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Dakka Veteran

Hey guys,

Does anyone know if "collection" abilities are stackable? For example if a spell is cast in Nemo's control radius so he can get a Power Token, if Orin Midwinter is near the caster as well, can he also get a Power Token for the same spell? Same applies to Soul Tokens and Alexia. If a model is killed and a Caster gets a Soul Token for it, can Alexia raise a Risen from the same death of the model?

Can't seem to track that clarification down.

Made in us


JHall wrote:Hey guys,

Does anyone know if "collection" abilities are stackable? For example if a spell is cast in Nemo's control radius so he can get a Power Token, if Orin Midwinter is near the caster as well, can he also get a Power Token for the same spell? Same applies to Soul Tokens and Alexia. If a model is killed and a Caster gets a Soul Token for it, can Alexia raise a Risen from the same death of the model?

Can't seem to track that clarification down.


The FAQ doesn't have any information on the first one, but to the best of my knowledge both would get Power Tokens. There is nothing I can think of that says spells may only generate one Power Token when cast.

Whether or not someone can claim a Soul Token when a model dies is irrelevant as far as Alexia is concerned. She doesn't need souls to create Risen. She gets her Risen, and whoever gets the Soul Token. However, note that, like Soul Tokens, only one Risen may be generated by the death of a model.

FAQ wrote:Q: What happens if both players are fielding Alexia and a model is destroyed within range for both Alexias to use Raise Dead?
A: A model can only generate one Risen. If more than one model is able to create a Risen through the Raise Dead ability, the model nearest the destroyed model receives the Risen.


Elvis needs boats. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Thanks! I appreciate the help.
Made in us
Master of the Hunt


A single model can generate one of each of the following tokens/markers upon death, depending on its type:

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