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Made in nz
Rough Rider with Boomstick

Off the shoulder of Orion

Loving this thread Skinflint - so much creativity and just good old fashioned fun!

My Collected Narrative Photo Battle Reports


Thanks to Thor 665 for putting together the article
Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Thanks mate, we've taken a hell of a lot of inspiration from you and your group :-)

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Epic scale scratchbuilding? You know it ;-) Foamboard, cardboard, granny grating and drinking straws!


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


The Redeemers Marine Chapter, together with their Guard allies, against the ravening hordes of WAAAAAGH! BOZZHOG - spectacular, bloody and fun!


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


So last week we tried our hand at an "open plan"version of the classic skirmish game from Alternative Armies, "Firefight".. and there was much rejoicing!


Great fun to revisit this classic ruleset, some really innovative ideas, fast playing and dynamic

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


The Ratmen, aka Virum Nascii, are back with a vengeance! Grey Seer, Death Master and Night/ Gutter Runner skirmishers


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


..or, can 40k ever be "good"? When a company depends on an ever expanding model range, with new rules to boot, is power creep and "unbalancing" an inevitable? How much "support" is not enough, and how much is too much?

Don't have any answers, but I'm intrigued to hear others views. Drop us a comment with your thoughts!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/12/14 11:01:49

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Houston, TX

Skinflint, good thoughts. I think a lot of folks agree that 3rd - 4th/5th was a golden age for 40k where the rules were simplified from 2nd edition and the rules bloat hadn't gotten out of hand. Initially, I was excited about 8th edition and the rumors of a simplified core rules system. But this was vastly overshadowed by the immense complexity they have introduced in formations and strategems and command points and special rules for each units, as well as so many books with rules and points updates. It used to be that you could wrap your head around an edition, even as a casual player. But now it feels like unless you are fully embedded and saturated in the game, you cannot keep up with what are the latest rules. The pace of updates is too frequent for a book-based game and maybe they just need to move all digital rules so they can be constantly updated, if that is what they want.

Personally, I like a game that is a little slower-moving. I only get in a max of one game per month so it takes me and my brother about two years just to thoroughly learn a rules system so we don't like frequent changes. Also, to me, the fun of the game is not in using a command point at the right time to throw down some card to beat my opponent's unit. To me, it is about strategic deployment and maneuvering into better positions than my opponent. But I understand that the hardcore players who play all the time likely get bored unless there are constant updates and new things.

All of this is a big part of why my brother and I have shifted to playing Horus Heresy, where the system in a little more stable over longer time periods. And we just love classic things like vehicles facing, flamer templates, etc. But just re-reading the 3rd edition rulebook the other day, it made me a bit nostalgic for when things were so simple. The 7th edition/Horus Heresy rule set is unnecessarily complex with so many rules that add lots of things to remember (and result in multiple trips to the rule book in every game) that don't add much to the enjoyment of the game for me, such as Challenges between characters and Look Out, Sir! that seem to just make characters extra powerful at the expense of the rank and file.

Ideally, I would like the game to be simple and fast-paced where there is almost no need to refer to any books or cards during the game. Our eyes should stay on the table and the beautiful models! This should be a battle simulation, not a card game. The complexity should come from the difficult tactical decisions you need to make in the game that should vary with the situation and not be no-brainers.

To your point, all of that would drastically reduce the number of models and books they could sell so it is unlikely. But I am going to propose to my brother maybe getting out our old 3rd or 4th edition rules and codexes and play a few games to see if the older, simpler rules are as fun as we remember.

Xhorik 87th Drop Troops P&M blog https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775655.page

Project log and campaign featuring Orks, Imperial Guard, Marines, Tyranids: http://www.xhorikwar.blogspot.com/
Currently focused on our Horus Heresy campaign with White Scars, Death Guard and Imperial Militia.  
Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Cheers Riddle! Always interesting to hear another person's views about how much support is not enough, and how much is too much.. and how inevitable it is when you have a monthly magazine to sell packed full of new stuff..

