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Made in us

So this game is out, at least partially. Models are a bit bigger than traditional 28/32mm. Gameplay is done by Alessio, rank and flank fantasy.

Your forces come in waves, based on their category (light, medium, heavy). So your super powerful heavies aren't starting on turn 1.

Personally I don't know where this game has been the last 10 years, because everything about the gameplay has so far been awesome. The only weirdness is you want to roll low instead of high.

Anyone else looking at this game? I don't expect local support at all, but its something I can see taking to cons.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


At $68 for the starter set from miniature market, I'll probably pick it up as a birthday gift to myself next month. It definitely looks cool, and from the start I was intrigued by the background and look of the Spires.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/08 14:02:39

Made in us

They have done a lot of solid work on their narrative as well.
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

I'm planning on picking it up, but waiting until the steel legion is released. The bigger minis are a bit off putting, but I only hear rave reviews about the gameplay.
Made in us

I actually like the bigger miniatures. Because there is a lot more room for detail and they just feel heftier.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


One worry I have is the release timescale. Looking at the Spire army book, there's entries for eighteen types of Regiments (four Light, nine Medium, five Heavy) but we're currently at three releases, with a fourth coming soon. I'm guessing the Hundred Kingdoms is in the same position. So they've got to work on releasing these miniatures, alongside the dwarves and vikings.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/08 17:52:02

Made in us

That is true and is a challenge locally getting interest. THe armies for spire and hundred kingdoms are about 30% - 40% released with a trickle out release schedule.

Dwarves and nords come out end of year.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 auticus wrote:
Dwarves and nords come out end of year.

That's good to hear. I'm utterly convinced that most wargames (Star Wars gamed excluded for obvious reasons) need at least four factions to really grab an audience. So the sooner Conquest reaches that roadmark it'll have a better chance.

Made in us

I would agree. I personally am interested in the dwarves or nords.

For right now I plan on building up 1000 pts of the starter box for demo and then seeing what happens. 1000 pts can be done with what is out now.
Made in us

Noticed going through the rules that Alessio hybridized a lot of whfb and warmaster rules for this.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 auticus wrote:
Noticed going through the rules that Alessio hybridized a lot of whfb and warmaster rules for this.

Can you elaborate? You just said a combination of words that got me super excited. :-p

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in us
You Sunk My Battleship!

Bradenton, Florida

I saw this displayed at GenCon and the minis are gorgeous!
Made in us

Sure. In reading the rules its about 75% based on old whfb with twists here and there. However your guys are on stands like warmaster.

Additionally on things like the charge etc, the stands in the rear contribute attacks like they do in warmaster.

The difference is that you remove models as they take casualties where as in warmaster a stand has HITS that when they are exhausted the stand is removed.

The flanks, rear etc... those diagrams are almost perfect lifts from the old whfb books.

How you bring models onto the table is unique though. You don't line up battle lines vs your opponent and then hulk smash through them. Your stuff comes in an order... as reserves. Lights then mediums then heavies.

So your big nasty stuff is likely only on the table at the end half of the game.

But you can bring them potentially in from any table edge (you can always bring them into your replenishment / reinforcement zone but then you can bring them in from table edges provided certain criteria have been met)

Additionally its alternate activation. I activate a unit then you do. Which I really really like and is how I have houseruled my AOS campaigns already anyway (so seeing it in this game already was awesome)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/10 01:01:47

Made in us

Another interesting thing as this was something that came up a lot in WHFB for discussions: death stars and units crammed with characters.

Unit leaders and unit standard bearers give minor bonuses to the unit.

Characters MUST be a part of a unit unless they are a regiment of their own (like a monstrous character). A regiment may only contain one character.

Characters duel other characters. If a character refuses a duel in a combat, their unit becomes broken (meaning if they lose half of their stands while they are broken they are shattered and immediately are removed)

Characters provide leadership boons and other bonuses to their regiments.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/10 13:27:04

Made in us


I got three starter sets and so far have built the Spire side out of one of them. The miniatures are pretty neato and I too dig the larger scale, esp for a rank’n’flank game where scale generally is somewhat abstracted (e.g., terrain can be in a different scale, one fig can represent many soldiers, etc).

The rules are pretty straightforward but seem to provide for a solid amount of tactical depth, a touchstone of Cavatore design.

