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Codex: Space Marines [First post updated 27-08-2013 - Leaked White Dwarf images added]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Ian Pickstock


So we're knocking GW for price increases that haven't even happened/may not ever happen? Awesome.

Can we also knock GW for causing the apocolypse and sinking the Belgrano?

Naaa na na na-na-na-naaa.


Hey Jude. 
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 BryllCream wrote:
So we're knocking GW for price increases that haven't even happened/may not ever happen? Awesome.

Can we also knock GW for causing the apocolypse and sinking the Belgrano?


We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot

Sparta, Ohio

 azreal13 wrote:
 BryllCream wrote:
So we're knocking GW for price increases that haven't even happened/may not ever happen? Awesome.

Can we also knock GW for causing the apocolypse and sinking the Belgrano?


Why not?

It is because of GW that my country is in financial ruin. I did not like him or his dad .... .... wait ... wrong GW.

GW did do apocalypse though ... not the world destroying one but, they DID do an apocalypse .... just saying.

Now, we like big books. (And we cannot lie. You other readers can’t deny, a book flops open with an itty-bitty font, and a map that’s in your face, you get—sorry! Sorry!)  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

West Midlands (UK)

 McNinja wrote:
This rumour does state that each chapter gets a big portion of the book to themselves. BT may be a supplement that is slated to release just at the SM codex does, or it may be rolled into the new codex. I expect this codex to be massive.

Doubtful (though, not entirely impossible)

A) Supplements (thus far) have been English only. If Templars are a supplement, it would effectively mean they are discontinued for all non-English speaking markets by GW.

B) If BT become the first "full-coverage" Supplement (with its own tab in the rule-book's allies-chart on top), it might as well be a full Codex. There'd be no savings/advantage to making them a supplement.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Anyone else worried that this codex will completely dwarf Codex: Dark Angels which just barely came out this year? Sounds like I'll have to play my DA as generic marines :/
Made in us


I'm cautiously optimistic about these new mini-dreads/super-terminators.

I'm looking forward to them!

Made in gb
Morphing Obliterator


- There will be 7 Ltd Ed varients. 6 of these will be covers for First Founding chapters, whilst the 7th will have Black Templars on the cover.

This seems very likely considering they did the four gods for chaos. I'll probably pick up an IF one as long as it's not these guys but knowing GW it'll probably be these guys and advertised as IF/CF.

- There is a new tactical squad. Lots of options as you'd expect, but of particular interest will probably be the grav pistol and grav rifle.

I'd love a new tac squad box (providing it doesn't get cut down to five men in a box or too hefty a price increase). However it doesn't really fit into GW's recent release style.

- A new plastic Sternguard veteran squad.

- A new plastic Vanguard veteran squad.

I'd love a veteran dual kit especially if it's on par with the DC kit.

The rest of the rumours all seem pretty plausible to me. I'm not to sure about the whole power armour on top of power armour idea but if they're like the sketches from earlier they should be sweet looking.

My Space Marine Blog

My CSM Blog
 Psienesis wrote:
That is because Calgar is a pimp. Not all SM heroes moonlight as pimps. Thus, their mastery of Pimp Hand is found wanting.

TemplarsCrusade01 Beasts Of War Spud Tate Chuffy1976
OPN Tristan Malone elstonation Hazard Syndome Vulkans Champion

Made in us
Badass "Sister Sin"

Camas, WA

Hmm. Interesting stuff and from Best Pone as well!

Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
Made in gb
Slippery Scout Biker

United kingdom

This is news I like

The whole large dread thing was something my imperial fists siege army could do without. Plastic stern guard will be awesome, and grav guns will give me my reason to buy theses fellows http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy/Legiones_Astartes/Space_Marine_Legion_Army_List/Legion_Troops/Legion_Breacher_Siege_Squad/LEGION_MKIII_BREACHER_SIEGE_SQUAD.html

Like many plp i would have never thrown cash at the limited edition codex's, but a codex with my chapter on it is swaying me greatly.

Question, if the 6 chapter codex's are limited edition ie most likely £50, what it going to be on the front cover of the £30 Generic SM Codex?

Made in gb
Ian Pickstock


They look pretty cool...those shields remind me of Army of Two though.

Naaa na na na-na-na-naaa.