And now, for something completely different!

Who wants to see my little tiny tanks… :-D


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Love them. Truly epic.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Thanks Cam! Right, it's been a while since we posted anything - but here's why. Our biggest battle report yet! Melding Apocalypse: Earth with her sister systems, Hyperian Wars (fantasy/ VSF/ steampunk) and Future Force Warrior (sci fi):


And there was carnage! Enjoy! :-)

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Awesome. Your games always look fun. Just as they should be.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Thanks Cam, was a blast! Few notes made on rules to tweak, and now we need to finish off the Totally Not Skaven with some weird weapons and war engines.. stay tuned!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


If you're a Father Ted fan, you'll get the reference...


This MAMMOTH project may be nearing it's end... although Mother Nature herself protests it, till we convert! Still we paint!


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


For a while now we've been playing with the idea of "scaling" the Apocalypse: Earth setting for different games – just as back in the day GW had Epic, 40k and Necromunda for massed battles, intermediate and small scale skirmishes with different levels of detail, we've been toying with the idea of a 6mm mass battle version as well as an intimate, up-close-and-personal RPG (of sorts) set in the shadows of the Apocalypse: Earth universe…


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Yes. After almost two YEARS, I've FINALLY finished the ratmen! Now it's just the war machines to build…


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa



With time on my hands and no gaming buddy to play with, I'm getting started on a new faction for Grimdark Future / Future Force Warrior / 40k (maybe) - the Rebel Guerillas. What are they rebelling against? Whatever you've got...

Infantry coming soon, but first, introducing the Creighton-pattern light assault vehicle, native to the world of Hazzard Prime!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Gargantuan Great Squiggoth

Not where I should be

Great to see you still kicking bud. Love the ratmen, guess I better get going on mine.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Cheers Cam, still very much alive and well and stealing ideas from you! An on that topic -

Here to bring social justice to the good people of Hazzard Prime, it's the Hazzard People's Front 237th Freedom Brigade!

Every game needs it's generic "rebel" faction, and this is ours –


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


So with both the missus and my gaming buddy on lockdown, I decided to get creative and test out or "solo" gaming rules..


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa



Taking the Skinflint Way t near certifiable levels, I am now attempting to create an Epic Imperial Guard army for absolutely no money at all.. and do you know, I think I might be succeeding..

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa



Taking the time to "upcycle" some of our terrain, and a VERY useful new basing technique!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/05/21 16:53:15

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Building what I learned upcycling our collection of trees, I've started added some rock clusters for that White Dwarf 1993 vibe ;-) Hope you like them, it's a fun, cheap, easy and effective build


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/05/31 22:35:52

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


As 9th gets ever closer to launch, I got philosophical about game design... https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2020/06/10/further-musings-on-game-design-what-will-9th-bring/

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Been at the granny grating again - here are my teeny tiny Epic Imperial Guard Rough Riders!


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


In advance of our hoped for sci fi gaming league, I've added a DIY Rhino to our little band of 1/72 Crimson Fist Marines (40K)/ Battle Brothers (Grimdark FUture)/ PSLA Spetsnaz (Future Force Warrior) - cardboard, foamboard , cocktail stick, IDE cable (thanks Zrunelord) and sprue bits, enjoy!


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Seeing as 2020 sucks, Jim and I have been getting nostalgic (via Skype - bloody Leicester lockdown) and after scoring a terrific deal on eBay I found myself with a bit of a vanity project on my hands:


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


In what is becoming something of a tradition, we celebrated both the end of our local lockdwon and the release of 9th ed 40k by revisiting the classic Battle At The Farm with our DIY 1/72 minis:


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Because I need another project.

Apparently painting EVERY SINGLE SURFACE in my house has't made me put down the brushes…


Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa



1/72 conversions and free rules, could we get any more Skinflint?

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


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