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Kitbashing Firstborn marine bionics with AdMech plastics?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I want to make a squad or two of veteran marines (HH plastic kits have me sorted with the armour) with lots of bionic legs and arms. As yall know, GW doesn't really cater to bionic upgrades except for single models, like in the FW HH character upgrade kit, so those options would end up super costly. Anvil bionics might be an option, but their medium sized bionics are not available right now..?

Since I love kitbashing with plastics, I am trying to find a way forward with GW kits, and saw some possible potential in kitbashing the new AdMech kits for firstborn marine bionics. Found this pic on reddit, which suggests to me that the legs might be roughly the right size? Those guys have SM torsos so that shows the scale pretty well. But what AdMech kit are the legs from? The Skitarii rangers box?

I dont really mind that the legs arent as beefy as armoured SM legs, as long as I can cut these with a shap knife and my razor saw, I should be able to make it work.

However, as for bionic arms, I'm still looking. Can you suggest anything from the AM plastics for bionic arms?

I am very keen on the idea of using only plastic bits as these models are (eventually) heading for the tabletop.

[Thumb - F205AC0A-87C0-4786-B84A-A3C0EEDDA10D.jpeg]
Disclaimer: Image from Reddit, (C) belongs to original author

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2020/06/07 19:26:36

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I think it would be more expensive to buy AdMech units just for the arms and legs than to buy third party conversions. Anvil has a nice selection bionic parts and I didn't see any that were unavailable.
You could also try these robotic arms from Zealot minis: https://zealotminiatures.com/zealot-shop/#!/Robotic-Arms/p/26884510/category=6272033

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Perhaps, but I also want variety in the bionics if at all possible. I might also be able to use the other bits of the kits in the future. I see a lot of cool bitz in the ruststalkers kit, for example. That kit would also give me a lot of different looking bionic arms (which I'd have to cut to lenght but it could very well work). Even with two AdMech kits, the monetary outlay is more manageable than buying ten HH character upgrade kits, with tons of bitz left over..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/08 07:24:50

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Angry Chaos Agitator

Bits resellers would be your best option. The Hellblasters box has a nice bionic arm, and pretty much any of the HH Iron Hands kits are full of them, Medusan Immortals in particular. The Admech Kataphron Battle Servitors box has some cool bionic arm/claw things thta would be the right scale for space marines.

The Admech bits are a little too small. More accurate, too skinny. The legs in the photo you posted are Skitarii Ranger legs, which are about right height wise for firstborn marines, but IMO they are too skinny to really make sense. The Rust stalker legs are longer but again, very skinny; that's the casde with all of the 'normal' Admech human-sized guys. So ehhhh up to you as to whether you like the look of that for space marines.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I had a metal inquisitor model once, a bearded guy in termie armor, kombiwpn and a bionic leg. That bionic leg was super skinny compared to the termie armoured other leg, but I didnt mind at all. I remember it looked badass!

But yeh, checked the skitarii sprues in detail. those rangers only have two poses for the legs, so I'll pass.

Thanks for the iron hands suggestions! I did try googling for some iron hands kits earlier, seemed like the obvious choice for marine bionics, but didnt really find any kits with lots of bionics. I'll check out those you mentioned.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Those medusan immortal bitz look absolutely spectacular! I think I have found what I'm looking for. One set of those and one or two HH charatcer upgd kits should do it then. Thanks again!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/10 08:56:59

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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