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Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Epic Hero
80-Deathleaper [Warlord]

65-Winged Tyranid Prime
80-Parasite Of Mortrex

60-Ten Termagants with Fleshborers
60-Ten Termagants with Fleshborers

55-Five Barbgaunts
20-One Ripper Swarm
20-One Ripper Swarm
20-One Ripper Swarm
150-Six Melee Warriors

Total Points
Deathleaper and the Lictors deploy first, in case the enemy has any Infiltrators of their own. Can be very aggressive because the Neuronode lets me redeploy.
Winged Prime goes with the Warriors.
Parasite is primarily a vessel for the Neuronode, but not a bad addition anyway.
Gants are action monkeys and chip damage.
Barbgaunts slow down key units and provide chip damage.
Pyschophage comes in the combat patrol.
Ripper Swarms be annoying.
Haruspex is just a boss.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
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