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Made in us
Stone Bonkers Fabricator General

A garden grove on Citadel Station

Lemondish wrote:
 ph34r wrote:
What are people equipping their Sisters Superior with? Power sword obviously, but then what gun?

Plasma pistol?
Inferno pistol?

Condemnor boltgun exclusively for looks.
Fair enough, it looks cool. I was going for more of a “I’m building the models and I want them to not be weaker than necessary.’

ph34r's Forgeworld Phobos blog, current WIP: Iron Warriors and Skaven Tau
+From Iron Cometh Strength+ +From Strength Cometh Will+ +From Will Cometh Faith+ +From Faith Cometh Honor+ +From Honor Cometh Iron+
The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence?
When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence.
Made in dk
Regular Dakkanaut

Depends on the role of the unit the superior is in. For passive units meant for actions/ babysitting home objective I'd go vor one of the 24" guns, favorably the condemnor because it helps against targets we might struggle against (tough monsters are often psykers), although basically neither choice will have a big impact on the game. For units going close and personal (dominions with flamer or melta), I'd go with hand flamers. Inferno Pistol is just to bad with low range, 3" melta range and d3D - I only take it on my sacresant superior as a surprise shot in engagement range.
Made in us
Sister Oh-So Repentia

Hey guys so I am finally back to playing more standard sized games. I took about 4 months or so off from them due to a myriad of IRL commitments and instead participated in a Combat Patrol League at my FLGS but I am getting back into 2k games again now that I finally have the time.

I have played a few games so far against the new Marine Hellblaster spam and TSons Cabal/Flamer spam with Magnus and got rocked that latter matchup especially. The marine matchup was way better and honestly without a few key misplays in the final turn (like forgetting to tank shock onto an objective) I probably win since it was so close, but the TSons cabal/flamer spam with double move/doombolt was rough to deal with. My luck was pretty terrible until about Turn 3 but even with some more average rolls I think I would still narrowly lose. I am trying to come up with more list ideas but honestly while my collection is fairly large I just have no interest in playing any Arcos or the Triumph or Junith or even Morties usually, though I will play them over Pengines at least. I would need more Arcos to run a full squad and I have no intention of getting 30 and then I also just do not enjoy the Triumph or Junith models so I have never picked them up. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on certain more competitive list builds that include most of the units I have and would like to use. For reference I am usually bringing the following in most of my lists (obviously in different combinations as I test different things):

-Vahl with Paragon Suits (usually with a mace for tank shock)

-Celestine with either Zephyrim or Hand Flamer Seraphim

-2 Exorcists (with the good missile launchers)

-1-2 Battle Cannon Castigators (sometimes I play 1 with Autocannons)

-1-2 Immolators

-2-3 BSS w/Meltas

-Palatine with the Blade

-1-2 MM Retributor Squads

-An additional HF Seraphim squad



-1-2 Rhinos

-Dialogus with one of the Rets

These are usually the models I am running in most of my lists and usually the models I most enjoy playing. I will split BSS or Dominions in the Immolators and usually have the Palatine run with either Sacresants or Dominions but I want to try how she does with a BSS too. My base setup in any list is usually Vahl+Suits, Celestine+Zeph/Seraph, 2 Exorcists, Castigator with Battle Cannon, MM Retributors, 2 BSS w/Melta, Palatine with Blade running with Sacresants or something else, and then an Immolator to split one of the BSS. Then everything else gets mixed in depending on the type of list I am trying out or based on what I might know I am up against.

Honestly coming back into 2k games after several months has just made me feel so rusty and inadequate and I am just looking to see if I am on the right track with list building for us right now. I am not trying to be hyper competitive since I do not plan on getting the big combo models like the Triumph or 30 Arcos, but I also do not want to be building parking lots all the time either. I know that flooding the board with models has been working for us to some degree and have plenty of girls that I can run but I also like to bring at least a few Exorcists, a Castigator, and an Immolator. I guess I am just looking for a semi competitive, well-rounded, all-comers list using the units that I enjoy and primarily know how to use.

I am open to any suggestions! Thanks!

