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Made in gb
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Downloaded the rules to Operation Squad today, and I noticed something. For as interesting as the faction lists are in the layout how they're done, I can't help but wonder is there really a whole lot of difference? Are American Paras all that much better than an infantry squad?

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Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant


Don't know the rule system so not sure how much of a difference they have put into it...

However a lot in my head of effectiveness comes down to 'esprit de corps' of various fighting units, and i would probably dare to say (though i am no historian) that airborne troops on a whole probably has a better esprit de corps then the infantry counterparts.

I believe that you had to volunteer to be in the airborne, though as they were better paid i don't think it was always an entirely selfless act of wanting to be amongst the best. In general volunteer soldiers will often out perform less willing types.

Training was a little more rigorous as well.

Then a lot of airborne were consistently in the thick of it as well, so you could argue that they would be more experienced as well.

But in general i figure it all comes down to motivation, i like systems like battlegroup because they get that. Rather then them being better at shooting etc they are more motivated, less likely to break etc and that is what i believe is a more realistic difference.

If the ruleset you are using has 'elite' troops being significantly better at shooting and hand to hand etc i would probably say its not really reflecting reality, stuff like that is really about the individual. You could be a crack shot and have joined the German Heer, or an awful shot but still got through SS training, what would likely be different is your motivation to fight.

Anyhow that is my thoughts, what you need is big P to come here with a history bomb and give you far more a rounded picture, and likely put me right.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well because of my obsession with owning rule sets i ended up downloading and reading through a copy of these, and actually i think they have it pretty good.

i don't think there is a huge difference between that normal infantry squad and the paratroopers, i think probably about right

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/07/03 10:53:17

Made in gb
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Thought as much, the only real "stat" is the same (VT 4 and 5) and the "elite" options (eagles, commandos etc) only really seem to get a slight melee bonus and the option of one bigger stick. Well thanks, just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing anything, looks like il just grab the wargames factory WW2 stuff and stick to infantry and grenadier squads.

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Empire of the Blazing Sun (Combined Theaters)- 1950 points
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