Hey Jude. 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Has anyone seen Nafka's mythical 'White Dwarf Cover' yet?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/04 19:50:54

Made in gb
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Yorkshire, England

Grav weapons use armour saves as toughness? Time to build some cultists.
Made in de
Wrathful Warlord Titan Commander


Redemption wrote:Best_Pone over at Warseer, who was also spot on with his High Elf, Eldar, Apocalypse and Black Legion rumours, had this to say about the new Codex: Space Marines:

Best_Pone wrote:Up for release in September is the new Codex: Space Marines.

- There will be 7 Ltd Ed varients. 6 of these will be covers for First Founding chapters, whilst the 7th will have Black Templars on the cover.

- New weapon family: Grav weapons. I believe these wound against the armour save (so terminators would be wounded as if they had a toughness of 2).

- First Founding chapters will be getting a substantial section each to themselves, so hopefully this can be looked as as Codex: Space Marines instead of Codex: Ultramarines. This will also show in a rule called Chapter Tactics, for which the effects depend on the chapter being played.

- There is a new armour type that at first glance looks to be somewhere between a terminator and a dreadnought - looking more closely, it appears to go over the marine's power armour however.
- This new armour can be armed in 2 ways, depending on the user. The devastator version has either a bolter array or missile launchers mounted on the chest armour, whilst the gauntlets can be armed with heavy bolters, lascannons or grav cannons. The assault version has a bolter array or frag launchers mounted on the chest armour, with assault drills mounted on the gauntlets.

- There are 2 new AA tanks. One tank veterans will already be familiar with as the Hunter, armed an AA missile launcher. The other tank mounts 2 tri-barreled turrets instead.

- There is a new tactical squad. Lots of options as you'd expect, but of particular interest will probably be the grav pistol and grav rifle.

- A new plastic Sternguard veteran squad.

- A new plastic Vanguard veteran squad.

- New plastic characters: a captain, a librarian and a chaplain.

Hopefully this will finally dispel the consistent rumours about the SM getting some mega-dreadnought.

Several Limited Editions ? Sure. Good money in exchange of a different cover, isn't it?
Six of them. One per Legio and a general one with a BT cover like the BRB had BT on it in 3rd ed?

Am ok with a basic dex, plus like Ernestas posted, LE 's are English only. Like supplements, who are digital.
Not going to interest me.

Grav weapons. A bit useless to have a name without the stats. Grav vs anti-grav ( ...skimmers... ) what happens??

New armor type.

Plastic veterans. With or without iconography? I'd buy an "expanded" sprue even at a box size of 5 marines if this is adaptable to any codex chapter. Don't care if its all mono-pose crap.

New Tac The current sprue show its age. ( mold lines, etc ). OtoH the risk of a " box of 5 " ... I'd hope the point is to add parts and to renew the kit.

plastic characters. whenever the pics show up, we'll see... There is a lot of black& white. Not looking forward to overblinged models or weird poses.

2x AA tanks. Two of them? miss-iles make sense, but we have a whirlwind as a single build kit. Won't need a tri barreled turret when AA vehicles usually field guns in pairs...

If I had a wish, new bike sprue maybe?
Dear GW, the WS really love their rides. You got an old upgrade kit and an ancient bike sprue.

Zweischneid wrote:
 McNinja wrote:
This rumour does state that each chapter gets a big portion of the book to themselves. BT may be a supplement that is slated to release just at the SM codex does, or it may be rolled into the new codex. I expect this codex to be massive.

Doubtful (though, not entirely impossible)

A) Supplements (thus far) have been English only. If Templars are a supplement, it would effectively mean they are discontinued for all non-English speaking markets by GW.

B) If BT become the first "full-coverage" Supplement (with its own tab in the rule-book's allies-chart on top), it might as well be a full Codex. There'd be no savings/advantage to making them a supplement.

Background material in native and second language is ok, but basic playing stuff isn't.
Digital publications ( with updates ), dead tree format ( with updates? ) and on top of that multiple languages?
Who looks for endless debates may try that..

Release date is September?

GD UK and WD release..
GW wrote:
Meet the Designers


You will get the chance to see collections of awesome miniatures from the present day, including many of the miniatures from September's forthcoming release, right the way back to the early years of Citadel Miniatures. Many of these miniatures will be displayed in cabinets while others will be displayed on tables, and all of them manned by members of the design team who can't wait to talk to you about their passion for Citadel miniatures.

