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Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Plymouth MI

So the group of people I play 40k with at EMU are going to be running a campaign I think until the end of the winter semester. We need to have one list for said campaign and I'm not sure if its going to be 1k or 1250 because we haven't decided yet I'm going to propose 1250 just for slightly more epic battles. So here is the list I'm thinking of running at 1250 I would like some C+C as far as vehicles go I only have a scratch built falcon and a scratch built wave serpent I can attempt to field as serpents falcons or prisms. So let the suggestions fly.

Farseer – doom- guide- RoW singing spear
Yriel Autarch of Ilyanden
6 Harelquins shadowseer troupe master with power weapon
5 kisses
9 Dire Avengers Exarch with Dual Cats+ blade storm
1 Wave serpent for Dire Avengers with BL’s
10 Guardians with shuricannon
10 Guardians with shuricannon
1 Falcon with Brightlance holofields
4 Dark reapers Exarch with crackshot and EML

Also if you can think of a decent name for this army I would also appreciate that.

"We shall flow a river of blood forth unto thee, in hopes that your loyalty to the Emperor remain true"
-Trowa Barton, Chapter Master of the Blood Shadow 
Made in us
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

What is your general plan with this army? I don't like falcons very much, BS3 turns our shooting into Guard shooting, and this list doesnt have near as much as a guard list. What role does Yriel play in this army as well? Also are the reapers there because you play a lot of marines?
Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Plymouth MI

Yriel is going for a small bit of AT but mostly hes going so he can devestate 1 key squad in cc per game and then after that join up with the harelquins. Planning on posting up reapers in cover near an objective or just in cover preferably up high and then let thier 48" range do the rest while my falcon and wave serpent try thier hands at tank hunting. While thats happening I'm going to walk my harlequins up the field with yriel either with them or directly behind them. Seer is going to be in the falcon guiding it and dooming anything he can guardians and DA's are for objective capping and straggler mop up.

"We shall flow a river of blood forth unto thee, in hopes that your loyalty to the Emperor remain true"
-Trowa Barton, Chapter Master of the Blood Shadow 
Made in us
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

Sounds like you got a good plan. Falcons just aren't my thing. I've never had a farseer keep guide up on one though, I prefer guide on my scatterwalkers, lol.

I hope it works out, show them the power of the Eldar!
Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Plymouth MI

Thakns Now i just need to see if our campaign will do 1250 points

"We shall flow a river of blood forth unto thee, in hopes that your loyalty to the Emperor remain true"
-Trowa Barton, Chapter Master of the Blood Shadow 
Made in us
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

I think the game is a lot more fun when it's in the 1500 range compared to just 1k.
Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Plymouth MI

Yea but we have like 8 or 10 people that will be in this campaign and we are all college students so we could do 1500 point battles for the campaign but we won't because once we get to huge apoc battles that have between 4-6 people on each side that kind of game will take all day maybe even two at 1500 per person. So I think it would be best to do it at 1k to 1250 I still have yet to make a list I like for 1k though so I'm hoping we do 1250.

"We shall flow a river of blood forth unto thee, in hopes that your loyalty to the Emperor remain true"
-Trowa Barton, Chapter Master of the Blood Shadow 
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