Jandgalf wrote:I’ve just learned about the Marvel Zombicide game online. The miniatures look great, I don’t play - I just paint and I have a bit of a collection of Crisis Protocol stuff. I’m really hoping the Zombicide stuff is of similar scale because it like to display it side by side. But is it? Does anyone know?
Also what’s the deal with Zombicide? I can only see the starter set for sale but on a kickstarter website there are all sorts of other miniatures - including an absolutely MASSIVE Galactus. Can you buy those as well as expansion sets or aren’t they available yet? I don’t get it
Marvel Crisis protocol is Miniatures Skirmish game like Warhammer
40k Kill team or Warcry.
Marvel Zombicide is a boardgame with expansion packs.
The scales are close enough that you could probably use Zombicide minis for SOME MCP characters, the problem is that the bases are modeled to the figure in Zombicide. You'll have to tear them off of those bases to use them in MCP because base size in MCP is extremely important.