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Another TOW basing post. The dilemma.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

This is is relevant as both “painting and modelling” but specific to TOW so I figured I'd get better responses posting it in here.

Advice/opinions please- I'm really caught in 2 minds.

I've got a lot of figures from many armies based and magnetised (some painted, some not) on the old WHFB base sizes. I know all of those can be adapted to TOW using the sabot(?) bases eg 20 to 25mm adaptor trays (and I actually think they look really smart in them).

But I've also got a fair few figures in those armies that still need basing, magnetising and painting.

On one hand, I feel I should base them up on the old base sizes so they are consistent with my other troops in those armies (and in some cases other troops of the same unit), so that I'm consistent about using adaptor trays for all my troops and so I can continue to store them in my boxes efficiently in tighter formations on the old magnetised trays I created for them. Also, if I started putting some on the new base sizes, I'd feel like I'd end up having to go back and rebase (and remagnetize 😒) hundreds of models. Not sure I can face that!

However, on the other hand, I've got this nagging feeling that its slightly illogical to be putting models on obsolete base sizes when the new game is out and here to stay- it ain't ever going back. And in fact at some stage (not that I've ever entered a tournament in my life!) convention may be that armies based using adaptor trays are shunned/not submissable.

Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Adapter tray's are fine if you dont reform mid game. You then have to have extra adapter tray's or have models with the wrong base standing next to the adapter tray. I do use adapter tray's, i always bring some extra tray's when im playing so i can reform in a different formation.

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Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

What I like about adapter trays is how you can measure distances from the edge of the tray which makes for much neater, more precise measurement than with the trays of yore (which, theoretically didn't count for game purposes, but you couldn't just ignore them and sometimes they resulted in units not being where they should be, for example instead of being b2b with the enemy, they were half an inch away due to both trays getting in the way).
Made in us
Brigadier General


GW makes adaptor trays, and even if they didn't, I don't think you ever have to worry about a tournament disallowing them .

I recommend keeping the old size bases for the old armies. As you say, it keeps uniformity and is easier to store.

Also, 'here to stay" is a very optimistic perspective, but there's really no telling if GW might discontinue TOW as well.

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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Well that sounds like 3 votes for the old base sizes on adaptor trays (which deep down is what I wanted to do if it wasn't too obvious) so thanks so much for the responses. I can progress with my basing and painting with peace of mind that I'm not making a mistake. Thanks again.
Made in ca
Rookie Pilot


I'm sticking with the old sizes for my minis, at least for the time being.

Dispatches from the Miniature Front - my blog about miniatures and things 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

You can also do correctly sized movement trays for sections of models so that you can rearrange them more easily if you need to change formation.

Rather than a tray for the whole unit, doing some for 4 at a time in a square or something.

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