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Made in us
Combat Jumping Ragik

Beyond the Beltway

EDIT GenCon 2024 video. N5 is coming!

EDIT: 2024 news starts on page 60
2023 saw the release of the reinforcements rules and the return of the Exrah.

New year, new thread. It's going to be some year for Corvus Belli because of the release of N4, and Code One, and Defiance, and some other game, in addition to the usual most excellent minis.

Predictions: we will see fewer releases per month for the first six months of the year since Defiance is taking up production. We will see more boxes, more blisters consolidated into boxes, and fewer blisters.

Adepticon is at the end of March, there may be something big there. GenCon is the end of July. There will be something big there.

A refresher: The February releases named, but no visuals:

-Agents of the Human Sphere. RPG Characters Set
-Mukhtar, Active Response Unit (Boarding Shotgun)
-The Umbra (Repack)
-Intel Spec-Ops (Heavy Pistol, Sniper)

The minis in the Agent's box are all new sculpts. Finally a Mukhtar.

ETA 01/28/20: The battle box, Operation:Kaldstrom, for code one releases at Adepticon. It is Pan-O v. Yu Jing

Here is the schedule for 2020:

ETA 05/21/2020 Code One is released. Info is here at the Code One Web Page

This message was edited 12 times. Last update was at 2024/08/05 20:30:07

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

Following on from the conversation in the last thread, I really can't believe CB said they're going to kill off PanO.

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Well after Neotexit from 0-12 things were never the same. Varuna stayed with Neotera but Acontecimento demanded a referendum to stay in 0-12 themselves and leave PanO. Lets not talk about the Svalarheima backstop as boy, that's still controversial. It's just a shell of it's former self.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/01/05 22:15:46

Made in us

Is it April 1st already?

Damn 2020 is flying by!
Made in us
Combat Jumping Ragik

Beyond the Beltway

Ha! you could not be more wrong. Look at the new Kusanagi sculpt. There are no combat heels. None. However, there may be some truth to the rumor that the Adepticon LE mini will be a bikini clad Uxia MacNeill. Or the next Aristeia mini will be a bikini clad Uxia MacNeill, or Jeanne d'Arc.

CB isn't killing Pan-O. Just the Neoterrans. You people didn't buy enough Bolts, and this is your punishment, no more nice things for Pan-O...

...Until the next battle box when we get the only other Pan-O sectorial that matters, Svalarheim.

Made in us
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator


Code One sounds intriguing to me. I loved playing the Icestorm Scenarios and the basic rules of Infinity are great, but as someone who has other hobbies and doesn’t get to play that often full Infinity was too much as there were just so many special rules/equipment to remember. If Code One is more streamlined so that someone who can can only play once a month or so can keep up with it I would enjoy it.

Made in us
Martial Arts Fiday

Nashville, TN

 Red Harvest wrote:
Ha! you could not be more wrong. Look at the new Kusanagi sculpt. There are no combat heels. None. However, there may be some truth to the rumor that the Adepticon LE mini will be a bikini clad Uxia MacNeill. Or the next Aristeia mini will be a bikini clad Uxia MacNeill, or Jeanne d'Arc.

CB isn't killing Pan-O. Just the Neoterrans. You people didn't buy enough Bolts, and this is your punishment, no more nice things for Pan-O...

...Until the next battle box when we get the only other Pan-O sectorial that matters, Svalarheim.

Goddammit! Seriously??? I play Neo. If Bolts were worth a crap (I don’t want a discussion!) I’d play them, I already bought all of them...

"Holy Sh*&, you've opened my eyes and changed my mind about this topic, thanks Dakka OT!"

-Nobody Ever

Proverbs 18:2

"CHEESE!" is the battlecry of the ill-prepared.

 warboss wrote:

GW didn't mean to hit your wallet and I know they love you, baby. I'm sure they won't do it again so it's ok to purchase and make up.

Albatross wrote:I think SlaveToDorkness just became my new hero.

EmilCrane wrote:Finecast is the new Matt Ward.

Don't mess with the Blade and Bolter! 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Yeah, Dorkness. The current rumor is that it's Neoterrans being dumped from PanO.

I keep harping on this elsewhere, but man it would be nice if they would just cut Military Orders out and reshuffled them into a NA2 like they did with JSA.
Made in us

 Kanluwen wrote:
Yeah, Dorkness. The current rumor is that it's Neoterrans being dumped from PanO.

I keep harping on this elsewhere, but man it would be nice if they would just cut Military Orders out and reshuffled them into a NA2 like they did with JSA.

That would be a good way to go about it...
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Agreed. Makes a lot of sense.
Made in gr
Thermo-Optical Spekter


Not from a background standpoint MO are way to integrated in PanOceania society so is the Church.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

And yet they're also supposed to be such a powerful entity that they can field their own forces(mostly by withholding their resurrection tokens except for those 'willing to join the crusade!') without actual PanOceanian military force involvement and they can refuse to join those actual forces...
It's okay to admit that you just don't want to lose your cheap Fusiliers.

Additionally, their range is quite likely responsible for a good chunk of PanO's issues with things being "retired" of late. How many different units of Knights do we really need in the game? Especially with as much potential overlap as most of them have?

There's a big reason why people call them the "wannabe sphess mareenz". CB thinks everyone wants them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/01/06 18:11:54

Made in gr
Thermo-Optical Spekter


I think you know that Fusiliers are out of MO, right? they can field their own forces since they must raise their own forces as they are private military companies "donated" by the church to PanOceania military complex.

