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Made in gb
Anti-Armour Yaogat

Stoke-on-trent uk

so with my nearly year long losing streak with 40k , yeah that long ,i've won a single game in what is nearly a year ok 40k i've decided to completely switch tactis so this is my new list.

kharn the betrayer-165

5 terminators-150
5 terminator-150

20 khorne beserkers 420

20 khorne beserkers 420

Defiler-150-2 ccw

The basic idea is is tat i drop my termies in plain sight to draw fire and then use my beserkers to assault what ever i need , i might split the bezerkers in to 4 squads of ten in objective missions ,

With more points i am going to mount 3 squads of ten beserkers in rhinos and then one of nine with kharn in a land raiders , along side a daemon prince with either lash or mark of nurgle . so what do people think?


Red corsairs -2000 points
Empire army -2000 points

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psn-blackclaw12-add me and mention that you're from dakka.

Made in us
Resourceful Gutterscum

Showdown Town

blackclaw1 wrote:so with my nearly year long losing streak with 40k , yeah that long ,i've won a single game in what is nearly a year ok 40k i've decided to completely switch tactis so this is my new list.

kharn the betrayer-165

5 terminators-150
5 terminator-150

20 khorne beserkers 420

20 khorne beserkers 420

Defiler-150-2 ccw

The basic idea is is tat i drop my termies in plain sight to draw fire and then use my beserkers to assault what ever i need , i might split the bezerkers in to 4 squads of ten in objective missions ,

With more points i am going to mount 3 squads of ten beserkers in rhinos and then one of nine with kharn in a land raiders , along side a daemon prince with either lash or mark of nurgle . so what do people think?


This is my opinion Take it or leave it :
Everything is on foot and wont work the way you seem to think ( No offense)
Dropping termies in plain sight to draw fire is a easy way to get them all killed and you to lose a million points.
Chaos termies are pretty bad. To expensive. And almost require a landraider to be good.
Drop them all and buy rhinoes. Split those zerker squads into this

Standard build --------
9 Zerkers
1 champ - Power fist
Rhino with extra armor.

This makes a highly mobile , highly deadly combat unit that can ALSO SCORE OBJECTIVES!!!!

Take as many of these as your heart desires. Theyre a good unit and CAN be your only troops.
This being said. Buy a daemon prince and mark em khorne. with wings
1 - Hes fething cheap and will scare the gak out of your opponents. Effectively taking fire off your rhinos.
2 - He is a death machine.
3 - Fluff. why not go all khorne?
4 - He will be cheaper than kharn and wont kill your own guys.
Drop the defiler. Take a vindicator or some obis.
Obis are the best damn thing ever. So many heavy weapons. So tough.
Vindicator will do the work a defiler does but more effectivly. and will be harder to popo on the front.

Tthats all folks
Made in us
A Skull at the Throne of Khorne

Ya like said above you need to drop the termis and go with 10 man groups of berserks. I usually put power weapons on mine just to keep the extra attack but you can go with the fist if you like. That is the most important thing to change. I like to put stuff on my rhinos as well combi melta havoc something.
I feel you need the defiler for armor pen. For the fact of the range he has and if you get a weapon destroyed you dont have a worthless model on the feild as you would with a vini. Not to mention he will draw a lot more shots his way then a vini would.
A D prince would be the way to go with the mark of khrone with wings.
Now that you have 4 groups of 10 berserkers you will need to drop one of them and put in some oblits or something that has some ap to them and you should have some points left to add some more goodies in as well.
I would try to see if you could add some chosen in there. I like to put meltas x2 and 3 power weapons in them and use infiltrate to try to pop a high priority target round one the power weapons should help thin out anything on foot that trys to stop them. I get a lot of flack for this little trick. People say it a waste of points and they wont last past round one. The people ive used this trick on all have a different story.

But all in all this is more of a game of how you use what you have on the board and if you roll good. I think..
Made in us
Resourceful Gutterscum

Showdown Town

It comes down to what you like. I myself like points effecient units and units with tools for more than one job.
I take fists for breaking armor. and killing marines on 2+ as mop up duty.

Take a D prince with wings and khorne , zerker rhinos, and you choice of vindi / defiler. That arguement will drag on.
The idea is that all these armor values will make you opponent panic while you run the gauntlet.

lemme know how you do !
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


blackclaw1 wrote:so with my nearly year long losing streak with 40k , yeah that long ,i've won a single game in what is nearly a year ok 40k i've decided to completely switch tactis so this is my new list.

With more points i am going to mount 3 squads of ten beserkers in rhinos and then one of nine with kharn in a land raiders , along side a daemon prince with either lash or mark of nurgle . so what do people think?


Do this. Not the first list. I tried doing massive amounts of footslogging CSMs/Zerkers/PMs at the beginning of 5th and it was just terrible. The second idea you have looks much more solid.

Las Vegas Open Head Judge
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings or pride, but your credentials matter. Even on the internet.
"If you do not have the knowledge, you do not have the right to the opinion." -Plato

Made in gb
Anti-Armour Yaogat

Stoke-on-trent uk

RIght alternative list

DP with mok and wings

Dp with mok and wings

4x10 beserkers all with power weapons , rhino and combie meltas

Either a deliler or a vindicator , the reason for the indecision is that i have a deflier but no vindicator so atm it's a defiler
and a unit of 2- oblits , what do people think of this list?

Red corsairs -2000 points
Empire army -2000 points

======Begin Dakka Geek Code======
DR:90-S---GMB+I+Pwhfb09++D++A++/h WD362R+T(M)DM+
======End Dakka Geek Code======

psn-blackclaw12-add me and mention that you're from dakka.

Made in us
Resourceful Gutterscum

Showdown Town

Heres my opinion.
So far solid list. You're looking for a rhino rush really.

I would take the vindicator.
Reasons -
Str 10
Ordance weapon
Front armor 13
and in your list its the only thing that will break a landraider outside of 12".

If your a defiler person then i dont disagree.
Its got a good gun. Its definatly a threat to your opponent and it has fleet with close combat capibilities.
Made in us
Devestating Grey Knight Dreadknight

blackclaw1 wrote: 4x10 beserkers all with power weapons , rhino and combie meltas

I personally prefer powerfists on your skull champions over power weapons. It allows your squad to deal with MCs, dreads, and even armor.


Made in us
Resourceful Gutterscum

Showdown Town

I agree with fists. It lets you KILL marines on 2+ . KIll. No armor saves lol. and you can deal with light armor.
also extra armour on a rgino or two will keep em going longer
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