate smoke. The IG37s have direct fire smoke, but you'll want a smoke template as it covers an area and is good prep for assault as it'll provide cover for your attacking infantry and cover for them to consolidate if you win. I recomend trying to find space for at least a 2 tube mortar team. In fact, you might want to think about replacing the IG37s with mortars as they typically serve the same role with IG37s slightly better at direct fire against light vehicles and direct fire smoke while mortars are slightly better at indirect as they have a re-roll to range in. I'm a bigger fan of the 150mm sIGs as they have decent bombardment firepower and AT to threaten tanks, dig out dug in infantry and have breaktrhough gun to deny infantry saves and bunker buster for clearing buildings which makes them much better at direct fire.

HMGs typically have the ability to be combat attached to your infantry platoons to give them added punch on the defense and should be done as 2 HMGs by their own are usually easy for your opponent to take out and they have to be taken out before he can get an infantry assault it.
Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

DC Metro

Ok. Finally had a chance t look at the Berlin book again. There's only 1 German list in the book which is classified as Infantry (even if your core platoons are mounted in 251's) unless you take street barricades/tank turrets which change you into a Fortified company.

This means you're mostly defending so in most games, you can expect to be the defender unless you come up against another infantry company or a fortified company.

The Berlin Kampfgruppe list is slightly different from other German lists due to its rules. First, you do not get the Kampfgruppe rule which allows you to build a custom platoon from your 2iC and squads from other platoons. Typically this is to either build a customized platoon for your current mission or build a throwaway platoon to round out your numbers and put into reserve for the half-on/half-off missions. Not a big deal since you've got access to lots of cheap units that can bulk out your list. Second, you don't have the Reich Divided rule so SS/Luftwaffe/Heer troops operate under a unified command. This is useful as your CiC and 2iC can go and join any unit. Finally, you've got Enjoy the War which means your confident and fearless troops take morale checks differently from normal and are generally harder to break. You still get Stormtrooper and Mission Tactics.

My previous advice mostly holds.

2 mounted infantry units is overkill. I'd probably go with 1 that I can use as a mobile reserve or as an offensive unit. I'd max out their size and upgrade them to Assault Rifle teams since I want them mobile. I'd then look at 2 infantry units possibly as fresh Panzergreandiers or Fallschirmjagers equipped with MGs. These two units are the ones that would start off holding the objectives. I'd even consider replace one of those units with a Volksturm unit which I would place on the least threatened objective.k
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