I get why you may want MO as NA2 but the NA2 structure as it is does not allow such narrative to exist, it would assume the Church leave PanO and this is not a plausible scenario since they are the most integrated element of PanOceania society.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

About time they took them out.

And the NA2 structure was made for this kind of thing. Entities that aren't a "state" in and of themselves, but that have power enough to field their own forces.

There's no requirement for "the church to leave PanO"(and the "most integrated element of PanOceania society" is arguable; that title actually should go to the various corporations) to become a NA2.

But you know that. Druze Society didn't mean that they "left" Haqqislam.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

and the "most integrated element of PanOceania society" is arguable

every game needs a crazy religious fanatics faction, 40k has imperium, Infinity has the PanO
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Kanluwen wrote:

There's a big reason why people call them the "wannabe sphess mareenz". CB thinks everyone wants them.

At least half the time someone asks for a demo for the game, they at some point ask the best way to play the knights.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Yeah, because people talk them up on the 'net as some kind of unique and interesting faction of their own when they're PanO.
Made in us
Combat Jumping Ragik

Beyond the Beltway

Cronch wrote:
and the "most integrated element of PanOceania society" is arguable

every game needs a crazy religious fanatics faction, 40k has imperium, Infinity has the PanO
. Infinity also has the sane religious fanatics faction. And one for the furries <shudder>

Neoterra goes OOP and joins the ASA when Svalarheim releases. Rumored.

The new box of RPG characters for February, what does it mean? A clue to the new game CB hinted at? It seems an odd release at this time.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Probably a way to sneak in updated SpecOps models.
Made in gr
Thermo-Optical Spekter


 Kanluwen wrote:
About time they took them out.

Thanks, but it has been a while this happened.

 Kanluwen wrote:

But you know that. Druze Society didn't mean that they "left" Haqqislam.

Druze were always a separate faction they are employed by Haqqislam as mercenaries but are not allied to it, in contrast for example to Caplans (or Dahshat) who are owned by Haqqislam corporations.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 LunarSol wrote:

At least half the time someone asks for a demo for the game, they at some point ask the best way to play the knights.

They seem to be quite a popular sectorial.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/01/06 20:48:33

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I think it'd be a mistake for Neoterra to go OOP. The Bolts are sort of my iconic PanO unit. First thing I bought after getting into Infinity with Icestorm was the Neoterran start box. I love them. They could use a little help, but Infinity is a game where you can work with a less than optimal list, if you want to. I'd be super disappointed if NCL was squatted, even if temporarily.

I've got another box of just Bolts around here somewhere, but I'm basically waiting for Code One/N4 to get back into Infinity (hasn't stopped me buying models though). And Defiance I guess. Seem like Infinity is about six months away from a tsunami of awesome, but I'm just paddling around in the pool until then.
Made in us
Myrmidon Officer


 Red Harvest wrote:
Infinity also has the sane religious fanatics faction. And one for the furries <shudder>
Haqqislam seems to be the 'sane' religious faction, but I'm not sure if you're implying the furries are Bakunin Nomads or Morats. Ever since the Nomads basically started getting too friendly with the Shasvasti, they may as well be part of the CA anyways.
Made in us
Martial Arts Fiday

Nashville, TN

I’m building terrain!

"Holy Sh*&, you've opened my eyes and changed my mind about this topic, thanks Dakka OT!"

-Nobody Ever

Proverbs 18:2

"CHEESE!" is the battlecry of the ill-prepared.

 warboss wrote:

GW didn't mean to hit your wallet and I know they love you, baby. I'm sure they won't do it again so it's ok to purchase and make up.

Albatross wrote:I think SlaveToDorkness just became my new hero.

EmilCrane wrote:Finecast is the new Matt Ward.

Don't mess with the Blade and Bolter! 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

But I don't want to have to find the money to buy some Bolts right now...

I don't get MO in Infinity. I mean I understand CB's historicals background, but space knights just seems dumb this side of Star Wars.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Chairman Aeon wrote:
But I don't want to have to find the money to buy some Bolts right now...

I don't get MO in Infinity. I mean I understand CB's historicals background, but space knights just seems dumb this side of Star Wars.

They are just soldiers in heavy armor who happen to hold religion in high regard.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

No, they're religious stormtroopers that swear fealty to the Magical Nondenomination Pope, not the state of PanO. They're literally a paramilitary organization armed better than the nation-state soldiers.
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Hiding behind terrain

Im sticking to vanilla lists so I don't get attached to any sectorials since the ones I like keep getting taken out back and shot.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Really excited to see the O-12 Sectorials this year!

I am looking forward to N4 quite a bit. I would prefer if they kept the game complex but eliminated nested rules. I would also like them to go into each army and sectorial and rejigger them all to make sure every profile is good/solid.

I wonder what the points scale will look like in N4. Will they just tack a "0" onto all of the current points. Maybe double the current points? Half it? So a Fusilier is 10 points now. If they just stick a 0 on the end, he would be 100 points. If they doubled him, he would be 20. If they halved it, he would be 5. I do not believe halving is the best way to go, since it limits granularity. Not sure if I want to play 3,000 point games. Doubling seems fine.

 Dropbear Victim wrote:
Im sticking to vanilla lists so I don't get attached to any sectorials since the ones I like keep getting taken out back and shot.

The French will return! They just need a different mechanical identity and better looking models.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/01/07 17:06:34

Made in si
Camouflaged Zero

February releases!

Made in us

Who is who for what Sectorial in all that?
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