Made in us

Bunch of new stuff being released right now. Dwarves going on pre order.
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


I'm sure it's a cool game. I'll maybe get into it if it takes off, doubt that it will inspire me to climb the barrier to entry though.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in us

Like any game that does not get published by GW and begin with "40k", it's "taking off" will likely be not so much in most places in the world.
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


 auticus wrote:
Like any game that does not get published by GW and begin with "40k", it's "taking off" will likely be not so much in most places in the world.

That's not what I meant. I mean if I can find opponents and some sort of community.
Realistically said community would have to find me though, so enough committed people to actively promote the game and offer demos.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/08/27 21:26:48

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in us

Thats what we're trying to do. In my neck of the woods however if its not 40k its pretty much not happening. We do have 8 people playing Conquest right now so trying to keep a monthly game night of it going.
Made in ca
Dangerous Duet

I absolutely love this game. Models are great and the system is so fluid. Hell, I might drop 40k alltogether to focus on this game.

Made in us

Yeah, this is my primary game as well.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

Game is non-existent around here, which is a shame. Asked in several stores, none had any clue it existed nor seemed remotly interested looking it up, even less in stocking it. Only found one on-line shop that sells the core set with a 30% discount (less than 60e! Might pick it up just for the value). Well, if it ain't GW...
Made in us

Yep no store in my region carries it either, nor do I expect it to. Not until we can pull 15-20 people every week at a game night and that is probably not happening unless the game is 40k or xwing.
Made in ca
Dangerous Duet

 auticus wrote:
Yep no store in my region carries it either, nor do I expect it to. Not until we can pull 15-20 people every week at a game night and that is probably not happening unless the game is 40k or xwing.

I am lucky, there is one store in my local town. Plus another one in the next province (I can get it via mail order).

Made in us

We have a group of about six people right now that have all gotten 1000 point forces we're working on. Our first 1000 pt game is end of the month, I almost have the spire stuff done. Waiting on my expansions to get here so I can get them put together.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

So, I got my Core Set and got blown away by the amount of stuff for the price. Also impressed with the quality of materials and detail.
Still have to delve deeper into the rules, but they seem super solid. Love many of the mechanics like pre-arranging deck cards for unit activation or that deployment has totally different approach compared to other "traditional wargames".

I've also been reading the short stories and listening to all the team's lore discussion, and that is probably the best part of Conquest. It is insane the level of detail and how thought out everything is for a game that just got released. The singular approach to some races like Exiles (Spire) and Nords is too cool! We really notice that world-building and geopolitics are on the foreground, the lore pivoting around this. Very different than just hero-centric factions fighting for generic reasons...
On top of that, the artwork is gorgeous and transmit perfectly the gritty-realistic-fantasy feeling (as the team describes the world). I'm really hoping for a background book compiling all the lore and art.

Such level of professionalism and quality for a newborn game/company is quite unexpected nowadays, where kickstarters or low/cheap stuff is often the norm. Makes me wonder how is Parabellum backed or what are their expectations...

Although it's as if the game doesn't exist here, I would like to run some demos at the lfgs (despite their initial indifference) once I get both starter armies painted. I can see Conquest taking over my wargaming attention. Can't remember being this excited over toy soldiers since the old whfb days
Made in us

We have about 9 people right now on board. We have another 5 or 6 waiting to see if it dies before they invest money into it.

I am collecting all four starting races and building each to 1000 points for demos and we are doing monthly conquest nights.
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

Nice, that's a lot of people!

If the info given out by the Parabellum team are any indication, I think the game will be supported for quite some time. The four initial factions seem to be already designed/produced and there are further factions quite fleshed out (Weavers and those not-orcs). That gives many months/years of releases. So I think that if locally there is an active community, it is not likely to die out any time soon.
And if whfb taught us anything, it's always a good investment even without a company's support
Made in us

Well people are always leery that they'll like the game and then it dies (like Runewars or even more infamously like WHFB had the carpet pulled out from under it and replaced with a game that was the polar opposite of what whfb was)

Its a matter of keeping it visible in your community and keeping it going. Once game nights die out, the game is done.

I have the dwarves on order and am looking forward to painting up the nords as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/09/12 12:32:40

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