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Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Well; after years of stagnation and posting on and off about it on here; the game is finally on-going with 3d sculpts of the most unique unit to be in the game is on-going.
Here is the linktree of all of the various forums and the Magic and Tech Facebook group and discord group where there will be links that will grant you access to the rules and unit charts and proxies.
Now do take note that everything is in development still and every few months; a major update is posted. Right now, version 0.17 is active as a 0.18 is in the works.
So what is Magic and Tech?
Magic and Tech is a science fantasy game set in the world of Amir. Magic and technology are at an impasse where it is difficult to see where magic ands and technology begins.
There are many devices and machines that utilize magic but technology is taking over many of these. In some cases; magic is superior; in others; technology is superior as for others; a balance has been struck. The same is true for how nations view magic and technology.
The neighboring nations of Narata and Penar have been rivals going back 600 years. The past 80 have seen the longest era of peace between the two global super powers but the balance is quivering.
A new nation is climbing the food chain; armed rebellions and militant cults are on the rise; demonic incursions are also on the rise. More and more often; the military powers are called in and their needs continue to escalate.
War is threatening to break out but in what form and against who remains to be seen.
There will be videos in the coming weeks that will show the game mechanics as they are and if there is a major revision; the video will be changed.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/04/13 22:46:55

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

So it's happening! The first .stl of the Combat Witch is almost done! Here are some WIP of the renders. They will become available this July but keep an eye out on here for when the website, Patreon, Myminifactory and Etsy launches as well as videos about the project; all of this in preparation for a Kickstarter in March 2024.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/12 01:50:59

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Here they are! Previews of the .stl files I received yesterday! I am feeling so overwhelmed by this!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/20 04:15:13

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

So pics have not been loading. Grrrr.
Well, anyway, it is done! After a month's worth of work, V0.18 is now live!
Hopefully, pics from Historicon 2023 as well as the most recent renders will load this time!

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Not all the pics are loading.

Fun setting it sounds like and hopefully was a good day.
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Those pics were of prior conventions or old renders. I think it's also FB being a bunch of jerks.
Historicon was long and tiring but fun.

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


Events like that always are, especially if you’re showing something off.
But worthwhile for sure, get to meet people, play lots of games, and chat about the cool things you enjoy.

I myself would invest in some mats for events myself for transport.
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Here it is! The 2 player quick starter!



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/19 19:54:40

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

There was an issue with some of the unit cards and the gatling weapon stats so this have been fixed. There has been no rule change.

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

My daughter would probably like the soldiers with cat ears on their helmets.

Want a better way to do fantasy/historical miniatures battles?  Try Conqueror: Fields of Victory.

Do you like Star Wars but find the prequels and sequels disappointing?  Man of Destiny is the book series for you.

My 2nd edition Warhammer 40k resource page. Check out my other stuff at https://www.ahlloyd.com 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
My daughter would probably like the soldiers with cat ears on their helmets.

And I JUST saw this.
Heads will be made available separately but only after the kickstarter concludes.
In other news, it is 2024 and with that, I have launched my patreon!
With this, you can vote on parts that will be made part of the kickstarter such as other head and tail options and such.

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Your support would be greatly appreciated.
[Thumb - Combat Witch KS poster.1.jpeg]

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

The 3d renders of the combat witches as of now. Subject to change post kickstarter.

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Here is the link for a live Q&A of the Combat Witch project.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/18 14:58:12

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

So that was an epic fail. My live stream did not happen due to covid and a lot has happened since then. Prototypes came in and been painted up and the kickstarter page is in review. It's happening!!!
In the meantime, here are some pics.



Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

The kickstarter has been approved and will be live July 29th!

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

This is it! The promo for the Combat Witch Kickstarter.

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

The kickstarter has launched!

Only in death does duty end! 
Made in us

Northeastern Maryland

Magic & Tech V0.20 has been completed and uploaded.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/01 20:22:49

Only in death does duty end! 
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