The very latest miniatures...

The more eagle-eyed among you will already have noted that this year's Games Day is the same weekend that October's issue of White Dwarf goes on sale. As such, the design team will also be hosting an elaborate display of the miniatures from October's amazing release - the very first place anyone in the world will be able to see them!

not hiding the new releases?

Target locked,ready to fire

In dedicatio imperatum ultra articulo mortis.

H.B.M.C :
We were wrong. It's not the 40k End Times. It's the Trademarkening.
Made in us
Mimetic Bagh-Mari

Oh no….
Everyone want their favorite of flavor of the 31 flavors to be featured…

Wolves… Wrong codex! why is it even being discussed?

Black Templars… I understand, My first real 3000 point army was Crimson Fist… but at this point with all the options the “Nilla” marines get I’m sure you can build a cool army that fits with 90% of the current gear on your models. Not that I’m against Em’ guys don’t get me wrong but…

I’m a little interested in the new troop type… need to see it first it it really does look like a mini Dreadknight I’m good off that…
I don’t like that model and I don’t want a smaller one… if it’s really cool I’ll buy one.

Sternguard… must buy for me. I just love the idea of new helms, combis, and bits… hopefully there are a few new pieces…

Plastic leadership… sweet. Now if the kits have extra bits… alternate heads and arms… especially the Chaplin….

The rest Meh… I only collect to paint and convert now… I lost my competitive edge and the pay to play factor became too much… but I’ll but a marine codex and new stuff if it’s cool.

Stop fighting over your flavors of ice cream kids? 3+ is 3+
Made in us
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

New Bedford, MA

1hadhq- lets hope this will be a new trend. this format right now stinks to high heaven. a teaser vid 2 weeks before the codex is available to order is not cool. GW can get the buzz going on there products a month or so in advance if they did sneak peeks. I hope what they say they are doing at GD UK will become a new trend kind of like the new codex release rate.

Dark Angels- 7500 pts
Tau- 5000pts
Chaos Daemons- 3000/2000 pts
Dark Eldar(allies)- 1500 pts
Zoom, Zoom, Iyaan.
 KalashnikovMarine wrote:
I just watched a battleship falling in love with a man.... yep. That's enough anime for the day.
Made in ca
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

Vancouver, BC

I'm just sitting here.

Hoping the Sternguard box comes with multiple combi-weapons.

 warboss wrote:
Is there a permanent stickied thread for Chaos players to complain every time someone/anyone gets models or rules besides them? If not, there should be.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

New Orleans, LA

Crazyterran wrote:
I'm just sitting here.

Hoping the Sternguard box comes with multiple combi-weapons.

Get this man a beer for hoping the same thing as me.

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Crazyterran wrote:
I'm just sitting here.

Hoping the Sternguard box comes with multiple combi-weapons.

If it does, my plans of having 20 Sternguard all with Combi-plasmas in drop pods might actually come to fruition.

I'm sorry, you said you had a Riptide?
Made in us
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

Anyone else hoping they do the same that they did with CSM and release a Terminator kit that can be made into either a Captiain or a Libby?

GW: "We do no demographic research, we have no focus groups, we do not ask the market what it wants" 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


That is a decent hint that October is the Mystery Box, since these will be hosted in "an elaborate display of the miniatures from October's amazing release - the very first place anyone in the world will be able to see them!" That basically screams Inquisitor game. But of course people will see them the night before on the pre-release page or in that days WD. Possibly even earlier from leaked pics, but I'll assume that GW keeps that specific issue lidded tight.

I'm happy about both months. I'll be spending some ducats in both Sept and Oct. Maybe I'll get all 7 covers of the Codex, just to irritate the members who don't understand pointless collectors editions.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/04 20:44:38

Made in gb
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

Carlisle, UK

Damn this had better be true, plastic vets would make my day

2000pts IG. ( based on fallout US Army)

3000pts XIIth Legiones Astartes 8th Assault Company. (Pre heresy)

never in the field of human conflict, has so much been fired at so many, by so few.

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true emperor Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Please leave your message after the tone...
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Locrian wrote:
Anyone else worried that this codex will completely dwarf Codex: Dark Angels which just barely came out this year? Sounds like I'll have to play my DA as generic marines :/

Here we go again 5 years later. I think you are the first DA player to start crying/whining.

At least wait for the rules to be know first before you start complaing about plastic toy soldiers.

