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Stormfiend Contrast - What Base and Layer Matches?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

Hi Folks,
I'm about to start my new Skaven project, and (appropriately) have selected Stormfiend Contrast as the basis for my cloth and armour panel colour scheme.

As for most people, I'm not a big fan of just putting on a splosh of contrast, because it ends up a bit splotchy, and like to neaten it up with the appropriate bases and layers. For example, for my Khorne boys I like to neaten up their Akhelian Green cloth with some Sotek Green and Temple Guard Blue. Or, for my sisters, I neaten up their Gryph Hound Orange with some Troll Slayer Orange, with a really light highlight (like Flayed One Flesh)

My question is: What layers are appropriate to neaten up Stormfiend? I'm looking both for a layer just for an all-over neaten, and then a good highlight colour.

Thanks in advance!

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