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Is anyone playing Vanguard?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us

Westminster, MD

I backed the Vanguard Kickstarter when it ran, but then didn't have time to do anything with the minis when they arrived. Now, I'm starting to have some time to work on them, and learn the rules, and I just wanted to see what people's thoughts or experiences with the game were? I saw there was a new rulebook (including new campaign rules), which I know I'll have to get. Has anyone used it? Thoughts? Opinions?


Made in gb
Scouting Shadow Warrior


I did some promo work with Mantic for Vanguard on release. It's really fun, really brutal and doesn't get anywhere near enough love. I'm sorry to see a lack of replies here as it doesn't bode well for the game.

Casual nerd and occasional content creator Table Top Magpie YT channel  
Made in us

Westminster, MD

It is a bit disheartening, but I'm sure if I popped on the Mantic forums I would get more responses (I assume Mantic has a forum).

The game does seem fun- I'll eventually get some players together and try it out.

Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


I was excited for Vanguard, but it didn't hold my interest. A little too crunchy for my taste.

Here's the forum:

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Got it, life has been mad so no chance to sort it all out to demo in club
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

My name's in the book but I haven't gotten round to playing it since release either. I think it's down to the setting not beign as interesting as, say, Mordheim.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/10/09 05:54:34

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40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in nz

Palmerston North

I played it weekly for a few months after release.

I really enjoyed it, we stopped playing after I played 3 games in a row with Ogres (proxied with Minotaurs), which were serious damage sponges.

I enjoyed it so much I painted a 90 degree arc on the back of my round bases and continue to do so today (not that I paint much these days).
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