Agies Grimm:The "Learn to play, bro" mentality is mostly just a way for someone to try to shame you by implying that their metaphorical nerd-wiener is bigger than yours. Which, ironically, I think nerds do even more vehemently than jocks.

Everything is made up and the points don't matter. 40K or Who's Line is it Anyway?

Auticus wrote: Or in summation: its ok to exploit shoddy points because those are rules and gamers exist to find rules loopholes (they are still "legal"), but if the same force can be composed without structure, it emotionally feels "wrong".  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

New Orleans, LA

Locrian wrote:
Anyone else worried that this codex will completely dwarf Codex: Dark Angels which just barely came out this year? Sounds like I'll have to play my DA as generic marines :/

Not really. You get bikes and terminators as troops.

Just ally in for any space marine goodies you'd like to add. Simples!

Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

Davor wrote:
Locrian wrote:
Anyone else worried that this codex will completely dwarf Codex: Dark Angels which just barely came out this year? Sounds like I'll have to play my DA as generic marines :/

Here we go again 5 years later. I think you are the first DA player to start crying/whining.

At least wait for the rules to be know first before you start complaing about plastic toy soldiers.

Having been following this on multiple boards/sites and abusing Google to try and see what else I could turn up I can say he's not the first. DA and CSM players are already getting their panties in a wad over something they don't even know the rules or points costs to.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Because there totally was not precedent in how Dark Angels got treated the last time there was a C: SM after Dark Angels.
Made in gb
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Yorkshire, England

ClockworkZion wrote:
Davor wrote:
Locrian wrote:
Anyone else worried that this codex will completely dwarf Codex: Dark Angels which just barely came out this year? Sounds like I'll have to play my DA as generic marines :/

Here we go again 5 years later. I think you are the first DA player to start crying/whining.

At least wait for the rules to be know first before you start complaing about plastic toy soldiers.

Having been following this on multiple boards/sites and abusing Google to try and see what else I could turn up I can say he's not the first. DA and CSM players are already getting their panties in a wad over something they don't even know the rules or points costs to.

As a Chaos player, I disagree, I am delighted that the Emperor's lap-dogs have got a new codex, my Plague Marines will gleefully stomp the new units of the feeble loyalists and relish converting the new units to Nurgle, turning them into vessels of glorious corruption and pestilence.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/08/04 21:27:09

Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

 Kanluwen wrote:
Because there totally was not precedent in how Dark Angels got treated the last time there was a C: SM after Dark Angels.

I don't see rumors about DA losing anything to the Marines this time though.

Really the bitching boiled down to the fact that they wanted the toys the Marines were getting, but don't want to share the ones they have. It was pathetic to see.
Made in gb
Morphing Obliterator


 Ironwill13791 wrote:
1hadhq- lets hope this will be a new trend. this format right now stinks to high heaven. a teaser vid 2 weeks before the codex is available to order is not cool. GW can get the buzz going on there products a month or so in advance if they did sneak peeks. I hope what they say they are doing at GD UK will become a new trend kind of like the new codex release rate.

The way I'm reading it's not a break in trend it's just doing what they always do showing the models the day the WD gets released, the y did it last year with the CSm release.

My Space Marine Blog

My CSM Blog
 Psienesis wrote:
That is because Calgar is a pimp. Not all SM heroes moonlight as pimps. Thus, their mastery of Pimp Hand is found wanting.

TemplarsCrusade01 Beasts Of War Spud Tate Chuffy1976
OPN Tristan Malone elstonation Hazard Syndome Vulkans Champion

Made in ca
Posts with Authority

I'm from the future. The future of space

 BryllCream wrote:
So we're knocking GW for price increases that haven't even happened/may not ever happen? Awesome.

Can we also knock GW for causing the apocolypse and sinking the Belgrano?

What's the matter? You okay?

Don't you think the price of a new product being sold is part of the discussion of the release of that product?

Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. 
Made in gb
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Yorkshire, England

ClockworkZion wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Because there totally was not precedent in how Dark Angels got treated the last time there was a C: SM after Dark Angels.

I don't see rumors about DA losing anything to the Marines this time though.

Really the bitching boiled down to the fact that they wanted the toys the Marines were getting, but don't want to share the ones they have. It was pathetic to see.

Well now all Space Marines can ally with each other so I don't get what the problem is...
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