The Emperor Protects his Faithful! For the Glory of His Name!
~4000 Points of Sisters
~1000 Points of SW
~1000 Points of Tau
~1000 Points of Guard

Made in us
Pious Palatine

Did a tournament.

List was Triump 125
Palatine 65 Blade
Celestine 135
Zephryim 70
Morvenn 125
Paragons 200
Exorcist 160
Castigator 140
BSS 100
BSS 100
Rets 115
Immolator 115
Rhino 75
Rhino 75
Crusader 25
Crusader 25
Arco 40
Arco 40
Dialogus 30
Preacher 40 Saintly
Arcos 130
Mortifier 60

Game 1 was Orkz, He Waaghed Turn 1 and sat on the midline objective after I went first and just put some junk bus units on the objective. Giving Sisters a free counter punch is a bad idea. Tabled turn 4. Also, I had just an insane setup for the 'I choose who you fight' strat.

Game 2 was also Orkz. He Waaghed turn, but it was Hammer and Anvil so he probably should have waited until turn 3. Ended up winning on points, though he scored very well by flooding the midline.

Game 3 was Votann. Hammer and Anvil made this really hard, but I was only slightly behind when it was time for Morvenn and her Suits to come in from outflank...problem was there wasn't a single useful position for them to come in. Because I wasn't able to bring them in...I wasn't able to clear him off the objective enough to reel the score back in. I would have tabled him turn 6 but he was up 91 to 44.

Pretty good event, all things considered: Changes: Deployment game 3 was bad. Put the Triumph squad up front and the Palatine squad in back for reasons I no longer understand.

Retributors are bad. I never got anything useful out of them. Another BSS with the Immo is just better.

The junk bus was still awesome, but I actually had a pretty serious issue getting people to kill the character for the blessing bonus dice.

Either adding an Imagifier/Hospitaller and a unit of Crusaders, or dropping a unit of Crusaders and adding Junith would probably be better than trying to exploit the Saintly Blessing thing.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


So now we've had some time to digest the changes are we thinking of swapping Arco-flagellants for repentia?
Made in ru
Fresh-Faced New User

U02dah4 wrote:
So now we've had some time to digest the changes are we thinking of swapping Arco-flagellants for repentia?

I think repentia and flaggellants have different roles so we still need at least 1 unit of flaggos imho
Made in us
Sister Oh-So Repentia

So looks like we are getting a Jump Canoness, which is definitely nice though the model is kind of meh imo.

More importantly it looks like our codex is only going to have 4 detachments, one based on jump infantry, one based on repentia and other melee focused units, and one based on the holy trinity of weapons along with supposedly a slightly tweaked version of the Hallowed Martyrs detachment. Overall it seems like a bit of a disappointment but we obviously won't know anything until the book either comes out or leaks over the next few weeks along with the standard warcom articles. I was really hoping for 6 detachments at least themed on the main orders but if they at least give us decent detachments in these 4, similar to the Tau codex, then I think it could be fine.

What are we thinking so far? Worst case we become the next Custodes codex I guess lol

The Emperor Protects his Faithful! For the Glory of His Name!
~4000 Points of Sisters
~1000 Points of SW
~1000 Points of Tau
~1000 Points of Guard

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

I got used to six sub-groups over 8th and 9th, and I miss that. I really like Sacred Rose, with their focus on serenity, and now that's gone. Also, Argent Shroud's speed/ mobility niche will be missed.

However, I've always had a kick for Penitent Legions, and I like the idea of an angelic jump force, and none of the old six were exactly those things, though Bloody Rose was a good fit for a penitent legion since penitent units tend to be close combat focused...

Anyway, I'm likely to have a Cult of Martyrs detachment and a Penitent Legion and a Angel detachment. Sisters are my primary, and I've really been trying to step up building and painting. The Penitent Legion will be heavy on walkers, and will include cameos from Karamazov and Arbites.
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I just hope something works well with the current collection of models I have; my stuff is more optimized for last edition and a lot of it isn't terribly good in 10th, and financially I'm in a bit of a bind and can't just go get more models. Otherwise I'm gonna stick with my Dark Angels for this edition, as at least they have some workable builds that my collection will support.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 14 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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